About A Cyberpet

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A. Complete the conversation using the words or phrases provided.

About a Cyberpet

Company Director : Is that the signal for the billion-dollar wall street deal?
Company President : No. My cyberpet needs feeding.
Director : My goodness! Here we are discussing deals (…1…) billions of dollars, and all you can
think about is your cyberpet. It’s (…2…).
President : This was a wedding (…3…) from my daughter. And if I don’t feed my cyberpet, it will
die. My daughter would never forgive me.
Director : There’s (…4…) for everything. Cyberpet belongs in the nursery, not in a (…5…)!
Now, if our company (…6…) the Dream Machine Company, we’ll be one of the
biggest computer makers in Japan. We’re strong (…7…). While Dream Machine
(…8…) for its exports. I think ….
Cyberpet : Beep! Beep! Beep!
President : Excuse me, I (…9…) my cyberpet’s needs. I think he wants to go to toilet.
Director : How can I talk business with you when you’re thinking about your cyberpet?
President : If you must know. My daughter invented this new super cyberpet. It has many more
functions than the old model (…10…)
Director : Oh, er, I didn’t realize that. May I help the cyberpet go to the toilet?
President : No, he does not like you now. He thinks you have a bad attitude.

a. . Goes into production ----- b. company boardroom ----- c. so childish -----

d. in the domestic market ----- e. a time and a place ----- f. merges with -----
g. anniversary present ----- h. have to see to ----- i. involving -----
j. is well known internationally -----

B. An overseas friend of you is visiting Indonesia now. Recommend 3 places he must visit and
3 things he/she must not miss out. Convince him/her that he will do so.

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