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Space - Of course, it’s important what designers add to their web and graphic
design, but what they don’t add is equally important. Simply put, space is the vacant
area surrounding a shape. It helps to highlight the focal point of a design, simplify its
readability, and make it pretty for the eye, without going overboard.

Two Types of Space

- Negative Space – refers to the background, white space or the empty space.
- Positive Space – refers to the object or the shapes or forms of the design.
- Contrast Space – a combination of White and object.

Identify the following space. Whether it is negative or positive space.


2. Imagery – the concept of the design. The capture pictures or the main theme of the

Here in these samples, identify what is the purpose of making and layout
these designs?
3. Size and Scale - Size refers to the actual dimensions of a particular element, while the
scale is its relation to the original value, and proportion refers to the relation of all
present elements to both size and scale.

Scale and proportion are used to indicate the exact size of an object or to emphasize the
difference in size of two objects found on a particular visual presentation.


4. Value - It’s the lightness or darkness of a color. Lighter colors have a higher value
than darker ones since they are closer to white. In design, it’s used to create emphasis.

Shape vs form vs value

Shape Form Value

Circle Sphere Realistic Ball

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