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Name: Marc Nicole C.

Manlucot Section: GAS - XII

Title: Reaction Paper Date: 10/02/23

Doll House

I. Introduction

The introduction of the movie title the doll house by Baron Giesler is there's a lady visit on a
rehabilitation center and when she saw the man on a wheelchair she call him a bestfriend then the
movie showed there bond there moments and flash what he does. Baron Giesler or "Rustine
Clyde" is a drug addict and a son of a general his friend died because of overdose of a drug then
he went into the Netherlands to find his daughter, after finding the house of his ex wife he
encounter a stranger gay and he called this "BOK" he help it, then after bok bring him inside to
have ha snacks then he saw his daughter but he did not say that he is her father he make a plan to
make his daughter close to her. He and his daughter are closed to each other and her daughter call
him a bestfriend, and he also called his daughter a bestfriend too then after a many things they do
the sister of his ex knows that he is the ex of their sister, the sister distance him from the yumi.
yumi escape on their house and go to his bestfriend house, and on his bestfriend house theirs a
dollhouse but it is not finish yet and Rustine promise her that if the dollhouse will finish he will
give it to yumi but after days Baron Giesler is overdosed by a drugs, he admit in a hospital and
yumi visited him, then when baron is okay he visit yumi but the sister of his ex avoid him to talk
to yumi. the movie back to the scene that the daughter visit her father or her bestfriend in a
rehabilitation center and she found out that her father is so many things that he did not remember
because of the effect of the drugs. She swallow him to eat then after she bring her to his room,
then when she entered the room she saw a many dollhouse, then baron said that this is for his

II. What’s the movie all about

The movie is all about of a drug addict man and a irresponsible husband named "Rustine", he
left his family because of a ge addicted in a drugs after 8 years he realize that he is a father, he
went to Netherlands to came back for his daughter to be a father of his daughter, but the sister of
his ex wife not allowed him to said to Yumi that his daughter that he is the father of Yumi. They
just have a short bond but a memorable bond. After many years Rustine was overdose by a drugs,
and stroked and he brought on the rehabilitation center. After many years his bestfriend or his
daughter know that he is her father and realized that her father will always be her father no matter
what happens.

III. Moral Lessons

Everyone deserves a second chance

IV. Conclusions
The movie doll house is very heartbreaking movie, I can't prevent my tears from falling
off after I saw this movie. Seeing Yumi talk to her father, and her father didn't remember
anything about her, hurts me a lot.As bad as her father was, he was also a good father.

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