Kinds of Research

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Literature (study of written works)

Pre-Colonial Period
-One of the defining features of the Philippine culture is our rich literature
-Most literary works during the pre-colonial period were passed down by the mouth.
(Oral transmission)

The form of transmission is called oral tradition.

Arsenio Manuel, a literacy scholar notable for his studies in Philippine folk literature.
Pre-colonial literature divided into three namely the Mythological Age, Heroic
Age, and Folktales from all ages.

Mythological age- This is the period when our ancestors told stories about the creation
of human beings
and the world, natural phenomena, deities (God and Goddess) and spirits.
Heroic age- In this period, the characters in these stories, revolved ordinary mortals
and cultural heroes
became the chief subject matter in this period.
-EPIC has become a popular genre
Narrative, lyrical, and dramatical poetry
• Lam-ang- ilocos region. Lam-ang is brave
• Hinilawod- panay. Oldest and longest epic
• Ilbalon- bicol region. Region 5. Baltog, Handiong, Bantiong. (3 characters)
• Hudhud- Ifugao. When it comes in city Baguio
• Darangan- Maranao

Folktales- are traditional stories that had humans and even plants as characters.
Animals, plants and things sometimes. To entertain or amuse the readers
Writing system were used by Filipinos during the Pre-colonial period. It is called
3 vowels
a, e/i, o/u
14 consonants
a, ba, ka, da, ga, ha, la, ma ,na, nga, pa, ra, sa, ta, wa, ya

Greek-Roman (in terms of solar system) mythology characters;

Zeus – Jupiter. God of the sky, King of Olympos
Poseidon – Neptune. God of the sea
Athena – Goddess of strategy and wisdom (symbol is owl and olive tree)
Aphrodite – Venus. Goddess of love and beauty
Aries – Mars. God of war and wisdom
Hera – Juno. Goddess of marriage. Queen of Goddesss (symbol is )
Demeter – Ceres. God of harvest and crafts.
Hephaestus – Vulcan. God of fire
Dionysus – Bacchus. God of wines, Son of zeus
Artemis - .Goddess of the hunt
Hades – Pluto. God of underworld
Apollo - . God od the sun, music, and poetry
Hermes – Mercury. Messenger god, younger son of Zeus


Literature (Panitikan) – from the Latin word Lithera meaning “letters” and referring
to acquaintance with
the written work of a specific culture, sub-culture, religion, philosophy of the study of
such written work which may appear in poetry or in prose.

In PANITIKANG PILIPINO written by Atienza Ramos, and Nazal, it says that true
literature is a piece of written work which is undying.

Why do we need to study Philippine literature?

 Appreciate our literacy heritage
 We cannot appreciate something that we do not understand
 Trace the rich heritage ideas
 Then we can understand ourselves better and take pride in being a Filipino.

Poetry – it is defined as the form of art in which language is used for its evocative and
aesthetic qualities in addition to its apparent meaning.
Latin word “poeta” which means “poet”.
Main goal of poetry is “Selling the language itself as music”.
Characteristic “lyrical form of writing”

Prose – it is defined as the most general form of written language that is not used for
formal patterns of a verse.
Free verse Latin word means “straightforward”.
Main goal of prose is to “share information”/ “sharing information”
Characteristic “Typical form of writing
a) Novel – along narrative and it is divided into chapters. Taken from the true-to-
life story
b) Short story - This is a short narrative involving one or more characters and it
only has one plot
c) Plays – presented on stage. Divided into acts. Acts has many scenes
d) Legends – to introduce the origins
e) Fables (pabula) – fictitious and involved animal and animate things that act
like people.
f) Anecdotes – merely product, writes imagination to the readers. The main aim
is to bring lesson
g) Essay – it is a writing or a viewpoint of the writer and a particular event
h) Biography – information about yourself. If you are the writer
i) News – a reports of every event in society, government, etc.
j) Oration – presented on stage, this is formal treatment.

Philippine Folk narrative

Animism- Filipinos practiced worshipping gods & goddess during the pre-colonial
Carl jung- came up with term anima.
Bathalang Maykapal- Children and married to a mortal.
Aldaw – Apo laki- God of the sun.
Bulan – May ari- Goddess of the moon.
Tala- Goddess of the stars.
Anubis- the gods of the underworld in Egypt Methology

Narrative poetry- all about story / describes important events, real or imaginary.
Lyric poetry- refers to poetry that expresses emotion & intended to be sung.
Dramatic poetry- is like a special kind of story that is told in a very exciting and
emotional way, with lots of feelings and actions.
Metrical Tale- type of poem which follows narrative format.
Balad- shortest & simpliest.
Folksongs- shorts poems meant to be sung. (Love,hope,joy,despair,sorrow)
Sonnets- a lyric poem of 14 lines dealing with an emotion.
Eleugy- lyric poem which expresses feelings of grief & melancholy.
Psalms- songs of the god.
Awit- measures of 12 syllables also known as “dodecasyllabis” (12)
Cooridos- 8 syllabels & recite to a martial beat, octosyllabic.
Ode- poem expressed with feelings with no definite number of syllabels or lines.

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