Chirp-Yared Leul Hagos

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The Role of Chirp in the Propagation of Pulses in Optical

Fibers: A Theoretical and Numerical Investigation

Yared Leul Hagos, University of Brescia, Italy
June 8, 2023

This report presents a theoretical and numerical investigation on the role of chirp in the propagation of
pulses in optical fibers. The study explores the effects of chirp modulation on pulse characteristics and its
impact on fiber communication system performance. Theoretical analysis and numerical simulations using
MATLAB are performed to understand the role of chirp in mitigating signal degradation effects such as chromatic
dispersion and nonlinear effects. The results highlight the benefits of using chirp for dispersion compensation
and improving system performance. The findings provide valuable insights for the design and optimization of
fiber communication systems.

Keywords: Fibre optics, Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation, Chirp, Pulse Propagation

1 Introduction cluding finite-difference methods and numerical solvers,

to simulate the behavior of chirped pulses under various
The efficient transmission of information through optical conditions and parameter settings. These simulations
fibers is a critical component of modern communication enable us to explore the effects of different chirp profiles,
systems. The ability to propagate optical pulses without pulse energies, and fiber characteristics on pulse propa-
significant degradation is crucial for achieving high-speed gation and system performance.
and reliable data transmission. However, various factors, By combining theoretical analysis and numerical sim-
such as chromatic dispersion and nonlinear effects, can ulations, we aim to investigate key aspects related to
degrade the quality and integrity of optical pulses during chirp-induced pulse modifications, such as pulse broad-
propagation. ening, temporal reshaping, and energy management. We
Chirp modulation, which introduces controlled vari- seek to understand how chirp can be effectively uti-
ations in the phase or frequency of an optical pulse, has lized for dispersion compensation, nonlinear mitigation,
emerged as a promising technique for mitigating these and overall improvement of pulse propagation in optical
detrimental effects and enhancing pulse propagation in fibers.
optical fibers. By manipulating the chirp of the pulse, it The findings of this investigation have practical im-
becomes possible to compensate for dispersion and non- plications for the design and optimization of fiber com-
linearities, thereby improving the overall performance of munication systems. Understanding the role of chirp
fiber communication systems. in pulse propagation can guide the development of ad-
In this report, we present a theoretical and numeri- vanced techniques for enhancing system performance, in-
cal investigation into the role of chirp in the propagation creasing data transmission rates, and improving signal
of pulses in optical fibers. The primary objective is to quality.
gain a comprehensive understanding of how chirp influ- In the subsequent sections of this report, we will
ences pulse characteristics and its impact on system per- present a detailed analysis of the theoretical foundations,
formance. Through theoretical analysis and numerical numerical methods employed, and the results obtained
simulations, we aim to elucidate the underlying mecha- through our investigation. We will discuss the implica-
nisms and provide insights into the optimization of fiber tions of our findings and highlight potential avenues for
communication systems. further research and development in the field of optical
Our investigation involves utilizing advanced mathe- fiber communications.
matical models, such as the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equa-
tion (NLSE), to study the behavior of chirped pulses
in optical fibers. The NLSE allows us to capture the 2 Theoretical Model
complex interplay between dispersion, nonlinearity, and
chirp modulation, providing a comprehensive framework The propagation of optical pulses in optical fibers can
for analyzing pulse propagation dynamics. be described by the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation
Additionally, we employ numerical techniques, in- (NLSE), which takes into account the effects of disper-

sion and nonlinearity. In the presence of chirp, the NLSE
can be extended to include the chirp parameter. The
equation governing the chirped pulse propagation is given

∂F β2 ∂ 2 F
i − + γ|F |2 F = 0 (1)
∂z 2 ∂t2

Here, F represents the slowly varying pulse envelope

in the plane (z,t), z is the propagation distance, t is the
time, β2 is the group velocity dispersion parameter, γ
is the effective nonlinear coefficient, and C is the chirp
Different terms of Equation (1) are respectively re-
sponsible for the attenuation, group-velocity dispersion
(GVD), third-order dispersion (TOD) and self-phase (a)
modulation (SPM). Basically, the linear effects (includ-
ing the loss, GVD and TOD) are responsible for changes
in pulse shape while nonlinear effects (such as SPM) are
responsible for changes of pulse spectrum. As it will be
seen, the interplay of linear and nonlinear effects leads to
both the temporal and spectral changes of the pulse[1].
For numerically solving the NLSE, we employ the
split-step Fourier method (SSFM). I have implemented
a MATLAB code based on SSFM to investigate different
cases involving chirped and non-chirped pulses, as well as
the presence or absence of loss, second-order dispersion,
and third-order dispersion coefficients.
In my simulations, I input a Gaussian pulse and by
varying different parameters during the pulse propaga-
tion, I examined the impact of these factors on pulse
characteristics and system performance. (b)
To describe the shape of the input Gaussian pulse,
we use the following equation [1]:

(1 + iC) ∗ t2
F = F0 exp − (2)

Here, F represents the pulse amplitude, F0 is the ini-

tial pulse amplitude, C denotes the chirp term, and T0
represents the initial pulse duration or half pulse width
at 1/e of peak intensity.
Through our SSFM-based simulations, we gain in-
sights into the behavior of the pulse and the effects of
different parameters on pulse propagation.

3 Numerical Analysis (c)

3.1 Linear Pulse Propagation in an Op-

tical Fiber without Chirp
For the Gaussian pulse described in Equation(2) assum-
ing F0 =1,T0 =1 ,chirp C =0, β2 =1 ps2 /km and γ =0
we get a dispersal length LD =1Km . As we can see in
fig.1(d) the impacts of GVD is visible and it has made the
pulse to be broaden in the time domain, symmetrically.

In absence of chirp (C = 0), spectral width is trans-
form limited (∆ω × T0 = 1) i.e. maintaining the time
bandwidth product. So presence of chirp enhance the
spectral width of a pulse by factor of (1+C 2 ) 2 and equa-
tion (5) can be used to estimate the value of C where T0
represents the standard deviation of the Gaussian func-
tion[1]. To obtain the transmitted field, F̂ (0, ω) from Eq.
(4) is used in Eq. (6) below.
Z ∞  
1 i
F (z, T ) = [F̂ (0, ω) · exp β2 ω 2 z − iωT ]dω
2π −∞ 2
The integration can be carried out analytically with the
F (z, T ) = 1/2
(d) (T02 − iβ2 z(1 + iC))
(1 + iC)T 2
Figure 1: (a) Pulse evolution along the fiber in the pres- × exp − (7)
2 (T02 − iβ2 z(1 + iC))
ence of GVD effects and (b) input and (c) output in time
domain (left column) and pulse spectra (right column) Thus,even a chirped Gaussian pulse maintains its
and (d) both input and output pulses. Here, loss, TOD shape during propagation.
and chirp are not included. Also an initially un-chirped Gaussian pulse acquires
chirp due to GVD. To show it clearly, one rewrites the
In Figure 1(b) and 1(c) the input and output pulse pulse equation for C=0 in the form[1]
shape (left column) and pulse spectrum (right column) F (z, t) = abs(F (z, t)) exp(iφ(z, t))
are shown and there is a broadening in time domain from
the input Gaussian form as evident in Figure 1(d). Par- where
ticularly, the output spectrum is as wider as the input   2    2 !−1
spectrum since there is no chirping happening here.The φ(z, t) = −sgn(β2 ) z t
tan −1 z
input and output pulses have the same frequency spec- LD 2τ02 LD LD
trum and there is no instantaneous change in frequency
The time dependence of φ(z, t) implies that the instant
and phase vs. time.
frequency differs from the central frequency ω0 along the
pulse. The difference is given by [1]
3.2 Linear pulse propagation in an op- δω(t) = − ∂φ
∂t = sgn(β2 ) LD
z  t 2
(1+ 2 )τ
tical fiber with chirp LD

and is called chirp.

3.2.1 Gaussian Pulses The chirped pulse width after propagating a distance
z is [1]
Let’s consider a linearly chirped pulse with Gaussian pro-
file which is represented as " 2  2 #1/2
T1 Cβ2 z β2 z
= 1+ + (8)
(1 + iC)T 2 T02 T02
F (0, T ) = exp − (3)
2T02 The chirp parameter of the pulse changes as
Where T0 and C are the Gaussian pulse width and pa- β2 z
C1 (z) = C + (1 + C 2 ) (9)
rameter chirp respectively, and specific parameters T0 =1 T02
ps,C=0,β2 = 50 ps2 /km, providing a dispersal length LD
T2 Equation(8) shows that chirped pulses may broaden or
= |β02 | =0.02Km. If the instantaneous frequency in- compress depending upon whether C and β2 have same
creases linearly from leading to trailing edge of the pulse
sign or not.
then it is up chirp (C > 0) and if opposite occurs then it if β2 C> 0, the chirped Gaussian pulses will broaden
is down chirp (C<0). The spectrum profile of F (0, T ) is
monotonically. This is because the dispersion induced
given by chirp adds to the input chirp as the two contributions
s have same sign.
2πT02 ω 2 T02
if β2 C< 0, the dispersion induced chirp is opposite
F̂ (0, ω) = exp − (4)
of the input chirp. So pulse width decreases and min-
1 + iC 2(1 + iC)
imum at a distance. Figure 2 shows this behavior by
The spectral half-width (at 1/e-intensity point) is plotting the broadening factor T1 as a function of z/LD
given by for C = −2. In the case where β2 C < 0, the width
∆ω = 1 + C 2 2 /T0 .

(5) becomes minimum at a distance z = 1+C 2 · LD.

The minimum value of the pulse width z = zmin de- 3.2.3 Super-Gaussian Pulses
pends on input chirp parameter as
So far we have considered pulse shapes with relatively
T0 broad leading and trail- ing edges. As one may expect,
T1,min = √ (10) dispersion-induced broadening is sensitive to pulse edge
1 + C2
When the pulse attains its minimum width, C1 = 0, it steepness. In general, a pulse with steeper leading and
becomes transform limited such that ∆ω0 · T1min = 1, trailing edges broadens more rapidly with propagation
where ∆ω0 is the input spectral width of the pulse. simply because such a pulse has a wider spectrum to
We can define Pulse broadening ratio = FWHM of fi- start with. Pulses emitted by directly modulated semi-
nal pulse / FWHM of input pulse. The pulse broadening conductor lasers fall in this category and cannot generally
ratio signifies the change in pulse width of the propagat- be approximated by a Gaussian pulse. A super-Gaussian
ing pulse when compared to the pulse width of the input shape can be used to model the effects of steep leading
pulse. It is established that the pulse broadening ratio and trailing edges on dispersion-induced pulse broaden-
depends on the values of GVD, SPM, chirp parameter C, ing.Sharper leading and trailing edges broaden the spec-
and the distance of propagation [2]. trum of super- Gaussian pulses, resulting in increased
broadening. Super-Gaussian pulses are expressed as [3]:
 2m !
(1 + iC) t
F (0, t) = exp − (12)
2 T0

where the parameter m controls the degree of edge sharp-

ness. For m=1 we recover the case of chirped Gaussian
pulses. For larger value of m, the pulse becomes square
shaped with sharper leading and trailing edges. If the
rise time Tr is defined as the duration during which the
intensity increases from 10 to 90 percent of its peak value,
it is related to the parameter m as [2]
T0 T0
Tr = ln 9 ≈ (13)
2m m
Thus, the parameter m can be deter-
mined from the measurements of Tr and T0 .
Figure 2: Broadening factor for a chirped Gaussian pulse
as a function of distance for β2 > 0 .Red curve corre-
sponds to the case of an unchirped Gaussian pulse.
Initial narrowing of the pulse for the case β2 C < 0 can be
understood by the dispersion-induced chirp imposed on
an initially unchirped Gaussian pulse. When the pulse is
initially chirped and the condition β2 C < 0 is satisfied,
the dispersion-induced chirp is in the opposite direction
to that of the initial chirp. As a result, the net chirp is
reduced, leading to pulse narrowing. The minimum pulse
width occurs at a point where the two chirps cancel each
other [1]. With a further increase in the propagation dis-
tance, the dispersion-induced chirp starts to dominate
over the initial chirp, and the pulse begins to broaden.

3.2.2 Hyperbolic-Secant Pulses

Figure 3: Variation of broadening factor σσ0 with distance
Although pulses emitted from many lasers can be ap- for several super-Gaussian pulses with different values of
proximated by a Gaussian shape, it is necessary to con- m. The case m = 1 corresponds to a Gaussian pulse.
sider other pulse shapes. Of particular interest is the Pulse edges become steeper with increasing values of m.
hyperbolic-secant pulse shape that occurs naturally in
the context of optical solitons and pulses emitted from 3.3 Chirp Simulation Results
some mode-locked lasers. The optical field associated
with such pulses often takes the form [1] Through Equation (1) one can simulate the propagation
of a pulse along the optical fiber in the linear regime,
F (0, t) = sech exp −iC 2 (11) using the normalized variables
T0 2T0
where the chirp parameter C controls the initial chirp. ζ= (14)

t − β1 z
τ= (15)

and applying the algorithm

Ã(0, ξ) = FFT{A(0, τ )} (16)

F̃ (ζ, ξ) = F̃ (0, ξ) exp i sgn(β)ξ 2 − ξ 3 (17)

(c) The 3-dimensional Evolution of Gaussian pulse with


F (ζ, ξ) = FFT−1 {F̃ (ζ, ξ)} (18)

figure 4 below shows the chirp effect on a Gaussian pulse

(d) Input/Output Pulse Vs. ω

(a) Input/Output Pulse Vs. t for C=2

(e) Phase Vs. t for C=2.

(b) The 3-dimensional Evolution of Gaussian pulse with


The pulse broadening due to the dispersion is sensitive to
the sharpness of the pulse. When considering pulses with
sharper steep edges, the broadening is generally greater,
as is the case Super-Gaussian pulse.

(f) 3D angle shift C=2.

Figure 4: Gaussian Pulse propagation under chirp C=+2

The up chirping effect when β2 C > 0 causes the fre-
quency of the pulse to increase gradually over time.As
a result, the pulse duration of the gaussian pulse in the
time domain increases as it propagates as seen in fig.4(a). Figure 6: Super-gaussian pulse at the begin and end of
The spreading of the pulse in time leads to a decrease in the optical fiber C = 0. blue (input) and red (output)
the peak amplitude. This is because the energy is now pulses - GVD effect
spread out over a larger area under the pulse envelope.
As we can see in fig. 4(e) and 4(f), the phase of the pulse
evolves in both the time and spatial domains, resulting Figure 6 illustrates the propagation of a super-Gaussian
in a change in the angle of the pulse. If β2 C < 0 the pulse with C = 0, showcasing the broadening effect due
pulse is compressed initially and later GVD dominates to dispersion. Super-Gaussian pulses as well as expand
as it can be seen in fig.5. faster than the Gaussian, also strongly distort its original
The propagation of a Gaussian pulse under chirp, where shape, as shown below, when considering m=3.
the chirp parameter (C) takes on values of -2, 0, and 2,
results in distinct effects on the pulse shape and dura-
tion. Negative chirp (-2) compresses the pulse in time
initially, while positive chirp (2) leads to pulse broad-
ening. In contrast, zero chirp (0) maintains the pulse
duration. These observations can be seen in Figure 5,
where the pulse profiles clearly illustrate the impact of
different chirp values on the Gaussian pulse propagation

Figure 7: Evolution of Super-Gaussian pulse with C=0.

By the analysis of the figures, once again, there is broad-

ening of the pulse and consequent amplitude is reduction
Figure 5: Gaussian Pulse propagation for z << LD due to the conservation of energy[5].

every semiconductor structure. The broadening of the
pulse due to dispersion is clear in the situation C = 0 .
A decrease of pulse amplitude is caused by the conserva-
tion of energy. From the cases C = ±2 it is possible to
observe that chirp increases the broadening effect caused
by the GVD. As seen in fig.7 the chirp effect influences
the leading and trailing edges of the pulse. Negative chirp
(C < 0) tends to compress the pulse, causing the lead-
ing and trailing edges to become sharper. Positive chirp
(C > 0), on the other hand, leads to pulse broadening
and can smoothen the leading and trailing edges, making
them less steep compared to the non-chirped case.

Figure 8: Evolution of Super-Gaussian pulse with C=2.

(a) Hyperbolic chirped SECH pulses C=+2

Figure 9: Super-Gaussian Pulse of m=3 propagation un-
der C=2 for beta2=50

(b) Hyperbolic chirped SECH pulses C=-2

Figure 11: Input and output of Chirped hyperbolic se-

Figure 10: Super-Gaussian Pulse of m=3 propagation
under C=-2

Gain-induced fluctuations in the laser refractive index

occur as a result of the heavy coupling between the free
carrier density and the index of refraction that exists in The same effects occur to hyperbolic secant pulses.

(a) Input-Output plot
Figure 12: For a chirped super Gaussian pulse (m=5),
pulse profile versus propagation distance z and time

The above figure shows that[4], for β2 = 50 and tau0=1

and C=-2 , the chirp will cause the initial pulse to com-
press, while GVD would ultimately cause the pulse to
extend to a sufficiently large z. It is useful to plot the
pulse propagation by plotting it in the z-T plane using
the color coding of the power values as shown in the fig-
ure (12).


Figure 14: For a chirped super Gaussian pulse (m=3),

pulse profile versus propagation distance z and time

Figures (13,14) shows the pulse profile for C=-2 and the
dynamics are apparent. Given the fact that there is an
initial chirp the pulse tends to compress about z=0.04
km, while in figure (13), appears clearly and faithfully
pulse chirp, Frequency chirping is the term for the phe-
nomena that occurs in complex chirp direct modulation
of the injection pulse[4].

4 Conclusion
Figure 13: For a chirped super Gaussian pulse (m=1), In this simulation study on the role of chirp in the prop-
pulse profile versus propagation distance z and time agation of pulses in optical fibers, we investigated its ef-
T(ps). fects on power distribution, pulse broadening, and phase
shift. Through simulations of Gaussian, Super-Gaussian,
and Hyperbolic Secant pulses, we observed that vary-
ing the chirp parameter significantly influenced these as-
Given the fact that there is initial chirp the pulse tends pects. Higher chirp values resulted in a more spread-
to compress about z=0.04 km [4] as shown by the red out power distribution, increased pulse broadening, and
area, but eventually the pulse spreads. For m , where larger phase shifts, while lower chirp values maintained a
m is the super Gaussian order with the same parameter more concentrated power profile, reduced pulse broaden-
above. ing, and smaller phase shifts. These findings demonstrate

the advantages of chirping in optimizing pulse propaga- enhance the performance of optical communication sys-
tion and shaping for various applications in optical fiber tems. Further research and development in this area can
communication systems. By controlling the chirp param- lead to advanced pulse control techniques and improved
eter, one can achieve desired pulse characteristics and system efficiency.

1. G. P. Agrawal, Nonlinear Fiber Optics, Academic Press, San Diego, (2004).

2. G. P. Agrawal and M. J. Potasek, Phys. Rev. A, Vol. 33, pp. 1715-1776, (1986).
3. A. Hasegawa and Y. Kodama, Solitons in optical communications, Oxford University Press, New York, (1995).
4. Mohammed Salim Jasim, Algorithmic pulse transmission in optical fibers,AIP Conference Proceedings, Iraq,

5. Pedro Miguel, Super-Gaussian Pulse Propagation in Optical Fibers, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal,

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