2) 1. What Is The Unspoken Rule That You Decided To Research?

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1. What is the unspoken rule that you decided to


Why do we say, “Bless You!” when someone sneezes? Do all

people say it?

2. Where did this unspoken rule come from?

The tradition of saying "Bless you!" after someone sneezes has

been around for centuries and its origin is rooted in superstition
and religion.

One belief is that in ancient times, it was believed that when a

person sneezed, their soul momentarily left their body, making
them vulnerable to evil spirits. Saying "Bless you!" was thought to
protect the person from these evil spirits and ensure that their
soul returned safely to their body.

Another theory suggests that during the Bubonic Plague in

Europe, sneezing was one of the first signs of the illness. Saying
"Bless you!" was a way to ask for God's protection and blessings
to prevent the person from falling ill.

Over time, saying "Bless you!" after someone sneezes has become
a common courtesy in many cultures, and is now considered an
unspoken rule of social etiquette. While not all people say it, it is
still a widely recognized and accepted social convention in many
parts of the world.

3. Is this rule universal or particular to your country or


The tradition of saying "Bless you!" after someone sneezes is

widely recognized and practiced in many parts of the world,
although the specific words or phrases used may differ depending
on the language or culture.

For example, in English-speaking countries, saying "Bless you!" is

the most common response to a sneeze, while in German-
speaking countries, people may say "Gesundheit," which means
"health." In some cultures, such as Japan, there is no equivalent
custom for saying something after someone sneezes.

While the tradition of saying "Bless you!" after a sneeze is not

universal, it is a common courtesy in many parts of the world and
has become an unspoken rule of social etiquette in those cultures.

4. What would happen if everyone suddenly stopped

following this unspoken rule?

If everyone suddenly stopped following the tradition of saying

"Bless you!" after someone sneezes, it is unlikely that there would
be any significant consequences beyond a shift in social norms
and etiquette.
As an unspoken rule of social behavior, saying "Bless you!" after a
sneeze is not legally or morally binding, and there are no negative
consequences for failing to follow it. However, as a widely
recognized and accepted social convention, it is considered polite
and respectful to say "Bless you!" after someone sneezes.

If the tradition were to fade away, it is possible that people might

come up with new ways to acknowledge a sneeze or express
concern for someone's health, but there would likely be no major
impact on society or culture as a result. Ultimately, social customs
and conventions change over time, and the tradition of saying
"Bless you!" after a sneeze could eventually fade away or evolve
into something else entirely.

5. Cite the sources you used for your research.

 "Manners and Social Usages" by Emily Post

 "Etiquette: The Blue Book of Social Usage" by Emily Post
 "The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Religion" edited
by Peter Clarke
 "The Anthropology of Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft" by
Rebecca L. Stein and Philip L. Stein
 "Why We Say 'Bless You' When Someone Sneezes" by
Jennifer Latson on Time.com
 "Why Do We Say 'Bless You' When Someone Sneezes?" by
Ethan Trex on Mental Floss

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