Grade 12 Mathermatics Revision Analytical Geometry Module 2 Unit Ag1

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Brainline Mathematics Gr.12 Mod2-Unit AG 1 Revise Analytical Geometry P.

Module: 2 From Grade 10:

Analytical geometry: • Distance formula:

Unit: AG1 The distance between A(xA, yA) and B(xB, yB) is:

Analytical Geometry: AB = ( xA - xB ) 2 + ( yA - yB ) 2
Revision or
AB2 = ( xA - xB ) 2 + ( yA - yB ) 2
Assessment standards:
Represent geometric figures on a
• Mid-point formula:
Cartesian coordinate system, and
derive and apply, for any two The coordinates of the midpoint of AB is
points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), a  x +x y +y 
formula for calculating: M A B ; A B 
(a) the distance between the two  2 2 
(b) the gradient of the line segment
The uppercase letter M is used to denote the
joining the points; midpoint.
(c) the coordinates of the mid-point
of the line segment joining the • The gradient of a straight line:
11.3.3 Use a Cartesian coordinate
system to derive and apply:
The gradient of the straight line passing through
(a) the equation of a line through
A ( x A ; y A ) a n d B ( xB ; y B ) is
two given points;
(b) the equation of a line through
one point and parallel or yA − yB y − yA
perpendicular to a given line; mAB = or B
(c) the inclination of a line. xA − xB xB − xA

The lower case letter m is used to denote the


From Grade 11:

• The equation of a straight line:

can be written in one of the following forms:

y = mx + c m is the gradient
c is the y-intercept
(gradient-intercept formula)

y – y1 = m(x – x1) line with gradient m which passes

through (x1; y1)
(point-gradient formula)

x y a is the x-intercept and

+ =1 b is the y-intercept
a b
(dual intercept formula)

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Brainline Mathematics Gr.12 Mod2-Unit AG 1 Revise Analytical Geometry P.2
x = number: This is a vertical line parallel to the y - axis.
The gradient is undefined.
(x = 0) y

3 x (y = 0)

y = number: This is a horizontal line parallel to the x -axis.

The gradient is zero.

• Parallel lines:

If AB // CD then mAB = mCD

Example 1:

If y = 2x + 4 is parallel to y = ax – 2, find the value of a.


If lines are parallel, the gradients are equal. ∴ a = 2

• Perpendicular lines:

If AB ⊥ CD then mAB × mCD = –1

Example 2:

y = 2x + 4 is perpendicular to y = ax – 2.
Find the value of a.


If lines are perpendicular (90°) to each other, the product

of their gradients will be equal to –1.
∴ m1 × m2 = −1
2 × m2 = −1
m2 = −
∴ If one gradient is given, the other gradient will have the
opposite sign and reciprocal (inverse) of the given

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Brainline Mathematics Gr.12 Mod2-Unit AG 1 Revise Analytical Geometry P.3
Example 3:

Study the gradients in this table, if the lines are parallel and if
they are perpendicular to the each other.

Line Gradient if Gradient if

parallel to line perpendicular to line

y = 3x – 4 3 1


2 2 3
y = − x +1 − +
3 3 2

y=x+2 1 –1

2y + x – 6 = 0
∴Write in 1 2

standard form: 2
2y = – x + 6
∴y = − +3
• Collinear points:

If A, B and C are collinear then mAB = mBC = mAC

(gradients are equal and they share a common point).


Are K(2; 5), L(5; –1) and J(6; –3) collinear?


For the points to be collinear, the gradients must be equal

y and a common point must be shared. Draw a rough sketch
to get an idea of what this looks like.
K(2; 5) If mKL = mLJ , the common point is L.
y − yJ y − yL
x mLJ = L and mKL = k
xL − xJ xK − xL
L(5; –1)
−1 − ( − 3) 5 − ( −1)
J(6; –3) = =
5 − 6 2−5
2 6
= =
−1 −3
= −2 = −2
mKL = mLJ and they share a common point L, so these points
are collinear. You could also have proved mKL = mKJ , in which
case K would have been the common point.

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Brainline Mathematics Gr.12 Mod2-Unit AG 1 Revise Analytical Geometry P.4

To find the place where θ lies: • Inclination of line:

Put your pencil’s point on the x
-intercept, with the rest of the If θ is the angle between the positive x-axis and the line AB,
pencil lying on the positive x-axis. then tan θ = mAB
That is the place where θ begins. y y
Now keep the point on the
x-intercept and turn the pencil anti-
clockwise, to the place where the θ x θ x
line whose inclination you want to
find lies, then that turn of the pencil
is where θ lies.

If m > 0 (positive) then θ is If m < 0 (negative) then θ

an acute angle. is an obtuse angle.
(θ = 180° – reference angle)

Let us work through a few examples covering Grade 10 and 11

Analytical Geometry problems.

In Analytical Geometry we usually Example 1:

draw rough sketches to get an idea
of what the question states. In the Consider the following points on a Cartesian plane: P(1; 2)
case of variables in a coordinate, Q(3; 1) , R(– 3; k) and S(2; –3). Determine value(s) of k if:
take an educated guess of where
this point will lie. a) T(–1; 3) is the midpoint of PR.
b) PQ // RS
c) PQ ⊥ RS
d) P, Q and R are collinear
e) RS = 5 2

R(–3;k) If T is the midpoint of PR then
RT should lie to the left of point
T(–1;3) P(1;2) T. Indicate it on your graph.

Midpoint formula: a) P(1; 2); R (– 3; k) and T(– 1; 3)

 xP + xR y + yR 
 ; P  yP + yR
 2 2  yT =
k= 4

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You could have made use of your common sense skills to find
the value of k. Seeing that T is the midpoint, T must lie
halfway between R and P. Consider the x values at R and P.
xP = 1
xT = –1
P and T are 2 units apart, therefore T and R should also be 2
units apart. ∴xR = –3
Consider the y-values at these points.
yT = 3
yP = 2
P and T are 1 unit apart, therefore T and R should be 1 unit
∴yR = 4

Parallel lines: b) PQ // RS then mPQ = mRS

gradients equal yP − yQ yR − yS
mPQ = mRS mPQ = mRS =
xP − xQ xR − xS
2−1 k − ( − 3)
= =
1−3 − 3 −2
1 k+3
= =
−2 −5

When you have an equation with 1 k + 3 cross multiply

one term on each side, containing But mPQ = mRS ∴ =
fractions, you are always allowed −2 −5
to cross multiply.
– 2(k + 3) = –5
– 2k – 6 = –5
– 2k = 1

c) PQ ⊥ RS ∴ mPQ × mRS = -1
1 k+3
mPQ = and mRS = from (b)
−2 −5

Method 1:
But mPQ × mRS = –1
 1  k + 3 
  = −1
 −2  −5 
k+3 LCM: 10
= −1 or
10 cross multiply
k+3= − 10
k= − 13
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Brainline Mathematics Gr.12 Mod2-Unit AG 1 Revise Analytical Geometry P.6
Method 2:
If PQ ⊥ RS and mPQ = then

mRS = +2 inverted number

opposite sign

We know from (b) that mRS =
∴ =2 LCM: –5
−5 or
k + 3 = − 10 cross multiply
k = − 13

Collinear means d) Collinear means mPQ = mQR = mPR

gradients are equal 1 yQ − yR yP − yR
and there is a m PQ = m QR = m PR =
common point. −2 xQ − xR xP − xR
1 − k 2 − k
= =
3 − ( − 3) 1 − ( − 3)
1− k 2 − k
= =
6 4

Method 1:
1 1−k
Use mPQ = mQR ∴ = cross multiply
−2 6

–2(1 – k) = 6
–2 + 2k = 6
2k = 8
Method 2:
Alternatively use mQR = mPR
1−k 2−k
∴ =
6 4
4(1 – k) = 6(2 – k)
4 – 4k = 12 – 6k
2k = 8

We get the same answer, namely k = 4, using the different


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Brainline Mathematics Gr.12 Mod2-Unit AG 1 Revise Analytical Geometry P.7
RS = 5 2 means the length of e) RS = 5 2 Use the distance formula if a length is given.
RS is equal to 5 2
∴ distance formula.

( xR − xS ) + ( yR − yS )
2 2
RS =

5 2 = ( − 3 − 2)2 +( k − ( − 3))
Gr 9 products:
(k + 3)²
= (k + 3)(k + 3) 5 2 = 25 + (k + 3)2
= k² + 3k + 3k + 9 Square both sides to
= k² + 6k + 9
(5 2)2 = 25 + k2 + 6k + 9 get rid of square root.
50 = 25 + k2 + 6k + 9
0 = k2 + 6k − 16
0 = (k + 8)(k − 2)
∴k = − 8 or k = 2

Example 2:
In the diagram A(x; y), B(2; 4) and C(0;– 6) are vertices of
∆ABC. The equation of the straight line AB is given by
y = –x + 8.

θ x

a) Determine:
i) the length of BC in the simplest surd form.
ii) the coordinates of M, the midpoint of BC.
iii) the gradient of BC
iv) θ, the inclination of line BC.

b) Determine the equation of the straight line AM which is

perpendicular to BC.

c) Show that the coordinates of A are (11; –3).

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Length: Distance formula a) i) BC = (xB − xC )2 +(yB − yc )2
= (2 − 0)2 +(4 − ( − 6))2
= 4 + (4 + 6)2
= 4 + 100
= 104
= 2 26

 x + xC yB + yC 
ii) M B ;
Midpoint formula
 2 2 
2 + 0 4 − 6
= M ; 
 2 2 
= M(1; − 1)

yB − yC
iii) mBC =
xB − xC
4 − ( − 6)
2 − 0
mBC = 5

iv) tan θ = mBC
On your calculator:
tan θ = 5
tan-1 5 =
θ = 78,69°

b) Draw line AM perpendicular to BC.
m1 × m2 = –1 y

B(2; 4)

1 ; 1.
( – x

A(x; y)

mBC = 5 (from iii) and BC ⊥ AM thus mBC × mAM = –1

5 × m AM = − 1
∴ m AM = − Inverted number
opposite sign

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Brainline Mathematics Gr.12 Mod2-Unit AG 1 Revise Analytical Geometry P.9
To find the equation of a Equation is y = mx + c
straight line, you need

1 1
a gradient and a point m= − → y =− x + c
OR 5 5
• two points 1
M(1; − 1) → −1 = − (1) + c
c =−
1 4
∴ y =− x −
5 5

: Integers If you were asked to write the equation in the form
ax + by + c = 0, where a, b, c ∈ , you would have to get rid
 ∈ { ..., –3; –2; –1; 0; 1; 2; 3…}
of the fractions:
1 4
y= − x − LCM: 5
5 5
5y = −1x − 4
5y + x + 4 = 0

Where 2 lines intersect,

c) A(x; y) is where line AM and line AB intersect. To find the
get 2 equations and solve point of intersection you will need to solve simultaneous
simultaneously using either
substitution equations:
elimination Line AB: y = –x + 8 1
1 4
Line AM: y = − x − 2
5 5
1 4
Let 1 = 2 ∴− x + 8 = − x −
5 5
−5x + 40 = − x − 4
−5x + x = − 4 − 40
−4x = − 44
x = 11
Substitute in 1 ∴ y = –11 + 8
y = –3 A(11; –3)
Example 3:

To obtain angles work with θ

D β α x
–3 4 B

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Brainline Mathematics Gr.12 Mod2-Unit AG 1 Revise Analytical Geometry P.10
Determine: (round off to one decimal place)
a) the value of α.
b) the value of β.
c) the value of θ.

6 3
a) By inspection: the gradient of line AB is − =−
4 2
If you can’t find it by inspection, get the coordinates
A(0; 6) and B(4; 0):
y A − yB
m AB =
x A − xB
For a negative gradient always get ∴ ta n α = −
a reference angle and subtract 2
from 180° to get an obtuse angle. Reference angle is 56,3°.
∴ α = 180o − 56,3o
α = 123,7o
b) From inspection: the gradient of line CD is = =1
Again if the method of inspection doesn’t work for you, use
the longer method where you have to get two coordinates:
C (0; 3) and D(–3; 0)
y − yD
mCD = C
xC − xD
3 −0
0 − ( − 3)
For a positive gradient an acute
angle is determined. ∴ tan β = 1
β = 45o

Exterior angle equal to sum of c) For the shaded triangle: Vertically

θ opposite
opposite interior angles.
α =θ + β θ angles are
∴θ = α − β equal.

θ = 123,7 o − 45 o β α
θ = 78,7 o

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Brainline Mathematics Gr.12 Mod2-Unit AG 1 Revise Analytical Geometry P.11

You must also know the properties of:

Squares - all four sides are the same length.
- all four angles are right angles (90°).
. - the diagonals bisect each other at right
- the diagonals are the same length.

Rectangles - opposite sides are the same length.

- all four angles are right angles.
- the diagonals bisect each other.
- the diagonals are the same length.

Rhombus - a parallelogram with 4 sides all of equal

- diagonals bisect each other at right angles.
- diagonals are not the same length.

Parallelogram - opposite sides are equal and parallel.

- diagonals bisect each other.

Kite - two pairs of sides are equal.

. - diagonals intersect at right angles.
- long diagonal bisects the short diagonal.

Areas of the above figures must be calculated, usually using

the area of a right-angled triangle:
∴ base × ⊥ height

• Area of a parallelogram / rhombus

Area = b × ⊥ h

• Area of a kite:
Long diagonal
Area = D × d
D 2
Short diagonal

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• Area of a trapesium:

Area = ( a + b)
If you have to use analytical methods it means that exact
plotting and measuring are not allowed. All calculations must
then be done by using the analytical geometry formulae.

You also might be asked to determine the equation of three

types of lines
• the median
• an altitude
• a perpendicular bisector

What is the difference?

• AM is a median. A median
A comes from a vertex (“angle”)
and goes through the
midpoint of one of the sides of
B M C the triangle.

• AD is an altitude. An altitude
comes from a vertex and is
perpendicular to one of the
B D. C sides of a triangle.

• DE is a perpendicular bisector.
It is not necessarily drawn from a
D vertex. A perpendicular bisector
B . C bisects (“cuts in half”) one of the
E sides of the triangle and it is
perpendicular to that side.

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Brainline Mathematics Gr.12 Mod2-Unit AG 1 Revise Analytical Geometry P.13

In this sketch, A(–4; 2) , G(2; 4) and R(4; –2) are vertices of

G(2; 4)

(– 4; 2)A

R(4; –2)

a) Prove that ∆AGR is a right-angled triangle.

b) Find the lengths of AG and GR.
c) Calculate the size of Â, without using a calculator.
d) Find the equation of
i) the perpendicular bisector of GR.
ii) the altitude GS.
iii) the median GM.

a) On this sketch it seems as if Ĝ might equal 90°.
If mAG × mGR = –1, AG will be perpendicular to GR.
y − yG y − yR
m AG = A mGR = G
x A − xG xG − xR
2 − 4 4 − ( − 2)
= =
−4 − 2 2 − 4
−2 6
= =
−6 −2
= −3
∴ m AG × m GR
= × −3
= −1
∴ AG ⊥ GR
∴ ΔAGR is right-angled

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b) AG = ( xA − xG )2 +(yA − yG )2
= ( − 4 − 2)2 + (2 − 4)2
= 40
= 2 10

GR= ( xG − xR )2 + (yG − yR )2
= (2 − 4)2 + ( 4 − ( − 2))2
= 40
= 2 10

c) If two sides are equal, the triangle is isosceles.

• Equilateral ∆:
Angles opposite equal sides are equal:
. Ĝ= 90°(from (a))

all 3 sides are equal.

• Isosceles ∆:


AG = GR (from (b)) Interior angles of ∆ = 180°

two sides are equal.
∴Â = Ȓ = 45°

d i)
. K

A R(4;–2)

Let KL be the perpendicular bisector.

K is the midpoint of GR:
x +x y +y 
K G R ; G R 
 2 2 
 2 + 4 4 + ( − 2) 
K ; 
 2 2 
K(3 ; 1)

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The gradient of GR:
y − yR
mGR = G
xG − xR
4 − ( − 2)
2 − 4
= −3
KL ⊥ GR:
mKL × mGR = − 1
∴ mKL = +
To find the equation of KL:
y = mx + c
y =x +c
K(3; 1): 1 = (3) + c
xy 3
1 = 1 + c
0 = c
∴ y = x

d ii) GS ⊥ AR
y − yR G(2;4)
mAR = A
xA − xR
2 − ( − 2)
4 − ( − 4)
4 A R
= S
8 (– 4;2) (4;– 2)

∴mGS = – 2
∴y = mx + c
y = –2x + c
G(2; 4): 4 = –2(2) + c
∴y = –2x + 8

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d iii) G(2;4)

(– 4;2)A R(4;–2)

M is the midpoint of AR:

x +x y +y 
M A R ; A R 
 2 2 
 − 4 + 4 2−2
= ; 
 2 2 
= (0 ; 0)

The gradient of GM:

yG − yM
mGM =
xG − xM
4 − 0
2 − 0
y = mx +c
y = 2x + c
Either substitute M(0; 0) or G(2; 4) because both of these
points lie on the median whose equation you need to

Method 1:
y = 2x + c
M(0;0) 0 = 2(0) + c
∴ y = 2x + 0
y = 2x

Method 2:
y = 2x + c
G(2 ; 4) 4 = 2(2) + c
∴y = 2x + 0
y = 2x

You can now do the activity.

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