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 Introduction
 Aim
 Hypothesis
 Requirements
 Procedure
 Observation
 Photo gallery
 Result
 Data analysis

Why I selected this topic
I selected this topic as a part of my studies but
my foremost wish was to learn something new
by studying research material and journal and
doing my own research based on the nutrition
content of different sample of milk. Our
chemistry teacher Mrs. Hina Mathur was a
constant inspiration who helped as to achieve
our goal.

Natural milk is an opaque white fluid secreted
by mammary gland of female mammals. The
main constituent of natural milk is protein,
carbohydrate, mineral, fat, vitamins and water
and is a complete balance diet in itself fresh
milk is sweetish in taste. however when it is
kept for a long time at a temperature of 35
degree Celsius it become sour in taste because
of bacteria present in air . These bacteria
convert lactose of milk into lactic acid which is
sour in taste.

Soybean milk is made up of soybean. It

resemble natural milk. The main constituent of
milk are protein, carbohydrate, mineral and
Data Analysis
(For comparison)
Buffalo milk Soybean milk
Source Mammal(Usually Soybeans
cow or Buffalo)
Lactose Contain lactose Lactose free
Vegetarian Yes Yes
Vegan No Yes
Protein 3.22g 3.27g
Carbohydrate 5.26g 6.28g
Polyunsaturated fat 0.195g 0.961g
Calcium 113mg (11%) 25mg (3%)
Magnesium 10mg (3%) 25mg (7%)
Thiamine 0.044mg (4%) 0.060mg (5%)
(Vitamin B1)
Saturated fat 1.865g 0.205g
Riboflavin 0.183mg (15%) 0.069mg (6%)
(Vitamin B2)
Potassium 143mg (3%) 118mg (3%)
Sodium 43mg (3%) 51mg (3%)
Energy 60kcal 54Kcal

Natural milk v/s Soybean milk

A cup of cow milk contain lactose (a sugar
found only in milk), Protein, Carbohydrate, Fat
and calcium, etc. which are also present in
soymilk but in varying quantities.
Lactose can be hard to digest by some people if
they lack the required digestive enzyme lactase
and will able to digest milk easily. Soy milk is
most use in alternative to milk used by people
with lactose intolerance since it completely
lactose free.

Health Benefits

There are no health benefit with drinking soy
milk. These are follows
 Improve lipid profile
 Strengthen blood vessel integrity
 Promote weight lose
 Prevent prostate cancer
 Prevent osteoporosis
 Prevent post-menopausal syndrome
 Soy protein decrease the level of LDL
(bad cholesterol) and inc the level of
HDL(good cholesterol) in our body


Soybean milk contain high percentage of
phytoestrogens, which may decrease fertility in
men if they consume more than 3 quarts per
day. Too much estrogen can also cause hormone
imbalance in women when consumed too much
and also has a difficulty breaking down.
Consuming these simple sugar can cause some
people to experience lot of gas. Soybean milk
also contain substance called phytates which
interfere with calcium absorption.


The preparation of soybean milk and
comparison with the natural milk with respect to
curd formation, effect of temperature taste.

As per my knowledge the curd formation in
natural milk will be formed more quickly at
different temperature in formation of curd
formed by soybean milk and will also be of
better quality .

 Beaker
 Pestle and mortar
 Measuring cylinder
 Glass rod
 Tripod stand
 Thermometer
 Muslin cloth
 Burner/Sprit lamp
 Soybean
 Buffalo milk
 Fresh curd
 Distilled water

 Soak about 150g of soybean in a
different amount of water so that they can
completely dipped in it. Keep them dipped
for 24 hours.
 Take out swollen soybean and grind
them to a very fine paste with the help of
pestle and mortar.
 Add 250ml of water to this paste and
filter it through a muslin cloth. Clear white
filtrate is soybean milk. Compare it taste
with buffalo milk.
 Take 50ml of buffalo milk in three
beaker and heat the beaker to 30, 40 and 50
degree Celsius respectively. Add ¼ spoonful
curd to each beaker. Leave the beaker
undisturbed for 8 hours and curd is formed.


Photo Gallery


Both natural milk and soybean milk have almost
same constituent expect the presence of lactose
in natural milk. Soybean milk can easily be used
as an effective alternating for people whose diet
is lactose free. But on the other hand natural
milk curd lesser time than soybean milk curd
also require temperature slightly greater than
room temperature. For buffalo milk, the best
temperature for formation of good quality
and tasty curd is 30 – 33 degree Celsius and
for soybean milk it is 35 – 40 degree

Further scope of investigation

This above experiment can be prepared again
under better lab condition and more accurate
equipment and apparatus. This may result
insight variation in the result shown earlier.

 Characterization and Comparison of Soy
Milk and Buffalo Milk
 Is Soy Milk Better than Cow's Milk?
 Physical, Chemical, Microbiological and
Sensory Characteristics of a Probiotic
Beverage Produced from Different Mixtures
of Cow's Milk and Soy Beverage
by Lactobacillus acidophilus La5 and
Yoghurt Culture.


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