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My favourite place in the world has to be the place where I grew up,
it seemed like a dream and I still remember it that way.
I grew up on a very big farm, my whole family lived there, each of my
father's 5 siblings had their own house, their own garden, their own
animals and I thought all that was mine; there was nothing separated
by fences or anything, I used to ran from my aunt's house back to my
house, from my house to my grandmother's house and so on, every
normal day.
I picked flowers, played with the animals, dogs, cats, ducks... and when
I caught my uncle taking one of his horses out I would stick to him and
beg him (sometimes in tears) to let me on, and he always did; I don't
think there was a happier child than me those days.
My parents told me that I used to be a bit rebellious, supposedly I used
to steal pumpkins from my grandmother for my piglets as a treat, I
remember I used to play spy but stealing pumpkins? Well, my
grandmother used to yell at me a lot but for stealing her pumpkins?
Every time we meet as a family she talks about the most embarrassing
things I used to do or say, including stealing pumpkins from her, and
everyone laughs, including me.
It makes me wish I had stolen more pumpkins.

Elena Madalina Marin

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