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MLLO essai : Sof 18 Feb 202%


2. GRAPHS Ccapter 4)
Rral numbe
numbers: ZB Artematively , for own sett, we Can simply wae
— Reel rupnber
tnegags ine aes | fe | andinms
+ exist (B00 yait allud 0 afrme)/ 4. 5. | med aml 24 PBF
+rynd former th both direchow Gm 0 en ory x EBS
+ ovo diredion is pos ihe tne offur nego tire,

SpE ne ct STS perfecto

Vl *
SerS? a collection of evwwwuts . Union, intersechon oe. difference»
witt aCcA ee 8 ine,
’ ai
* fee ts are paruool Y they howe the Sae
Lxact same “tha
ee AN enec
B=tonofxl |x0 Eho
nd 2 EBF
Te Widertne af SHB from sett we -
DeGdi8t Go fs, 4,03 ad Fe fly arfagf AYB = fa| LEA omel na £ OF
apeb because there's he uriagt of ovdeving ih sof
ix(ster fstD 2 dtr | fx " a a) (er
ie ie any w Alltec footers AB ($e) xX)

Bywe § ody that A iy sila of B® 4 union inter sechion AiFRren le

le: a | Prachco quasi

D= {4,2, 3 E> {4,25 F: 14,aA,3$ | D= $4,2,97 earl E= p4 2 4

wPCE 2€p 8 8¢e No. D¢E | OnE. * hae

® DCF eb oer Ye23. OCF. | BXEe 232
| EH 3€F | Ds +4
woe 2ER
ER36D th OO 1
Gaumple: idunhly ¢
a nes
, dak oobiol ti
Special Subsets op RB we done nde saad (AUBICA not always Mur. suelo
caahy all eosdeon EPs (ANB)A ahways tue
- Nouwel numbers, N P
~ Integy Z : Poin Oe negate hehe mevbews & 0 (A\8)C A cilanaens “ale
eB -2 pA 0, Ady Bee., “ Cc mab Arce
- Rastonal timers Sta fat qviwrt pag art (6\4) n muevine, B2A 9 B\A= weA
initgrws 4 Gg tO ‘
214 ah “yy 0.986 = 286 | Swety set: Pet § Dea
- Trretimeahl antos, R\Q - real metas Whi at artery: a omkiunws section of RB.
not ential j anwst
be Write af frachions ——— cot fuxsaar
ink e, 7 tally _ inven no tapson Kina
. re Ww avn 7 | ton ovV

- Ne neal wews RB Wi ave vo | f ER | atx¢bf b

~ Wyptive ings Zo PUL rumbMS Lab J = * _—-
Sets : Jn, sells Ws how to
|| (a, b | t
LER adxdbe f ? b
4 | umdition ¢ me 5 ELECt froma sek
Smkiysd suth that (4) b) i veR| ag xX bf en

Interval May eyed te infinity


| Functions. A dancthon amnouiaser vite

Set nstakon pide no | Llemot A A beat, on. clunare ofB
(agro? 7xe€R| a <x§ Cawt 46

pees to be
face)’ PxERla Sxé --_ ee

Coo,b) fxteR| x<b? te

6 [meena allud the kemnain od tha farhion
_ get B% aed Ne Sedaris 1
(+0, 6) 1 x€R} x <b?
damein IR
(RK ? * yee pean prections iv Mabel have le
(-c0 , 00 ) ‘..
Funchia, nrotatiow :
. | 4
: : _Te Bi t dere
Gala rioe, a furthon
demcwtbe ae _— Evi
( 0) ) 00 ) Rr . 01

RO ee
(-00,0) Norahon:
O —

© Antena of type C Ply | hdeed

~ Tnitrvalr of type ( ) owe Open . £: dom$ 4 wdom F wth rte ——
Praghle quan : |

Mess Siva bam gs £2,327@ RB with mie

4(n)= &vw -Qx -4
oo evaluate: Gecamae
4(-aye A é (a) a(-2)-4 244 bdet
-2 € son dye, Pain,
aie dom jwe hove:
taxge4e A-a-la-2d
(-3, 1 (2,6)
| $(4) U3)
- C2,4) > a:
3 ¢oomd, we cart evolu
Fe 6. same
C34 Ula6) / |
= (3,6) 3 = ah iedades
SF 4, = Se ts yal SIAR
“< —/

C414) U [2,6]
. = .
= (-3,6] |
ed He. patti
(3,4) A C46] Gs
LZ 4 Usa ‘cigh ol dom f= A .
= (2,4)
+ The range of fis the sot of oll clonsets
Relators: of A.
wduicl are amoviant.d Yam Clana
A rrtorivn e0cialeo with Gen elumnct ofA ei? ram= TY EB | Fam xEA with fey?
at let ore Clomentol B.
4. E23) 2K with le A(x)n* ax-4
tlnintoy 6
‘ natdls te b&w
asyoriakAwan eax “4.
4 (ade
an Chunt oF Ho comp he ne
0 2n+4-4-4
2 (ent ea
ier zu.

SokA is Glled te domain 4 spnigslaiaae wren x21 F {ix )= mat, W

Se B is G@lled te Co~ donrwnin oh the relation , anaes! 5(2%

9) a up
ran f = (-a, tJ
volue aby 9 (4,-2)

l 10
"274 23
| Sun 26 &b 20a
ML LO Gue oles Chapter. set n es 2

doesy't mn, be an el eee |

3 marty melee ener ese " tk inportant fo he Lear dfoout-
~AS&k is a Collection of eluments j not pt be |
LIWVLUWS Hhowrrtle, .
Ex: Ig A= pag ? The answer is no.
The omy eluent prAg &§ A,8 tho ody
way thot A= AF ® UA CA hich x i eu
Pall lumens af g set A ave elements of
awothor cot By ne
wittw ACB or AcB
Awa subs
oftB, dermatn werols te be’ vel ?*
+ sme people will ntemret Ac ® t mean Matty, 4,4 adware will abratt
— IN
Ais a sultth of B but A is net pgaad to
+ Ac 6 means A C8
or A-B atnniys be tre realh.
~Ex: lt A= Fleon Hog :
14,9,3, 9h and (ot B=
74, f25,8,4f
+ A+B beaue 2472 Lawl: C0,00) (0,00) where
+ {epee 1 Lx = the Largut tater lot than ory Dy
+ eS epef 2¢B = fafep “Note the ofof the
the Lod
* LEf sEA s {BCA Wot the r funthis
Us vo ct
ON (5342, mrvd ir 5, ofttn sufruendt to ;
Kuantiqure Spf aLedew #Hatis Varec than it
Ex (Stental ntity need» to be.
~ aA: the exists > Hrwe is BASIC. GRAPIS 7
~ Ex: FUEN (X= dy) 7 ture anewink,
ruunaor 4 So Hat 2a dy
4 Dom=
. ee ® =
> WH set Px: XEN avd a YEN Ray) £ Y= ae io we, wy
& the cee Of AL even natural rurnbore a
Universal quardtfiom Kavalcoka te pom= R
- We for muy , for ald Ys rae - (0,00)
~Ex: YEN (us 3x) for every nachna tl *
huwnher 1 Y is les tram or equ tp 3h) Cui t fing Nh
The set Vy: yeNond VRONC (ax) § <_<; | a ae
lb the Set of hatred numlooys Wt axelm — Y=x os
Haan of Cqual to 3x, por every, nana

ty: yaad Brcen (yom) f =f

rune VaLuL af 2) Hod UA: |

espe i tho set of vDues Hat coubl

389 Rvith ewe Pa
7 Rossy Lone
li oUt. tos that actually) p(x) = Va
7& Function
gut nt. b SUbset of codomnaiyy! iS a func |
iS Not a “uncon

| Pubhat we (hort fy tho Codavnath can oft whether sh © Q £inction Or not, .

oom: (0,00)
MALO gat AP Fes £023
Imelied domain; iwportont feat:
When a function
vo pPbscribed prercvilred only ' ~ Ates lobelted x,
a mila, te doyvain 4 lds x ao Bored | — vi puch, Ages plotter! (rwne)
possibte. thotia Ale der win the wet of abl, — axis interop
read nutes which produce a real& faite rewlt, -~ wd point of demain /swholownnuir
bWlrn thro ine w op phe: ol. obs, features: + horizuvtal = verter! asympbe
KOMP les, + ential pants, induc>
M49, #

ail | 2 o7 xq Ca) =i"

"i ai ‘ . x-A
Piecewise Panctins A \ oe = 4 +
“piecersige functions speipy differet ato im ai &
Mibborick ale of the domain. Ge ‘F*?P4A, yr>a
<6 4208/3) 28 wth ral
Tay=p ©
ee Sy
g4 |
BG A ec my


| | 0
iat o


re yo
09 nifucl

ve x | X= J O 2 Pov “lavte mapnihadl,

ade ap this is oRuncton.

bral (eis, ent |
xc!) yo
x=O; £00)=0
{ (-3) rot dufiacd lc ded dent
3 is pal inch
40) 2 Ae aKed as bade | Moe
Let FE om rs

| Lot + duncte a relatin od

CAL vera
g(aedk :

Grogs | .
ax parciom i f eon only
=k mndeseds wae graph of r ce.
— grag& m visuall ngrtamattin ey afar
> : . rol
gxangle: ez ys WR or ~VE
Peek 2 0-9
5 R39
vith whe |
A (x) < Pia xo4 :
wm x>4

Car at ye f(x)
f Ww
t iv.
7 (3,2 oF Peat

we —~ io. —
a (oh 4) 2 >.

“2. (4-2) prrawrge fruchivrs,

— Query thumint of the dawain rst he ajyorrate,
welt. some Uy Mae todem |
yrintrapt: x20, $(@)=-4 = CAL, gmat of dre dimain din My
X- inept > Y= 0, eer pe Mreoctaked With a Sangh. piomtt i, he od
x-A = AVE

WR camer domf=2,3),
m2— VANE
MILA poset =p YNOMIALS (page-t) Mow 20 Reb 2028
eae (2) - at:“lag Erm}: Find tie pauation o4 MY Dios pari
= in nr Avenyy the point (4,2) aol porala the Tans
X, xg 2 +. +L +g, -G, aed Meee t5 :
a sii solution: We mt FO
= aA vay

“wba hahinal ae owe | Beamre tt Is payalle\ te fe line Y= dn,


~ Ay Apy -- ve yo Yficilrd s , ral mburs | y= orto

bx Et? | Sine the Mie gasses thro (3,2)

19 3 +A Sa P a= ae
sh is wat
oP be aoe
AK 6 not a P MGuadyake fancromss 7 Shape
v4 VU is nt a P Jxz t(x) = ALst bete (AY ys
ho ° xX Is Qa p ~The qrogh os a pound ah? toy 05
TL “XxX te ; | aye

a: h-
. !(
4x) 2 A+ he +, +a,t*
A | awinn, POE -b
Uinta flx)-mr+c
“Tre qagh of a Linear un dtioy p a nigh

finn. —The y- coordinate of the tury

err A

m]0 m=O mM <O Exenple'ts speth ta qimpho} the ficitie
\ Y= 2421-6

4 + y-interceft ta=0, Ya-e

x - + K- intenept * Uty=0
TEs = O
0K © &l¥0" (x43 (ud) = 0
tan@= M =-2 xt3=0 oF 2x20
/ | XAX2 X2-2 Cr X=Z

Ww |
posite clinechio of * ans

Two fine are parallh 4 Mm, = my

Yom > 4 tC,

yzrx / he ax-A

Wo hr 4 = mmyetCy ond y= ny +, ave

PY perolintar4 myMy= -A y= 2rd
Ee= guy
MAUS pagez Mon 20 feb 2028
Each quhodic polynowsial can be Whon X=G,UtS= Vaxgtds =5, aUS= b-l= 5-0
wuttth m:
The Gils enason how mo, ore sotion XG ,
+ tating point form :
Ae 3:
+ Jachoy ised form : produkt of fadtovs, weno} Met -A=> Xx
Can be factoristd fe Gent oy

Exot 5 ‘ - ne Eat ey bz be 4ac 20 -Vati = etd

aul (~ U+3 » (octa)*
weer sr~~

x43 = tenet
> hurry gat form N
Cv oe the spareyay 4 > Mary Co
A) ) eMHe-0 ¢ 2 4G44 ¥* , 1 7 +IX44
iO, ~X
eg= 8 2D
= iy arxxttltk re-xt2xe-2=0
ve & a * x (x-4) +201) = O
= x4 ati tk (x) (x+2) = 0
x-420 of B+2=0
=) & +o?
a ax | ¢ = >k Ss “6 wd ~ “2S OS x=4A of x=-2
, oh ii re ry
Check wah, WS = - aed d= -$, RHSa4 pu
Chel 2H Ss -V-243 —4= 9, phS= -2= UNS
b) gx*+ rY= 2(x44)4 74 |
| .. The glk contin har oly mes clita rez

= 2 (a? axx xt + 2 ) tk
= 2x4 x+otk
$+e=-4 = b= -u4.33 - + e_
| \"Fewad yn
fates |
¥ |
Un 4xr-4 = D(a)? 33
(bic pynamicl -
3 narn eh
| | ake Theatr : oT Avis ox polg
o cnet |
Extinglt ay xrtApntu ur real her a

A} fauorigen gorm x0 for Yo

Factor ise A yayerd petty ee (
)i as factor
of eo)
¢ Ca~a
Y Ox ony
ay 2r-Any £24 = (4)(2- P (o)= 2440
A- Ande 24 =d0 +0
*) The Rqua hd 22% 7-426 hor seluchio P=
ae PaVu e _ -AtVR (a )= §- Yiap
+s4 =o.
2a, 4

Thuy ( 2)is & facofto

Therefore we Lan farchrite 22421 09: f
—Pirol oder Garters : Lory division
SE AXV= 2 (pA yy, -IS ony inttgow sobubdyy
. 0 Ya rd Wn vi ane wee AD

og of M2 J xin aurtazy
~ (x3- 9x2)
Ste V 2xt8 =x at Auxt2y
both Sides ) hen Sone
meg Qc of % (wary thre ovig inal Vee
all Voluer
i BEN,

: inane
/ oO
“A 4 seed = (x-4) .
RY - 2X44 ~1%-AS= O P(%) = (xa) (x4x-/2) ane hug,
x2 Yx-ARZ =O
(2x#2)(x-6) =O Paton se Ate
yd AD) Vf _~A- EY hala

= dd> 3
Re 2) WSe Vacate = 3, +RHSUS
or 3e=
- ~*~
w4y-Aes A(x- au (x oxa
A7-kX -AUR FLY = CO ba
4 row O
Ath or x=3 OY Z=-M
F a 1
=) Factor theovem & Livy Bivisior Con be wral Z
Sete pelpemick ants 43.3
4actule rues 4. 4
4 6 &. 4 4
5 4 5
We boy divin’ divide atega’ Aby asf 4 5 Ao AO
4 a
4 6 % 0 &G

ated Tee (x-22)? le(gF+A0 x" a)’

= AXX Sx(aye Sea + loxxe*
~ bet. x)

Lyte A 4 5yN(ayt + 42°C)?

(114%) ~ 80% ~32
75-Aoy t+ 4000? $02" +MomrtRpu 23
Ur tHawed MALL
~(x2-A) POLYNOMIALS (emé)
AW (ray
Hn {tnd = balay oar erat L+mckNGayer Axl) |
wh = ~ 9x74 4X rae
solution ,
Adele the pascal Piongl th your
Rats ) ;
= A(x} 3 Orla +A0 (ax)% “toet) BS ae
(atb)"= "Ca" L°+"C,,4 any.+ — ax +a4ont +72077+ A080 S40n tay 3
are alla
Cn choose r ) devin
linn mial ceeffiients a p n e atk
+ altb?= (atb)(a-abtb J pn
ar b~ = a-v (atb
“% Ls

“n lane nM
ry (

r'!(n-r)| + g3-b>= (at) Gtunb

&i ) bp °C. _ aa = Ex:ay m9 =(m*)= 9° (m* We )
Cr* Fie)! ae= Porites 749)
Ex: 5 b) Yr oN= = Op large)
(42442) oy
= ity pafaa?s Hye +3¢,( ootahoc)
ae. + 3x90 a aadexd 8
ext Boe Ss Sa +4
9997 + 54xe “+3600 +8

3e-SY > Bre


Cc 2)? i & ~2X% 9 5,

9 = Be
x ,attys G(s Byes (2
h dae —+— a
= X22: Kradahi pualnies
= Petar
x? _ 6 +42 - r (HAS xo
. ~

. er) (x2M A 120

wd %S~5 o¢ WAL
M4LD Mon 2 fb oz
Solig the. intawality x7n?-AUm ta< O Exonmgle: She Aw 5 |
Sotufion: Method 1:

© factone he. polyno AAS. AAW Wot nok Ret XABFO, Thus L4-3
9% 1 dy + OY =(m-a) (3) +4) = — New sivplify tha LHS of He
© Now solve A(x -5) (a4) 60 vakiry SE - o£ O bwye
WY siqvy Maqvardy Cif u don't Enow'tto h phe Ben dixgeourry
4-24 -5e-I5 Cg ,
(2a or 3)le+4) = of. _ A> Ms x+Z,

J “4 2 > nN,
dest 2=-9 | y x= 4
Heat We) a= _ A+ U a 5 iG(x42) 5 >O
406t T=0T= Htys95 Ax-A x Gut3)*£ O Vol xa- 3.
LOC) (H- Ut) Mt %
2 €x-A4) (x#8) £ O
From the Sign ingrown ,
ME (-00) -Lt) U C2) 3) 8/24 Wh x € Cog lub4
Solve he inequality n>40 <2. Y = (-Ax-au (x43)
® Recurvnse Me equa 4s, abe ALO
be acpovite. eon
— Fee 13412250, IEA 6 MUO ofthe —~ Where XT F OD 93 pense
ph now on He LHS A- a <5 (ems
= ling io Pept te 2 (Aeaayos?- Sten) O £0? manie el
fs Haw bby
| 7+ vQ, Val -2U- Sx AS) £
“(2 -2.7) =) tx 4a) -20-14) $0 |
a4 baa, com Y--. Some 4S wetrod 1...

(anh &) C |
an-u Abesaktet?
ih’ 5:2: Zh O PAS,
2 MAW = Ces axed) bd = ton “

Q Now sort GA) (174944 2) 9 — in duitinela / ty ise the Aiton jen 20 ©

(nA) (42x42) ~ + gn the no. Ent-
7 - ag’
= L A ped +} ipa a) ¢=-a of A=Q
test KE 0 CH) + lal= 4 wong & KA
(4) + lal<a y jel
ore So
wa or “2A
x <4 + (xl > %
=) xE (-0,/) a
aw [ea (t-al<ia iweb liabsetti
-l<axt] 4 Dnagia vatnns
=>) awed or SwW-YH Hd @ sole [A-x) = (axtAl aust.
=) Bw-6 er 8widk A~% F234 or A-m= -2u-A
or ne=~2,
=) We 2 or weg
. =) 1-0
i .
by [4-91= [a4 al = [Bl @ Now sboth bole, graphs y= |4-%
or A-Sx2-23) AB or A=-B ‘) owslys= lax]
> (Sr=2t$
= -6y-2 or -—4x=-H
=) x2 or moh

Jamu: Seve [yw ~ 4] 72

=) w-422 of w-4 O-Z2 _
3) wre or WED
we (-0, 2] U C6, co )

4a) = x. x2O _
~~ w<O TS GO Rotimal 2x pred
AACN 20) lune 4o y are bot

lane L: Ff glx)>o ye ottin

£0) <490P ebtanw
Orel: Tf g(r)to
4) > AYOD
Meth] 2: we rus hg bot
Glan of tte requabitveg r 84F(in
E |
l) ©
pine Od) * is no
As drew of te intaual by sigrsbot
HE) rot Aaryl
aex) C49
~) db x (i) € 44h ) te“
4 (%) ( (nr)
=) fly) gl) C4 GY,
Renrtnder ge (ree souNorry
MA CouKee oles chap2- Mn at Feb 20a4
_qn onden +o avoyal faringtr way Cored fd Raw x» ae | fez) We bare
(ta) LL ne +
Leyms ve (ah male Wik Of:
Forany 2ER (xd = Vy = gtagnrtye (ctraytax”

Ex: lax-5\=3 = Ow +4- (vzx)”

(a = 3 = Mae BAF OHA)
(ans =9
gg 5-3) (04-945) = O The nature of de ois of te
(ax-8) (ax-2)=0 US cri munant A= b* Yac

ye hoy “et AO real rote

= dw chushact
Lot xd swe have LHSs [QA] =b5l= FMS pn So 2) mo real reovert —"
| oA xi Y WR har US = [ax4-5]= lal = 5= , ASO =>) po real
a’ .
So the solutions arene4 or =f.
eo balm, 29 AS Hoocne (Hormer
Pro pevies of ho Alosebudt « po ov (NNhan pears isn be .

Pora} afb real rare and ey NO fihant— 4b ~34 lee mn

_j| = the
al edie
disdane & :
se” | 40D Her Bn -0 -2 0 ~« : ef Ww

b) lab] = lal] Kzedh 4 —3 -9 O Zs

_ 2 _ | ee
c) | 4]
= lal
tbl =) (2-2) (A= 3x-D)
ol by\* = ~~ |

Further deswrt ev Cron ssamrablt)

adnnys fret a bral wbach saarffes
$(bJ=0 , etn Y yuk, b 2K |

— sprehnen We arn faltovse potgnorns

by malin We of Han reste shat. |
(mtn)= mrt amn tr |

Ex: factonse wt rre7"l - |

wet {= EIN, We tarnst firs!
ong real prber5 Why sont pres
$ly)= 7° we. Canugt lg tHe factor Truoren. |
Ls roth wry a5 at Iron Dikng
“YP “TY!
eoarsyr7? °V" Gam Sunn be shy
Fazarpps re oe y prt 1? Oy)
E POR YET KO S wm "A IMHTHP byqew!
Sayorbrr res # Arvo _royye bow (ZH) _
| Suton
M4 Course Notes Cand Sun 5S Mar2023


opposite ee
nn | opposite =nin = Diypoth mune - @ = in
Coxe whenever sin #0
a CSE = akan 8 ena | , INQ - diner 4

fai b= “Ppeet - q
| “W ih
adjaav t aTha
Cos Cok as BSHs nhonvevtr $1 00 t FO.
— Angles: | | # of
@ - = woe cat & dan 0 ore
+ ckwi'se = positive | |
+ one en | po bot de nad, 12. 506#0 ox eas6#C
— DARIO 4 quarts <yemeaaeg: }
| 2 gind
2nd gudvant st quaint ae te

~ | > Ww | y= S420

33 aq

Ex: We howe a ee = 120° y= nx, for Atay

= A°= iL. vaotians
eb | this. qr repeats

4) 45°= 45i voolians = 7 psa (df forerverg 277,

ee ; | aan = nx has pened 2
Ps W O 4 SE CW
Exo: wehme tt moans = APO
4) 3 yeliong= Fe 80 ©= y70.
b) 4 yashitw yt = WS”

© 4¢ indos&) Ato”
sing D0 DO lagen
os B,tanO<o| “9 4 Oe

five Peo a |
S18, SOKO] Sind ,on6 CO
sin +6) = -A0p isara
aos (n+p) = -e5SP uadvort
tan (rt b)= Aan fb
vin Cran @) - = -sin fe

L / = an (ae. Jaton !
1 P4=vany |
| When dealeng nity gro) arel gp eth
ystann 6 ZHu, Quadrantit Mmard oterm be 1

vanen ed O= TP tHh, erp!

ust fon egg (hore Pu a pak ee anya,
+ 2hd a awish Mo Ge

| + 0 guadinet onthe: w+ B
t ath quadrant aye: QI
| — Calne Heratie beret just m3
—~ decile phethy- abe firaQargwer
WD poet a ar heqadhe boyeol Om tha
ee dive sit ballcs
lot (pr AD
MACOuuce notes Chapter? Sun 5 Mar £023

Pr 4) teont)
Ginee bis vegoctinre, rife
C08 IYe
Ex: rene x € L0,ar]
= = for gG-t+L and 6= on-&

Ur = Sn
The basic angle is ‘a

E 2
values lig be>ween ~- rand 3
Sines We Wart cos L tobe positwe,we
Both of ghese

quadants * Add arn:

cho ose 26 ww the Fist ame fou rth
T T- or
eo -5 OF an-s
hase hwo» velo ave in
i rye
t Gccle: * Subba 21r-
Tt might be useful to use tre Uni “ar dn=" er and g ~2T=~ 3
ts ahase +wo velued wh in the intemal
* orbbad 2 aqath:
ag -2h= yg and =Jan =

Tere) values are w nals heval .

* Subbact Im age
~ mre li An gg tan _~8ir
can sketdh th e oraphs of Y= ws we
OF you 5 bbe, ere rok oe
Was ja | a dw Solutionsto WSIC= —ThesolitAios to dre GARE a

eryuments- bs
B Hr OKO 6T.
She tan (204-4)=
lot oc = 0+ 7
for 0 £8 (aT
Ex: Solve sing= = iP BOx0, wo axott=t
which satisties if ee, “a QK w+ te &
The basic angle2
SiIN= 8 is P= 3 2 Sole tan x = 4. fort AE .
Wy, solutions are the bovsic web sone eck
Cinee sin8 (S engin
Oz TH and §- ont | Bince tane is positit,:
2 oa e a | r= 5 (480 small) att wr T
Sorta gOCar- 4 ‘adda _OT © Pasi
Ex: Solve Thee B
sadistres'=?a °
The basic cungle (> whic = bat Be on, 13r
1S b= 3
t: Ut,Oy G
EX:ses Finalha the luc! of sn (Sr
29 eT.
pin(2)T\~ GA(H steost fp
): tos
wo —= MtBI teer 42)=

~ 4 Tons
e= 1a
ee > txt
— Bt!
Triqovomemic Iduntities OWL
® sin O + cos" =. Pave AN jolentty .
(2) tan 0+ N= sere ( divicliny. 4 by — Stari voiHy one side. Ustalb, choog 04
Os’ She ,
more LAMPX (coded
cov ci siecle isis vit
el Pr s
— = and Tor
=" T Rac Gos0
* ‘ UG he chy : cuvtinwr, Axpa . ds ,
sine +05 Oa 4 | facknse hriques Ke pale
chaser, fot (rot Mm 2 lice Ha char cite
=) (2 4. wos 0-4
. veiel Abe ,
= Le — Wren prov pre we Pror)
=) Coto = dF
lrckols for whe yabam 0} 6 for WLih boté,
° = - Sy
=) wsO@=+ (ead Sida of the 2araton ave Acfirod)
6B ) .
8 Sm Mo suond Guodrant \ us <O | CX: preys Mot sin tr8 = tan®&.
Since == Fn
| Costotuso+4 7060.
=) cos O= ut
5 | cos
Uty= Zin + sin B_ FINO (2158 +1) _ $00 — io ;
Aadition & Subte chon formula&sS Tus A +0504 asd (236 4)) Lose ai

Qin (xty) = sin2Uyy + cox iy

cos (14) = CoSmosyF Sin Sun,
days ay) = ‘ane trany
1 tanvtany ;
‘dor all 2%) y sudh thal 4 z tanttany #0 4

Devble- anyle Jorrrular, |

Pn aAM= Z¥INL CSW. |
CoS AX = Cos *H- HIn*HX |
= dws’y-/
= dA-dByin*n
tayry = Lan for alla such that
A= tan A-lan'ut © |

Cy: cs QA $s and A eftin) Best)

, i
ars(A)-A . |
wos @A)=
og hs awstA-4
-% | |
MA Chapter 4—Lectine Mon 2 Merch 2023

Weems: dws =
w= AX AX... XAxXqQ t 1s ce name mbt
n times
Properkes AF Exponents;

Tf'as5>0 anol if rs€R ten:

(#) aak= ats o) © gs

@ (aby=ab fey. &

© (0") ~ Q aoe i
aj = 4. a
© at= Vo Ly”
*1€00 ond Y NEN, then ara, af
thus oor = a 4 fay? .
* if tS omd i nis odel tru a= Ya (0,4) 5)
Va + wh dopa»bene
S® MARIO | Pay
a? ee rR
-Aa >0 | all 2 |
Ly. nndasl
ce (ROR flea” | ~The nyt a’ Aor wo -intreyy
uo " pe aii
cauynag tote at y |
: ndion i Sh pursing
The Ye seat |

there is a frovizentel asyrnptott atu

=“) 3% a3 4 3 ang
- a%70 por ALX ER. —
‘ (31) dx3 7320
lt qo 3taa+2a- -3=0
—- The
i function v4 y=“ a shicdly
© is EI
Leah x wd (aa )(até)=
(A 4 x <x v hes atic at) =) asd or a=" ro
'NEA ME when e= 4 34_ ietat 3 "ay's O

| Wen @o-Smy gta 3° has no sotertiors

Exponential ingqualives
a te (4g) ~ £93).
4V(0.1)""* < Ao |e ge g, (2sY
(ied= = loyp
=I so fog, (H)= beg it
3 (009**¢ 40
J -

b) ) _ £04 oejp (200)+ bog, (5) &)

ae . ait * (loo: , Col=4 a
~ 140% ¢ 410"
=| -x-2£ 4. . ©) bog (16) Lg 5l4)_ bog 5(4) _ ogg) _ bg, (4)
=) -x <3 Jay 3(2) ~— Aot(ay — bege@)g 2
= 2c Zc ~$

vulgare” Lop, (x)= Un)

b) Qe > AG

reali A290)
4 4
=> Q° od
=> x >
=) 3€ 5-2 54k <~ J =
x Always indiadc che bane of Ae
Ccrynree De fogaritinr—S
=) XL or x K-z | a eeliete fog , CF)
(-o0,-2) v (2,2)
)= log (o
=) % € Ae
, bn?
_ ae | boq 2 (5 iC (2

tog (5) - “as

Ln ZL J gi J


/ gedn of F(x)= bog 9? ee ea

xsa’ © fogg % =! gin)= bog x)

( x>0) & convertion: We basea7d a(42)

rf log gh. log base a Of *
P t : ee
Ex: boa (= tog, (2") = y
hoy, (0.004)= loo, AO7)= -3
log am.¢ (as | = begsdie (6? “ = hg s(S')
s)-.s 3 “ only sketch —the graph ‘for mre -o
ymp x=
— the gregh has a vertical as
“toganithunie. Laws | pt-
| ay chioh y= loo -,(-) where 4724
yf RY 1\671 awd 14 2 is fot areelins,
@ toga la”)
of gal) = Hw ;
\l Solve: ho 2 (xa)
LZ Kelas

+ bags
KS |

xta)ed .
3) tog a(h)=0 | ,
Notes H-2 > 0 porrvol xg.) H3 7 tod
©) Log wy) = Pay so + ve z) to (Ow (x2) aif 4
@ hea (w)= bet 4 Vl,

=> Mei 6054). £0937
g beg a (= bog) Aagaly =
5 _ hogs (x) =)

=) x*=7
. MéChapler’ lecture 1 bum 3 Mar L023
x 9 HAAG f-2= 4~Tep I5 ft 7) rte
" |! h e {yn
la e l i -
(5) foewe es ro rs | fe eas OY
ai > 2 ,e7t « 2 tog Gat |

| log. (t-2) + log, (4-H =1.

hoa f>)
=) sKvte=
2 log, GE) = hog, (5° 4
om _ _
AY y(std = 5).
ss ¢26t+8

P-toP nfeeEots _ 200 31

a 2 £2. 6t #3 = @

(es .
| % 7 2 yee
| date. emo VU x4 |
Log Jy (x-3) ibe
Tosa ci has only soho
Steet 2

he need x302) x73 = 3.6vin o |

1 | git
D4 1 x3) > hogy ( pe):
=D 3 > 40m Aine
| ra +
(104, © ! cabye.
x €E

Ex: (4 )™4 og.

3 3, .

s 4 oye”
>=) *By 27a
% 4 ¢ glegs(?) + yn
=) -x-Y ¢ log (2)

ba 342 bao ((5 +) res,

= or + sel ) eile)
25 \ ic
Flo (3s c)7 9% (% ) |
odio (HE) ~ Oe (Z)= "910 HF& RE)
32 =|loq.b
MAChapteryh Mow 20 Har 2023
Chapters: Mare on Punchions
4 3 { p

Voximal on Implied Domain gap (ad= gH) |

— Unless told otherwise, tre codewain Fed dlsy (g of)= donlf)a de: fhjedong}
ohioeee Well loyne
come Hi acros tiunn HidWid Subject
Subject] dws (9° f) Yp, [r Edanlf) & fledmlg}
Unless, staked offwrnig2, functions wil ke | yo fulate the domain for
Assumed to bo ack iy Ore oh deviplied covrpostte. punchy or funcivry
olomaiva (aka maximal olernaiww) obtrinod ou alaebya, We proe
~ Most of tee bait. furitions are dafinad ov bo idbnAy te Clima,
sas teh oP the rool Vimy there are, me Nadia ted
os Ion1
a. i ninator ofanyy fader — | Tnversa Functions:
. or gt i #
Caywnot be
any % phere 9(%)=0 7 Whi up phipry f® 4 i a Lu
we Bae et of Ungdory ai ly
A) aust pot bein clsrmnawy
“tb Anaghingcatvire EP
here suorer
where mufbe
moted gh10 yO)| onigtnall
A Usefa benprtsling equating
V4) unt het be i daw f(x) = 3
> Sone for Ext tron rst. ©) 4 (f(0) = g (3)
+ Logartthnsan ally be toee for pd eC J ma ded.

Lagi) my
tbe OT a b,w funchn & Sage gi such that :
Combining functions clam (4)= hem CF.
don (p)> Nowlg) -
*Algbra of funchons ; 4 (qd) = | dnd
dom (fta)= dom 4 1) dim 4 G40) = 2%.
/) dow q is called the inverse of f onal
doy ({-9) = dom «

sry (£9,) = dom $0 danY de notecd $74.

Oo Gh Cord den
\ So ER-a (4 +P con ve gid te Omcoll fib riten
gc Yr done mpd 78)
* Uwupo show of Tundhm4 . PYG Sapa ih the Cquation = fv)
& 4
saatcned, to© Os its
\y by we
~ mata ti ie piliHe of 0 avd 4
_ q Smposld withy 4 at Py tel) & Men Shap 1 EY.

* theai Junction vwbucby is appbiad frst <The qrnpha

for Y= 00) Ord ge J A
iho Vivre YOU
3 de tre Wgho. pol BRE tetera” Aor
Mon 20 Mar 202%

¥ TE is not always te core throw a functis ~v YUV Don't Sinplify the

Nas ary tnvece,
. Defnition: ei
— Lot f be Q dunoken , f is calla |many-te
one] b2fove fit the slamoia| Y

f thore 2yiele (at fast) two w oloments

%os24E dor lf) sucly Haak flr9)= fl )
~ his callacl (ama) Y Overy
Lhommnt nv the damary4 mappedto
a dishnct Carnot Vw He Coglgnairn .
= THeoRem: - dunction $ hasan lnvérge,
YY ond only bP 6 orwtrme,
You tan okehinw the domaliy of
a® no mv-tb-me function
+o make it a me-p-me me
fowl the inverse Purction a
that donna
ta Find(0)41 21-1(x? vbone fll|

let ye Orr)”
Swky 20 dy!
~, = (y-2)”

) Y-a= +X
CO y= QNX .
We he y= x) .
~ Ye rang).
=) u€ dom)

Hane Y must be less than or 4

wale 2
Therefore, f%u)= aT .

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