Revised Energy Efficiency Design Index Parameters For Inland Cargo Ships of Bangladesh

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Revised energy efficiency design index parameters for inland cargo ships of

Article in Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment · August 2019
DOI: 10.1177/1475090219863956


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2 authors:

S M Rashidul Hasan Mashud Karim

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology


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Original Article

Proc IMechE Part M:

J Engineering for the Maritime Environment
Revised energy efficiency design index Ó IMechE 2019
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parameters for inland cargo ships of
DOI: 10.1177/1475090219863956


SM Rashidul Hasan and Md Mashud Karim

A generalized CO2 emission benchmark (energy efficiency design index) cannot be established for inland ships in a simi-
lar fashion like the one established by International Maritime Organization for seagoing vessels. Difference in environ-
mental, geographical and economic conditions, for example, shallow and restricted water effects, different fuel quality
(to reduce operational cost), reduction in speed, increase in engine power, reduction in carrying capacity and cargo avail-
ability, forbids the direct use of energy efficiency design index as formulated by International Maritime Organization.
These conditions have been addressed at first in this research, and revision of some parameters is presented for calculat-
ing energy efficiency design index for inland cargo ships of Bangladesh. Moreover, the ship data stored at different organi-
zations of Bangladesh deviate from the existing ship data. As a result, the collected data have undergone through several
verification processes. Based on the verified real data, CO2 emission benchmark for inland cargo ships of Bangladesh
was established. This benchmark is one of the world’s first CO2 emission benchmark for inland cargo shipping. This
benchmark will force ship designers of Bangladesh to design more energy efficient ships that will consume less energy
per ton-mile. It is interesting to note that the energy efficiency design index curve for inland cargo ships using revised
energy efficiency design index parameters is below the energy efficiency design index curve using International Maritime
Organization formulation. The prime reasons behind this fact have also been explained in this research.

Energy efficiency design index, EEDIINLAND, EEDIIMO, International Maritime Organization, inland cargo ships, CO2 emis-
sion, energy efficiency, Marine Environment Protection Committee

Date received: 1 October 2018; accepted: 19 June 2019

Introduction performance improvements of inland ships.3 Inland

ships, in general, require more power at the same speed
In 2011, International Maritime Organization (IMO) in comparison to similar type open water/seagoing
adopted energy efficiency design index (EEDI) to ship.4 Figure 1 shows the CO2 emission per transport
reduce CO2 emission in the environment from the unit (ton-km), where different freight transport modes
design stage. The idea was to force the seagoing ship (road, rail, maritime and inland shipping) over the
designers to have more energy efficient ships from the period of 1995–2009 in Europe are presented.5 From
current level of CO2 emission. Since the benchmark Figure 1, it is evident that CO2 emission from inland
would become more stringent over time, the energy ships is more than double over the other maritime
efficiency of a ship must be increased. The immediate transport. Draft restriction for inland ships increases
focus was on the seagoing ships since most of the CO2
emission from the marine sector is emitted by interna-
tional shipping.1 Department of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering, Bangladesh
The adopted EEDI solution to increase the energy University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh
efficiency of seagoing ships is successful so far.2
However, IMO does not have any guidelines for inland Corresponding author:
SM Rashidul Hasan, Department of Naval Architecture & Marine
ships in EEDI regulations yet. The absence of appro- Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
priate energy and emissions benchmark for inland (BUET), Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh.
waterway self-propelled ships is a large impediment to Email:
2 Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment 00(0)

inland shipping of Bangladesh, the carbon content of fuel

needs to be determined accurately. All these deviations
have been incorporated in this research step by step.

Brief description of EEDI

EEDI in its simplest form can be expressed as follows6
CO2 emission
Transport work
" ! !
Yn X
= fj :3 PMEðiÞ 3CFMEðiÞ 3SFCMEðiÞ
j=1 i=1


! !
Figure 1. Specific CO2 emissions per passenger-km and per Y
n nX
+ fj 3 PPTIðiÞ  3PAEeffðiÞ 3CFAE 3SFCAE
mode of transport in Europe, 1995–2009.5 j=1 i=1 i=1
 feffðiÞ 3PeffðiÞ 3CFME 3SFCME
the shallow water effect. In addition, design of inland 1
ship is mostly governed by the river/channel width and fi 3fc 3Capacity3Vref 3fw

depth. These unfavorable conditions boost the CO2 ð1Þ

emission of inland vessels, especially for a poorly
Equation (1) of EEDI contains different constants
designed ship.
and coefficients. The definition and meaning of those
The EEDIIMO (value of EEDI as per the IMO-
are described in IMO Marine Environment Protection
defined formulation for oceangoing ships) quantifies
Committee (MEPC) resolution,7 as shown in following
the transport work for estimating the amount of CO2
Table 1.
emission by seagoing ships. EEDI for inland cargo
The calculated EEDI for an individual ship will be
ships of Bangladesh will quantify the same; however,
called the attained EEDI. This attained EEDI must be
the EEDI parameters need to be revised. For example,
less than the reference EEDI or reference line. The
the effect of shallow water must be incorporated for
IMO Secretariat commissioned IHS Fairplay8 to use
EEDI for inland cargo ships of Bangladesh. In addi-
their data to calculate the EEDI reference line para-
tion, the consideration for speed and engine power to
meters for relevant ship types in accordance with the
be used in the calculation should be revised. Another
draft guidelines for calculation of reference lines for use
important factor is the carbon content of the fuel. Due
with the EEDI. Using IHS Fairplay data, calculated
to the addition of impurities in the fuel used in the
EEDI is presented against deadweight (DWT) (gross

Table 1. Description of different parameters of EEDIIMO.7

Parameter Description

fj Correction factor to account for ship-specific design elements (e.g. ice class ships and shuttle tankers)
PME 75% of the main engine MCR (maximum continuous rating) in kW
CFME Non-dimensional conversion factor for main engine between fuel consumption and CO2 emission
SFCME Certified specific fuel consumption of main engine in g/kWh
PAE Auxiliary engine power
CFAE Non-dimensional conversion factor for auxiliary engine between fuel consumption and CO2 emission
SFCAE Certified specific fuel consumption of main engine in g/kWh
PPT(i) 75% of rated power consumption of shaft motor
feff(i) Availability factor of innovative energy efficiency technology
PAEeff(i) Auxiliary power reduction due to innovative electrical energy efficient technology
Peff(i) Output of innovative mechanical energy efficient technology for propulsion at 75% main engine power
fi Correction factor to account for ship-specific design elements (e.g. ice class ships and shuttle tankers)
fc Cubic capacity correction factor (for chemical tankers and gas carriers)
fl Factor for general cargo ships equipped with cranes and other cargo related gear to compensate in a loss of
deadweight of the ship
Capacity 1. For passenger vessel: gross tonnage (GT).
2. For cargo and oil tanker: computed as a function of deadweight as indicated in 2.3 and 2.4 of MEPC 245(66)
‘‘2014 Guidelines on the calculation of the attained EEDI for new ships’’
fw Non-dimensional coefficient indicating the decrease of speed in representative sea condition of wave height, wave
frequency and wind speed
Vref Ship speed in nautical miles per hour at PME

EEDI: energy efficiency design index; IMO: international maritime organization; MEPC: Marine Environment Protection Committee.
Hasan and Karim 3

Figure 2. Reference line for bulk carrier, produced from the Figure 3. Speed loss in shallow water of Bangladesh according
scattered plot of EEDI against capacity.8 to Schlichting.10

tonnage (GT) for passenger ships). The regression line factors vary in inland shipping due to shallow water
passing through the scattered data (Figure 2) is the ref- effect. When the inland shipping of Bangladesh is con-
erence line for that specific type of ship. This reference sidered, standard carbon content cannot be used since
line will become stringent at different phases.7 The ref- mixing impurities (burnt lube oil/diesel, etc.) with the
erence line values shall be calculated as follows fuel is a usual practice here.
Therefore, it is important to consider these devia-
Reference line value, y = a3bc ð2Þ tions from the standard practice to achieve the exact
where a, b and c are the parameters given in Table 2.9 scenario of the CO2 emission level for the inland ship-
The present EEDI rules will be more stringent in differ- ping of Bangladesh.
ent phases.
Speed drop due to shallow water effect
Reason for revised EEDI for inland ships Ships plying on shallow water can easily be affected by
The IHS Fairplay database used by IMO consists of the limited draft due to the squat effect. The water velo-
thousands of authentic ship data for different types of city is accelerated around the hull as the draft limitation
ships. Using those data and standard carbon content of restricts the water flow. This increase in velocity results
fuel,8 it is easier to calculate CO2 emission. While esti- in a higher drag and eventually reduces the ship hull
mating the same for inland ships, three important fac- efficiency. After a certain speed of the vessel, this shal-
tors are different from IMO-defined parameters. The low water effect becomes very pronounced. Any ship
reference speed and capacity cannot be used as these (regardless of its size) navigating through restricted

Table 2. Parameters for determination of reference values for the different ship types..

Ship type defined in regulation a b c

Bulk carrier 961.79 DWT 0.48

Gas tanker 1120 DWT 0.46
Tanker 1218.8 DWT 0.49
Container ship 174.22 DWT 0.2
General cargo ship 107.48 DWT 0.22
Refrigerated cargo carrier 227.01 DWT 0.24
Combination carrier 1219 DWT 0.49
Ro-Ro cargo ship (vehicle carrier) (DWT/GT) 2 0.7 3 780.36, DWT 0.47
where DWT/GT \ 0.3
1812.63, where DWT/GT ø 0.3
Ro-Ro cargo ship 1405.15 DWT 0.5
Ro-Ro passenger ship 752.16 DWT 0.38
LNG carrier 2253.7 DWT 0.47
Cruise passenger ship having 170.84 GT 0.21
non-conventional propulsion

DWT: deadweight; GT: gross tonnage; EEDI: energy efficiency design index.
If the design of a ship allows it to fall into more than one of the above ship type definitions, then the required EEDI for the ship shall be the most
stringent (the lowest) required EEDI.9
4 Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment 00(0)

Table 3. Depth of the river water of Bangladesh.13

Name of route Minimum depth (m) Length of Minimum vertical Minimum horizontal
route, km (%) clearance (m) clearance (m)

Class-1 . 3.66 683 (11.39) 18.30 76.22

Class-2 2.13 1027 (17.13) 12.20 76.22
Class-3 1.52 1885 (31.44) 7.62 30.48
Class-4 \ 1.52 2400 (40.04) 5.00 20.00
Total 5995 (100)

waterways is heavily affected by these hydrodynamic

These effects have been estimated by Schlichting10
and Barrass.11 In order to calculate these effects on the
inland vessels of Bangladesh, these methods have been
followed.12 The evaluation and presentation of
Schlichting’s10 results, however, did not cover all range
of ship parameters. Schlichting10 has described the loss
in shallow water comparing the speed in deep water,
while Barrass11 has considered the ratio of water depth
in the river and the vessel’s draft. Both methods are
used to analyze the losses due to the shallow water
effect for the vessels of Bangladesh.
Figure 3 shows speed loss in percentage at different Figure 4. Speed losses in shallow water of Bangladesh
depths of the river and corresponding speed in deep according to Barrass.11
water. If 4% speed loss in any condition is considered
as negligible, it is observed that after 4, 6, 8 and 9 knots
speed in 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-m water depth, respectively,
the speed loss increases rapidly. consumption data for two different routes. Since, in
Table 3 shows that only 11.39% of the total inland both cases, the engine will burn the same amount of
waterways of Bangladesh have a water depth of 3.66 m fuel, the CO2 emission will be the same. However, the
or more. Thus, it is evident that most of the inland ves- use of reduced speed in shallow water will increase the
sels of Bangladesh are losing efficiency by more than value of EEDI.
10% due to this effect. In the above-discussed method, the speed reduction
Considering the method described by Barrass11 for due to the shallow water effect can be determined. Since
the waterways of Bangladesh, the speed losses are cal- the use of reference speed (VREF) as guided by IMO7
culated in percentage at different water depths (H)/ does not consider the shallow water effect, calculation
ship’s draft (T) ratio. From calculated results in Figure of EEDI for inland vessels of Bangladesh needs to con-
4 in a water depth of 4 m, a vessel having draft of 3.5 m sider this effect on speed and corresponding increase in
will have a speed loss of 31.43%. That means, a vessel engine power requirement.
having a speed of 12 knots in deep water will have
around 4-knots speed at the same propulsion power.
The losses in other situations are even worse. However, Capacity
Figure 4 also shows a minimum draft of the ship to As per the guidelines of IMO,14 the 100% deadweight
have the lowest possible loss. For example, when the (DWT) of the ship needs to be considered while calcu-
water depth is considered as 3.5 m and 4% loss is lating EEDI. Without any exception, a seagoing vessel
allowed, H/T will be 3.2, that is, the allowable draft of plies with her full capacity. However, for inland ships
the ship is 1.09 m only. of Bangladesh, it is not true all the time. It depends
In general, passenger ships of Bangladesh ply on spe- upon the availability of cargo. The optimal level of ves-
cific route as permitted by Bangladesh Inland Water sel capacity utilization is a trade-off between short-term
Transport Authority (BIWTA). However, for cargo profitability and long-term developments of the ser-
and oil tankers, specific route permit is not required. vice.15 In addition, vessels in the ports (both river and
This means inland ships of Bangladesh, especially cargo sea) of Bangladesh follow a roster or schedule-based
and oil tankers, face speed reduction due to shallow trip. As a result, full capacity cargo is not always
water effect. However, the designs are not always done available.
to overcome the shallow water effect. As a result, the Another aspect should be discussed for the inland
same vessel will have two different speed and fuel ships of Bangladesh. In many cases, poor design of
Hasan and Karim 5

Table 4. Comparison of diesel used in inland ships of Bangladesh and IMO standard diesel.

Parameter Unit Value as per Test method Value as per Eastern Test method by
IMO standard20 by IMO20 Refinery, Bangladesh, for Eastern Refinery,
high-speed diesel21 Bangladesh21

Density at 15 °C kg/m3 Max 920 ISO 12185/3675 Max 870 ASTM D 1298
Viscosity at 40 °C mm2/s Max 14 ISO 3104
Kinematic viscosity mm2/s Max 9 ASTM D 445
at 38 °C
Carbon residue at %m/m Max 0.3 ISO 10370 Max 0.2 ASTM D 189
10% residue
Sulfur %m/m Max 2 ISO 14596/8754 Max 0.5 ASTM D 4294/ASTM
D 1552
Water %V/V Max 0.3 ISO 3733 Max 0.1 ASTM D 95
Ash %m/m Max 0.05 ISO 6245 Max 0.01 ASTM D 482
Cetane number Min 45 ASTM D 613
Cetane index (calculated) Min 45 ISO 4264 Min 45 ASTM D 976
Pour point, °C °C Max 6 ISO 3016 Max 12 (summer) ASTM D 97
Flash point PM (cc)/Abel °C Min 60 ISO 2719 Min 32 ASTM D 93/IP 170
Sediment, % mass %m/m Max 0.1 ISO 10307-1 Max 0.01 ASTM D 473

IMO: International Maritime Organization.

ships does not allow the full capacity volume of the the scenario in Bangladesh is different. The four-stroke
ship for the following reasons: diesel engine is used in the inland ships of Bangladesh,
which use HSD. For this reason, carbon content and
 Sometimes, ships achieve load draft limit while CF will be different while calculating EEDI for inland
holds are not full or not loaded to DWT capacity. ships of Bangladesh. This value needs to be identified
This condition indicates the failure of the DWT dis- before it can be used.
placement ratio and poor lightweight calculation.
 Some vessel drafts do not achieve loaded draft,
Fuel test result for fixing carbon content. Sections ‘‘Speed
though all holds are full. Again, it is a failure of
drop due to shallow water effect’’ and ‘‘Capacity’’ have
DWT displacement ratio and poor lightweight
described why the ship speed and corresponding main
engine power, and capacity should be used to calculate
 Forward holds cannot take full cargo because it
EEDI for the inland cargo ships of Bangladesh. As
makes the ship to trim by the bow. It is an example
described in section ‘‘Carbon content of fuel used in
of poor ship design which does not analyze the
Bangladesh’’ regarding the issue of fuel quality used in
ship’s stability at different loaded conditions.
Bangladesh, the decision can be taken only after testing
the fuel. For this purpose, three samples of fuel have
Because of the above-discussed issue, 100% DWT been collected from three different sources. The first
cannot be considered while calculating EEDI for inland sample was collected from Jamuna Oil Company
ships of Bangladesh. A study on inland transportation Limited, a state-owned fuel oil supplier of
in Europe16 estimated that the average load factor of Bangladesh.17 It should be noted that Padma, Meghna
the vessel (in both directions) is 70%. However, investi- and Jamuna Oil Company Limited are the only three
gation and interviews of the ship operators have sources for fuel oil in Bangladesh. All these companies
revealed an average load factor of 85% of the DWT are state-owned.
for Bangladeshi inland cargo ships. The other two samples were collected from the ser-
vice tanks of two different ships. These three samples of
HSD were tested at the Centre for Advanced Research
Carbon content of fuel used in Bangladesh in Sciences, Dhaka University.18 The analysis was car-
Another unavoidable aspect is the fuel used in the ried out with CHNS (carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and
inland ships of Bangladesh. The four-stroke diesel sulfur) elemental analyzer (vario Micro V1.6.1, GmbH,
engine is used in the domestic ships, which takes high- Germany).19 In this analyzer, the liquid samples are
speed diesel (HSD). IMO has used the standard carbon filled into tin capsules and analyzed using the standard
content and value of CF (a non-dimensional conversion solid autosampler. The test results are shown in Tables
factor between fuel consumption and CO2 emission)14 4 and 5.
for different types of fuel. The standard values of car- Table 5 shows that the test results for carbon content
bon content and CF, as defined by IMO, are 0.8744 and from three different sources are different. Sample from
3.206 (t-CO2/t-fuel), respectively.9 Using these factors, the distributor contains much less carbon in compari-
CO2 emission of seagoing ships can be calculated, but son with diesel from ships. In order to understand this
6 Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment 00(0)

Table 5. Test results for carbon content for three different samples.

Sample collection Collection site Carbon content (%)

Jamuna Oil Company Limited Authorized dealer 58%

Ship-1 Telghat, Keraniganj, Dhaka 72%
Ship-2 Sonakanda, Narayanganj 80%

large difference in carbon content, a thorough investi-

EEDI for Bangladeshi Inland General Cargo Vessel
gation was done. It was revealed that burnt fuel and Calculated EEDI IMO_EEDI Power (Calculated EEDI) Power (IMO_EEDI)
lube oil are being mixed with diesel in the fuel tank of 40.00

the ship. This makes the fuel dirty and increases the 35.00

carbon content. In addition, most of the ship owners

EEDI (CO2/tonne.mile)
are greedy for short-term business profits, which led y (IMO) = 107.48* X-0.216
them to ignore the long-term bad impacts on the main R² = 1

engine. 20.00

y (Bangladesh) = 113.9* X-0.255

15.00 R² = 0.8482

Fixing EEDI parameters for inland cargo 0.00 250.00 500.00 750.00 1000.00 1250.00
DWT (Tonne)
1500.00 1750.00 2000.00 2250.00

ships of Bangladesh
Figure 5. EEDI reference line for inland cargo ships of
Section ‘‘Reason for revised EEDI for inland ships’’
Bangladesh as per revised definition.
has clearly explained the changes necessary for the
EEDI parameters by IMO for inland cargo ships of
Bangladesh. However, reasonable doubt appears for
emission state for inland cargo ships of Bangladesh has
the carbon content of diesel used in the inland ships of
been determined.
Bangladesh, as the test results show three different
Table 6 shows comparison of the change in value of
results. In order to avoid the doubt, the average of the
EEDI parameters definition as defined by IMO for
highest two-carbon content, which is 76%, is
oceangoing cargo ships and inland cargo ships of
For capacity in the EEDI calculation, 85% of the
DWT will be used for inland cargo and oil tankers (sec-
tion ‘‘Capacity’’). However, GT will be considered for
Sample calculation based on revised EEDI
passenger ships.9
Collected real data for 236 general cargo vessels of parameters for inland cargo ships of Bangladesh
Bangladesh shows that, on average, service speed corre- Based on the revised value, a good number of general
sponds to 60% maximum continuous rating (MCR). cargo ships of Bangladesh were taken into consider-
Therefore, in the revised EEDI parameters useful for ation to calculate EEDI for the inland cargo ships of
inland cargo ships of Bangladesh, VREF would refer to Bangladesh. Table 7 shows the information of a general
the ship speed at 60% MCR. The reference line as cargo ship and one sample calculation using EEDIIMO
shown in Figure 5 has been developed based on the (calculated as defined by IMO for oceangoing cargo
actual ship data, where service speed and corresponding ships), the revised parameters of EEDI as per Table 6
MCR of the main engine are used. By doing so, actual (hence termed as EEDIINLAND).

Table 6. Comparison of the value of different EEDI parameters as defined by IMO and those for inland cargo ships of Bangladesh.

S. no. EEDIIMO parameter Defined by IMO1 Revised value for inland cargo ships
of Bangladesh

1 PME 75% of the main engine MCR in kW 60% of the main engine MCR in kW
2 VREF Ship speed in nautical miles per hour Ship speed in nautical miles per hour
at PME (at 75% MCR) at PME (at 60% MCR)
3 Capacity Computed as a function of DWT 85% of the design DWT
4 Carbon content of diesel oil 0.87441 0.76
5 CF (non-dimensional conversion CF (IMO): carbon content in the fuel 3 CF (inland ships of Bangladesh): carbon
factor between fuel consumption (molecular weight content in the fuel 3 (molecular weight of
and CO2 emission based on of CO2/molecular weight of carbon) CO2/molecular weight of carbon)
carbon content) = 0.8744 3 (44/12) = 3.206 g CO2/g fuel = 0.76 3 (44/12) = 2.787 g CO2/g fuel

EEDI: energy efficiency design index; IMO: International Maritime Organization; MCR: maximum continuous rating.
Hasan and Karim 7

Table 7. Calculated values of different EEDI parameters of Bangladesh. EEDI for each vessel has been presented
inland cargo ships of Bangladesh. against the DWT and shown in Figure 5. The scattered
points from the calculation, presented in Figure 5, are
Cargo vessel-1
the EEDI values for vessels under consideration using
Vessel’s basic parameters: length, 64 m; breadth, 11 m; draft, revised EEDI definition for inland cargo ships of
3.5 m; block coefficient, 0.70 Bangladesh. A regression-based power curve line pass-
EEDIIMO EEDIINLAND ing through the scattered points can be treated as the
EEDI reference line for inland cargo vessels of
Installed engine power 448 448 Bangladesh. For comparison purpose, EEDI value for
PME 336 270 cargo vessels as per IMO guidelines is also presented in
MCR 75% 60%
Main engine RPM at MCR 91.30% 80% the same figure.
Shallow water effect 0% 20% First observation of Figure 5 may give a wrong
CFME 3.206 2.787 impression of the result. It is because of the lower
SFCME 196 190 EEDIINLAND value than EEDIIMO. In general, inland
PAE 22 22 self-propelled ships face additional restrictions,4 which
CFAE 3.206 2.787
SFCAE 210 205 increase the power requirement at the same speed,
PPT(i), feff(i), PAEeff(i), Peff(i) 0 0 burning more fuel and emitting more CO2. Therefore,
fj, fi, fc, fl, fW 1 1 the EEDIINLAND value was supposed to be higher than
Capacity 1206 1025 the EEDIIMO. The reason why EEDIINLAND is lower
VREF 9.5 8.5 than EEDIIMO needs to be understood. In order to do
EEDI 19.71 17.87
that, EEDIINLAND was calculated for five inland cargo
EEDI: energy efficiency design index; IMO: International Maritime vessels considering different operational profiles and
Organization; MCR: maximum continuous rating. compared with EEDIIMO. In the calculation, change of
EEDIINLAND value, upon changing individual revised
Results and discussion parameter, is shown. In addition, the combined effect
Calculation of EEDI as shown in Table 7 was per- of the changes on EEDIINLAND is also shown. The
results have been presented in Tables 9–13 (Appendix
formed for 236 inland general cargo vessels of
1). Table 8 describes which parameters have been

Table 8. Individual impact of revised EEDI parameter on EEDIINLAND for cargo ships of Bangladesh.

S. no. Parameter Impact of EEDI value due to the Change of EEDI due Approximate change in
use of revised definition to the use of revised EEDI due to the
definition revised definition

1 PME PME of inland cargo ships of EEDI value 1. Change in MCR

Bangladesh lies within 50%–70% decreases decreases engine power
(average 60%). This is lower output
than the fixed MCR as per IMO 2. At low engine power
definition. output, speed decreases
3. Shallow water effect
increases power
2 VREF VREF is the reference speed at EEDI value 4. Consideration of above
75% MCR of the main engine as increases facts, average decrease of
per IMO. The revised definition EEDIIMO is about 15%
of the reference speed for
inland cargo ships of Bangladesh
is the speed at 60% MCR of
main engine
3 Capacity Average capacity considered for EEDI value 1. 15%–20% EEDI value
the revised EEDI definition is increases increases due to revised
the 85% of deadweight, which is definition, keeping all
lower than the capacity as other first condition by
defined by IMO IMO unchanged
4 Carbon content Test result gives us lower EEDI value 1. Keeping all other first
of diesel oil carbon content for the diesel decreases conditions by IMO
used in the inland shipping of unchanged, impact of new
Bangladesh value of CF on EEDI is
5 CF Since the carbon content is EEDI value approximately 13%
lower for the diesel used in the decreases
inland shipping of Bangladesh,
value of CF is also lower.

EEDI: energy efficiency design index; IMO: International Maritime Organization; MCR: maximum continuous rating.
8 Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment 00(0)

revised, the reason behind the modification and the ORCID iD

impact of the modification on EEDIIMO. SM Rashidul Hasan
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have a holistic impact on EEDI. Change in some para-
meters reduces EEDI and changes in others increase
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will be different when a vessel enters or exits from deep London, October 2011,
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Appendix 1

Table 9. Effect of change in parameters on EEDI for cargo vessel-1.

Vessel’s basic parameters: length, 64 m; breadth, 11 m; draft, 3.5 m; block coefficient, 0.70
EEDIIMO Change in PME and VREF Change in capacity Change in CF value Change in PME, VREF, capacity and CF

Main engine 448 448 0 448 0 448 0.00 448 0

PME 336 270 220 336 0 336 0.00 270 220
MCR 75% 60% 220 75% 0 75% 0.00 62% 220
Maine engine 91.30% 80% 212 91.30% 0 91.30% 0.00 80.00% 212
Shallow 0% 20% 20 0% 0 0% 0.00 20% 20
water effect
CFME 3.206 3.206 0 3.206 0 2.787 0.00 2.787 213
SFCME 196 190 0 196 0 196 0.00 190 23
PAE 22 22 0 22 0 22 0.00 22 0
CFAE 3.206 3.206 0 3.206 0 2.787 0.00 2.787 213
SFCAE 210 205 0 210 0 210 0.00 205 22
PPT(i), feff(i), 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0
PAEeff(i), Peff(i)
fj, fi, fc, fl, fW 1 1 0 1 0 1 0.00 1 0
Capacity 1206 1206 0 1025 215 1206 215.01 1025 215
VREF 9.5 8.5 211 9.5 0 9.5 0.00 8.5 211
EEDI 19.74 17.47 211.50 23.19 18 17.13 213.09 17.87 29

EEDI: energy efficiency design index; IMO: International Maritime Organization; MCR: maximum continuous rating.
10 Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment 00(0)

Table 10. Effect of change in parameters on EEDI for cargo vessel-2.

Vessel’s basic parameters: length, 51.33 m; breadth, 8.46 m; draft, 3.85 m; block coefficient, 0.83
EEDIIMO Change in PME and VREF Change in capacity Change in CF value Change in PME, VREF, capacity and CF

Main engine 465 465 0 465 0.00 465 0.00 465 0

PME 349 265 224 349 0.00 349 0.00 265 224
MCR 75% 57% 224 75% 0.00 75% 0.00 57% 224
Maine engine 90.20% 78% 214 90.20% 0.00 90.20% 0.00 78.00% 214
Shallow 0% 20% 20 0% 0.00 0% 0.00 20% 0
water effect
CFME 3.206 3.206 0 3.206 0.00 2.787 213.07 2.787 213
SFCME 195 190 0 195 0.00 195 0.00 190 22
PAE 23 23 0 23 0.00 23 0.00 23 0
CFAE 3.206 3.206 0 3.206 0.00 2.787 213.07 2.787 213
SFCAE 210 205 0 210 0.00 210 0.00 205 22
PPT(i), feff(i), 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0
PAEeff(i), Peff(i)
fj, fi, fc, fl, fW 1 1 0 1 0.00 1 0.00 1 0
Capacity 1050 1050 0 892 215.05 1050 0.00 892 215
VREF 9 8 211 9 0.00 9 0.00 8 211
EEDI 24.75 21.11 214.70 29.11 17.62 21.51 213.10 21.54 213

EEDI: energy efficiency design index; IMO: International Maritime Organization; MCR: maximum continuous rating.

Table 11. Effect of change in parameters on EEDI for cargo vessel-3.

Vessel’s basic parameters: length, 65.0 m; breadth, 10.76 m; draft, 3.25 m; block coefficient, 0.6
EEDIIMO Change in PME and VREF Change in capacity Change in CF value Change in PME, VREF, capacity and CF

Main 522 522 0.00 522 0.00 522 0.00 522 0.00
PME 392 310 220.92 392 0.00 392 0.00 310 220.92
MCR 75.00% 59.50% 220.67 75.00% 0.00 75.00% 0.00 59.50% 220.67
Maine 87.00% 75.50% 213.22 87% 0.00 87.00% 0.00 75.50% 213.22
Shallow 0% 20.00% 20 0% 0.00 0.00% 0.00 20.00% 20.00
CFME 3.206 3.206 0 3.206 0.00 2.787 213.07 2.787 213.07
SFCME 200 190 25 200 0.00 200 0.00 190 25.00
PAE 26 26 0 26 0.00 26 0.00 26 0.00
CFAE 3.206 3.206 0 3.206 0.00 2.787 213.07 2.787 213.07
SFCAE 210 205 22 210 0.00 210 0.00 205 22.38
PPT(i), feff(i), 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
PAEeff(i), Peff(i)
fj, fi, fc, fl, fW 1 1 0 1 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00
Capacity 890 890 0 755 215.17 890 0.00 755 215.17
VREF 10.5 9.5 210 10.5 0.00 10.5 0.00 9.5 29.52
EEDI 28.9 23.96 217 34 17.65 25.12 213.08 24.5 215.22

EEDI: energy efficiency design index; IMO: International Maritime Organization; MCR: maximum continuous rating.
Hasan and Karim 11

Table 12. Effect of change in parameters on EEDI for cargo vessel-4.

Vessel’s basic parameters: length, 76.0 m; breadth, 13.97 m; draft, 3.2 meter; block coefficient, 0.7
EEDIIMO Change in PME and VREF Change in capacity Change in CF value Change in PME, VREF, capacity and CF

Main 805 805 0 805 0.00 805 0.00 805 0

PME 605 480 221 605 0.00 605 0.00 480 221
MCR 75% 60% 220 0.75 0.00 0.75 0.00 60% 220
Maine 91.00% 80% 213 0.91 0.00 0.91 0.00 80% 213
RPM at
Shallow 0% 20% 20 0 0.00 0 0.00 20% 20
CFME 3.206 3.206 0 3.206 0.00 2.787 213.07 2.787 213
SFCME 200 195 23 200 0.00 200 0.00 195 23
PAE 40 40 0 40 0.00 40 0.00 40 0
CFAE 3.206 3.206 0 3.206 0.00 2.787 213.07 2.787 213
SFCAE 210 205 22 210 0.00 210 0.00 205 22
PPT(i), feff(i), 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0
PAEeff(i), Peff(i)
fj, fi, fc, fl, fW 1 1 0 1 0.00 1 0.00 1 0
Capacity 1675 1675 0 1424 214.99 1675 0.00 1675 0
VREF 10.5 9.5 210 10.5 0.00 10.5 0.00 9.5 210
EEDI 23.66 17.88 224 27.84 17.67 20.57 213.06 21.04 211

EEDI: energy efficiency design index; IMO: International Maritime Organization; MCR: maximum continuous rating.

Table 13. Effect of change in parameters on EEDI for cargo vessel-5.

Vessel’s basic parameters: length, 63.1 m; breadth, 10.36 m; draft, 3.4 m; block coefficient, 0.64
EEDIIMO Change in PME and VREF Change in capacity Change in CF value Change in PME, VREF, capacity and CF

Main 522 522 0 522 0.00 522 0.00 522 0

PME 390 320 218 390 0.00 390 0.00 320 218
MCR 75% 61% 219 75% 0.00 75% 0.00 61% 219
Maine 91.50% 81.00% 211 91.50% 0.00 91.50% 0.00 81% 211
RPM at
Shallow 0% 20% 20 0% 0.00 0% 0.00 20% 20
CFME 3.206 3.206 0 3.206 0.00 3.206 0.00 2.787 213
SFCME 200 195 23 200 0.00 200 0.00 195 23
PAE 26 26 0 26 0.00 26 0.00 26 0
CFAE 3.206 3.206 0 3.206 0.00 3.206 0.00 2.787 213
SFCAE 210 205 22 210 0.00 210 0.00 205 22
PPT(i), feff(i), 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0
PAEeff(i), Peff(i)
fj, fi, fc, fl, fW 1 1 0 1 0.00 1 0.00 1 0
Capacity 940 940 0 800 214.89 940 0.00 940 0
VREF 10.5 9.5 210 10.5 0.00 10.5 0.00 9.5 210
EEDI 27.055 24.34 210 31.83 17.65 23.52 213.07 24.89 28

EEDI: energy efficiency design index; IMO: International Maritime Organization; MCR: maximum continuous rating.

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