Emd Project 1

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The subjectofthisprojectisthemodelingandanalysis ofcotterjoint. Cotterjoint isused

toconnect tworods subjected to axial tensile or compressive loads. Cotterjoint is
widely used to connect the piston rod and cross head ofthe steam engine, so as a
joint between the piston rod and thetailor pump rod, foundation bolt etc. Failure
of cotter jointmay causes accident, so it is necessary to design cotter joint
towithstand under tension without failure the effective design
ofmechanicaldeviceorassemblydemandthepredictiveknowledge of its behavior in
working condition. In this projectwe use theoreticalmethod for finding
dimensions of cotterjoint. After the design of cotter joint, The modeling of
cotterjoint is done by using 3D software. Here we will be usingCATIA V5R19 for
modeling. After modeling on CATIA,

Keywords—Cotter joint, Design, Modeling, Analysi ,CATIAV5R20,ANSYSR15.

The Failure of cotter joint may causes accident so it isnecessary to design cotter
joint to withstand under tensionwithout failure. The effective design of
mechanical deviceorassemblydemandthepredictiveknowledgeofitsbehavior in
working condition. It became necessary for thedesigner to know the forces and
stress developed during itsoperation.In this
projectweusetheoreticalmethodforfinding dimensions of cotter joint. After the
design of cotterjoint, the modeling of cotter joint is done by using
5R19,Wewillanalyzecotterjointonsoftwarenamedas “ANSYSV15”.

A cotter is a flat wedge shaped piece of rectangularcross-section and its width is

tapered (Either on one side orboth sides) from one end to another for an easy
adjustment.The taper varies from 1 in 48 to 1 in 24 and it may beincreased up to 1
in 8, If a locking device is provided. Thelocking devicemay be a taper pin or a set
screw used onthe lower end of the cotter. The cotter is usually made ofmild steel
or wrought iron. A cotter joint is a temporaryfastening and is used to connect
rigidly two co-axial rods orbars which are subjected to axial tensile or
compressiveforces. It is usually used in connecting a piston rod to thecross- head
of a reciprocating steam engine, A


ineofengineering. They have completed Modeling and analysisby using advanced
modeling software system CATIA andANSYS respectively. The knuckle joint is a
type of jointwhich is used in steering system in betweensteering rodand steering
gear. In this joint is employed here in order
togetthemaximumproductivityandmanufacturingtechnology must not be stiff.
FMS (Flexible ManufacturingSystem) is used in order to gain the advantage over
simplemanufacturingofknucklejoint.Finaldimensionfromtheoretical calculation of
knuckle joint. Model of knucklejoint is made in CATIA V5 and that model is taken
toANSYS and stimulated with various material and check forbest material which
suit for given design load. From resultTeflon is best material for design and it
close to stress gotfrom stainless steel and cast iron with less manufacturingcost.

SaxenaN,RajvaidyaR,“Studyandanalysisofknuckle joint with the replacement of

material by usingTeflon”, journal of engineering research & application,
Theobjective of this paper is to study the various stresses andstrain by replacing
of material by using Teflon. In manyindustries use knuckle joint which is
combination of twomaterialscastironisstainlesssteel.Inthispaperthereplacement
of cast iron into composite polymer
material,Polymeristhemostsimilartopropertyofmetal.Composite polymers are
characterized by a high flexibilitymaterial they conclusion that the result
appropriate equal orcloser theoreticalandANYSYS-13. [3]

Ravindra S. Dharpure, Prof D. M. Mate, “Study

andAnalysisofPinofKnuckleJointInTrain”,Themainmotive of this paper is to
improve the performance of theknuckle pin in the couplings of the railway
determinedforfailure of knuckle pin in the coupling. The aim of this chapter is
toconceptually define remedy for the failure problem of
theknucklecoupling.Asperthecompany’spresentrequirement the cotter joint
should be efficiently used toreduce the cost of production, improve the quality of
theproduct,IncreasetheproductionrateandIncreasetheservicelife ofthe cotter
 The main objective of the study is to check whetherthe cotter joint is
withstanding the load applied during theworkingconditionor not.

 Sothemethodologyofthestudyincludes

 CADModelofcotterjointusingCATIAV5R20.

 Designofcotterjoint.

 CADModelofcotterjointassembly.

 Meshingofcotterjointusing ANSYSR15.

 Elementalanalysisatvariousloads.

 ResultandConclusion.

Fig.2:Socketand spigotcotterjoint



P=Load carriedbytherods,

D=Diameter oftherods,



d3= Outsidediameterofspigotcollar,

t1= Thickness of spigot collar,d4 = Diameter of socket collar,c= Thickness of socket

collar,b=Mean widthofcotter,



a=Distancefromtheendoftheslotto theend
τ=Permissibleshearstressforthecotter material,

σc=Permissiblecrushingstressforthecotter material.

Therodsaresubjectedtotensileforceandstrength is the criterion for the selection of

the rodmaterial. The cotter is subjected to direct shear
stressandbendingstresses.Thereforestrengthisalsothecriterion of material
selection for the cotter. On thebasis of strength, the material of the two rods and
thecotter is selected as plain carbon steel of Grade 30C8(Syt=400N/mm2)

To account for these factors,ahigher factor of safety

is used in the present design. The factor of safety for therods, spigot end and
socket end is assumed as 6, while
forthecotter,Itistakenas4therearetworeasonsforassuminga lower factor
ofsafetyforthe cotter.

Thecostofthecotterissmallcomparedwithsocketend or spigotend.


The permissible stresses for rods, spigot end andsocketendare asfollows-







Permissiblestresses forthecotter




Dimensions of rodd=32 mmThickness of cottert=10 mm

Diameter of spigotd2=40 mm


Diameter of spigot and socket collard3=48 mm and d4= 80 mma=c=24mm

Width of cotterb=50mm

Thickness of spigot collart1=15mm

Taperofcotter is1in32[7]


3D Modeling is used in a variety of applications to makerepresentations of
physical objects on the computer. 3Dmodeling is a subset of Computer Aided
Design (CAD), Inwhichyouuseacomputertoassistinthedesignprocessforany typeof
designwork.Itisusedin avariety ofapplications, Mostly when it comes to designing
parts onthe computer to assist in the making or visualization ofthose parts. The
computer model is used to
mputerAidedThreeDimensionalInteractive Application) is a multi-platform
software suitedevelopedbytheFrenchcompanyDassaultSystems.CATIA enables the
creation of 3D parts, from 2D
sketches,sheetmetal,composites,andmolded,Forgedortoolingparts up to the
definition of mechanical assemblies. Thesoftware provides
advancedtechnologiesformechanicalsurfacing. It provides tools to complete
providesawide range of applicationsfor tooling design, for both generic tooling

Fig3:Assembly of cotter joint


Thefiniteelementmethod(FEM)isanumericaltechnique for finding approximate
solutions to boundaryvalue problems for partial differential equations. It is
alsoreferred to as finite element analysis (FEA). It subdivides alarge problem into
smaller, simpler parts that are
calledfiniteelements.Thesimpleequationsthatmodelthesefinite elements are then
assembled into a larger system ofequations that models the entire problem. FEM
then usesvariationmethodsfromthecalculusofvariationstoapproximate a solution
by minimizing an associated errorfunction. [1]

containedgeneralpurposefinitecomponentprogramdevelopedandmaintained by
Gloria May JosephineSvensson
culatedandeveryoneformainpurpose of achieving a solution to an engineering
drawbackby Finitecomponentmethodology.ANSYSprovidesanentire resolution to
design issues. It consists of
onandautomotivevehiclemeshing, which provides engineers full management
overtheir analysis.


Inthispaperthecotterjointisanalyzedagainstthetensileforcewhich isappliedduring

According to the solved problem we can applythe force P = 50 KN on one of its

end and other end isfixed. The material selected for cotter joint
isplaincarbonsteelofGrade30C8whichishaving(Syt=400N/mm2), so that cotter
jointwill fail above(Syt=400N/mm2).


appliedis50KN.ByconsideringFactorofSafetyweanalyzed the component at various

load conditions i.e. at40KN, 50KN and60KN.


Astaticanalysiscalculatestheeffectsofsteadyloading conditions on
astructure,whileignoring inertiaand damping effects, such as those caused by
time-varyingloads. A static analysis can, however, include steady inertialoads
(such as gravity and rotational velocity), and time-varying loads that can be
approximated as static equivalentloads.The figure shows the deformation and


 Structuralanalysisat40 KN

Fig 6: Equivalent (von-mises) stress at 40kN load

Fig 7: Total deformation at 40KN load

Structural analysis at 50 KN

Fig 8: Equivalent (von-mises) stress at 50kN load

Fig 9: Total deformation at 50KN load

Structural analysis at 60 KN

Fig 10: Equivalent (von-mises) stress at 60kN load

Fig 11: Total deformation at 60KN load

Load Max. Von-Mises Remark
(KN) Deformation (mm) Stress (MPA)
40 0.02998 77.98 SAFE

50 0.03731 97.47 SAFE

60 0.04477 117 SAFE

The maximum permissible value of stress of structural steel is 400 MPA. From this
it is clear that the design of cotter joint is safe for 50kN as there is minimum
acceptable deflection. The stressisalsolessthanthepermissible stress of the
material. Hence design of cotter joint Assemblyissafe.
Cotterjointiswidelyusedinapplicationinautomobiles and other field. So it should be
strong enoughso if it can’t sustain that amount of load, otherwise there
ispossibility of accidents. So we designed the cotter joint.Then by CATIA V5R20 we
had done the modeling withgives correct design then design we are going to
check byANSYS R15 to find stress in the cotter so we got perfectdesignofcotter

Based on the analysis results, following conclusionpointsare summarized,

The maximum permissible value of stress of 30C8steelis400MPA.

From the results achieved at loads 40kN,

50kNand60kNithasgivenlowerstressvaluesanddeformation for the 30C8 steel.


on”, Journal of engineering research & application, Vol.5, Issue3,Pageno.67-71

Xianguang KONG, Yuanying QIU [2012] , “Research andimplementation of CATIA

tool integration technology basedonCAA."

Devduttdwivedi,V.K.Jain[2016],“Design and analysisof





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