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Sultan Island Floating Bridge

Mennat Allah Khalifa, Youmna Esmat, Amina Samy,

Aya Sayed

(14114, Grade 1, Semester 1, 2019/2020)

Keywords: puzzle .
One of Egypt's grand challenges is urban congestion and population and these
problems cause big problems. The problem is that people can't cross rivers or
canals easily. Our study is to help them to cross rivers and canals safely. It was
decided to build a floating bridge which takes the shape of cuboid and made of
wood by the way of puzzles. It was found that our prototype that takes the shape
of cuboid can carry 1850 grams and sink only 40mm. It was concluded that the
way of puzzles supports a high quality of holding out loads and the shape of
.cuboid helps the bridge to float well
In the 21th century: Egypt suffers from a lot of grand challenges. Some of these
challenges are urban congestion and population growth. These problems may
exist in some places on sides of rivers and in the other sides not. These grand
challenges can cause lack of jobs and places in schools so some people have
jobs or schools in the other side of river or canal. So our project is to help
people to cross from rivers and canals. This problem would be solved by
.building a floating bridge
Our current semester capstone challenge is to help people to cross rivers and
canals. In some cities, they take a long way to move from one city to another
away from the rivers such as Mansoura and Talkha. The government has a lot of
tries in solving this problem by building stable bridges or using ferries such as
in Suez Canal or boats such as in Minya. These attempts helped people to cross
.rivers or canals this problem but ferries cost lots of money and danger
:The design requirements for the floating bridge
The bridge must span between 50 and 75 cm of water without touching -1
.anything other than water
.Bridge ends cannot be attached .2
.The prototype bridge must be testable .3
We will measure and record the difference in vertical displacement (mm) as a -4
function of load (kg) which placed on the bridge. Load masses to be put on the
... center of the bridge should increment by 50 gm (50, 100, 150, 200, 250
You must record the mass on the bridge when the difference in the vertical .5
.displacement reached 40 mm
Calculate scaling factor. Calculate and record the scaling factor of your .6
.prototype to the real version of your bridge design
Minimize materials. You will count and record all of the materials you use .7
.for your final design
Our solution is to build a floating bridge which takes the shape of cuboid and
was built with the way of puzzles. The floating bridge would cost less money
than stable bridge, light and movable. The shape of cuboid would include a lot
of space inside it so the bridge would float well. The way of puzzles would
.carry the sticks together strongly

After selecting our design, we started building prototype following the steps
The factor scaling was calculated and decided that the length, width and height -
.of the bridge would be 75cm, 13cm and 6cm respectively
.The sticks were cut in the shape of puzzles-
The sticks were stick together using superglue and Amir with an addition of -
.powdered wood
After the shape of cuboid was completed, The bridge was coated with three -
.layers of water proof to prevent wood from water
Then, the wall of the bridge was constructed and this wall took the shape of -
.small triangles
.After that the bridge was painted -
.Then a test was done to know if the bridge is suitable
:The methods of test plan were
compare between the dimensions of the bridge in the prototype and the -
dimensions in the real life using the factor scaling. To test the factor scaling in
.the design requirement
measure the immersed part when add loads of (50, 100, 150, 200,…)gm to test -
.the ability or how many loads can the bridge carry
When the immersed part reaches to 40mm this load will be the ability of the -
.bridge. To test the ability of the bridge to float
Minimize materials : the amount of the materials will be recorded and they -
.must be as less as they can
:The results of prototype was
:The number of materials was counted and the results was -1

The dimensions of bridge was calculated according to the scaling factor and -2
was known that the length, width and height of the bridge in the real Would be
367.5m , 6.37m, 2.94m respectively and it will contain pedestrian and 2 lanes
.for cars every lane can carry one truck
The ability of the prototype to float was tested by putting the prototype in a -3
pool and 3 rulers were stick one in the center of mass and the others was put one
at left and one at right. Then a load of 3800gm was put on the bridge. It was
noticed that the bridge sank about 40mm. The wrong thing that was done in our
test plan that the sticks interacted with he air and had been curved so the
.measurement in the sides of the bridge has a ratio of error
The relation between the immersed part and the masses put is presented in the
:chart below

The results was that the bridge would carry 4550gm and sink 40mm. These
results can help in reducing urban congestion or population growth by
calculating scaling factor for the grams and show how many tons would the
bridge carry and which place is suitable for the ability of the bridge to carry
loads. For example, the bridge mustn’t be put in a place where the bridge can’t
carry the amount of people there or it mustn’t be put in a place where the
amount of people I very low so the bridge would be useless. Also, the bridge
would be built in an island in Minya which is called Sultan Island. If a bridge
was built between the city and the island this would encourage people to build
houses, schools and hospitals in the island so this would reduce the urban
.congestion in Minya and provide the amount of people in the island
In helping people to cross from rivers and canals, the scaling factor was
calculated in order to solve the problem in a small island which is called Sultan
in Minya. In this island, people use boats to transport between the city and the
island. Our results was that the length of the bridge is suitable for the length
between the city and the island which is 367.5m and the width is suitable for
.the amount of cars that travel through the river
:Design requirements was
Bridge must span between 50 to 75cm and the results was that our bridge -1
.spans 75
Bridge ends cannot be attached. The bridge ends may lay on the edge of a -2
test container (edges represent land), but may not be attached at the edges of
the test container so that the bridge can be moved from test container to test
container, and so that the load of the bridge is carried by floatation rather than
the ends of the bridge. The results showed that the bridge was not attached in
the end but the bridge couldn’t be in equilibrium so the bridge was hold by
.something to prevent it from filling with the masses
We must record the mass on the bridge when the difference in the vertical .4
displacement (Delta h) reached 40 mm. The bridge could carry 4550gm and
sink 40mm
Calculate and record the scaling factor of your prototype to the real version .5
of our bridge design. Our scaling factor was 1:49 (For every 49cm in the real
life there is 1cm in the prototype. So the length, width and height in the real
.life would be 367.5m, 6.37m, 2.94m respectively
Minimize materials: The materials was counted. It was tried to minimize .6
materials by following the way of puzzles which needs less amount of glue and
.sticks than the normal way of sticking sticks using glue
There is some scientific laws were used in constructing the
:Prototype. These laws was
density = volume The density is important in building the -1

prototype specifically or building floating bridge generally

because if the material has a density less than the density
.of water, the material would float
Archimedes law. Archimedes law says that buoyant force must be equal to -2
.the weight of the body or greater than it to make the body float
Buoyant farce = density*volume*weight so we have to measure volume,
.density and weight in order to predict if the bridge would float

After doing test plan and finding the results, It was concluded that the shape of
cuboid has much space and large volume which make the ability of the bridge
to float higher and the way of puzzles hold the sticks strongly. Also, It was
concluded that it’s essential to do the center of mass. It was also concluded
.that if you put the wet sticks in the air without waterproof it curves

If you are working on a floating bridge which is made of wood you must paint
the wood with waterproof before working because if the water touched the
.wood without waterproof, then the wet wood will interact with air and curves
You must put on mind center of mass because it’s so important in making the
.bridge in equilibrium
There is a material which is call Styrofoam. This material is light and more
.suitable than wood in building bridge with addition of fiber concrete

Literature cited
Egypt Population (LIVE). (n.d.). Retrieved from
How Pontoon Bridges Work. (n.d.). Retrieved from .
SR 520 Bridge Replacement and HOV Program - Floating bridge facts. (2018,
June 20). Retrieved from
Hess, W. G., Pang, J. B. K., Nelson, B., & Hess, G. (n.d.). Construction of the
World's Longest Floating Bridge. Retrieved from

At the end, we’d like to thank Mr: Ahmad AbdEl-Hafeez, Mr: Adel Masoud and
Mr: Waguih El-Masry

For further information

Please contact us at: , ,

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