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Course, Grade, Semester / Grade 11 – Semester

Unit/Module Cycle 1 Water Challenges

Teacher: Ahmed Abdel Hafeez

Date Taught: 9th Oct. 2018 –

Learning Outcomes

ENL 2.2.4



Reading , speaking& vocabulary




Lesson Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
 Listen to a dialogue about water pollution and health problems.
 Role play to ask and answer questions about water pollution and its effect on society.
 Support ideas with explanation.

Grand Challenge (Module Theme): Water challenges

Textbook & Resource Materials

Hello Unit 3 Water and food safety

Learning Activity 1 – Warm-up/Lead in

Using the think, pair, share strategy, students will look at the picture and comment on it and
share with the whole class answering the three questions in the student’s book.

Learning Activity 2 – Reading (Ss presentation)

- A group of students is asked to make a presentation about the reading text
- Students have clear instructions about the presentation and they are given time to do it
- Teacher takes notes of the main ideas of the presentation.
- The presentation will be followed by a discussion and feedback to the group.
Learning Activity 3 – Grammar (SsPresentation)
- A group of students is asked to make a presentation about the reading text
- Students have clear instructions about the presentation and they are given time to do it
- Teachers takes notes of the main ideas of the presentation.
- The presentation will be followed by a discussion and feedback to the group.

Evidence of Learning - Production

Students write an essay about water and safety food.

Students’ Reflection on Lesson / Feedback

Notes for the teacher – Before Teaching

Evaluation Criteria

Students write an essay on water and safety food.

Notes for the teacher – After Teaching

Teacher Notes and Reflections

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