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Doctor Who Solitaire Story Game Second Edition

Table of Contents
Game Overview ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 1
Basic Information ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

Standard Rules
Character Basics ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
r001. Create your Doctor ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2
r002. Quality and Skill Rolls .................................................................................................................................................................. 2
r003. Companions and Allies ............................................................................................................................................................... 2
r004. Adventures ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
r005. Enemies ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
r006. Adventure Actions ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5-6
r007. Encounters ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
r008. Combat ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 7-8
r009. Wounds, Death and Regeneration ......................................................................................................................................... 9
r010. Ending Adventures ....................................................................................................................................................................... 9
r011. Improving between Adventures .............................................................................................................................................. 10
r012. Gadgets and Artefacts ................................................................................................................................................................ 10

Reference & Tables

r013. Skill and Keyword Descriptions ............................................................................................................................................... 11-13
r014. Action Tables .................................................................................................................................................................................. 14-15

Advanced Rules
r015. Scaling Adventures ...................................................................................................................................................................... 16
r016. Companion Personalities ........................................................................................................................................................... 17-18
r017. Abilities ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18-19
r018. Optional Combat Rules............................................................................................................................................................... 20
r019. Enemy Battles ................................................................................................................................................................................ 21
r020. Adventure Climaxes ..................................................................................................................................................................... 22
r021. Optional Actions ........................................................................................................................................................................... 23-25
r022. Prevent Actions ............................................................................................................................................................................. 26-28

Example of Play
Detailed Example of an Adventure .................................................................................................................................................... 29-32

You will find a very useful Adventure sheet at the end of this booklet – perfect for keeping track and taking notes

Game Design: Simon Cogan – although Arnold Hendrick has to take a huge kudos for designing ‘Barbarian Prince’ all those years
ago for Heritage games. Also a big thank you to Michel Albert for his use of the Qualities and Skills (and many photos too!) in the
Unauthorized Doctor Who CCG – this game was written as a result of it!
Second Edition: I’m very grateful to all the fans and supporters of the game who inspired me to write the Second Edition of the
game, including the fantastic gang over at BGG – Dan, Markus, Jake and everyone. The amazing cover is by Laumee Fries.
SC Games is a fan-based group which makes unofficial games purely as a labour of love. All related characters, logos, and indicia of ‘Doctor Who’ are
copyright and trademark BBC and used without permission.
Welcome to the Doctor Who Solitaire Story Game Second Edition…
“All of time and space, everything and anywhere, every star that ever was. Where do you want to start?”
(The Doctor)
Become the world's most famous Time Lord and experience exciting Adventures in time and space: travel with the TARDIS, explore
Sherwood Forest or the alien planet of Raxacoricofallapatorius, meet Jack Harkness or Cleopatra and defeat evil Daleks or the
Cybermen. You can jump right in: all you need are the four Doctor Who Solitaire Story Game (DWSSG) booklets, two dice and your
In the game you will visit adventure locations, explore strange occurrences, meet different characters and defeat all kinds of enemies.
You will create an adventure story by reading numbered paragraphs determined by the outcome of your chosen actions and
decisions. Each paragraph describes what you have found or who you have met – or will provide you with new possibilities to chose
from. Each of your adventures will be a new and fresh experience, even when you visit the same place again.
Sounds exiting? Read on and you will learn all the rules you need to go on your first adventure.

Game Overview
An Adventure takes around 45 minutes and is played out as a series of 12 Turns. During
each Turn you choose an Action for your Characters, roll the dice and consult the Action
Table. The result tells you what happens next, what you have achieved, or refers you to a
numbered entry to resolve. Afterwards, roll the dice again to see if you have an Encounter.
The Encounter Table tells you if you meet someone (even the Enemy), find a location, or
stumble into an eventful situation.
To win an Adventure you have to first reveal the Enemy, then learn about their Goal and
finally defeat them. During your Adventure you might meet Companions and Allies, or find
helpful Gadgets.
You can play as many Adventures as you like and the game goes on until you stop having
fun – unless of course you get exterminated and you don’t regenerate!

Basic Information
The Core game has four booklets – Rules, Adventure, Enemy and Event.
In this Rules booklet you will find:
• Standard Rules: Ten pages with all the rules you need to know to start a game.
• Advanced Rules: Several modular rules that can be added all together or individually to your liking.
• Action Tables and lists of Skills and Keywords: For easy reference during play.
• Adventure sheet: Useful for keeping track and taking notes during play.
The Adventure booklet lists all the incredible places the TARDIS might visit. The Enemy booklet describes the various villains and
aliens that oppose your Doctor. In the Event booklet you will find encounters with friends and foes, Enemy goals, plots and
everything else that might happen during your Adventures.
All entries begin with a letter followed by a number. Each letter tells you in which booklet you will find the information:
Entries with an a are found in Adventures, v in Enemies and e in Events. Rules paragraphs start with r.
Whenever a rule given in an entry conflicts with a rule in this booklet or an expansion, the entry rule takes precedence.
Setup: To play your first adventure you need all four booklets, two six-sided dice (D6), some sheets of paper and a pencil.

Standard Rules
Character Basics
Characters in the game include your Doctor, Companions, Allies, Enemies and everyone else you meet during your Adventure. Every
character is defined by Qualities, Skills and Keywords.
Qualities: Characters in the game have a Brains, Brawn and Bravery value. These are rated numerically, with higher numbers being
better. The human average is 5.
Skills: Characters also have Skills (in italics) such as Science or Thief. Skills have a level of 1 to 3, meaning that you have gained the
Skill once, twice or even three times.
Keywords: Characters might have Keywords such as Machine, Screamer or Victim, often triggering certain rules effects.

r001. Create your Doctor
Before you start your first Adventure you must create a Doctor – a Time Lord of Gallifrey who travels through time and space in the
amazing time machine, the TARDIS.

You have basic Brains 10, Brawn 4 and Bravery 7. Add 5 points to these Qualities, but no more than 3 to any single Quality.
Example: If you add 2 to Brains, 2 to Brawn and 1 to Bravery your Doctor starts with Brains
12, Brawn 6 and Bravery 8.
Then choose 8 Skills from the list below. Alternatively, you can choose 7 Skills and then
raise any one of them to Level 2.

For a complete list of all Character Skills and Keywords see r013.
Aware Charisma Computers Demolitions Domination Engineering
Gloating History Marksman Medicine Music Pilot
Poison Running Science TARDIS Thief Tracking

Luck points: You start your first Adventure with 5 Luck points. Whenever you want to reroll after any failed Quality, Skill or Action roll
(even combat) lose 1 Luck point and roll the dice again. You cannot spend another Luck point if you still do not like the new result.
Luck points are gained and lost through Events, Companions joining or leaving, and by Defeating Enemies or failing to do so. Your
Luck total cannot fall below zero. Between Adventures you can spend Luck points to improve your Characters or gain new
Companions, Friends, or Gadgets (r011). Beware using Luck points recklessly – the universe can be a dangerous place!

r002. Quality and Skill Rolls

During Adventures you often have to make a roll based on a Quality or Skill – such as a Brains, Charisma or History roll.

Quality: (Brains, Brawn or Bravery) Roll 2D6 and add any modifiers given by Events. If the result is equal or less than the Brains , Brawn
or Bravery value of a single Character, you are successful.

Opposed Quality: Roll 1D6 and add your Character's Quality, then roll 1D6 and add your opponent's Quality; the higher total wins. In
the case of a tie there is no winner and nothing further happens.

Skill: (e. g. Charisma, History, Aware) Roll 2D6 and add +1 for each matching Skill level from all Characters in the group. If you equal
or exceed the Skill number given, such as History 9, you are successful. Running and Thief rolls due to Evade or Hide options in Events
are made for each Character individually. Some Events allow to add only your Doctor’s Skills to the roll.

r003. Companions and Allies

Companions and Allies are Characters who join your Doctor during your Adventures. Allies will leave you after the Adventure.
Companions are special people who accompany you in your Adventures aboard the TARDIS – such as Clara, Donna or Bill Potts.
Whenever a Companion or Ally joins you, note their Qualities, Skills and Keywords. All Characters are Human unless otherwise noted,
and if it is not clear whether they are male or female, roll 1D6: 1-3: Male; 4-6: Female.
TARDIS Characters: Your Doctor and any Companions are called TARDIS Characters – they are usually more difficult to kill in certain
Events or combat than Allies.
Companions Joining: Some encountered Characters can become Companions
automatically, but usually the Doctor (alone) will have to make a Charisma roll. Certain
Gadgets, such as a TARDIS Key, might help. Gaining a Companion normally awards Luck
Companions Leaving: At the end of each Adventure roll 1D6. If you roll less than the
number of Companions with you, one of them decides to leave – choose randomly. If this
happens, roll another 1D6 and if the result is greater than the number of Companions still
with you, gain 1D3 Luck points for a tearful farewell.
Friends and Native: Companions often have Friends listed in their event paragraph: family members or other people they know well,
such as Clara Oswald knowing Danny Pink at Coal Hill School. If you are at an Adventure where the Companion is Native (same Era as
the Adventure in which you gained the Companion) you may contact their Friends and have them join you by making a successful
Move Action (r006). Each Friend needs a separate Move Action to be contacted.
Companions who leave become your Friends in the Era in which they have left you.
r004. Adventures
Each Adventure in the Adventure Booklet tells you where the TARDIS has landed: maybe
on Earth throughout history, inside a massive spaceship, on the Dalek home planet of Skaro
or another amazing destination throughout time and space.
Each Adventure has a Vortex number, a date and an Era. Some of them also have
keywords such as Holiday or Museum – see r013 for a complete list. Each Adventure entry
gives you a short introduction that defines the mood and additional rules.
Each Adventure has its own Encounter Matrix with six different types of Encounters:
Enemy, Character, Event (1), Event (2), Location and Plot.
There are six entries per type. If you have a certain type of Encounter or Event, roll 1D6 and
the Matrix result shows the Event in the Event or Enemy booklet you have to resolve next.
Travelling with the TARDIS: This amazing craft takes you through time and space and is the Location where you start and end each
Adventure. Event e001 describes how to control the TARDIS and reach an Adventure: either you let the TARDIS decide on your next
destination, or you try to go somewhere more specific – especially if you wish to impress a Companion. After each Adventure you
simply return to e001 in the Event booklet, ready for your next Adventure.
Piloting the TARDIS to an Adventure destination requires a successful TARDIS roll against the Adventure’s Vortex number. Some
places, like those in the Post Modern Era, are easy to reach, but others are only to be found by the most skillful or by sheer luck.
When flying through the Time Vortex on your way to the next Adventure there is a slight chance of having an Event in the TARDIS –
see e001 for the details. Some Events, such as distress calls, might alter your destination. Other Events can damage the TARDIS. If a
Damaged TARDIS gets damaged again it is instead destroyed. Take care of your trusty ship and make repairs frequently.
TARDIS as a Location: During your Adventure you can return to the TARDIS: Make a Tracking 7 roll as an Action. At this special
Location you have +1 to Research Actions and, if the Enemy has not been revealed, you can try repair the TARDIS (e009). While in the
TARDIS, you can also use it for a Move Action by making a TARDIS 8 roll. If you fail this roll by 4+ you have damaged the TARDIS.
Landing Encounter: The TARDIS materialises and your next Adventure begins. Check if you have an Encounter (r007) at Turn 0 on
the Encounter Table by rolling 2D6. If you have an Encounter, roll 1D6 and see the Turn column for the type of Encounter. Roll
another 1D6 and see the Event entry in the Adventure Matrix you have to resolve next.

Turn Sequence: Each Turn you choose one Action (r006) for each group of Characters you have. If you have more than one group of
Characters you can resolve their Actions in any order. Then check If you have an Encounter for each group, unless they are Captured
or in the TARDIS. For details on how to handle Encounters see Landing Encounter or Encounter (r007). Repeat this
Action/Encounter cycle for each group each Turn.
Adventures have a 12-Turn time limit. Keep track of the Turns as they modify, trigger or alter the probability of Encounter types.
If you do not Defeat the Enemy in 12 Turns you lose the Adventure (see r010).
Eras: DWSSG uses Eras to define a rough chronology to Adventures in all of time and space. Many Action modifiers (r006) are
dependant on the Era of your current Adventure – you cannot Research with Computers in the Regency Era for example. Similarly,
being captured on Earth in the Medieval Era is often a lot rougher than in the Post Modern Era.
‘New Doctor Who’ is set in the Post Modern Era, spanning the years 2000 to 2025. The preceding Era of ‘Classic Doctor Who’ is the
Modern Era from the year 1960 to 1999. Eras range from the Prehistory Era up to the Far Future Era.
Many Events, such as ‘Soldiers’ (e081), can happen in various Eras. The Event entries are written in a general style, so it is up to you to
imagine a squad of army troops or a patrol of Roman soldiers, depending on the Adventure’s Era.
Location Events: Entries marked with the Location keyword represent places your
Characters can visit or stumble upon in an Adventure – an old castle, a vast spaceship
bridge, a famous landmark, or even an Enemy base.
These Events often have modifiers or rules that apply to all Characters as long as they stay
at this Location. Characters leave Locations through Events, such as being captured, or
Actions, such as Seek Help. With a Move Action Characters always leave.

There may be times in your Adventure when you have to decide, based on the Actions and
Events that occur, whether or not a Character is still at the Location.

r005. Enemies
During Adventures you will encounter Enemies who pursue evil plans. Every Enemy is
described in the Enemy booklet with several encounter options to choose from such as
Talk, Fight or Hide. All Enemies have a Defeat Modifier (DM) ranging from 0 to +4
indicating how hard they are to Defeat – Daleks with a DM of 0 are much tougher than
Clockwork Robots with a DM of +3.
As soon as an Enemy has been revealed or encountered for the first time, add its DM to
your current DM. Any further Enemy events in the Adventure will be with the revealed
Enemy. If an Event lets you reveal the Enemy, just roll for the Enemy without having an
actual encounter.
Plot: An Event that provides you with knowledge about mysterious incidents in the Adventure. It might reveal the Enemy, or grant
you a bonus DM, if you have a certain Quality total and/or Skills during this Event. If you have to roll for a Plot event after the Enemy
has been revealed, you have a Goal Event instead (see Goal).

Goal: What the Enemy is trying to achieve – maybe invade the planet, meddle with time or resurrect an ancient evil. Each Goal has a
keyword, such as Invasion or Meddling, and a number. The higher the number, the more dangerous your Enemy becomes.

Each Enemy entry has three different Goals listed. As soon as you have to roll for a Goal
Event, use a 1D6 to specify your Enemy’s Goal for the current Adventure. If you have a DM
of 3+ at the end of an Enemy encounter, you can reduce your DM by 3 to roll for a Goal. If
you know the Goal and you have to roll for a Plot or a Goal event, gain +1DM instead.
Knowing the Goal also affects the type of Encounters on the Encounter Table (see r007).
Goal Events give you the chance to increase your DM by having certain Quality totals or
Skills. These DM bonuses are gained as soon as the conditions are met, and are kept until
the end of the Adventure. Seek Help, Plan and Research are very useful Actions (r006) for
meeting these conditions. When trying to fulfill conditions for Plot or Goal events all
Characters of a group contribute their Skills and Qualities.

Defeat Modifier (DM): This is your most efficient tool when it comes to Defeating the Enemy. You start each Adventure with a DM of
0. Many Events and Action results will either increase or decrease your current DM, but it cannot fall below zero.

Oppose: As long as your DM is equal to or greater than the Goal number, you can Oppose the Enemy, which gives you new
encounter options. Most Enemies cannot be Defeated unless you can Oppose. It also affects the type of Encounters you will get on
the Encounter Table (see r007).
Sometimes during Enemy encounters the Doctor has to make an Opposed Quality roll against an Enemy ‘Leader’ such as the Sycorax
Leader in The Christmas Invasion. If your DM is greater than you need to Oppose, you may use the excess DM as a bonus for this roll
and lose the excess DM.

Unique Enemies: Enemies with a specific name, such as Davros, Missy or Cassandra, are
Unique. You cannot encounter two versions of the same Unique Enemy in an Adventure. If
this happens you must reroll for a different encounter.
It is possible that you might kill one of them in combat during an Adventure. But as we all
know, however, these Unique Enemies rarely stay dead forever: If you encounter them
again during the Adventure, they are assumed to have escaped their demise and live again
to pursue their diabolical plans.
Defeating an Enemy: If you Defeat an Enemy then you gain Luck points equal to:

4 + Goal number – Enemy DM

This means that Defeating the powerful Daleks (DM 0) earns you more Luck points than the Defeating Cassandra (with a DM +3).

Example: If you Defeat the Daleks trying to ‘Harvest Organs’ (Goal 6) you gain 10 Luck points (4+6-0=10). A Defeated Cassandra with
the same Goal would give you only 7 Luck points (4+6– 3 =7).

r006. Adventure Actions
Choosing Actions for your Characters is the heart of the game: Explore the environment, discover the Enemy's Goal, or do some
Research and prepare yourself to finally Defeat the Enemy. Just roll 2D6 and see what happens next.

Availability during an Adventure: When a new Adventure begins you have three Actions available: Explore, Move and Rest. At the
beginning of some Adventures you can choose Relax as an Action. If a Character is captured, Rescue and Escape Capture are also
available. Over the course of an Adventure you aquire Investigate, Plan, Seek Help or Information, Research and Defeat Enemy.
Adventures, Events and conditions such as knowing the Enemy change the availability of Actions.

Character group: All Characters present at the same Location and not seperated by your choice or by an Event.
Choose an Action for each group first. Afterwards resolve the Actions in any order. Each Character in the group can contribute Skills
and Qualities. Before choosing Actions, you can split up each group into smaller groups. Sometimes this happens beyond your
control – a Character gets captured or Companions often have a nasty habit of wandering off. Joining two groups back together is
done via a successful Move Action.

Action Tables: Eight Actions use Result tables for the dice rolls: Explore, Relax, Investigate, Seek Information, Plan, Research, Seek
Help and Defeat the Enemy. If you choose one of these Actions, roll 2D6 and see the corresponding Table for the result. See r014 for
the Tables annotated with their availability and possible roll modifiers. If you chose Explore, Investigate or Seek Information,
something bad happens if you roll doubles. See the Action entry for details.

Move, Rest, Escape Capture and Rescue work differently and are fully explained in their own entries here in this chapter.

Starting and Capture Adventure Actions Actions available during an Adventure

Explore Move Investigate Seek Information

Relax Rest Plan Research

Escape Capture Rescue Seek Help Defeat Enemy

New players should begin a game with these Adventure Actions. Later on you can add Actions from the Advanced Rules section.
The Adventure Action explanations are in alphabetical order for easy reference.
Defeat Enemy: This is a risky but sometimes necessary Action. You desperately try to stop Enemies from completing their Goal.
Available if you know the Enemy Goal. Roll 2D6 and add the DM. -1 if you cannot Oppose, -2 if Turn 1-4 and -1 if Turn 5-8.

Escape Capture: During Adventures your Characters might be captured by Enemy

encounters or Events. Captured Characters must choose Escape Capture as their Action
and do not check for an Encounter as long as they stay captured.
Usually roll 2D6 and add +1 per Thief. Modifiers and the result of your choice are noted in
the Capture Event. If you succeed, all captured Characters of a group escape. The Doctor
gains a +1 bonus for each successive Escape Capture Action.

Explore: You step out of the TARDIS and decide to explore the area. What will you
discover and who will you meet?
This is normally your first chosen Action when an Adventure begins. Available until the
Enemy has been revealed. Roll 2D6 and add +1 per Tracking (max +3). If you roll doubles,
split up the group into two even randomly chosen groups afterwards.

Investigate: This is a good Action if you are trying to find out more about what is actually happening in the Adventure.
Available if you know the Enemy but not their Goal. Roll 2D6 and add +1 per Aware. World War Era or earlier: +1 per History (max
+3). If you roll doubles, resolve e002 in the Event booklet before you check the Investigate result on the Table.

Move: Make a Tracking 8 roll: roll 2D6 and add Tracking and Event modifiers. Each successive Move Action gains a +1 bonus.
If you have a Companion or Ally native to the Adventure’s Era (see r003: Friends), you can use a successful Move Action to visit any
Location listed at least twice on the Adventure's Location line. You can also use a successful Move Action to return to any previously
visited Location, or combine two groups of Characters into one. If both groups attempt the Move Action, only one needs to be
successful. If you want to return to the TARDIS, make a Tracking 7 roll.
A Follow Action is a special Move Action available in some Enemy events, normally as the result of a successful Hide option. Roll 2D6
and add Thief and Tracking but subtract the number of Characters in your group. See the Enemy event for the result.

Plan: You try to increase your chances of Defeating the Enemy by boosting Qualities or
gaining new Skills, perhaps to fulfill conditions on Goal events. This is a good Action to
choose in the middle of an Adventure, especially if you are short on Allies.
Available if you know the Enemy Goal. Choose a Quality you want to increase or the Skill
you wish to gain. Roll 2D6 and add +1 for each chosen Skill you already have (max +3), or
+1 per Character with the chosen Quality of 8+ (max +3). Improvements to Skills/Qualities
gained through Planning are not added to a Character and only last until the end of the
current Adventure.

Relax: You decide to relax and enjoy life by taking in sights, doing some shopping or just
kicking back and taking it easy. Even a Time Lord deserves a day off.
Available at the start of a Holiday or Resort Adventure and until you have a Plot, Enemy or an Event with the keyword Danger. Roll
2D6 and add +1 if you have at least one Companion who is Native to this Adventure.

Research: Like Planning, this Action usually is chosen in the middle of an Adventure and involves you trying to gain more information
about your Enemy, but by relying on a chosen Skill.
Available if you know the Enemy Goal. Choose a Skill: Victorian Era or later: Engineering, Medicine, or Science. Modern Era or later:
Computers. World War Era or earlier: History. Roll 2D6 and add +1 per chosen Skill (max +3), and -1 if in a Wilderness.

Rescue: Sometimes Characters, usually nosy Companions, get captured by Enemies. Any
uncaptured group can Rescue them.
Roll 2D6 and add Thief and the Enemy's DM. On a result of 9+ all captives are rescued,
even those who are subject to special rules or Events. On a roll of 4 or less you have an
immediate Enemy encounter or, if the Enemy has not been revealed, all rescuers are
instead captured – see e059. Each Rescue Action is always resolved before any Escape

Rest: Some of your Characters will get hurt during their Adventures. Falling debris,
sprained ankles and even deadly laser beams are all troublesome problems for the
common time traveller. Rest might stop your Characters from dying or regenerating.
Choose Rest if no other Action suits the group this Turn and if you want to heal some wounded Characters. Any Character with
Medicine can make a Medicine 9 roll to heal a Wound on any Character in their group, even themselves. If there is more than one
Character with Medicine they can combine their Skills or try individually.

Seek Help: This Action can be used in two ways: find local medical help if one of your
Characters is wounded or convince the local population to send you Reinforcements for
the final showdown with the Enemy. Reinforcements are especially useful when the
showdown involves dangerous combat or when a Quality total is needed to gain bonus
DM from a Goal event.
Not available in Wilderness Adventures unless you are at a Location with a Character line.
To Seek Medical Help or Reinforcements, roll 2D6 and add +1 per Native Bureaucrat, +1
per 2 Charisma and -1 if at a Holiday Adventure. If you are Seeking Reinforcements on
Earth (Modern and Post Modern Era), you also add +1 for each non-Troop UNIT Character
(max +3). Remember, Seek Reinforcements is available only if you know the Enemy Goal.

Seek Information: Similar to the Investigate Action, you try to find out what is happening, but by relying on a chosen Skill.
Available if you have had a Plot or Enemy (but not a Goal) event and if you are not at an Wilderness Adventure. Each group can
choose a different Skill: Any Era: Bureaucrat, Charisma (2 Charisma give +1 to the roll), or Thief (on a roll of 5-6 see e059). World War
Era or earlier: History. Post Modern Era or later: Computers. Roll 2D6 and add +1 per chosen Skill (max +3). If you roll doubles and you
have an Encounter this Turn, it automatically be an Enemy event.

r007. Encounters
After all your groups have resolved their Actions, check for an Encounter for each group seperately.
Roll 2D6: if the result equals or is greater than the Encounter number given in the top row of the Encounter Table, you have an
Encounter this Turn. Roll 1D6 on the Turn column to see which type of Encounter. Roll another 1D6 on the corresponding line in the
Adventure to see which Event will be the Encounter this Turn.

If you know the Goal, each vertical die roll on the table is -1, with an additonal -1 if you can Oppose.
Any result below 1 is treated as a 1.

If you encounter a unique Character, such as a Companion or named Ally who is already present, you resolve e002 instead.
Encounter Table

Turn 0 Turn 1-4 Turn 5-8 Turn 9-12

Encounter: 8+ Encounter: 7+ Encounter: 6+ Encounter: 5+
1 Event (1) Enemy Enemy Enemy

2 Event (1) Event (1) Enemy Enemy

3 Character Event (1) Event (2) Enemy

4 Character Character Event (1) Event (2)

5 Location Character Character Event (2)

6 Location Location Character Character

r008. Combat
Use these Combat rules if you and your Allies have to fight encountered Characters or Enemies. When all other options are
exhausted, Combat is unavoidable, but be warned: Combat in DWSSG is a dangerous business and can be quite deadly.
Combat Procedure: Combat is fought in rounds, with Characters and Enemies engaged in
individual Fights against each other. Combat continues until one side escapes, surrenders
or is killed. At the start of each round your Characters can choose an opponent to Fight,
try to Evade Combat or Surrender to the Enemy.
Fear: It’s not easy to stay calm in the presence of deadly aliens and not everyone is as
brave as a Time Lord or their trusty Companions.
Before Combat starts, each non-Machine Ally whose Bravery (-1 if a Screamer) is less than
half the Brawn of the opponent with the highest Brawn cannot engage in combat and is
instead frozen in fear. If they are attacked, their Brawn is 0. They may still try to Evade
Combat as normal.

Selecting Fights: Each Character in your group chooses a Fight against one opponent. If one side has extra Characters, decide in
which Fight they will give support. In every Fight choose a main Character on each side (usually the one with the highest Brawn, but
sometimes you may wish to protect a TARDIS Character). A single Character can face a maximum of 4 opponents unless the extra
opponents have Laser or Marksman as they can fire into the Fight. Characters without an opponent can replace a killed or wounded
Character next combat round.
Rounds: Each round, both main Characters in a Fight roll 1D6, add their Brawn and apply the following modifiers:

-1 if main Character is Stunned +1 per supporting Character with Brawn 3-5

-2 if main Character is Wounded +2 per supporting Character with Brawn 6-8

-4 if main Character is Seriously Wounded +3 per supporting Character with Brawn 9+

In each Fight the winner is the Character with the highest total. Calculate the difference between loser and winner and apply the
appropriate result from the Combat Table to the loser. For a full explanation of Combat results see r009.

Combat Table

TARDIS Characters All other Targets

1 Stun Stun

2 Stun Stun

3 Stun Wound

4 Wound/KO Wound

5 Wound/KO Serious Wound

6 Wound/KO Serious Wound

7 Serious Wound Death

8+ Serious Wound Death

Evade: At the start of each round you may try to Evade Combat: each Character must make a Running roll as detailed in the Enemy
Event. If you fail, combat continues and the next round begins. If not all Characters have escaped, you can choose to leave the others
behind or ignore each successful Running roll (and assume that these Characters had second thoughts).

Other Types of Combat: Some Events use different Qualities (Brains or Bravery) to resolve a conflict such as a psychic battle. It is the
same procedure as outlined in Rounds but using the different Quality. Any Wounds inflicted in these types of Combat still affect the
Brawn of the losing Character.

Combat Examples:
Example 1: The Doctor (Brawn 5) and Bill Potts (Brawn 4) get attacked by a Dalek (Brawn
10) as they explore a gloomy corridor. Since Bill is a Companion and not an Ally, she is not
affected by Fear. The Doctor, trying to protect Bill, is chosen as the main Character and has
a total Brawn of 6 (his 5 +1 for Bill supporting him). He rolls a 4 for a total of 10. The Dalek
rolls a 2 for a total Brawn of 12, a difference of 2 against the Doctor’s 10. This causes a
Stun result (r009): being a TARDIS Character, the Doctor’s Brawn is reduced by 1 for the
rest of the combat. From the next round on the Doctor has a total Brawn of only 5. Time to
Example 2: A patrol of 3 UNIT Soldiers (each Brawn 6) encounter 2 Cybermen (each Brawn
9) who march towards them, their arm lasers firing! As there are more Soldiers than
Cybermen, you assign 2 Soldiers to the first Cyberman and the other soldier to the second
Cyberman. In the first round, the two soldiers (total Brawn 8) roll a 4 (total 12) and the
Cyberman a 3 (total 12). It is a stand-off as the totals are equal. In the other fight, the
soldier rolls a 6 (total 12) to attack the Cyberman who rolls a 1 (total 10). This gives a
difference of 2, so looking at the Combat Table, the Cyberman gets a Stun result and
should have a Brawn of 8 for the remainder of the combat. Unfortunately, a Cyberman is a
Machine and cannot be Stunned and is not affected.

In the next round, the two soldiers in the first Fight roll a 1 (for a total of 9), the Cyberman
a 6 (total 15). This is a total difference of 6 against the soldiers, so one of the soldiers takes
a Serious Wound. In the other Fight, the soldier rolls a 3 (total 9) and the Cyberman rolls a
3 (total 12). This is a total difference of 3 and means the soldier takes a Wound.

r009. Wounds, Death and Regeneration
Character Wounds are caused by Combat and by harmful Events. Normal Wounds can be
healed with Medicine (using a Rest Action) or over the passage of time. Wounds caused by
radiation, disease or poison, are much harder to overcome.
Stun: Reduce the Character’s Brawn by 1 until the end of Combat. After Combat, Brawn
returns to normal. You can only be Stunned once during Combat; further Stuns have no
effect. Machines, such as Cybermen, cannot be Stunned. If they receive a Stun result they
are completely unaffected.
Wound: Reduce the Character’s Brawn by 2 until healed. If Brawn falls to zero or below the
Character is killed. A Wounded Character who takes another Wound is Seriously Wounded
instead. Wounded Characters are killed by a Serious Wound.

Serious Wound: Reduce the Character’s Brawn by 4 until healed. If Brawn falls to zero or below the Character is killed. Also, Brains,
Bravery and Skill rolls have a -2 penalty and the Character cannot add Skills to group rolls. Seriously Wounded Characters are killed
by a Wound or a Serious Wound.
KO: You can choose to knock out any TARDIS Character during Combat: knocking out TARDIS Characters immediately protects them
from receiving Wounds. They wake up at the end of Combat with no other effects, but must see immediately see the Surrender
option. If there is no Surrender option the Characters are killed.
Death: If a Companion gets killed you lose 1D3 Luck points. If your Doctor gets killed, roll 2D6: If the result is 7+ your Doctor
regenerates instead and you start anew (see Regeneration), otherwise your Doctor perishes and the game is over!

Poison and Disease: Characters affected by a Poison or a Disease, such as the ‘Crimson Horror’, must follow the rules given in the
Poison or Disease Event if they want to get rid of the harmful effects.

Radiation Wounds: Wounds received through radiation, such as experienced by Jack Harkness on Malcassairo, can only be healed by
an Event or a Gadget that is able to heal Radiation Wounds. Otherwise these Wounds stay until the Character dies.

Regeneration: If your Doctor regenerates, you return as a new incarnation of the Doctor at the start of the next Turn. Choose your
Qualities and Skills as if starting a new game (r001) but you begin with just 4 Luck points. Your new Doctor has -2 to all Quality and
Skill rolls for 1D6 Turns due to the disorientation of regeneration.
Healing Wounds between Adventures: At the end of an Adventure, all TARDIS Characters heal a Wound level, from Seriously
Wounded to Wounded, or Wounded to fully healed.

r010. Ending Adventures

Once you finish an Adventure, either successful or not, Allies leave, you journey onwards and return to the TARDIS – see e001.

Winning an Adventure: If you successfully Defeat the Enemy you gain Luck points:
4 + Goal number – Enemy DM
Any separated or captured Companions return to you immediately. Make a Leaving roll for
each Companion (r003) and use Luck points to buy improvements (r011).

Losing an Adventure: If you do not Defeat the Enemy within the 12 Turn time limit the
Enemies complete their Goal and you are beaten. You lose Luck points:
Goal number – Enemy DM
You lose more Luck points if Defeated by Daleks (DM 0) than by the Sycorax (DM 2). If
you do not have enough Luck points to cover the loss, roll 1D6:
1-2: You are killed – game over; 3-4: You regenerate (r009); 5: A random Companion is killed – lose 1D3 Luck points (if you have no
Companion, you regenerate instead); 6: No further effect.

Just Visiting: If the Enemy has not been revealed, and before you have had any Plot events, you can leave the current Adventure. You
gain no Luck points and take the TARDIS to a new destination (see 001).

Set Down Roots: You can play the same Adventure again – the TARDIS stays a while longer in the same place.
Begin your last Adventure once more, gain +1 to Move Actions, and Making Friends (r011) costs 1 Luck point less.

r011. Improving between Adventures
Between Adventures you can increase Qualities and Skills, gain new Gadgets, make new Friends, or turn Allies into new Companions.
The Doctor and all your Companions can improve their Qualities and Skills.

Increasing Qualities: To increase a Quality by 1, spend Luck points equal to the Quality's new value plus one.
Example: 7 Luck points to increase a Brawn of 5 to 6.

Gaining a new Skill: Spend 6 Luck Points to gain a new Skill at Level 1.
Increasing a Skill: Increasing a Skill Level costs 9 Luck points from Level 1 to 2 and 12 Luck points from Level 2 to 3.
Maximum Skill Level is 3. Gaining or increasing Science or History costs you 1 Luck point less after Museum Adventures.
Improving with a Tutor: If a TARDIS Character or Friend has the desired Skill at a higher level or the Quality at least 3 greater, the
Character can be a Tutor. Reduce the cost of gaining or improving a Quality or Skill by 1 Luck point if a Tutor is present.
Gaining Gadget: To gain a new Gadget, spend 5 Luck points to roll once on e010 in the Event booklet.

New Companion: Any surviving Ally can be chosen as a Companion: spend Luck points equal to the total Skill Levels of your new
Companion. Afterwards choose one Quality of your new Companion to be increased by 1.
Making Friends: If you won your last Adventure, you may turn any surviving Ally into a Friend in the current Adventure Era. Spend
Luck points equal to half the amount of Skills the Ally has (round up). New Friends also gain Aware if they don’t have it.

r012. Gadgets and Artefacts

Throughout your Adventures you acquire various Gadgets and equipment, such as the
famous Sonic Screwdriver or the very useful Psychic Paper. You can find Gadgets in Events
with the Keyword Gadget and keep them throughout your Adventures until you lose them.
Devices without this Keyword (for example gained through a successful Research Action)
are lost at the end of the current Adventure.

The Doctor can carry a maximum of 3 Gadgets and Companions can only carry one. Excess
Gadgets must be discarded at once. Gadgets are not unique and you may have duplicates,
but you can only use one at a time.
You may also discover various long-lost and powerful Artefacts in your Adventures. Each
Artefact is unique and grants you special powers. If you discover a duplicate Artefact then
just ignore the Event.

Some advice before you start your first Adventure

Now it is up to you to create your own Doctor Who series. What will your Doctor be like? A woman or a man? Will he or she finally
have ginger hair? And what will happen during the Adventures of your Doctor? Which Enemies will the Doctor have to Defeat and
where will the TARDIS travel to? It is completely up to your imagination, so use it whenever it is appropriate.

You are the showrunner of your own series and DWSSG offers the basic tools to tell a new story each time you play. Enrich these
stories, by giving generic Characters a name and think about what they look like, depending on where and when the Adventure takes
place. Imagine the dialogues between your Doctor and the Companions, Enemies or even stubborn officials, and picture the
Locations your Characters visit. Because that is the beauty of storytelling: the dice might tell you what happens, but your imagination
breathes life into it.
And please feel encouraged to write down your Doctor's Adventures: you can do it just for yourself, but we from DWSSG would like
to read them as well and enjoy your new Time Lord's stories.

And now stop reading, create your Doctor, grab a TARDIS and get ready for your first Adventure...

r013. Skill and Keyword Descriptions
Here is a complete list of all Skills and Keywords used in the game with a brief description. Some Skills are only applicable to certain
Characters as noted in the descriptions. Actions or rules are often affected by Keywords so read them carefully.

Aware: This represents the ability to notice things or be aware of travelling through Space and Time. A Character might make an
Aware roll to notice something hidden or when choosing to Investigate. It is an important Skill for the Doctor and Companions.
Bureaucrat: This represents knowledge of how a government works, as well as knowing how files are organized. Donna might be a
Bureaucrat at times, while an important leader like Harriet Jones (Prime Minister) might be Bureaucrat 2.
Charisma: This represents appeal, charm and good looks. Almost all incarnations of the
Doctor and most Companions, from Captain Jack to Clara Oswald, possess Charisma. It is
very important in the game for talking to Characters you meet and convincing
Companions to join you.
Computers: This represents the ability to operate, gain information from and sabotage a
computer. Mickey Smith was very useful when in front of a computer! You might make a
Computers roll when Seeking Information as an Action.

Demolitions: This represents the ability to use explosives and detonators, such as used by
Strax the Sontaran. You might make a Demolitions roll to blow up an Enemy base or to set
off an explosion.
Domination: This represents the power of the will. You might make a Domination roll to influence others or to resist being
hypnotized. Other events may let you add your Domination to Bravery rolls. The Doctor sometimes has Domination and can
occasionally use it to hypnotize people. Enemies may also possess this Skill and hypnotize unsuspecting Companions…

Engineering: This Skill is important in everything from starting starship engines, to taking apart machines, to building a device to
capture a dinosaur! The Doctor usually possesses Engineering and it is a very useful Skill.

Gloating: This Skill is usually possessed by villains or nasty Characters – sometimes revealing their secret plans – but the Doctor has
been known to taunt Enemies. Characters with Gloating can gain a bonus when confronting Enemies.

History: This covers Earth History, Galactic History and just about all things ancient. The Doctor often has History. You may be
required to make a History roll to determine the meaning of mysterious runes. History is also important in Seeking Information.

Marksman: This Skill represents the ability to fire ranged weapons or hurl missiles. Characters such as Captain Jack or River Song
would have Marksman. Having Marksman means that you can fire into combat (r008).

Medicine: This Skill represents the ability to heal wounds, treat infections and generally
know about all things medical. Characters like Martha Jones or Rory Williams will have
Music: This represents the ability to sing, play a musical instrument or perform in front of
an audience. The 12th Doctor loved his electric guitar, Characters like Tallulah and Abigail
most certainly had Music and the Akhaten culture depended on the singing of the Queen
of Years.
Pilot: This Skill represents the ability to drive a vehicle well – from land rovers to space
shuttles. It does not affect flying the TARDIS however. You might make a Pilot roll to
escape a chase or to use a rocket.

Poison: This represents the knowledge needed to both create and destroy toxins. It is usually possessed by Enemies, but could be
useful in dealing with plagues or diseases, such as that almost released by Mrs. Gillyflower.

Running: This is a hugely useful Skill, as the Doctor’s Adventures always involve a heck of a lot of Running! It is used to evade
Enemies and is almost mandatory for the Doctor and his Companions. Unless otherwise noted, Running rolls are always made
separately for each Character in your group.
Science: This is another hugely useful Skill that covers all areas of chemistry, temporal physics and alien biology. It can be used to
help Research Actions and you may have a Science roll to understand how stop various Goals. The Doctor nearly always has Science as
a Skill, as do Allies such as UNIT’s Osgood.

TARDIS: This Skill represents the ability to fly the TARDIS through the Space-Time Vortex,
avoiding any nasty collisions or jumping time-tracks. River Song would naturally have the
TARDIS Skill, but even though the Doctor has occasionally let others attempt to pilot the
TARDIS, only Time Lords can choose this Skill.

Thief: This is a very useful Skill and is used to hide from nasty Enemies in an encounter or
to escape their clutches once captured. Sarah Jane Smith and Captain Jack Harkness have
Thief. Donna Noble certainly used Thief to sneak around the Sontaran command ship.
Unless otherwise noted, Thief rolls are always made separately for each Character in your
group – certainly in Hide encounter options.
Tracking: This Skill represents the ability to follow a trail or find your way about in the Wilderness. It is useful when Exploring or
Moving as Actions. Madame Vastra would definitely have Tracking!

Character Keywords
Armour: This represents a tough hide on a Character that makes it difficult for the Character to be killed as it is harder to cause
Damage. An Ice Warrior has Armour. Neither the Doctor nor Companions may gain Armour. In the Advanced rules, a Character or
Enemy with Armour takes less damage in combat (r018).
Icon: Characters with this keyword are important historical figures such as Charles Dickens, William Shakespeare or Queen Victoria.
Usually you will gain 1 Luck point for meeting an Icon. If an Icon becomes your Ally and is then killed in the Adventure you must lose
Luck points equal to the number of Skills they possess. An Icon may not become a Companion.

Laser: This can represent in-built weaponry, such as possessed by K9 or a Dalek, or the ability to produce a laser beam from one of
the Doctor’s jury-rigged devices. In the Advanced rules, being hit by a Laser causes more Damage in combat (r018).

Machine: This is a keyword for certain Characters, such as Cybermen, and encounters. A Machine Character cannot be Stunned in
combat (r009) and in the Advanced rules, a Machine Character or Enemy takes less damage in combat (r018).

Madman: This is a keyword for certain Characters. You might acquire this Keyword temporarily in an event, but cannot choose it. A
Character you control with Madman must make a successful Bravery roll to choose an Action or otherwise do nothing. If the roll is a
12, the Character attacks another one of your Characters present (random selection) for 1 round. If a Character has Madman and is
instructed to gain it again then insanity claims the Character and they are killed.

Minion: This Keyword will usually have a Character or species in parentheses attached to it. This means they are the Minion of that
Character or of all Characters of that species. A Minion is usually subservient to an Enemy, but can sometimes rebel…

Nemesis: An Enemy may become your Nemesis. You may only have one Nemesis and if you get a second, the new one replaces the
original. When you have a Nemesis, when you roll to reveal an Enemy, first roll 1D6 – on a 1, the Enemy is instead your Nemesis. On
any other result, roll on the Adventure normally. You take an additional -1DM penalty against your Nemesis, and you are -1 to all
Qualities for that Adventure.

Screamer: This Keyword describes faint-hearted Characters and is used in events and encounters. An Auton may freeze a Screamer
for example. Some Companions or a Character like Tallulah will be a Screamer. A Companion may lose this Keyword if you spend 3
Luck points: 1 at the end of each Adventure over 3 Adventures.
Troop: This Keyword is given to Characters such as UNIT, soldiers and mercenaries in certain encounters and events. In the Advanced
rules (r018), Troop Characters gain combat bonuses.
UNIT: This Keyword refers to that top secret organization that fights alien invasions and is
currently led by Kate Lethbridge-Stewart, daughter of one of the Doctor’s oldest friends.
The Doctor used to be a member and Martha Jones also joined UNIT. If either the Doctor
or a Companion chooses this Keyword they gain Kate Lethbridge-Stewart (e293) as a
powerful Friend in Post Modern Earth Adventures.

Victim: This Keyword refers to some Characters who have the unfortunate tendency to die
in an Adventure, such as Astrid Peth aboard the Titanic. These Characters will always be
the first chosen in many random selections. Once gained, this Keyword cannot be removed
unless by a specific event or if the Doctor regenerates.

Youth: This refers to Characters who are very young, such as Ashildir when the Doctor first encountered her, or the group of orphans
led by Kitty at the London Frost Fair. Some events or encounters give special rules for Characters with Youth.

Adventure Keywords
Base: The Adventure takes place in the headquarters of one of your Enemies – often their
home planet. Be prepared to meet this Enemy more frequently than usual.
Dimensional: You have landed in another dimension of the universe where you
experience a weird and unusual Adventure. The surroundings might look familiar, but
things are truly different here - and history might have taken some strange turns.
Hopefully you will find a way back home...
Holiday: You need some time off? Pay a visit to this hot spot for tourists and enjoy the
amusements this place has to offer. But even on holiday Time Lords often tend to cross
paths with someone who has evil plans. You start with the Relax Action available to you in
these Adventures.
Museum: This place is all about education and knowledge: it might store every book that has ever been published or just a strange
collection of alien things. Why not stay and study here for a while?
Resort: Perfect if you need recreation and wellness for your body and soul – at this place they know how to take care of you and your
Companions. You start with the Relax Action available to you in these Adventures.
Wilderness: Some places in the universe are too unfriendly for human and alien civilisations to thrive – maybe the climate is too
harsh or some catastrophe has taken place. Seek Help and Seek Information are not available in these Adventures.

Event Keywords
Artefact: You have discovered a long-lost, bizarre and powerful Artefact. The Event has all the necessary information about the use of
this woundrous and unique tool (see r012).

Base: This is a special Location like a Silurian City, a Cyber Tomb or an Ice Warrior Hive: your Enemy uses this base to fulfill their evil
Goals - but now that you have found it, you could use the Event rules here to thwart their sinister plans.

Capture: Once again one of your Characters has found some real trouble: someone is very annoyed by their behaviour or the Enemy
is one step ahead of you. These Events give you the rules how to handle the Capture.

Danger: There is a multitude of Dangers in Adventures: chases, hideous monsters, computer malfunctions or even time crashes when
you expect them the least. Follow the instructions given by the Event to see how your Characters are affected.

Disease: An Event with this Keyword normally has some nasty consequences for your Characters, which cannot be healed with a Rest
Action. How you may overcome these effects is fully explained in the Event entry.

Gadget: You have stumbled across something very useful. If you want you can take the
new Gagdet with you on your Adventures for later use. There are also Gadgets especially
for your TARDIS - do not count these as Character Gadgets (see r012).
Goal: During an Adventure you need to find out what the Enemy is planning. Goal events
give you all the information you need to finally overcome the Enemy. If you already know
the Goal add +1 DM instead (see r005).

Location: These Events might represent an old castle, a bustling market place, or even an
abandoned ship – be it built for the sea or space. They often introduce new rules you have
to apply to Characters while they remain at the Location (see r004).
Museum: A special type of Location such as the National Museum, a bustling university or even the famous Area 51. Meet new
people, learn about hidden secrets or try to find out if the Enemy has left something behind here.
Plot: These Events are often strange or mysterious incidents, perhaps giving you a DM bonus, new possible Encounters or temporary
Character modifiers. If you already know the Enemy, roll for a Goal Event instead. If you know the Goal, add +1 DM instead (see r005).
Site: This can be a neglected ancient place, an archaeological dig or an excavation site. Now that you have stumbled upon this
Location, the entry will tell you how to use your expertise at this place.
Temporal: This Event keyword is also used for Enemies with time-meddling powers, such as the Weeping Angels. Be prepared for
some timey-wimey stuff as these Events and Enemies often alter, or have already distorted, time itself.

r014. Action Tables
Relax: If at a Holiday or Resort location, with no Danger, Enemy or Plot Event yet. Roll 2D6 (+1 if native Companion).

2 Holiday Nightmare! Lose 1 Luck point, and you may not Relax again this Adventure.
3-4 You become bored – you may not Relax again this Adventure.
5 Holiday interrupted – you automatically have an Encounter this Turn.
6 Your Companion (with highest Bravery) has become bored. If this Action is chosen again, he or she will become
separated and must choose another Action. If you have no Companion – see result 3-4.
7 You enjoy yourself and relax – if you choose to Relax next Turn, add +1 to the roll.
8+ Have a great time - choose one: eat (e073), take a tour (e129), or see entertainment (e080).

Explore: If the Enemy has not yet been revealed. Roll 2D6 with +1 per Tracking (max +3). If you roll doubles, your group randomly
separates afterwards.

2 You encounter an Enemy – roll for an Enemy event.

3-4 You become hopelessly lost – see e078 immediately.
5 Companion in Trouble – see e002.
6-7 You discover nothing unusual – no further effect.
8 You meet someone – roll for a Character event.
9-10 You discover clues – you may Investigate next Turn or if you can make a successful Move Action next Turn, roll for
a Location event.
11 You discover something important – roll for a Plot event.
12+ You discover something vital – see e082.

Investigate: If the Enemy has been revealed but you do not know the Goal yet. Roll 2D6 with +1 per Aware and, if on Earth in the
World War Era or earlier, +1 per History (max +3). If you roll doubles, see e002.

2-3 You have been led into a trap and are captured – e059.
4-5 You run into trouble and encounter Enemies – roll for an Enemy event.
6 Your clues turn out to be false and you discover nothing.
7 You discover nothing – if you choose to Investigate further next Turn
add +1 to the roll.
8 You discover a Location that could be important – roll for a Location
event (if you are already at a Location then instead roll for a Plot event).
9-10 You discover some important information – roll for a Plot event.
11 You discover vital information – gain +1 DM.
12+ You discover somewhere vital – see e082.

Seek Information: You must have had a Plot or Enemy Event, but not know the Goal and not be at a Wilderness Adventure. Choose
Bureaucrat (any Era), Charisma (any Era but need 2 Charisma per +1), Thief (any Era but result 5-6 means you must see e059 instead),
History (World War Era or earlier) or Computers (Post Modern Era or later). Roll 2D6 with +1 for each chosen Skill (max +3). If you roll
doubles, your encounter this Turn will be an Enemy Event.

2 You have been led into a trap and are captured – see e059.
3 You run into some trouble and encounter Enemies – roll for an Enemy event.
4 Your sources dry up – you may not Seek Information using this Skill again in this Adventure.
5-6 Your clues turn out to be false and you discover nothing.
7 You discover nothing – if you choose to Seek Information next Turn add +1 to the roll.
8 You may choose to roll for a Location or Character Event.
9 Discover important information – roll for a Plot Event.
10 Discover vital information – gain +1 DM.
11 You hear of an important place – see e082.
12+ Discover the enemy plan – roll for a Goal Event and gain 1 Luck point.
Seek Help: Cannot be chosen at a Wilderness (unless at a Location with a Character line). Choose to Seek Medical Help or
Reinforcements (if you also know the Goal). Roll 2D6 with +1 per native Bureaucrat, +1 per 2 Charisma, -1 if you are at a Holiday, and
if Seeking Reinforcements on Earth (Modern or Post-Modern Eras), +1 for each non-Troop UNIT Character (total max +3).

2-4 Authorities turn against you and you are arrested – see e059.
5-6 Your request for help is denied – no further effect.
7-8 Authorities need more convincing – if you choose to Seek Help next Turn add +1 to the roll.
9-10 Medical: You find a physician who Heals a Wound on any of your Characters (r009).

Earth (to Renaissance Era): 1D3+2 militia – Brains 2, Brawn 6, Bravery 5 (Running, Tracking, Troop).
Earth (Victorian/World War Era): 1D3 Police – Brains 3, Brawn 6, Bravery 5 (Marksman, Tracking, Troop).

Earth (Modern/Post Modern Era): 1D3+1 UNIT Troops – Brains 4, Brawn 6, Bravery 6 ( Marksman, Running, Troop,

Spaceship/station: 1D3+1 Security guards – Brains 3, Brawn 6, Bravery 6 (Marksman, Running, Troop).
Other: 1D3+1 Soldiers – Brains 3, Brawn 6, Bravery 6 (Marksman, Running, Tracking, Troop).
11+ Medical: As above and can also heal radiation Wounds if in Near Future Era or later.
Reinforcements: see above replacing 1D3 with 1D6. You may not Seek Help again in this Adventure.

Plan: You must know the Goal. Choose a Skill or Quality. Roll 2D6 with +1 per chosen Skill or per Character that has chosen Quality at
8 or higher (max +3).

2-4 Dead end – you may not Plan with this Skill/Quality again this Adventure.
5 Plan backfires – take a -1 DM.
6-7 You have no success with your plan.
8-9 You make progress – if you choose to Plan next Turn add +1 to the roll.
10+ You succeed in gaining the chosen Skill or a +4 Quality total until the end of the Adventure.

Research: You must know the Goal and be in Victorian Era or later to Research Engineering, Medicine, or Science, Modern Era or later
for Computers, and World War Era or earlier for History. Roll 2D6 adding +1 per chosen Skill (max +3), and -1 if Wilderness.

2 Serendipity – gain 1 Luck point and +1 DM.

3 Accident – roll 1D6 for each Character with chosen Skill - on a 1-2, they
take a Wound.
4 Setback – lose 1 Luck point.
5-7 Impasse – no result.
8-9 Slow going – if you choose to Research next Turn add +1 to the roll.
10-11 Making progress – gain +1 DM.
12+ Breakthrough – see e083. You may not Research again using this Skill in
this Adventure.

Defeat Enemy: You must know the Goal. Roll 2D6, add your DM, -2 if Turn 1-4 or -1 if Turn 5-8 and -1 unless you can Oppose.

2-4 You are killed in your attempt to Defeat the Enemy – although you could possibly regenerate (r009).
5 Your Companion has been killed. Randomly determine which Companion and lose 2 Luck points. If you have no
Companion, you are killed instead (but may regenerate – see r009).
6 You have failed to defeat the Enemy and have been captured – see e060.
7 You have failed to defeat the Enemy – lose 1 Luck point.
8 You have failed to defeat the Enemy – take a -1DM and roll immediately for an Enemy event.
9-10 You have failed to Defeat the Enemy.
11 An unknown factor has emerged – see e111.
12 An opportunity arises – have an Enemy encounter or roll 1D6: 1-2: e092; 3-4: e126; 5-6: e128.
13+ Confrontation – Gain +1DM, roll for an Enemy event. You may now Oppose (even if not enough DM).
Advanced Rules
r015. Scaling Adventures
This is an optional set of rules that makes initial Adventures easier (when you have fewer Skills, Companions and Gadgets) than later
Adventures when you have used your Luck to gain more Skills and gained some Companions. You may also use it to play ‘seasons’ of
Adventures that build to exciting finales.

At the start of an Adventure, add the number of Companions to the number of Adventures
you have completed and consult the table below. The Luck column shows the modifier to
the total Luck points gained at the end of the Adventure. Reroll an Enemy that you
encounter with a lower DM than indicated:

Total Effect Luck Min DM of Enemy

0-3 None +1 2
4-6 Roll once on Scale Table 0 1
7-9 Roll twice on Scale Table -1 0
10+ Roll three times on Scale Table -2 0

Adventure Scale Table

Roll 2D6 as many times as instructed and apply all results including duplicated rolls:

2 Countdown There are 2 fewer Turns before the Adventure is over and you have been Defeated.

3 TARDIS Malfunction Immediately see e008 before you land.

4 Enemy Plan Advanced Add 5 to any Quality total required on the Goal event when revealed.

5 Enemy Support When rolling for numbers of Minions in enemy encounters, add +1 to the roll.

6 Enemy Strength All Enemies (except Minions) are +1 to all Qualities.

7 Deadly Enemy Take a -1DM when the Enemy is revealed.

8 Master Plan Add +1 to the Goal number when revealed (but do not add it when calculating Luck gain).

9 Suspicion All Charisma rolls made when encountering Characters have a -2 penalty.

10 Dangerous Situation Reduce the vertical die roll by 1 on the Encounter Table.

11 Gadget Destroyed Randomly select a Gadget to be lost at the end of the next Adventure.

12 Bad Luck Immediately lose 3 Luck points.

Seasons of Adventures
Each ‘season’ contains 10 Adventures. When you reach your 10 th Adventure of the season, in addition to any Scaling from the table
above you must roll 1D6 on the table below a number of times equal to the season you are currently on (rerolling any duplicate
results) and apply it to the Adventure season ‘finale’. If you survive the finale Adventure, you progress to the next season and the
number of Adventures played (for Scaling calculations) is reduced back to zero. Any Gadgets remain with you although you may
discard Gadgets to gain 1 Luck point per Gadget discarded.
Each successive season you play, however, allows an increasing negative DM allowance. On your second season you are allowed to
have a total of -1DM if required. In your third season, a -2DM is allowable etc.
Season Finale Table

1-2 Old Enemy – choose an Enemy encountered previously in season (with a DM of 0 or 1) to be the Enemy. If none, roll
1D6 for Enemy: 1: v011; 2: v012; 3: v013; 4: v014; 5: v023; 6: v031.
3 The stakes are high – Add +1 to the Goal number when revealed (but do not add it when calculating Luck gain).
4 A random Companion leaves at the end of the Adventure – see e115. If none, you must regenerate (r009).
5 The Adventure is on an epic scale – see e116 immediately.
6 The Adventure will automatically have a Climax event – see r020.

r016. Companion Personalities
The brave and the bold (or the ordinary shop girl or temp from Chiswick) who travel with
the Doctor are much more than just a set of Qualities and Skills.

These rules make Companions slightly more varied and interesting. When you gain a new
Companion who has no listed Personalities, roll once on the table below and then see the
descriptions of the personalities and the modifiers they cause.
At the end of an Adventure you may use 3 Luck points to buy a new Personality type of
your choice, or pay 2 Luck points to lose one. A Companion may never have more than 3
Personality types.

1-2 3-4 5-6

1 Brash Protective Untrustworthy

2 Dedicated Headstrong Jealous

3 Compassionate Resourceful Independent

4 Moral Code Quick Thinking Indolent

5 Appealing Curious Adventurous

6 Determined Awestruck Natural Leader

Adventurous: This Companion has a spirit of adventure. Each time you land at an Adventure where they are not native and have not
previously visited, gain a Luck point.

Appealing: This Companion is very good-looking and charming and gains an extra Charisma Skill when Talking to Characters (not
Enemies) of the opposite sex.

Awestruck: This Companion is a little overawed by their travels in the TARDIS. Whilst they are at an Adventure Location where they
are not native, they are -1 to all Qualities.

Best of Friends: A Companion may only gain this Personality when they have completed 6 Adventures with you. When this
Companion is with you, you gain +1 to all Qualities.

Brash: This Companion can sometimes say the wrong things at the wrong time. Each time this Companion is present when there is a
Charisma roll they must make a Brains roll. If they fail, then the Charisma roll is made with a -1 penalty.

Compassionate: This Companion will not leave other Characters in danger by running away. Lose 1 Luck point for each Victim who is
killed. If using the Advanced combat rules, a Companion who is Compassionate must offer mercy (see r018).

Curious: This Companion cannot help but go looking for danger. This Companion adds +2 to Investigate as an Action if not with the
Doctor. Using the Advanced rules, a Companion who is Curious gains +1 to Meddle Action rolls (see r020).

Dedicated: A Companion must have Computers, Science, Engineering, or Medicine to have this Personality and must choose one of
them. When doing Research as an Action with the chosen Skill, they gain an extra +1 to the roll if the Doctor is not with them.

Determined: This Companion can be stubborn and has a very strong mind. Whenever the Companion is required to make a Bravery
roll, they gain a Domination Skill for the encounter.

Headstrong: This Companion will not Evade an encounter unless the total Brawn of opposing Characters is at least three times your
own total Brawn.

Independent: This Companion likes nothing better than striking out alone! They gain +2 to an Explore Action if without the Doctor.
Using the Advanced rules, an Independent Companion gains +1 to Conflict Actions (see r020) if without the Doctor.

Indolent: This Companion likes the better things in life and taking it easy. They will always choose to Relax as an Action whenever

Jealous: This Companion wants to travel alone with you in the TARDIS – three’s a crowd. If there are other Companions with you then
this Companion is -1 to all Qualities.

Loyal: A Companion may only gain this Personality after completing 4 Adventures with
you. This Companion wants to stay travelling in the TARDIS with you forever and is
excluded from being randomly selected as a result of a Companion Leaving roll.
Moral Code: This Companion has a strong sense of justice. They have +1 to Bravery after
the Goal is revealed until the end of the Adventure, and +3 to any Quality when trying to
reach a Goal event.

Natural Leader: This Companion has natural leadership qualities. When they are not with
the Doctor they gain +1 if Seeking Help as an Action, and any Allies with them are +1 to
all Qualities.
Protective: Choose another TARDIS Character for this Companion to protect. If that Character should be assigned any Wound and
this Companion is with them, they can take the Wound rather than the protected Character.
Quick Thinking: This Companion knows how to make sharp decisions. Once per Turn, you can reroll a Skill roll that involves one of
their Skills if the Companion makes a Brains roll.
Resourceful: This Companion always seems to be able to do the right thing when it counts. When facing a Goal, Plot or Danger event
requiring one of their Skills, he or she is +1 to all Qualities.
Untrustworthy: This Companion might not always have everyone’s best interests at heart. When they are not with the Doctor (except
when captured) they must make a successful Bravery roll to choose an Action for this Turn.

r017. Abilities
This is a set of rules to make your incarnation of the Doctor a little more quirky with
interesting personalities and behaviours. Abilities can be advantageous or can incur
penalties to various rolls or situations.

When you start the game (or when you regenerate), choose up to 3 Abilities from the list
below, but the total Cost of these Abilities must equal 0 so that ‘good’ Abilities are
balanced by disadvantages.
At the end of an Adventure you may use Luck points equal to 4 times the Cost to buy a
new Ability or to lose one you already have (ignoring any ‘-‘ sign). You may also take an
Ability with a negative Cost to gain Luck points equal to twice that Cost.

Appealing (Cost 1): This Ability represents the Doctor’s knack of always managing to charm people. If using the Talk option to any
Character of the opposite sex, the Doctor gains an extra Charisma Skill.

Arrogant (Cost -1): This Ability represents the Doctor’s impatience and irritation of any petty bureaucrats who happen to stand in the
way. Any Talk rolls to Bureaucrat Characters are made at a -1 penalty.

Bench Thumping (Cost 1): This Ability represents the Doctor’s innate love of gadgets and tinkering where sometimes a good whack
can work wonders. Once per Adventure, if you fail an Engineering roll you may immediately roll again.

Escape Artist (Cost 2): The Doctor often named Houdini as one of his friends. This Ability represents the Doctor’s knack of being able
to escape bonds and captivity, even without his sonic screwdriver. Escape rolls are made with a +1 bonus.

Foolish Exterior (Cost 1): This Ability represents the Doctor’s standard tactic of acting the fool so that Enemies believe he is of no
threat. Brains rolls made during Talk options in Enemy encounters when you cannot Oppose gain a +1 bonus.

Garish Clothes (Cost -2): The Doctor’s sartorial elegance means that he doesn’t always blend in with the crowd. Any Hide rolls are
made with a -2 penalty and any Talk rolls with Bureaucrats are made with a -1 penalty.

Hypnosis (Cost 1): The Doctor often uses hypnosis on Enemy Minions. If you have Domination Skill and make a Domination roll
higher than a Human Minion’s Bravery at the start of an encounter with no Enemy present, that Minion becomes an Ally.

Impatient (Cost -2): Some incarnations of the Doctor like to dive straight in and prefer all the running down corridors to careful
thought and preparation. This Ability gives the Doctor a -1 cumulative penalty for successive Planning or Research Actions.

Indiscreet (Cost -1): The Doctor can be amazingly indiscreet at times and say things that people really don’t want to hear. Before any
Charisma rolls, roll 1D6 - on a result of 1-2, your Charisma counts as a penalty, rather than a bonus.

Insatiable Curiosity (Cost -1): Many incarnations of the Doctor have found themselves in serious trouble because they couldn’t resist
taking ‘a quick look around’. After any Explore or Investigate Action, subtract 1 from the vertical roll on r007.

Inspirational (Cost 1): This Ability represents the Doctor’s influence over Companions and the ability to always bring out the best in
everyone. Once per Adventure, a Companion or Ally can add +2 to their Bravery for 1 Turn.

Irritable (Cost -1): The Doctor can sometimes be infuriatingly antagonistic with people he doesn’t respect. Any Talk rolls with
Characters without any of: Bureaucrat 2, Science and Engineering are made with a -1 penalty.

Keen Intellect (Cost 1): This Ability represents the Doctor’s razor-sharp wits, intelligence
and cunning. When the Doctor has to make an opposed Brains roll, you may roll 1D6 twice
and take the higher roll.
Literary Quotations (Cost 1): The Doctor is often quoting great works of literature to his
Companions or to himself. Once per Adventure you may add +1 to any Quality of any
TARDIS Character for 1 Turn.

Loner (Cost -2): Sometimes the Doctor feels it better to travel alone. Any Companion
Charisma rolls require you to spend 1 Luck point and then are made with a -2 to the roll.
You may not participate in e103.
Master of Disguise (Cost 2): The Doctor can love dressing up in different clothes and using ‘subtle’ accents to fool the Enemy. You
must have Thief for this Ability. You gain +1 to Hide rolls and may use Thief (with a +1 bonus) rather than Running in Evade
encounter options.

Mastermind (Cost 2): This Ability represents the Doctor’s manipulative skills at being at least one step ahead of the Enemy and their
plans. When the Goal is revealed, gain a Skill or +3 to a Quality listed on the Goal event until the end of the Adventure.

Overconfident (Cost -1): The Doctor’s overconfidence can put both himself and his Companions in danger. If you have this Ability
then any Defeat Enemy Actions are made with a -1 penalty.

Poor TARDIS Pilot (Cost -1 or -2): The Doctor doesn’t always have the ability to control
the TARDIS and has often landed at unintended locations around the Universe. Apply the
Cost of this Ability as a penalty to any TARDIS rolls.
Powers of Observation (Cost 1): The Doctor’s amazing powers of observation could
sometimes rival Sherlock Holmes. You must have Aware for this Ability. Once per
Adventure if you fail an Aware roll then you may roll again.

Protective (Cost -2): The Doctor is always very protective over his Companions. If any
Companion with you is about to be Wounded or Seriously Wounded, you must take those
Wounds instead.
Resourceful Pockets (Cost 1): This Ability represents the Doctor’s incredible jacket pockets that occasionally turn out to be bigger on
the inside too. Once per Adventure you may add +1 to any Skill roll.
Sense Evil (Cost 1): Sometimes the Doctor has an innate ability to sense evil in the atmosphere. If you can make an Aware 8 roll
before any Plot or Enemy events in an Adventure, then you may Investigate as an Action.
Shabby Appearance (Cost -2) This Ability represents another aspect of the Doctor’s dress code and overall appearance. Any Talk rolls
with Bureaucrat or Troop Characters are made with a -1 penalty to the roll.
Swordsman (Cost 1): The best swordsman the Doctor ever knew was a captain in Cleopatra’s guard. If you have History and are in the
Antiquity, Medieval or Renaissance eras (or the Sycorax are the Enemy), gain +2 Brawn in Fights.
TARDIS Crew (Cost 1): The Doctor can sometimes gather loyal Companions around him that act as extended family. You may add +1
to the Companion Leaving roll at the end of an Adventure.
Underestimated (Cost 1): Enemies have often underestimated the Doctor and let him live when it would have been much better to
kill him. If you have this Ability, add +1 to any Surrender roll.
Vengeful (Cost 1): The Doctor believes that the Daleks destroyed his home planet of Gallifrey. In any Dalek encounters the Doctor is
+2 to Qualities, gains Marksman, and will not offer Mercy (see r018).
Venusian Aikido (Cost 2): The Doctor’s mastery of this alien martial art has proved invaluable. In a Fight against non- Machine
Characters, the Doctor may apply his full Brawn separately to two opponents.

r018. Optional Combat Rules
Combat is unfortunately sometimes integral to Doctor Who stories – from pitched battles
such as the various Dalek invasions to skirmishes with Silurian troops or ambushes by
deadly Weeping Angels.
This is a set of rules to expand combat and give players a range of interesting options that
mirror the TV episodes. It will make combat a little less deadly and allow options that make
it easier for the Doctor to survive.

A Character can only opt for one tactic below each combat round (or at the end of each
round depending on the tactic chosen.

Aim for the Eyepiece: This tactic can be used to try and find weak spots in the opponent. If a Character with Marksman does not
enter combat directly and is not used to support other Characters, then at the end of the round if they make a successful Marksman 9
roll, one opponent (your choice) takes a Wound.
Capture: You may attempt to capture an Enemy rather than inflict Damage. You are successful if your total battle roll is at least 6
greater than the Enemy total. If you have a captured Enemy you gain a +2 bonus in any Confront option. Each Turn a captured Enemy
must be guarded by Characters who have twice its total Brawn (it will attack if it makes a successful Brawn roll) or locked up (this
option is not allowed in Wilderness and it will attempt to escape if it makes a successful Brawn roll).
Covering Fire: This tactic can be used to help Characters escape. At the end of a combat round, for each Character with Marksman
who does not attempt to evade the combat, the other Characters gain a +1 to their Running rolls.
Last Minute Plea: This tactic can be used to survive even after you have been attacked. At the end of any combat round you may
spend 1 Luck point to roll again on a Surrender line of an Enemy or Character.
Lure Away: This tactic can be used by a Character with Bravery 8+ to get an opponent to chase them, allowing the rest of the group
to escape combat. Roll 2D6 and subtract the result from the Character’s Brains but add +1 per Charisma Skill they have. The
difference is the number of opponents (your choice) that will follow this Character and continue the combat.

Mercy: A TARDIS Character may offer mercy to an Enemy if it is Seriously Wounded. Gain 1 Luck point and make a Bravery roll for the
Enemy. If the Enemy fails the roll, then it surrenders (see Capture option above). If the Enemy makes the Bravery roll then it will attack
next round as normal. No Machine or Dalek will accept mercy. A Compassionate Companion must offer mercy.
Protection: A Character may protect another so that they are not paired with an opponent. The protecting Character can only have a
maximum of three opponents. This tactic is handy for keeping weaker Companions and Allies out of combat.
Routs: You can try to frighten some Characters or Enemies into running away from the combat. At the end of each combat round in
which you have killed or disabled an opposing combatant, make a Bravery roll for each opposing combatant left. If they fail, they run
from the combat. Opposing Machine characters or those with a Brawn of 9 or higher will never rout.

Self-Sacrifice: This desperate tactic can be used to stop a combat by sacrificing a Victim Character and spending 1 Luck point to
automatically end an Enemy encounter.

Surprise Attack: This tactic can be used if no other encounter option has been previously attempted and you spend one Luck point.
Each Character with Thief gains +2 Brawn for the first round of combat.

Strike as a Unit: This uses a commanding Character to direct an attack. If you have 3 or more Troop Characters and another
Character with Bravery 7+ then keep that Character out of combat to make all the Troop Characters +1 Brawn for the combat.

You Go That Way: You may add +1 to a Running roll to escape combat, but if more than one Character escapes they must be split
into 2 random groups. Roll 1D6 for each Character - 1-3: Group 1; 4-6: Group 2.

In addition to the Tactics above, certain keywords have additional effects during combat:
Armour: Using these rules, a Character or Enemy with Armour takes less damage in combat. After the difference in Brawn totals and
1D6 have been calculated, if the main combatant on the losing side has Armour then reduce the total difference by 1.
Laser: Using these rules, a Character or Enemy with Laser inflicts more damage in combat. After the difference in Brawn totals and
1D6 have been calculated, if the main combatant on the winning side has Laser then increase the total difference by 1.
Machine: Using these rules, a Machine Character or Enemy takes less damage in combat. After the difference in Brawn totals and 1D6
have been calculated, if the main combatant on the losing side is a Machine then reduce the total difference by 1.

r019. Enemy Battles
Alien forces, such as the Daleks, Cybermen and Sontarans can be masters of warfare and
deadly opponents – from the Dalek assault on the Games Station to the clash between
UNIT and the Sontaran forces at the ATMOS plant or the Cybermen advancing on the
colonists on the Mondasian ship.

These advanced rules add an increased element of danger to the game, as encounters
with an Enemy can get very nasty. If used in conjunction with the combat rules in r018, it
makes combat more detailed but also takes more time to resolve.
Each time you have an Enemy encounter roll an additional 1D6 and add the Enemy Defeat
Modifier (-1 if you can Oppose). If the result is 3 or less then roll 2D6 on the table below:

2 Hidden Agenda – If you know the Enemy Goal then it is not their real objective. Take a -1DM penalty and cancel any
DM modifiers from any previous Goal event. You must rediscover a new Goal for the Enemy as normal. If the original
Goal is rolled again, reroll the result.
3 Enemy Stratagem – Any Brains rolls you make in Enemy encounters in this Adventure have a -1 penalty.
4 Battle Plans – Roll on table r018a below.
5 Overwhelming Force – You have to Surrender if it is a possible option in this encounter, or Fight if it is not.
6 Weapons – All Enemies have +1 Brawn for the remainder of the Adventure.
7 Battle Plans – Roll on table r018a below.
8 Reinforcements – When rolling for the number of Enemies encountered, add +1 to the roll.
9 Enemy Plan Advances – Take a -1DM.
10 Battle Plans – Roll on table r018a below.
11 Dispense with Minions – The Enemy decides that any Minions it may have are now no longer necessary and therefore
expendable. If the Enemy has Minions, lose 1 Luck point and never add any Minions in further Enemy encounters in this
12 All-Out Assault – The Enemy attacks a Location. If you are not at a Location, take a -1DM penalty but there will be no
further Enemy encounters this Turn. If you are currently at a Location, any Victims in your group are instantly killed.
Each other Character must roll 1D6 and on a 1-3 they take a Wound.

r019a. Battle Plans

Roll 1D6 with +1 to the roll if you can Oppose:
1 Wanted for Interrogation – Gain +2 to any Surrender rolls in this encounter.
2 Surrounded – You may not choose an Evade option in this encounter.
3 Deadly Force – All Enemies have +1 Brawn for this encounter.
4 Surprised - You may not choose a Hide option. If you choose to Evade as a first option in this encounter then all
Running rolls are made with a -1 penalty.
5 From Both Sides – All Running rolls in this encounter are made with a -1 penalty.
6 Ambushed – You must immediately choose the Fight option for this encounter.
7 Take No Prisoners – You may not choose any Surrender option in this encounter.

r020. Adventure Climaxes
Many of the Doctor’s Adventures can end in a nail-biting climax where he and his
Companions often have a life and death struggle against the Enemy when the clock is
These advanced rules attempt to emulate these exciting episode endings and give
Adventures an extra slice of danger.
At the end of an Adventure when you have Defeated an Enemy (but before Luck gain or
options detailed in r010), roll 1D6 and add the Enemy Defeat Modifier then -1 if the
Turn number 5-8 or -2 if Turn number 1-4.

If the result is 3 or less, then you have a Climax event – roll 1D6 on the table below:

1 Armageddon Device Although you have Defeated the Enemy, you discover that the terrible device the Enemy was
using to achieve their plans is still operational! Unless you can stop it in time you will have still
lost the Adventure. To stop the device first roll 1D6 to determine the Skill needed:

1-2: Computers; 3-4: Engineering; 5-6: Science.

You then roll 1D6 three times and each time add the determined Skill total. If the combined
total of the 3 rolls is 15 or greater, then the device has been deactivated and you have won
the Adventure. If not then you must absorb the blast yourself and regenerate to save the day.

2 The Final Battle Much to your dismay, the Enemy leader (or a single Enemy if no leader) has escaped. You give
pursuit and corner them but they are now desperate and are determined to fight their way
out. Remove any Characters without Running from the battle. You may either let the Enemy
leader escape at the end of any combat round or must defeat them in combat. If you let the
Enemy leader escape you gain no Luck points for Defeating the Enemy (although do gain the
normal points for the Goal) and this particular Enemy becomes your Nemesis – see r013.

3 Explosions As you Defeat the Enemy, explosions are set off all around you – time for some more running!
Each Character in your group must make a Running 7 roll (+1 if a TARDIS Character and -1 if a
Victim) or be caught in the explosions and killed. Lose 2 Luck points if a Companion is killed
and 1 Luck point for every 2 Allies killed (round up).

4 Hollow Victory Although you have Defeated the Enemy, it is not without cost and a Victim from your group is
killed. If you have no Victim, you must kill a TARDIS Character instead.

5 The Courage of Friends Sometimes you can only succeed in your struggle against the forces of destruction with help
from your loyal Companions and Allies. If you have a single Companion with Bravery 8+ or
the total Bravery of your Companions and Allies is 20 or greater (you may spend 1 Luck point
to double a Companion’s Bravery for this total), then you Defeat the Enemy and have won the
Adventure. If not, take a -1DM penalty and continue the Adventure.

6 Final Deadly Puzzle The Enemy has presented you with a fiendish dilemma that you must solve to properly Defeat
them. Unless you have total Brains of 25 or any TARDIS Character can make a Brains roll by 4,
then the Adventure has ended in a stalemate – you gain no Luck points from Defeating the
Enemy in this Adventure and the Enemy becomes your Nemesis (see r013).

Note that if your Characters are separated when the Adventure is completed (before you roll for a Climax event) only the group that
Defeated the Enemy must face the Climax event (unless the result is ‘Explosions’).

r021. Optional Actions
Explore Alien Culture: (Non-Wilderness Alien World) If Enemy not yet been revealed. Roll 2D6 with +1 if your group contains a Time
Lord and +1 for each Character with Brains 7+ (max +3). If you roll doubles your group randomly separates afterwards.

2 You encounter an Enemy – roll for an Enemy event.

3 You become hopelessly lost – see e078.
4-5 Companion in trouble – see e002.
6-7 You discover nothing unusual – gain +1 to further Explore Actions here if you have 2 Aware.
8 You meet someone – roll for a Character event. If you do not have Aware and the encountered Character is not
Human then you have -1 to any Talk option.
9-10 You either discover clues you can Investigate next Turn if you wish or make a successful Move Action next Turn to
roll for a Location event.
11 You discover something important – roll for a Plot event.
12+ You discover somewhere vital – see e082.

Explore Corridors: (Ship, Station, Resort or Base) If the Enemy has not yet been revealed. Roll 2D6 with +1 per Computers (max +3).
If you roll doubles your group randomly separates afterwards.

2 You encounter an Enemy – roll for an Enemy event.

3-4 All these corridors look the same – roll 1D6: 1-2: e097; 3-6: e078.
5 Companion in trouble – see e002.
6-7 You discover nothing unusual.
8 You meet someone – roll for a Character event.
9-10 You either discover clues that you can Investigate next Turn if you wish or you may roll for a Location event
11 You discover something important – roll for a Plot event.
12+ You discover somewhere vital – see e082.

Explore History: (Earth World War Era or earlier) If the Enemy has not yet been revealed. Roll 2D6 and add +1 (max +3) for each
History. If you roll doubles your group randomly separates afterwards.

2 You encounter an Enemy – roll for an Enemy event.

3 Companion in trouble – see e002.
4-5 Find trouble – make a History 8 roll or see e059.
6-7 You discover nothing unusual.
8 You meet someone – roll for a Character event.
9-10 You either discover clues that you can Investigate next Turn if you wish
or make a successful Move Action next Turn to roll for a Location event.
Add any History to either attempt.
11 You discover something important – roll for a Plot event.
12+ You discover somewhere vital – see e082.

Explore Wilderness: (Wilderness) If Enemy has not yet been revealed. Roll 2D6 and add +1 (max +3) for each Tracking. If you roll
doubles your group randomly separates afterwards.

2 You encounter an Enemy – roll for an Enemy event.

3 Attacked by hostile creature – see e095.
4-5 You become hopelessly lost – see e078.
6 The weather suddenly turns – see e079.
7 You discover nothing unusual.
8 Find secret path or tracks – If you Explore next Turn add +1 to the roll.
9-10 You either discover clues that you can Investigate next Turn if you wish
OR make a successful Move Action next Turn to roll for a Location
11 You discover somewhere important – roll for a Location event.
12+ You discover somewhere vital – see e082.
Challenge: You decide to confront the Enemy directly to discover their plans. May only be chosen if the Enemy has been revealed
and they have a Talk or Confront option. Only Characters with Bravery 8+ may attempt this Action. Roll 2D6 with +1 for any
Domination and Gloating, -2 if you do not know the Goal, +1 if you can Oppose (max +3).

2-3 Your challenge has failed – see the Surrender option of Enemy (you
must choose to Fight if none) and take a -1DM.
4 Enemy mocks you – all Allies are -1 to Qualities in this Adventure.
5-6 Your threats are dismissed as empty – you may not attempt another
Challenge Action in this Adventure.
7 Enemy unimpressed – no effect.
8 Enemy digests your words – if you Challenge next Turn add +1 to roll.
9 Important information gleaned – roll for a Goal event.
10 Enemy unnerved – gain +1DM.
11 Enemy cowed – gain +1DM and any captured Characters are released.
12+ Enemy deeply worried – reveal Goal and they are -1 to all Qualities.

Conflict: You decide to take the battle to the Enemy and try to sabotage their plans. You must know the Goal, and only Characters
with Bravery 6+ can attempt this Action. Roll 2D6 with +1 per Thief, Tracking and Troop but subtract the number of Characters
attempting the Action. Add +1 to the roll if in an Enemy Base (e144).

2-4 Ambushed – roll for an immediate Enemy encounter with a -1 to any Talk or Surrender options.
5 Failed opportunity – further Conflict Actions have -1 to the roll in this Adventure.
6 Failed opportunity – no result.
7 Opportunity – you may enter the Enemy base (see e144). If you are already inside a base then see result (8-9)
8-9 Opportunity and danger – you must have an automatic Enemy encounter this Turn. If you choose Conflict next
Turn, add +4 to the roll.
10+ Opportunity for conflict – you may either choose to have an Enemy encounter or choose a Character with
Demolitions, Domination or Poison and see options below:
Demolitions – If you can make a Demolitions 9 roll (with +1 if you have a sonic screwdriver) you can make 1D6+1
explosive devices. These can be used before a combat round (each with Brawn 10) to attack an Enemy. If you have
at least 5 devices, they can either be exchanged to gain a +2DM or if you are in an Enemy Base and can Oppose
then you automatically Defeat the Enemy.
Domination – If you can make a Domination 9 roll (with +1 for each Character here with Bravery 9+) you can take
control of any non-Machine Minions that you encounter in your next Enemy encounter. They will become your
Allies until the end of the Adventure.

Poison – If you make a Poison 9 roll (adding any Medicine) then you can make a gas that will disable any non-
Machine Enemy that fails a Bravery roll until the end of the encounter. You may use the gas in any Enemy
encounter any time you have to choose an option (for example you could choose to Talk and if this fails, use the
gas before another option).

Meddle: (Any non-Wilderness). You decide to get yourself directly involved to find out what’s happening. May only be chosen if no
Plot events and the Enemy is not yet revealed. Lose 1 Luck point and roll 2D6 with +1 per Aware, (and History if on Earth in World
War Era or earlier) (max +3). If you roll doubles and a Companion was part of this Action, see e002 before result below.

2-3 Your meddling is not welcomed – see e059.

4 Your meddling attracts the attention of the Enemy – roll for an Enemy
5-6 Your meddling has no effect.
7-8 You make a nuisance of yourself – have a Character event with -1 to
any Talk or Surrender option.
9 Discover useful information – roll for Plot event.
10 You encounter someone – roll for a Character event.
11 Stumble on the Enemy’s plan – reveal Enemy and roll for a Goal event.
12+ Your meddling attracts the attention of the Enemy – gain a +1DM but
also roll for an Enemy event.
Study Earth History: (Earth World War Era or earlier). You decide to study a little of Earth’s rich history. This Action can only be
chosen before you have any Danger, Enemy or Plot events. Roll 2D6 adding +1 per History (max +3).

2-3 Have a really dull time – lose 1 Luck point.

4 Arrested by militia – see e059 with -1 to roll.
5 Boring time – if you have any Companions who are not native or
without History then they wander off and are now separated.
6 Attract attention of local militia – see e050.
7 Have an enjoyable time – no extra effect.
8 Have an absorbing time – if you Study next Turn add +1 to roll.
9 Have a fascinating time – gain 1 Luck point.
10 Feel at home – gain +1 to Talk rolls with native Characters here until the
end of the Adventure.
11 Discovery – roll 1D6: 1: e268; 2: e141; 3: Character event; 4-6: Plot event.
12+ Learn more about this era – you may spend 2 Luck points to gain
History, but this specialized Skill is only applicable in this Era.

Study at Museum: (Museum). You decide to study a little at the Museum. This Action may only be chosen before any Danger, Enemy
or Plot events. Roll 2D6 and add either +1 per Science or +1 per History (max +3).

2-3 It’s stiflingly dull – lose either 2 Luck points or your chosen Skill.
4 Nothing to see here – lose 1 Luck point. You may not Study here for
the rest of the Adventure.
5 Alert museum authorities – see e050.
6 Boring – if you have Companions who do not have the chosen Skill
then they wander off and are now separated.
7 Interesting stuff – no extra effect.
8 Absorbing topic – if you choose to Study next Turn add +1 to the roll.
9 Fascinating – gain 1 Luck point.
10 Interesting discovery that might be useful – gain +1DM.
11 Interesting discovery – roll 1D6: 1: e131; 2: e132; 3: e260; 4-6: Plot event
12+ Amazing knowledge – you may increase your chosen Skill for half the
normal Luck point cost (round up) at the end of this Adventure.

Relax at Resort: (Resort). You must not have had any Danger, Enemy or Plot Events yet. Roll 2D6 (+1 if native Companion).

2 Holiday Nightmare! Lose 1 Luck point, and may not Relax again this Adventure.
3 You become bored and may not Relax again this Adventure.
4 Your Companion (with highest Bravery) has become bored. If this Action is chosen again, he or she will become
separated and chooses a different Action. If you have no Companion – see result 3 above.
5 Holiday interrupted – automatically have an Encounter this Turn.
6 You enjoy yourself and relax – if you choose to Relax next Turn add +1 to the roll.
7+ Great time – choose to eat (e073), take a tour (e129), see entertainment (e080) or choose from below:

Spa Treatment: Luxury resorts always have an incredible spa and using it is the ultimate in relaxation. TARDIS
Characters each gain 1 Luck point (2 Luck points if Indolent – see r016). Female Characters may instead opt to gain
Appealing (r016/r017) until the end of the Adventure.
Recreational Pursuits: Work out in a luxury gym, play sports or take part in a fitness regime. Indolent Characters
(r016) may not choose this option. Each Character rolls 1D6. On a ‘1’ they take a Wound. Each Character not
Wounded this way gains 1 Luck point or can gain one of: Marksman, Running or +1 Brawn until the end of the
Casino: A luxurious casino with elegant men and women sipping cocktails and champagne. Only Characters with
Charisma may enter the casino. You may Gamble as an Action here each Turn by making Charisma 8 rolls to get
into a game then roll 2D6 - if you roll a 7 or 11 or any doubles (except double 1) then win 1 Luck point. Any other
result loses 1 Luck point. If you roll a 2, lose 2 Luck points.
r022. Prevent Actions
Using the Prevent Action gives players more choice in the later stages of Adventures. This Action helps Defeat an Enemy and it also
gives greater story theme by keying into the different types of Goal that an Enemy is attempting to reach. Since a Dalek invasion may
be prevented in a different way to Silurians attempting to resurrect their species, there are different Prevent Action tables each with
their own special rules and bonuses that correspond to the Goal type.

To take a Prevent Action, you must know the Enemy Goal. Some Goals may have two types (for example, e167 ‘ Fire Sale’, is both
Apocalypse and Profit). If a Goal has two types, you may choose to roll on either Prevent Action table.

Prevent Apocalypse: You attempt to prevent a disaster of unimaginable consequence. Roll 2D6 (add +1 if you have 20 Bravery, +1
per 2 Running, and +1 if you can Oppose) (max +3). If you roll doubles, have an automatic Enemy encounter this Turn after resolving
the Prevent Action.

2-4 It’s too late! You lose the Adventure. All TARDIS Characters must make a
Running 8 roll (with -2 if a Victim) to reach the TARDIS or be killed.
5 Is there any way out? See e287 immediately.
6 Events are slipping out of control – take a -1DM.
7 Time is running out – increase the Turn number by 1.
8 No progress – no effect.
9 There could be a way – if you choose to Prevent next Turn add +1 to
the roll.
10 Could this be the answer? Gain a +1DM.
11 A way is found – roll 1D6: 1-3: e126; 4-6: e128.
12+ It’s over – if you can Oppose, you have Defeated the Enemy. If you
cannot, instead gain a +2DM.

Prevent Capture: You attempt to prevent the Enemy capturing someone important to their plan. Roll 2D6 and add +1 if you have 25
Brains, +1 per Tracking, and +1 if you can Oppose (max +3). If you roll doubles, have an automatic Enemy encounter this Turn after
resolving the Prevent Action.

2-3 You are captured by the Enemy – see e060.

4 You are captured by the Enemy – see e061.
5 Companion in trouble – see e002.
6 False leads – take a -1DM.
7 Nothing to go on – no effect.
8 Clues – if you choose to Prevent next Turn add +1 to the roll.
9 Find a trail – gain a +1DM.
10 Find Enemy base – see e144 (but if you have Thief do not have an
Enemy encounter as stated in event).
11 Release captives – rescue any captured Characters and gain a +1DM.
12+ Bait and lure – Thief Characters are +2 to Qualities for the Adventure.
You may choose to have an Enemy encounter if you can Oppose.

Prevent Experiments: You attempt to prevent the Enemy from completing their horrific experiments. Roll 2D6 and add +1 if you
have 20 Bravery, +1 per Medicine or Science (choose one), and +1 if you can Oppose (max +3). If you roll doubles, in addition to result
below, a Character with chosen the Skill also receives a Wound.

2-3 Accidentally help the Enemy with their experiments – take a -2DM.
4 Blind alley – one Character with the chosen Skill loses that Skill until the end of the Adventure.
5 Interrupted by the Enemy – have an Enemy encounter.
6 Dead End – May not choose further Prevent or Research Actions with this Skill in this Adventure.
7 Fruitless experiments – no effect.
8 Making progress – if you choose to Prevent next Turn add +1 to the roll.
9 Interesting discovery – gain a +1DM.
10-11 Important research – gain +2 to any Research Action with this chosen Skill in this Adventure.
12 Breakthrough – see e083.
13+ Eureka – if you can Oppose, you have Defeated the Enemy. If you cannot, instead gain a +2DM.
Prevent Invasion: You attempt to prevent the Enemy completing their invasion plans. Roll 2D6 and add +1 per Bureaucrat, +1 per 3
Troop, +1 per UNIT Character without Troop (Modern or Post Modern Earth only) and +1 if you can Oppose (max +3). If you roll
doubles, in addition to the result below, increase the Brawn of all Enemies (including Minions) by +1 (cumulative).

2-3 Alien spacecraft arrives – see e160.

4 Reinforcements – add +2 to the number of Troops in Enemy encounters.
5-6 Engage the Enemy – have an Enemy encounter.
7 Stalemate – no effect.
8 Tactical maneuvering – if you choose to Prevent next Turn add +1 to the
9 Find tactical error in Enemy plans – gain a +1DM.
10 Opportunity Arises – gain +2 to Seek Help or Conflict Actions for this
11 Find alien transmitter – see e034.
12+ Take a stand – if you can Oppose, have 25 Brawn or 25 Bravery, and
make a Gloating 9 roll, then you Defeat the Enemy. If not, gain a +1DM.

Prevent Meddling: You attempt to prevent the Enemy meddling with time. Roll 2D6 and add +1 per TARDIS, +1 per 2 Aware, +1 per
2 History (on World War Era Earth or earlier), +1 if you can Oppose and -2 if you have chosen a Meddle Action in this Adventure (max
+3). If you roll doubles, this Action also counts as a Temporal event.

2-3 Your actions have dire consequences – see e287.

4 Temporal disturbance – see e101.
5 You disturb Enemy plans – have an immediate Enemy encounter.
6 The anomaly grows – if facing a Temporal Enemy then that species gains
+1 to all Qualities (cumulative). If not, then take a -1DM.
7 Time passes – no effect.
8 Clues – if you choose to Prevent next Turn add +1 to the roll.
9 Sensitive to temporal change – gain a +1DM.
10 Buying time – reduce Turn number by 1D3 Turns.
11 Wonderful Girl – if you are in the TARDIS and make a TARDIS 9 roll then
you automatically Defeat a Temporal Enemy. Otherwise, gain a +1DM.
12+ Lord of Time – if you can Oppose, have 25 Brains, and are either inside
the TARDIS or have 2 Aware, you have Defeated the Enemy. Otherwise,
gain a +1DM.

Prevent Political: You attempt to prevent the Enemy completing their political goal. This Action may not be chosen if you are in a
Wilderness. Roll 2D6 and add +1 per Bureaucrat, +1 per 3 Charisma and +1 if you can Oppose (max +3). If you roll doubles, a ny
further Prevent Actions have a -1 penalty (cumulative).

2-3 Enrage Enemy – have an Enemy encounter.

4 You are locked up for interfering - see e059.
5 Outmaneuvered – take a -1DM.
6-7 Red tape – a random Bureaucrat Character who took this Action can take
no Action next Turn.
8 Political machinations – if you choose to Prevent next Turn add +1 to the
9 Insider information – gain a +1DM.
10 Discover useful ally – roll for Character event with +2 to any Talk roll.
11 Powers of persuasion – roll for a Seek Help Action with +3 to the roll.
12+ Checkmate – If you can Oppose and have Domination or Gloating then
you have Defeated a Human Enemy. Otherwise gain a +1DM.
Prevent Profit: You attempt to prevent the Enemy completing their economic intrigue to gain wealth. Roll 2D6 and add either: +1
per Bureaucrat and +1 per 3 Troop or +1 per Thief (max +3). Also add +1 if you can Oppose. If you roll doubles and used the Thief
option, see e050 instead of the result below, with -2 to the Talk roll.

2-3 Enemy objective is reached – take a -2DM.

4 Your efforts are mocked – -2 to Seek Help Actions in this Adventure.
5 Enemy investors make contact – take a -1DM.
6 Getting greedy – any Allies with Gloating or Thief lose Charisma for the
rest of the Adventure.
7 No progress – no effect.
8 There could be a way – a if you choose to Prevent next Turn add +1 to
the roll.
9 Insider information – gain a +1DM.
10 Persuade Minion – if you can make a Charisma 8 roll then a Minion (your
choice) you encounter in an Enemy encounter will become your Ally.
11 You tighten security – gain +1DM per 3 Troop. If you added Thief to this
roll see e061 instead.
12+ Heist – if you added Troop to this roll then take a -1DM. If you added
Thief and can Oppose, have 20 Bravery and make a Thief 10 roll then you
have Defeated the Enemy. If unsuccessful gain +1DM.

Prevent Quest: You attempt to prevent the Enemy fulfilling their quest. Roll 2D6 and add +1 if you have 25 Bravery, +1 per Tracking
and +1 if you can Oppose (max +3). If you roll doubles, have an automatic Enemy encounter this Turn.

2-3 The Enemy reaches their objective – take a -2DM or lose 3 Luck points.
4 Enemy makes progress – increase Goal number by 1.
5 The way is blocked – you may not choose a Prevent or Defeat Enemy
Action in this Adventure unless you have Demolitions or 20 Brawn.
6 False leads – take a -1DM.
7 Nothing to go on – no effect.
8 Clues – if you choose to Prevent next Turn add +1 to the roll.
9 Find information – gain a +1DM.
10 Discover important place – roll 1D6: 1-3: Location event; 4-6: e082.
11 Lay false clues for the Enemy – choose to increase or decrease the Goal
number by 1.
12+ You reach the Enemy objective first – if you can Oppose and have 2
Computers or 3 Tracking then you have Defeated the Enemy. If not, gain

Prevent Resurrection: You attempt to prevent the Enemy awakening from hibernation. Roll 2D6 and add +1 per History and +1 if
you can Oppose (max +3). If you roll doubles, also add +1 to the number of Minions or Troops in future Enemy encounters.

2-3 Awakening – the Enemy has won and you lose the Adventure.
4 Their power grows – all Minions have +1 to Qualities.
5 The time of arising grows near – increase Turn number by 1.
6 You observe a secret ceremony – see e208.
7 Fruitless efforts – no result.
8 Clues – if you choose to Prevent next Turn add +1 to the roll.
9 Discover important information – gain a +1DM.
10 Shaking the faith – all Minions are -1 to Qualities.
11 Interfere with plans – choose +1DM or reduce the Turn number by 1.
12+ Discover the vital weakness – if you can Oppose and have 25 Brains, 25
Bravery, and either 2 History or 2 Science, then you have Defeated the
Enemy. If not, gain +2DM.
Example of Play

Set Up

We start by looking at the Adventure Prologue in the Adventure Booklet. Let’s create the Doctor first - here based on the 10th
Doctor. Checking rule reference r001, we can get these Qualities: Brains: 12, Brawn: 5, Bravery: 9.

We then need to choose 8 Skills and opt for: Aware, Charisma, Computers, Engineering, History, Science, Running, Thief.
We also start with a standard 5 Luck points. Rolling a 5 to see what's around the console
results in e184 - Psychic Paper. This gives us +1 to any Talk options when encountering
Characters (not Enemies), but it may not be used on any Machine or someone with
Returning to the Adventure Book Prologue, we roll 1D6 to find out where the TARDIS
has landed. A ‘3’ means that we’ve landed in Adventure a003. Checking this in the
Adventure Booklet, we find that the TARDIS has landed on Earth in 1892 in Victorian
London and thick fog covers the cobbled streets like a shroud...
We’re all set up for the first turn in the Adventure but must first check for a Landing
Encounter. Rolling a ‘4’, all is quiet except for the wheezing, groaning sound of the
TARDIS as it materializes…

Turn 1
We’ll choose to Explore as the first Action, for a result of 7. Checking the table, this means we’ve discovered nothing and presumably
just wandered around the foggy streets of London!
After the Action, we roll 2D6 on the Encounter Matrix and get a 7, so we have an encounter. Rolling another 1D6 gets a 2 that means
we have an Event (1) encounter. We now have to roll on the Event (1) row on the a003 entry in the Adventure Book. Since this is our
first Adventure however, one of the Special rules of a003 comes into play and we must add +1 to all the encounter rolls on a003. A
1D6 roll here gives a 4, so adding +1 we get e076. Going to the Events Booklet, e076 is Hired Transport. So we’ve found a hansom
cab! This will give us a few bonuses depending on our chosen Action next turn (Explore or Move), although if we choose a Move
Action, we would have to roll again to see if there was another event (e223). Since we’re in the Victorian era, there’s no point of
rolling a 1D6 to see if we encounter e226.

This means we ride around London in a little style – Allons-y!

Turn 2
Since we have the hansom cab, we get a +1 bonus to our Explore roll this turn. The dice give us a 10 so add the +1 for an 11.
Checking the Explore table, we have discovered something important and roll for a Plot event.
Back to the Adventure Booklet, find the Plot line, roll 1D6 and add 1. A roll of 2 (then adding +1) gives us e176 – Conduit. We
certainly haven’t got a total Brains of 25 yet as the Doctor is alone, but we can make a Brains roll by rolling 2D6 and getting a result
equal to or less than our Brains of 12. The event requires us to make a Brains roll by at least 3, so we need to roll 9 or under. An 8
means a success so we can either get a +1 DM or reveal the Enemy. DM stands for Defeat Modifier and the more we get of these the
better, but we don’t know who we’re up against yet, so we’ll opt for Revealing the Enemy.
Back to the Adventure Booklet and roll on the Enemy line - a 5 (and then adding +1) means that its v013. In the Enemy book, v013
reveals that the Enemy is the Krillitanes! Fortunately we only revealed the Enemy rather than encountered them - so I’ve seen them
rather than them see me...
On revealing the Enemy, I add the Enemy DM to my own. The Krillitanes have a DM of 2 but the ‘Special’ line of Adventure a003
automatically gives me a +1DM as this is my first Adventure, so my total DM is 3. There are 3 possible Goals on the Krillitanes

v013 page. A Goal represents the plans of the Krillitanes whilst they are in Victorian London. We don’t know what that is yet....
It’s been a busy Turn, but we still need to roll for a possible encounter on the Encounter Matrix (r007). We roll a 9, so we have an
encounter. Another 1D6 rolled vertically (a 5) means it’s a Character.
As this is our first Adventure, another Special rule of a003 comes into play and we
automatically have event e118, which is Caroline Fairfax, the pretty and loyal, but fiercely
independent, daughter of a Victorian politician. Caroline will become a Companion on a
Charisma 9+ roll - we roll a 10 so she joins the Doctor. We get an extra Luck point too –
now a total of 6 Points. Caroline is Brains: 6, Brawn 4, Bravery 7 (Aware, Charisma, History,
Marksman, Running). We roll to see if she knows anything useful but a roll of 8 is above
her Brains of 6.
It’s the end of Turn 2, so let’s do some storytelling to see what’s happened…
Driving along in the hansom cab, the Doctor noticed something odd in a darkened alley. Persuading the cab driver to stop and retrace
the path, he sees a space/time conduit, and to his horror the Doctor witnesses a Krillitane materialising. Before he can follow however,
he is interrupted by a soft footfall behind him and meets Caroline Fairfax. How is she involved in the mystery?

Turn 3
Now that we know the identity of the Enemy it opens out new Action options for us. We could now try to Investigate or Seek
Information. This is another example of the choices in the game. Looking at the tables for these actions, we get a +2 bonus for
Seeking Information because we have a few of the Skills listed. On the Investigate table we get a +3 bonus - +2 for Aware and +2 for
History as the Adventure is in the Victorian Era – but this is reduced to the +3 maximum. So we’ll choose to Investigate. Rolling 2D6
we get a 4, add the +3 to get a 7. Hmm, some clues to Investigate next Turn...
Rolling for an encounter, we roll an 8 and then roll another 1D6 vertically on the Encounter Matrix to get a 5 - another Character.
Now back to a003 again in the Adventure Booklet and the Character line. A roll of 4 (and then adding +1) gives e050 so checking the
Event Booklet this is Local Police. There are 2 Policemen and a roll of 7 when talking to them (with 2 Charisma and Psychic Paper)
yields a Plot event before they wander away into the fog. But checking the Enemy rules (r005), if we know who the Enemy is, all Plot
events become Goal events, so these coppers clearly have an idea what the Krillitanes are doing here.
Back to the Krillitane entry in the Enemy Booklet where their Goals are listed we roll a 5 to get e262 - Breeding Ground. The Goal
number is 6, which means that I need a DM of 6 to Oppose. The Krillitanes are using London as a hidden base to expand their
numbers. We certainly don’t have the Qualities or Skills to get that DM bonus listed in e262, but we’ll keep this in mind…
In storytelling terms, this turn has seen Caroline and the Doctor trying to snoop around and find out more about the Krillitanes and
what they’re doing here. We’ve met the Police who knew about some clues. Perhaps a lonely warehouse has been bought up? We have
enough information for us to realise that the Krillitanes are going to start a breeding program here.…

Turn 4
We need to try and Defeat the Krillitanes, but at the moment we only have +3DM. We do have some clues to Investigate from last
Turn, but checking r006 we find that we’re no longer allowed that Action as we know their Goal.
So what can we do? We need to bump up our DM which means some Planning or some Research. Checking the tables, Research
seems to be more of a high-tech activity, so let’s try some Planning. We need to choose a Skill or Quality that we need to boost the
DM. Checking back with the Breeding Ground Goal (e262 in the Event Booklet), more Science would be useful, as would more
Brains. We get +1 to either roll (as the Doctor already has S cience and more than 8 Brains). We choose Science and roll 2D6+1 to get
a 10 so we gain another Science Skill (but only for the remainder of the Adventure).
Time to check for an encounter but a 6 indicates there isn’t one.
So in storytelling terms, in this Turn we probably found some kind of alien device that was a Krillitane oil converter - enough to give the
Doctor a clue about their science.

Turn 5
Another Action needed this turn. We’ll stick with Planning, but this time we’ll try for a Brains increase. We roll 2D6 but it’s an 8, with
+1 (for the Doctor’s Brains) a total of 9. Checking the Planning table, it’s good, but not good enough, although we can get +1 bonus
to the roll next Turn.
It’s time to roll for an encounter. Since it is Turn 5, an event occurs on a 6+ roll. We roll 2D6 to get a 2 so everything’s quiet again.
Perhaps the Doctor and Caroline have adjourned to a nearby hostelry to consider what they know?

Turn 6
We’ll try another Planning Action this Turn, this time with +2 to the roll. Rolling 2D6 for a 7
though, even with +2 that’s a total of 9 so we’re just short again!
Rolling for an encounter and we get an Enemy encounter! Once we know who the Enemy
is in an Adventure, we simply return to that Enemy in the Enemy Booklet. In this case of
course it’s the Krillitanes so we see v013! We have to roll 1D6 to see how many of the evil
bat-like aliens we encounter. We roll a 6! Following the instructions in the event we have
to roll again and get another 6 for an Elder! So we’ve met 6 Krillitanes and an Elder! The
next part of the Krillitane entry details encounter options.

A Fight would be suicide, but the Talk option might be worth a go, so we try to confuse them and escape. The Doctor has a Brains
score of 12, but has -3 to the total because of the Elder, so we need a 9 or less as we haven’t tried this option before. The result is a 6
and the Doctor and Caroline escape and gain a +1DM into the bargain! So the total DM is now +4.

Turn 7
It’s back to Planning again, although there’s a last part to the Krillitane event we might want to consider, if we can survive an
encounter with the Krillitanes, and know the Goal, then we can attempt to make a Science 9 roll as an Action to get our hands on
some Krillitane Oil, which gives bonuses to kill them or gain +2DM if we can Oppose…

Here the term ‘Oppose’ is mentioned. What this means is that if we gain a DM equal to the Goal number (checking back to e262
Breeding Ground and it’s 6) we can Oppose. Our DM is still only +4 at the moment though…

Still, we have +1 to Planning and 2 Science, so that Science 9 roll to get some Krillitane Oil looks very tempting... let’s try it!. We roll
2D6 but only get a lousy 3! Time to use a Luck point to change the die roll! Down to 5 Luck left now and reroll those dice to get a 5
so even with +3 to the roll we still get no result – drat!

Rolling for an encounter we get a 10 and roll on the Encounter Matrix to get another Enemy (Krillitane) encounter. We roll 1D6 for the
number and get a 5, roll for the Elder (with +1 for Turn number) and get a 4 so he’s still with them. Time for some fast talking again,
although this time we’ll need to roll 8 or less as the Krillitanes have learnt a bit since last time. Fortunately we roll a 4 and make a
quick getaway – and another +1DM to make the total now +5DM.

Turn 8
Things are moving on and we’re no nearer to defeating the Krillitanes. Let’s go try that Special Action to get that Krillitane Oil. Rolling
2D6 we get a 7 and adding +2 for our 2 Science it’s a 9, so it’s a success. Now we need to get Demolitions next turn…
Rolling for an encounter, we get an Event (1) so check the Adventure Booklet and roll 1D6 to get e002: Companion in Trouble.
Caroline could be in danger and after a roll of 4 on e002b, we find she's been captured by the Krillitanes!
Rolling 1D6 on the Surrender option of v013 to get a 5, we find we must see e061 but this will take place next Turn. It means the
group has become split. Each Character (the Doctor and Caroline) will now have an Action and roll for an encounter each Turn.
In terms of storytelling it’s clear that, bored with the Doctor’s continual planning and research into the Krillitane Oil, Caroline has taken
it into her own hands to go and see what she can discover - and got caught like a typical companion!

Turn 9
We could try to rescue Caroline, but time is against us. We need to get Demolitions to gain the Oil so another Planning Action is
needed. Sadly there are no bonuses this time as we’re trying to get a Skill we don’t have. Rolling 2D6 to get a 10 means we can roll
1D6+1 for the amount of Oil we get. The roll is a 2 so with +1 it equals 3 doses.
We now roll for an encounter for the Doctor and get more Krillitanes. Rolling 1D6+1 (since it’s Turn 9) we get a 1, so only 2 Krillitanes
this time. We roll again for an Elder but with a roll of 1, there isn’t one. This could give us a chance and we use the Talk option on the
Krillitane event (v013) to confuse the Krillitanes.
Since the Elder isn’t here we need to roll 10 or less on 2D6 (Brains of 12 minus the previous 2 attempts). We roll a 9 and opt for a
+1DM so the total DM is now +6. This equals the Goal number, so now we can Oppose. This means that more options are open
to us on Enemy events and we are now in a position to Defeat the Enemy.
Next we have to determine Caroline's fate in e061- Punishment. She doesn’t have any Thief Skills so it’s a straight 2D6 roll. She gets a
9 and manages to slip away when the Krillitanes aren’t looking. Since she managed to get out though, she has to roll for a normal
encounter, but only rolls a 4 so there is none.

Turn 10
We have some more choices now but we’re getting very close to the end of the Adventure and if we don’t manage to Defeat them in
3 Turns, the Krillitanes will have won. We need to find Caroline though, so we’ll choose a Move Action for both of us. This means
getting 8+ on 2D6, The Doctor rolls a 7 but Caroline manages a 9 so she rejoins him.

Time for an Encounter and we get an Event (2) and a roll on the Adventure to give e229: Night Terrors. It’s getting scary, but
fortunately Caroline and the Doctor are made of stern stuff (no Qualities of 3 or less) so it won’t affect them.

Turn 11
We’re going to have to try a Defeat Enemy Action. We don’t have enough doses of Krillitane Oil to be able to Defeat them straight
off, so we’re going to hope that it might come in handy in a Fight. Rolling on the Defeat Enemy Action we get a 5 added to our
+6DM resulting in 11 which is e111: Unknown Factor. Looking at this, it’s not going to be much help. Only result 3 would work for us
so we risk another Luck point (4 left now) and roll the 2D6 again to get another 6. Okay, so we’re going to have to roll on e111 and
we get a 5. We don’t have Brains 25 sadly.
Time to roll for an encounter and we get another Krillitane event. Rolling 1D6+1 for the number of Krillitanes we get 2 Krillitanes plus
an Elder. We can now Oppose though as our DM of +6 is equal to the Goal number. We choose the Talk option, so we need to make
a Brains roll reduced by 6 to Defeat them (-3 for the Elder and -3 for our previous Talk attempts). That’s 6 or less on 2D6. We roll a 7
so we fail and opt to use another Luck point (now only 3 remaining) to roll again.
This time we roll a 4 so we manage to Defeat the Krillitanes and win the Adventure! They
were obviously convinced by our powerful persuasive arguments – or the fact that we had
3 doses of Krillitane Oil up our sleeves!
It’s the end of the Adventure and we gain 8 Luck points as a reward (4 +the Goal number
of 6 – the DM of 2 for the Krillitanes) taking our new total to 11. And, of course, we have
our new Companion, Caroline Fairfax.

Time to head for the TARDIS!


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