Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop in New Normal An Assessment

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The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Jose Rizal University



A Research Submitted to the Faculty of the College of Business Administration

and Accountancy

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science

in Business Administration Major in Marketing

John Carmel A. Bonde
Kim R. Casiano
Ruperto Oliza
Rizza Mae Rosales
Ruby Joy Samson
Yingying Zeng

2nd Semester, SY 2021-2022

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop


The thesis/ dissertation, entitled: SUSTAINABILITY OF PANDAYAN

BOOKSHOP IN NEW NORMAL: AN ASSESSMENT, prepared and submitted by
John Carmel A. Bonde, Kim R. Casiano, Ruperto Oliza, Rizza Mae Rosales,
Ruby Joy Samson, Yingying Zeng, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in
Marketing has been examined and recommended for acceptance and approval
for Oral Presentation.

Dr. Lovelle Sison

Research Adviser

Approved by the PANEL OF EXAMINERS on Oral Defense on April 26, 2022,

with a grade of ______.

Prof. Miller A Mercado, MBA, MPA


Dr. Raul Rafael Ramos Dr. Madonna Siniguian

Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Marketing.

Prof. Gloria H. Reyes Dr. Allan F. Galvez

Chairperson for Economics, Dean, College of Business
Finance, and Marketing Administration and Accountancy
The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop


The researchers hereby declare that the research paper with the title of
“Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop in New Normal: An Assessment” is
our work carried out as an undergraduate at Jose Rizal University except to the
extent that assistance from other resources in establishing a thesis design,
concept, presentation, and linguistic expression are all acknowledged.
All resources used for the research paper have been fully and properly
cited. It contains material that to a substantial extent has been accepted for the
award of any other degree of JRU or any other educational institution, except
where the due acknowledgment is made in the thesis.

John Carmel A. Bonde

Kim R. Casiano

Ruperto Oliza

Rizza Mae Rosales

Ruby Joy Samson

Yingying Zeng

April 26, 2022

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop


The main purpose of this study is to determine the sustainability of the

Pandayan Bookshop in the new normal. The Pandayan Bookshop is one of the in-

demand local bookshops here in the Philippines, where people can buy cheaper

prices for school and office supplies. However, the Pandayan Bookshop

experienced six weeks of shutdown due to the pandemic period. The researchers

created a survey questionnaire, this questionnaire has two-part, the first part of the

survey questionnaire consists of economical, publicity, cost-effective, facilities,

availability, and the second part consist of marketing sustainability, human

resources sustainability, economic sustainability, and operation sustainability,

social sustainability. Fifteen employees and thirty-five customers with a total of fifty

respondents answered the survey questionnaire conducted. The researchers

found out in the first part of the survey that most of the customers were agreed that

the Pandayan Bookshop should maintain its customer-level satisfaction offers in

terms of service, product, facilities, and promotions during this pandemic. For the

second part of the survey, most of the employees' evaluations showed that they

strongly agreed with Pandayan Bookshop's sustainability in the new normal in

terms of marketing, human resources, and operation sustainability. The

researchers concluded that Pandayan Bookshop is effective in promoting the

products and events that they have. Pandayan Bookshop must expand its product

selection and improve its online store. Even if it is a pandemic, they still offer their

products at a cheaper price to the customers. Lastly, not only do business matters
The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

they care about, but they mind also their employees in terms of giving in the right

time salary and benefits during the pandemic, they also implemented the policy of

having a skeletal schedule and working from home.

Keywords: Sustainability, Bookshop, Employees, Customers, Pandemic, Business

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Page No.
Title page……………………………………………………………………………..i
Approval sheet……………………………………………………………………...ii
Declaration of Originality…………………………………………………………iii
Table of Contents………………………………………………………………….v
List of Tables……………………………………………………………………….vi
List of Figures……………………………………………………………………...vii
Chapter 1 Introduction……...……………………………………………………1
Background of the study…………………………………………………………...2
Statement of the problem………………………………………………………….5
Research Hypothesis………………………………………………………………6
Significance of the Study…………………………………………………………..6
Scope and Limitation……………………………………………………………….7
Chapter 2 Related Studies and Literature…………………………………....8
Local Literature……………………………………………………………………..8
Foreign Literature…………………………………………………………………..12
Local Studies………………………………………………………………………..15
Foreign Studies……………………………………………………………………..18
Synthesis of Related Literature and Studies…………………………………….21
Conceptual Framework…………………………………………………………….22
Definition and Terms……………………………………………………………….25
Chapter 3 Methodology…………………………………………………………..27
Research Design…………………………………………………………………...28
Population and Sample…………………………………………………………….28
Research Instruments……………………………………………………………...28
Validation of the Instruments………………………………………………………29
The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Statistical Treatment of Data……………………………………………………30
Weighted Mean…………………………………………………………………..31
Likert Scale……………………………………………………………………….31
Ranking Scale……………………………………………………………………32
ANOVA Test……………………………………………………………………...32
Chapter 4 Presentation, Interpretation and, Analysis of Data………….33
Chapter 5 Summary, Conclusion, Recommendation…………………….67
Summary of Findings……………………………………………………………67
Biodata of Authors……………………………………………………………..89
The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Table No. Page
Table 1: Profile of Respondents 28
Table 2: Likert Scale 31
Table 3: Distribution of Customer Respondents According to Age 34
Table 4: Distribution of Customer Respondents According to Gender 34
Table 5: Distribution of Customer Respondents According to Occupation 35
Table 6: Distribution of Employees Respondents According to Age 35
Table 7: Distribution of Employees Respondents According to Gender 36
Table 8: Distribution of Customer Respondents According to Job Position 36
Table 9: Status Interpretation Table 37
Table 10: Economical 38
Table 11: Publicity 41
Table 12: Cost-effective 44
Table 13: Facilities 46
Table 14: Accessibility 48
Table 15: Marketing sustainability 50
Table 16: Human resources sustainability 53
Table 17: Operation sustainability 60
Table 18: Operation sustainability 63
Table 19: Social sustainability 66
Table 20: Testing of Hypothesis 70
The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop


Figure No. Pages

Figure 1.1 Specific variable related to Sustainability of 22
Pandayan bookshop in the new normal

Figure 1.2 Input Process Output Model 24

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop



Before the pandemic, most consumers were buying materials for their

projects, schoolwork, and office supplies from bookshops. The Pandayan

Bookshop is one of the in-demand local bookshops here in the Philippines, where

people can buy cheaper prices for school and office supplies. Pandayan Bookshop

is owned and operated by a chain of stores that sells school and office supplies,

books, magazines, posters, charts, and arts and crafts. They are also known as

"cultural bookshops" here in the Philippines because of the local brand they sell in

their store. Because of the pandemic, most bookshops in the Philippines closed

their business, and several of them are impossible to reopen. Others are

persuaded to sell their businesses in online shops such as Shopee rather than on

a website page to continue operating bookshops.

However, Cabochan (2020) described the new coronavirus infection as the

most severe problem the chain has ever encountered, ending in a six-week

suspension. Because of the lengthy duration of the epidemic in the Philippines,

does Pandayan Bookshop stay in business during a pandemic? Are there any

changes they must make in this new normal system in the Philippines?

The researchers proposed this topic entitled: “Pandayan Bookshop

Sustainability in the New Normal: An Assessment” to show how the Pandayan

Bookshop would continue to operate in this new normal.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Background of the Study

A CVC Supermarket segment of school and office products was created

from the Pandayan Bookshop. The first Pandayan Bookshop became a distinct

entity on July 5, 1993. The address of Pandayan Bookshop is 783 IRC Compound,

General Luis St., Paso de Blas, Valenzuela City. Pandayan booksellers may be

found in the majority of provinces here in the Philippines, like Region I, II, III, IV,

CAR, and NCR.

Pandayan has come under intense scrutiny as a result of the new

coronavirus illness, which Cabochan described as the most difficult challenge the

chain has ever faced, culminating in a six-week shutdown. There is no certainty

about the trajectory of their back-to-school sales. With a lot of his company at

school, Pandayan suffered so much from the new coronavirus disease that

Cabochan judged this as the worst barrier ever experienced in the chain and shut

down for six weeks.

However, Pandayan wanted to develop its online channels and another

category, which they are instantly expanding as an office supply. Pandayan did not

let their different extension activities stop due to the pandemic. To build up

improved facial protection in the house, Valenzuela City allowed its workers to

harvest raw materials from its shops and their distribution center. When Pandayan

took part in the provinces, it started a spiral of conventional retail expansion; it

investigated cities in the field abroad. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, a

prolonged Luzon-wide enhanced community quarantine was implemented.

Pandayan Bookshop’s employees began making face shields as basic office

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

supply materials on their initiative and deployed them for free to shoppers in Metro

Manila, Central Luzon, Southern Luzon, and Cagayan Valley. From March to May,

Pandayan distributed around 74,000 face shields and 16,000 ballpoint pens in

various districts. Pandayan would never have been Pandayan if it did not have a

higher objective. Cabochan (2017) said that the Pandayan Bookshop does not just

expand. It aspires to be a model for the development of a nation founded on

"Mabuting Pagpapakatao, Pakikipagkapwa-tao, and Pagkamakatao."

Pandayan is an experiment that illustrates how a firm may play a part in

bridging the gap between employees and owners and contributing to domestic

growth. Employees are employing the unique compensation scheme for a larger

share of the income than most other companies. They have progressed from being

store employees to community volunteers and self-sacrificing frontliners

throughout the epidemic. However, if a large number of administrators remained

true to their "kapwa" beliefs to the fullest, Pandayan Bookshop understands the

importance of front-liners or workers who engage with consumers. Foot troops are

relied on by business owners and managers to carry out stratagems for prospering

and surviving. They serve the requirements of a huge part of the country's

impoverished by emphasizing front-line customer-facing professionals. As they

can aid others through monetary, their advancement causes a ripple effect

throughout society.

A retail store may not be the first place that comes to mind when the word

"soul" is mentioned, but that is exactly the case at Pandayan Bookshop. Its

employees have been known to go to extreme lengths for its customers, especially

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

in the countryside, where the majority of its departments are located in areas with

a scarcity of material and financial resources. If a customer requires an item that

is not available in the rural shop, Pandayan will purchase it for the customer in

Metro Manila. Not only for the customers, but Pandayan Bookshop also promotes

and empowers workers to grow and reach their goals through monthly incentives

and a profit-sharing system, as well as cooperatives that supplement employees'

income through dividends. Employees can also participate in a family day at their

child's school and get full pay for the day. Pandayan Bookshop has made great

strides, both in terms of consumers and personnel. It is good to introduce the

business administration to students the humanistic approach of business and the

importance of it not only in the business itself but also in the customers and

employees that they have. This study shows how Pandayan Bookshop sustains

customer needs and wants despite the pandemic and also the good relationship

with their employees.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Statement of the Problem

Many bookshops here in the Philippines are declining because of the

pandemic. This research helps to assess the sustainability of the Pandayan

Bookshop here in the Philippines during the pandemic on how they maintain the

customer level satisfaction and maintain a good relationship between the company

and its employees. The study aimed to assess the sustainability of Pandayan

Bookshop in the new normal. This study sought to answer the following:

1. What is the level of service of customers satisfaction offers by the

Pandayan Bookshop in new normal as to:

1.1 Economical;

1.2 Publicity;

1.3 Cost-effective;

1.4 Facilities; and

1.5 Accessibility?

2. What would be the assessment of the employees to show the

sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop in the new normal as to:

2.1. Marketing sustainability;

2.2. Human Resources Sustainability;

2.3. Economic sustainability;

2.4. Operation sustainability; and

2.5 . Social sustainability?

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Research Hypothesis

The researchers was guided by the null hypothesis that there is no

significant difference in the sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop as assessed by

employees and customers.

Significance of the Study

The result of the data gathering may be helpful to the following:

Management. The outcomes of this study may provide them with the

recommendation to help them determine how to sustain their business despite the

pandemic and assessing of their services and products to the bookstore personnel

and customers.

Customers. Through this study, they may help to assess the Pandayan

Bookshop in terms of sustaining their needs and wants. They might help to give

the necessary information on the understanding of the essence of bookshops here

in the Philippines.

Business administration Students. This study may serve as sample and

references to the students who are undertaking similar studies.

Prospects. This study may contribute to the useful knowledge and

information on the Pandayan Bookshop to improve their skills and plans in

engaging in research.

Future Researchers. This research may be a guide as a reference for

their study. For researchers who come up with an output in the form of research,

this may be beneficial for getting knowledge and information that are undertaking

a Business administration program.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Scope and Limitations

This study was focused on the bookstore personnel and customers’

responses and the relevance of their assessment to the sustainability of Pandayan

Bookshop in the new normal. Furthermore, this research included the fifty (50)

selected respondents who indicated what level of customer service satisfaction

they gave in Pandayan Bookshop in the new normal and how the employees

assess the sustainability of the Pandayan Bookshop. This shows the satisfaction

of the customers and employees in the Pandayan Bookshop. This study was

conducted at stall unit 2F of Lucky Gold Plaza Lifehomes, Ortigas Avenue, Sta.

Lucia, Pasig City, Puregold Aurora Blvd. corner Gen. Roxas St., Cubao, Quezon

City, and Cogeo Town Plaza Marikina-Infanta Highway, Antipolo, Rizal from

August 2021 to May 2022. The research study was undertaken through the

distribution of survey questionnaires to the selected respondents. This study was

limited only to Pandayan Bookshop, in line with how it sustains the needs of the

employees and customers in the new normal.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop



The researchers used various instructional resources linked to the

sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop in the new normal to get a better grasp of

this research. These resources, such as theses, case studies, and other online

articles, are crucial in broadening the researchers' understanding. These also

helped the researchers reach their full potential by receiving input from other

comparable studies and making as many improvements as feasible.

Local Literature

Cabochan (2017) mentioned that his mother desired to earn enough money

to send her children to the best schools. As an outcome, she founded CVC

Supermarket in 1956 and worked full-time every day, saving holidays. She planned

to quit the firm when all of her children had graduated from high school. Aside from

his mother, the entrepreneurial energy instilled a desire to create their business.

Entrepreneurship is one of the most rewarding ways to express one's creativity.

For him, independence was the most essential concern at the time. Operating free

of union limitations and demands brought relaxation, a type of liberation for my

entrepreneurial decision-making. And still, he is not anti-union. Labor unions have

an important role, but he needed some breathing room for his business. Retail is

a labor-intensive industry, and having a staff is vital to success. They have a

corporate mission for workers, "Pangarap para sa Panday," to encourage and

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

empower employees to optimize their contributions and make them eager co-

creators of Pandayan Bookshop. Pandayan's employees seem to be the most

crucial factor in its success. Those who perform the same functions as genuine

stakeholders do. They work extremely hard and smartly, frequently exceeding the

legal owners. Over the years, they’ve discovered that five elements are required

to completely engage people. A fair wage, fair treatment, meaningful employment,

a joyful environment, and a bright future. The five might well be considered the

trump deal in human capital management.

Brigadier (2017) said that Pandayan Bookshop sells a variety of products,

including school and office supplies, books and periodicals, posters and charts,

arts and crafts, fashion items, gifts and décor, and greeting cards, and party

decorations. Pandayan has made its items inexpensive, particularly for students

and instructors. The company provides appropriate low-cost school materials to

kids on a tight budget, as well as discounts to teachers. Pandayan Bookshop is

commonly located along roads, near marketplaces, near schools, and in shopping

malls. Because of its physical position, potential customers find it simpler to reach.

Students may easily stroll to the shop and get what they require at school. It is

more accessible since they can simply go to their stores rather than travel further,

which would be more expensive and time-consuming. One reason is that students

nowadays are usually in a hurry to accomplish or acquire what they need, and

Pandayan realized this by establishing a store that is conveniently accessible.

Pandayan created a distinct recognition of their items. They provided students with

simple access to what they needed daily.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Lifestyle inquirer (2020) discussed how Jun Cabochan manifested himself

in absolutely sudden actions. While a customer does no longer have sufficient cash

to pay for items, the Kapwa Panday (the chain's team of workers) gives or lends

the client the distinction of as much as a hundred pesos in our experience, and

whilst expert shoplifters thieve stuff, normally in large numbers. They keep

employees documenting it and even volunteer to pay for the stolen goods.

Cabochan's favorite thing to spotlight is Pandayan's awesome subculture and

workforce. The subculture is thought of as "Kultura ng Tagumpay," and it has a

nearly evangelical intensity. He desired to control an enterprise even if it changed

into an infant of fewer than ten employees, the way he favored, especially

regarding people. He favored a team of workers that became inspired via means

of goodwill as opposed to being hampered by employing minor and sizeable

disagreements among themselves and management. Cabochan acknowledges

the cost of an inspired team of workers. The Kapwa Panday acts and behaves like

a leader. They use recent techniques to enhance the keep. Workers offer at least

80% of development ideas, no longer managed by managers.

Manila Bulletin (2021) quoted that Pandayan's unique vision and purpose

are derived from the Kapwa Management Model, which is based on the Filipino

notion of shared identity and wherein the fundamental processes are

pakikipagkapwa-tao (dignifying interactions with others) and pagkamakatao

(having compassion for fellowmen). Pandayan is intended to serve and assist

workers in finding purpose in their lives, mostly through leading ethical lifestyles

and making a difference in the lives of others. A fulfilling existence inspires work

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

engagement. This results in outstanding customer service, innovation, and

enhanced business performance. Employees that engage with consumers bring

the process flow to a close. They decide whether clients will be thrilled, just content,

or dissatisfied. Customer-facing personnel, such as retail clerks and waiters, are

frequently undervalued in terms of execution since they are seen as mere muscles

expected to do their bosses' bidding. They are not expected to be able to think or

produce at a high level. The poor regard for customer-facing personnel stems

mostly from the perception that they are uneducated, come from low-income

families, and that they lack the necessary skills to develop in their jobs. Ambulant

merchants, spa employees, traffic police, and many more are all treated with

disdain. The level of school education is frequently the only apparent distinction

between customer-facing workers, on the one hand, regardless of the size of the

firm, and owners and managers, on the other hand, micro, small, medium, or big.

Everyone follows the bell curve when it comes to natural creativity, intellect, and

skill. Everyone is entitled to equal respect. They need to dispel the idea that

personnel in the corporate office are more essential than those in the field and, as

a result, should be paid more. The income earned by field employees is used to

pay the wages of those in the corporate office. Functional groups and operating

groups can optimize production by working together as equal partners. They tilt

the firm toward optimum performance by leaning on a predisposition for front-line

personnel. Paying the actual value of customer-facing workers and treating them

humanely triggers this lever for profound change.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

According to The Manila Times (2021), they consider that a decent example

of building and agreeing on one’s business principles. However, it'll be tougher to

alter toxic company culture. Beginning by developing personal philosophies with

the long-term well-being of your stakeholders in mind, Jun Cabochan established

the Pandayan bookstall. It was challenging, but together with his perseverance and

also the encouragement of his family and team, he stood firm on his values and

philosophies, permitting him to make his company culture target mabuting

pagpapakatao (good personality), pakikipagkapwa-tao (fellowship), and

pagkamakatao (humanity), that is additionally evident within the (Be the shoulder

of the youth towards goodness and wisdom). Thus, "Kultura weight unit tagumpay"

refers to the event of a business culture that cares for individuals and fosters

necessary connections (culture of success). Cabochan's leadership values are not

solely monetary success, but conjointly property of practices, pushing for a

humanistic approach to business.

Foreign Literature

Keane (2018) mentioned that bookstores are no exception, with a laundry

list of day-to-day concerns such as rent, prices, and razor-thin margins, to mention

a few. With Brexit looming, the difficulties in bookselling are becoming more

unpredictable. This is what I hear whenever I step into one of our lovely bookshops,

big or small. People must recognize that bookshops are more than just places to

buy books. Bookstores are one of the most essential aspects of any high street;

they provide advice, and directions, act as tour guides, host events, and help keep

local communities alive.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

According to Arnold (2019), small freelance bookstores play a very

important role within the community. These independent bookstores, as hostile as

massive chain stores, serve each community and also the individual. Their efforts

are invaluable. Freelance bookstores provide a means of community, creativity,

gathering, courtesy, and interaction. They supply a haven of comfort in a very fast-

paced culture, an area to have interaction with similar people, and a place to be

recognized in a world where oftentimes people only desire another face in the

crowd. Booksellers in independent bookstores place a high value on giving

personalized service to every consumer and developing long-term connections

with the residents of the community. Indie bookstores are quite well known for their

support of rising and freelance scholars. Their titles could also be displayed in

ways that large chain stores are unable to. Most creators around the country trace

their origins to an independent bookstore.

Vox (2020) clarified that even before official lockdowns were implemented,

a handful of bookshops voluntarily closed their doors. The end of browsing caused

a sea change in bookshop business strategies. Many factors raised sales at just

the right time for businesses. Customers flocked to internet purchasing systems,

many to assist their local merchants, while others were simply looking for anything

to read during the lockdown. Amazon began prioritizing critical products above

others, such as books, giving small businesses an advantage. Public assistance

has dried up, increased sales are still low, and the virus is threatening to grind

everything to a standstill once more. Independent bookshop owners went deep

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

into their wells of creativity and passion to find methods to adapt their companies

to COVID-19.

Baumann (2020) declared that the coronavirus epidemic has wedged little

publishers especially hard. The termination of the metropolis book fair, as well as

literary fairs and study tours, as properly due to the current lockout, has rendered

their works inaccessible. Even before the COVID-19 epidemic, they were not

always reviewed in newspapers, so bookstore presence and income are critical for

publishers. But, even in the virtual era, bookshops remain vital to the enterprise as

a whole. They have become crucial stores there, so each person who had to try to

accomplish that was allowed to go away with their book shop on hand challenge

to the subsequent sanitary situations consistent with the German Publishers &

Booksellers Association. Amazon, the e-trade giant, is a tremendous distribution

path for publishers. However, the company's choice in duration to rank transport

of commodities like agriculture, family goods, and splendor merchandise is all

suffering from the coronavirus outbreak. It's pretty ironic, simplest if the U.S.

internet behemoth engineered its empire through e-book income and transport.

WIRED (2020) cited that the epidemic resulted from an explosive and

widespread shift in client behavior. Leisurely in-person browsing is on extended

pause. Because most physical stores within the US are closed and because the

economy is in a depression, book sales were up overall in April, consistent with

marketing research firm the NPD Group. The book business has traditionally

performed well throughout economic downturns, and the first six weeks have

shown us that there's unlikely to be a ruinous drop in demand for books, NPD

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

industry professional Kristen McLean wrote in a recent internal update, noting that

book sales grew virtually per annum throughout the Great Recession.

Local Studies

Lopez (2016) published in her study that companies all around the world

have recognized this as a critical necessity to enhance the value they provide to

their customers. It is critical to understand all of the "ins and outs" of these offerings

that could attract shoppers, including loyalty rewards to their predecessors and

other factors that can greatly contribute to the addition of the product that the

customers wanted to search for the ease and complexities of improving and

sustaining customer loyalty, which some companies must do to provide their

customers with a broader and great buying experience. The perspective of

customers in retail businesses toward consumer happiness is uncertain

nowadays, owing to the continual increase in target markets and their needs, and

also the variety of solutions offered.

According to the study conducted by Datu, Flores, Hidalgo, Quillalan, and

Valoso (2016), aesthetic components are really important in business life. It aids

us in determining the aspects that contribute to our professional contentment. It is

critical during the evaluation step. New employees who are enthralled by their

occupations may be overjoyed with their supervisor and coworkers at first. This is

because they are new and must report to the superior, or because they must do

their best to keep their job; as their tenure increases, they will become more

autonomous, and even if they continue to be active, their contentment with the

boss and colleagues may decrease. The term "value" can also be interpreted in a

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

variety of ways. People may also choose to reside at their current workplace

because of the high income and advantages.

Rabo and Ang (2018) said that analyzing customer satisfaction may offer

organizations information that can be used to simplify operations and focus

improvement initiatives on cost efficiency to achieve greater performance.

Understanding customer satisfaction may offer organizations information that can

be used to simplify operations and focus improvement initiatives on cost efficiency

to achieve greater performance.

Buenviaje (2020) mentioned that corporate social responsibility is a

voluntary notion in which firms incorporate social and environmental problems into

their business operations and relationships with stakeholders. Today's business

executives demonstrate their organizations' commitment to social development

through their basic business beliefs and practices. One such goal is to work on

and create the image of a concrete organization that practices social responsibility.

In a nutshell, business is at the heart of the process that alters society.

According to Abun (2020), overall performance and involvement are also

associated with administrative center treatment. Employee process pride,

dissatisfaction, and engagement in artwork (disengagement) might be impacted

by honest and unfair treatment. Control, via care, exhibits sympathy for the staff

and responds in a way that might assist the worker in becoming better off. Positive

administrative center participation has been shown to increase process pride and

decrease attrition. When they feel encouraged by the leader or management,

employees desire to be dependable for the business. Increased administrative

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

center contacts boost worker enthusiasm and pride while minimizing operational


Jean and Antonieta (2020) expounded in their study that Tony Tan's goal of

business ethics is to create an ideal order in the business field that is consistent

with the economy, justice, and humanity; not only can it promote a virtuous

economic cycle and sustained growth, but it can also inspire and promote every

individual to fulfill their needs, develop their abilities, improve their role, and

integrate the business into a large system for the coordinated development of

society as a whole. Henry Sy expressed a thought for businesses, stating that the

need for corporate ethics is great, but first, they must find a rational framework for

explaining and disseminating it. It'd be nonsensical to expect a business-focused

entrepreneur, particularly the owner of a small or medium-sized organization, to

understand and use this sophisticated theory to educate himself and his workforce.

This is a major issue. Fortunately, most entrepreneurs are increasingly

emphasizing the necessity of creating a workplace culture that is more practical

than most.

Based on the study of Charmaine (2021), the duration of a financial disaster

as a result of a pandemic, bookshops across the USA confront an indeterminate

and surely tough fate. Since the current epidemic threatens to bring everything to

a halt, and foot traffic remains low due to network quarantine, booksellers are

looking for ways to regulate their businesses or expand their industrial operations

to deal with COVID-19. Booksellers must exist in the marketplace they serve, not

only through the services they provide to their customers but also by digitizing their

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

books and other publications. This is especially important now when the virtual

exchange of mastering structures at all stages has delivered a brand-new method

to coaching and mastering strategies known as e-mastering.

Foreign Studies

Yi-Ping and Hsiao-Ling (2016) indicated that the founder's idea and vision

affect the corresponding exercise of the e-book store's agency, and the agency,

together with goods, services, and activities, reflects or maybe little by little

enhances the idea through time. Furthermore, the community agency is not a

strictly e-book-selling community bookstore. It achieved a lot of things to recognize

the founder's beliefs and goals. It partnered with many partners and engaged with

customers through a couple of channels to promote reading, cultural exchange,

environmental betterment, community sustainability, and interpersonal

engagement. The e-book store is entrenched in a complicated community, an

interior in which it typically puts its beliefs into effect 12 months after 12 months.

Therefore, from the angle of customers, it could be stated that center customers

shared an immoderate level of appreciation for small bookshops, which was not

the most effective for how the agency would be run, but moreover, for the founder's

creativity and prescient.

Based on the study of Terrence (2017), increased staff commitment

improves firms' prospects of long-term success. The dynamic nature of the

corporate environment emphasizes the need for developing and implementing

effective methods that promote employee commitment. When companies

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

encounter high rates of worker turnover, their long-term viability is jeopardized due

to the loss of important personnel.

Nupur and Bharti (2019) stated that worker contentment has a giant impact

on a company's productivity. “If your firm's high-appearing personnel depart, it'll be

much more difficult to recruit sparkling new talent if your corporation isn't always

pleased with its personnel.” This evaluation offered a giant data that is at once

supplied with the aid of using people. It elucidates how people see the corporation.

It is a guide to assist people's behavior in a worker opinion survey. The position

allows people to put their knowledge and skills to use from within the facility. A

huge range of people are thrilled with the liberty with which they can coordinate

their work, in addition to the business's present-day culture, and they're showing

their dedication to their company. The course is designed to help people put their

knowledge to use within the administrative framework. At the center, it was

determined that there may be room for development in running conditions. Given

the data, they can infer that the placement lets people place their talents to apply

at work. They're proving their ardor for their firm through their work and the

business's present-day culture.

Pritam (2019) concluded that the business's goal is to preserve long-term

relationships with its consumers and business partners. To attract new customers,

wants and desires must be recognized, and benefiting from them has a significant

impact on the overall business operations. As a result, the company must grasp

exactly what the consumers require and how to build loyalty to run a successful

business. To be more specific, pleased consumers are the ones who generate the

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

prospect of new customers. If existing consumers are pleased with the product and

service, there is a potential that they may suggest it to new customers. It'll also

contribute to an increase in the number of customers and may help to sustain the

degree of customer connection. Various methodologies had to be used to examine

the repercussions of measuring consumer happiness. Customers forecast the

value of items before purchase, at the moment of purchase, and after purchase.

Therefore, in response, their measure of pleasure may vary. As an outcome, a poll

ought to be undertaken to establish the proper expectation. Overall, this study has

shown that customer happiness and loyalty are critical components of every

organization. Consumer demand may improve if the case firm can create a

reputation in the industry and improve consumer demand.

Based on the conducted study of Ryan (2020), local bookstores have been

shown to remain durable in the face of several technical and economic challenges.

In the bookselling sector, business models are changing. By leveraging a bigger

social movement that highlighted the importance of purchasing locally and a desire

to nurture Successful independent booksellers have been able to distinguish

themselves in their communities. They distinguish themselves from the online and

big-box competition. Consumers highly view local bookshops as an important type

of brick-and-mortar shopping in their neighborhoods. Local bookstore proprietors

have also profited from their workers' unwavering dedication; many of whom might

find higher-paying employment elsewhere but stay to work in bookshops since they

regard the bookselling trade as having a greater purpose.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

The testimony of Yang, Chen, Lee, and Lui (2021) suggested that the

utilization of human resources influences an enterprise's success. The knowledge

acquisition approach is used in this work to explore the association between job

stress, job satisfaction, and job performance, noting that few studies have

compared these variables across industries, particularly between high-tech and

traditional industries. The provided evaluation simulation can help decision-makers

make the best business decisions possible by utilizing their people systems,

consequently enhancing employee satisfaction and work performance.

Synthesis of Related Literature and Studies

Arnold (2019) stated that indie bookstore booksellers place a premium on

providing individualized service to each customer and building long-term

relationships with members of the community. Keane (2018) said that bookstores

are one of the most essential aspects of any high street-they provide advice, and

directions, act as tour guides, host events, and help keep local communities alive.

Ryan (2020) noted that local bookstores have been shown to remain durable in

the face of several technical and economic challenges. In the bookselling sector,

business models are changing.

Vox (2020) explained that many factors raised sales at just the right time for

businesses. Customers flocked to internet purchasing systems, many to assist

their local merchants, while others were simply looking for anything to read during

the lockdown. This is especially important now when the digital change of learning

systems at all levels has introduced a new approach to teaching and learning

techniques known as e-learning (Charmaine, 2021).

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Rabo and Ang (2018) analyzed customer satisfaction and may offer

organizations information that can be used to simplify operations and focus

improvement initiatives on cost efficiency to achieve greater performance.

Customers forecast the worth of items before purchase, at the moment of

purchase, and after purchase. As a result, their levels of pleasure may differ.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework describes how the investigation was carried out.

The customer service satisfaction level of Pandayan Bookshop and assessment

of employees shows of sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop in the new normal.

Figure 1.1 shows the conceptual framework if this study would like to know

the sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop in the new normal.

Customer service
satisfaction level of
Pandayan bookshop
Sustainability of Pandayan
bookshop in the new

Assessment of employees
in shows of sustainability of
Pandayan bookshop

Figure 1.1
Relationship of Variables

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Research Paradigm

This study used the system approach, which comprises three major stages,

namely: input, process, and output.

The input consists of the following: economical, publicity, cost-effective,

facilities, accessibility to know the customer service level satisfaction. It also

includes marketing sustainability, human resources sustainability, financial

sustainability, operation sustainability, and social sustainability that employees

assess the sustainability of Pandayan bookshop.

The pursuit of understanding is through the following processes: data

collection, data analysis, data interpretation, data analysis, data interpretation,

data interpretation, data interpretation, data interpretation, data gathering through

surveys and interviews, data analysis to clarify statistical claims, and interpretation,

findings, conclusions, and recommendations.

The output of this is to have a great location that can be easily accessed by

the consumers and expansion into a new market to determine the sustainability of

Pandayan Bookshop in the new normal.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Figure 1.2
Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop Concepts

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Definition of Terms

To provides a common frame of reference, the following concepts are

operationally defined:

Assessment. It refers to the methodological basis for reaching judgments

about individuals' learning and growth is assessment. It is the process of

recognizing, selecting, developing, collecting, assessing, interpreting, and utilizing

information to help students learn and grow.

Customer-level Satisfaction. It is a metric for determining consumer

satisfaction with a company's products, services, and capabilities. Information on

customer satisfaction, such as surveys and ratings, can aid a firm in determining

how to enhance or adjust its products and services.

Facilities. It refers to a being that contributes to the ease, practicality, or

delight of others.

Financial Sustainability. It is sustainable finance which is described as

investment decisions that include the economic activity's environmental, social,

and governance (ESG) considerations. Environmental considerations include

climate change mitigation and the utilization of renewable resources.

Human Resources Sustainability. It is a human resources that generate

a pleasant working environment and beneficial human and social consequences

without focusing on financial methods and results are referred to as sustainable.

Marketing Sustainability. It refers to a company's total strategy for

reaching out to potential customers and turning them into paying customers.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Operation Sustainability. It is a way of determining if a company can retain

current practices without jeopardizing future resources.

Publicity. It is the dissemination of information about a product, person, or

corporation for advertisement or promotion.

Social Sustainability. It is by understanding what people require from the

places they live and work, social sustainability is a technique for developing long-

term effective locations that encourage wellness.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop



This chapter presents an overview of the study's research techniques. It

collects details on the participants as well as the structure of the study's criteria,

who the participants are, and how they analyze it. The researchers detailed the

research design that matched the overall approach that was utilized to consistently

and logically integrate the different components of the investigation, thereby

assuring that the research issue would be effectively answered. The equipment

that was utilized to collect data, as well as the procedure was followed to carry out

this inquiry, and it is also illustrated. The researchers was also described the

strategies they employed to examine the data.

Research Design

The research design that was used is descriptive research with a survey as

the gathering of the information and data. The descriptive method entails more

than just data collection. From the perspective of the project's objectives and

underlying assumptions, the genuine significance of the data obtained should be

reported. Using a descriptive survey that consists of two parts of the questionnaire

which describe the economical, publicity, cost-effective, facilities, availability that

describe the level of satisfaction of the customers in the Pandayan Bookshop in

the new normal assessment in marketing sustainability, human resources

sustainability, economic sustainability, operation sustainability, social sustainability

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

that assess of the employees on a showing of sustainability of Pandayan bookshop

in the new normal.

Population and Sample

The researchers applied the random sampling method to the population and

research objectives. This was centered on Pandayan Bookshop’s sustainability in

the New Normal. The researchers had 50 respondents, who assessed the

sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop for consumers and employees.

Table 1: The table below shows that the researchers had a percentage

sample of 50 responses, with the average of staff and consumers reaching a total

of 100 percent.

Table 1

Profile of the Respondents

Respondents Frequency Percentage

Employees 15 30%
Customers 35 70%
Total 50 100%

Research Instruments

A survey questionnaire was used by the researchers for gathering data and

information for the study. The questionnaire was divided into two (2) sections and

chosen as the target respondents.

The first section of the questionnaire was on the Pandayan Bookshop's

customer level of satisfaction with the new normal.

The second section of the questionnaire addressed the assessment of the

employees on the sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop in the new normal.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Validation of the Instrument

The validity of the instrument was utilized to be determined by pre-testing

with a chosen group of customers and employees. All items were sufficient to

collect data on the issue. All items were impartial and not biased, and all queries

were relevant to the research problem.


The researchers used a variety of data collection strategies in their

investigation. To discuss potential solutions to the situation, the researchers took

the following steps:

1. All of the thesis paper's variables had investigated. To construct

indicators based on the factors, researchers had a brainstorming session.

2. Created the survey questionnaire that was used as the primary

instrument in the data collection operations.

3. Before delivering the survey questions, the researchers interviewed the


4. All survey questions were gathered from respondents.

5. Every indicator that was tabulated had a statistically weighted mean and


6. Based on the data, researchers compiled a set of findings, conclusions,

and suggestions. All survey's indicators have a weighted mean and interpretation.

The questionnaire contains two (2) parts. The Part I is the customer level

satisfaction of service of Pandayan Bookshop in the new normal. The Part II is the

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

assessment of the employees to Pandayan Bookshop’s sustainability in the new


Statistical Treatment of Data

The data was collected and computed under the study's objectives. The

following statistical data analysis were used by the researchers to develop the

interpretation and presentation of the results.

1. Frequency. It presented the actual reaction of the respondents based

on specific criteria such as Pandayan Bookshop products offering in the new

normal and employees’ assessment of Pandayan bookshop’s sustainability in the

new normal.

2. Percentage. This information was used to calculate the frequency

counts and percentage distributions of the respondents' personal linked variables.

Where: % = the percentage

F= Frequency

N= Total number of respondents

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

3. Weighted Mean. It computed the average answer of the numerous

alternatives presented in the various sections of the survey questionnaire. This

approach is used in conjunction with the Likert Scale.


WM = weighted mean

f = frequency of score

x = raw score

N = total number of respondents

Likert Scale

The Likert scale is an arranged measure from which respondents select one

way that best represents their perspective. It precisely measures the degree of

agreement and disagreement.

Table 2

Likert Scale

Scale Range Symbol
4 3.50-4.00 SA Strongly Agree
3 2.50-3.24 A Agree
2 1.75-2.49 D Disagree
1 1.00-1.74 SD Strongly Disagree

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Ranking Scale

This is the structured metric in which participants chose one option that best

expresses their point of view. It precisely measured the degree of agreement and


Where: R1= In chronological order, the pace of one variable.

R2= The order variable's rate.

4. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The ANOVA test was utilized to

see if there were any variations in customer satisfaction with Pandayan

Bookshop's new normal service and an employee assessment of the

sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop in the new normal.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop



The information gathered from the main data sources presented in this

chapter is collected, evaluated, and interpreted in the context of a particular

assessment covered in this study's first chapter.

In the survey, 35 customers and 15 workers were asked for their answers

to assess the sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop in the new normal.

The first section of the study focused on the demographic profile of the

customers. Age, gender, occupation, and job position were the variables.

The questionnaire was split into two sections and delivered in a parallel

format. According to the problem structure's statement, the first section entailed

the level of satisfaction with Pandayan Bookshop in terms of product selection,

publicity, economy, amenity, and product availability. The second section

discussed how employees assess Pandayan Bookshop's sustainability in the new

normal in terms of marketing strategy, human resource management, financial

strategy, production strategy, and corporate-level strategy. It also assisted

researchers in gaining a better understanding of the data.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Respondent’s Profile

Table 3

Distribution of Customer Respondents According to Age

Age Frequency Percentage

15-19 5 14.28%
20-25 29 82.86%
26-37 0 0%
Above 38 1 2.86%
Total 35 100%

Table 3 depicts the distribution of responders according to the age of

customer respondents. Most of the buyers of the Pandayan Bookshop are 82.26%

from the age range of 20–25 years old, 14.28% are from the age range of 15–19

years old, and 2.86% are above the age of 38 years old.

Table 4

Distribution of Customer Respondents According to Gender

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 15 42.86%
Female 20 57.14%
LGBTQ 0 0%
Total 35 100%

Table 4 shows the distribution of respondents according to gender. The

57.14% of Pandayan Bookshop customers are female, 42.86% are male, while

there is 0% for LGBTQ.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Table 5

Distribution of Customer Respondents According to Occupation

Occupation Frequency Percentage

Student 27 77.14%
Employees 7 20%
Others 1 2.86%
Total 35 100%

Table 5 shows the distribution of customer respondents according to their

occupation. The 77.14% are students, 20% are employees, and 2.86% have

chosen not to disclose their occupation.

Table 6

Distribution of Employees Respondents According to Age

Age Frequency Percentage

18-24 3 20%
25-29 6 40%
30-34 3 20%
Above 40 3 20%
Total 15 100%

Table 6 depicts the distribution of employees respondents based on age.

The 40% of the employees of the Pandayan Bookshop are aged 25–29 years old,

20% of them are aged 18–24 years old, 30-34 years old, and above 40 years old.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Table 7

Distribution of Employees Respondents According to Gender

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 6 40%
Female 7 46.67%
LGBTQ 2 13.33%
Total 15 100%

Table 7 indicates the employee respondents' distribution according to

gender. The 46.67% of the employees of Pandayan Bookshop are female, 40%

are male, and 13.33% of them are part of the LGBTQ community.

Table 8

Distribution of Customer Respondents According to Job Position

Position Frequency Percentage

Acting Central 1 6.66%
Store Executive 3 20%
Asst. Store Executive 3 20%
Merch. Asst./Cashier 4 26.67%
Other Positions 4 26.67%
Total 15 100%

Table 8 shows the distribution of respondents according to occupation.

Based on the data above, the majority of the employees are Merchandise

Assistants/Cashiers which is 26.67%, Store Executive and Assistant Store

Executive are both 20% respectively, there is also 26.67% who are employees

whose roles are not included in the questionnaire, and lastly, there is only 6.66%

of employees who are Acting Central Executive.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Status Interpretation Table

Table 9

Weighted mean Interpretation Ranking

3.50-4.00 Strongly Agree 4
2.50-3.24 Agree 3
1.75-2.49 Disagree 2
1.00-1.74 Strongly Disagree 1
Table 9 presents the survey legend concerning the study and interpretation

of the sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop in the new normal. The quantitative

rating's interpretation is based on the responses to the survey questions. The

interpretation is for customer satisfaction and employee assessment at the

Pandayan bookshop. The respondents were asked to score the statements in the

questionnaire on a four-point Likert scale, with 4 representing "strongly agree," 3

representing "agree," 2 representing "disagree," and 1 representing "strongly


The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Sub problem no. 1: What is the level of service customers satisfaction offers

of Pandayan bookshop in new normal as to:

Table 10

Areas of Concern Mean Interpretation
A receipt is always provided upon purchase. 3.71 SA
Prices are economical 3.4 A
Products purchased are durable and have
3.26 A
warranties if needed
The store does not run out of stocks of the
3.14 A
product I need.
Table 10 shows the result of the satisfaction and dissatisfaction of the

customers regarding the economics of Pandayan Bookshop during the pandemic.

This part has different categories, which are:

The first part of Table 10 illustrates the result regarding the provision of

receipts in every purchase. It has a computed weighted mean of 3.71 with the

interpretation of "strongly agree”. The customers have shown strongly agreed that

Pandayan Bookshop is providing receipts upon every purchase.

As the interpretation of the researchers, customers always receive their

receipts after they bring them into the stores, which serves as evidence of

purchase. If the issuer issues a second invoice by mistake, the customer may use

a receipt to show that they have already paid what they owe to them. Some

customers believe that issuing receipts with every purchase serves as proof of

their reimbursement or how much tax they paid. It is also ensured that the stores

provide an official receipt for every transaction as mandated by law.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

The second part of Table 10 illustrates the result of the evaluation of

customers' perception of the prices of products as economical. It has a computed

weighted mean of 3.4 with the interpretation of "agree”. The customers have

agreed that Pandayan Bookshop is pricing their products practically and

economically, which is relevant during the pandemic are more people are

becoming more conscious of their purchases.

As per the interpretation of the researchers, the customers of Pandayan

bookshop are shown that some of the prices of their products are cheap, meaning

that the prices of their products are cheaper than those of other bookstores. One

of the examples here is the rim of the hard copy paper. They said that the price is

cheaper than in the bookstore, so they always buy a rim of bond paper in the

Pandayan Bookshop. The gifts and decorations that they have are cheaper than

the other stores that are also selling the same category of products, but in other

comments of the customers, some of their products are the same price as other


The third part of Table 10 illustrates the result of the durability and

warranties of products being purchased in Pandayan Bookshop. It has a computed

weighted mean of 3.26 with the interpretation of “agree”. With this, the customers

have agreed that the products they purchase are durable and have warranties.

As per the interpretation of the researchers, most of the time the Pandayan

Bookshop gives warranties on their products that are durable but to those that are

non-durable like chocolates, these do not have warranty.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

The fourth part of Table 10 illustrates the result of the availability of stocks.

It has a computed weighted mean of 3.14 with the interpretation of “agree”. The

store ensures that they replenish stocks promptly.

As per the interpretation of the researchers, the customers agreed that the

store does not run out of stock, they can purchase at any given time. However, it

takes time to have another stock of products. Although they have it in their online

shops, the customer much prefers to buy it in their physical store. As said by Lopez

(2016), the product that the customers want to search for the ease and

complexities of improving and sustaining customers with a great buying experience

due to the ongoing expansion of target markets and their needs, as well as the

variety of solutions available

In the overall analysis, most of the answers are "agree" and one of the

answers is "strongly agree" because the store always provides their receipts for

the customers to prove what they brought into the store, and also the receipts can

be used if they need to return or replace the purchased item if the item is rejected.

In terms of the pricing, durability, warranties, and the stock of the items, some of

the items are not part of warranties because the product is not durable. The other

prices are the same as in other stores or shops, and the items also need to wait

for a specific period due to the traffic of the pandemic. There are even online shops

but customers prefer to buy in their physical stores.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Table 11

Areas of Concern
mean Interpretation
Using social media in promoting their new
promos and announcements. 3.63 SA
Provides special promotions during holidays and
special occasions. 3.26 A
Promotes its product range and the upcoming
change in posters outside of the stores. 3.2 A

Table 11 which is publicity is one of the trading business's techniques for

informing and notifying clients. These activities determine whether the bookshop

employees communicate well with their clients.

The first part of Table 11 shows the result of the question on using social

media as a platform of the bookshop. It results in an average weighted mean of

3.63 and with the interpretation of "strongly agree."

The researchers interpreted that the bookshop uses social media to inform

their customers when they have a new promo. Since the employees feel that social

media influence is one of the major factors affecting the trade market and will keep

on affecting it in the future, most of the employees are in favor when it comes to

social media promotions and announcements. They also use social media when

they have an announcement or when they change their store hours during

holidays. According to Ryan (2020), by leveraging a bigger social movement that

highlighted the importance of purchasing locally and a desire to nurture successful

independent booksellers, they have been able to distinguish themselves in their

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

communities. They distinguish themselves from the online and big-box


The second part of Table 11 represents the question on giving promos on

a special day, the computed weighted mean of 3.26 with the interpretation of


As interpreted by the researchers, the bookshop offers discounted prices

like a 25% discount for some items and buy one- take one for selected products

only. Seasonal promotions and their thoughts about seasonal promotions are

selected date only and did not last for long weeks, unlike the other stores, based

on customer feedback and reaction.

The third part of Table 11 was constituted of the survey question of

promoting its product by simply using posters and the computed result of the

weighted mean is 3.2 and has an interpretation of "agree.”

As the result shows above, the researchers interpreted that using posters

helps the bookshop to inform others that they have a newly opened bookshop. It

offers quite a complete overview of what customers need to know. They thought it

was a fantastic idea not only to save money on paper but also to keep track of

what they had already published and posted on their social media page.

As interpreted by the researchers, most of the answers by the respondents

were "agree" and one was "strongly agree," which means that by using social

media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube, they

are reaching their customers to promote and announce their new products and

monthly events. So, the customers are aware because they are active on social

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

media. But in terms of promotional discounts and promoting their product in a

simple poster, the customer finds an improvement in the graphics of their poster,

even if it is informative, but in promoting their business or announcement using a

simple poster both online and physical. For the promotional discount, the seasonal

discount is too short and it is selected items only. It takes a long period to have

another seasonal discount.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Table 12

Areas of Concern mean Interpretation
Offers wide product ranges and is inexpensive. 3.37 A
Prices are cheaper compared to other
bookstores. 3.31 A
Offers their customers discount for repeat
purchases. 3.11 A

Table 12 presents the cost-effective of the bookshop in different variables,

such as those in the following areas:

The first area of concern in Table 12 shows the results of the question in

offering wide product ranges and being inexpensive with a 3.37 weighted mean,

which is interpreted as "agree."

As interpreted by the researchers, Pandayan Bookshop offers a wide range

of products. That also means they can give their customers more options. If they

can find everything they need in the store, they will not go to other stores that also

offer the same product. Offering a wide range of products at an inexpensive price

is also an advantage.

The second area of concern in Table 12 shows the result on a question that

says, "Compared on pricing with other bookstores, with a weighted mean of 3.31,

which is interpreted as "agree."

As interpreted by the researchers, offering products at cheaper prices, as

Pandayan Bookshop does, can make products appealing to customers. If their

price sets them apart from other bookstores without sacrificing quality, they have

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

a great competitive advantage. The Brigadier (2017) said that Pandayan has made

its items inexpensive, particularly for students and instructors.

The third area of concern in Table 12 shows the results on the question

"giving discounts in frequent availing" has a weighted average of 3.11, which is

interpreted as "agree."

As per the interpretation of the researchers, the customers confirmed that

this is a good choice for customers who are looking for discounts like vouchers

that they regularly purchase in different Pandayan Bookshops and give those

discounts and coupons that would attract the customers but not all the products

are eligible for this coupon.

In the overall interpretation, the researchers found that most of the answers

of the respondents were "agree," meaning that they offer their product at a cheaper

price compared to other bookstores, where customers prefer to buy it in their store.

However, even if there is a discount or coupon, the other products are not eligible

for the discount, and not all of the products are less expensive than at other stores.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Table 13

Areas of Concern mean Interpretation
Store employees are socially distanced and
wear masks. 3.49 A
Store employees are known for the products
they are selling. 3.43 A
Store employees are friendly, entertaining, and
responsive. 3.34 A

Table 13 presented the facilities of Pandayan Bookshop in the new normal

by assessment of the customers.

The first part of Table 13 represents the result of current safety protocols

the staff implemented during the pandemic. It has a computed weighted mean of

3.49 with the interpretation of "agree."

The customers have agreed that Pandayan Bookshop employees follow

social distancing and also wear facemasks properly at all times for the safety of

both employees and customers who visit the store. They are also having a health

monitor just to scan but some of the stores are have not a scanner. In the Pasig

branch, they only scan the QR pass to see the health monitor.

The second part of Table 13 shows the result of respondents' answers to

the question about the knowledge of employees about the products they sell,

resulting in a weighted mean of 3.43 with the interpretation of "agree."

This meant the customers agreed that most of the employees had enough

knowledge to respond to their queries. The customers are not hesitating to ask

because the employees of the Pandayan Bookshop are kind, they assist them in

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

their inquiries. Rabo and Ang (2018), analyzing customer satisfaction may offer

information that can simplify operations and focus improvement initiatives on cost

efficiency to achieve greater performance.

The third part of Table 13 illustrates the result of an employee’s approach

that has computed a weighted mean of 3.34 with an interpretation of "agree."

As per the analysis of the researchers, the customers have agreed that the

staff is very accommodating and are responsive. They always greet the customers

with "Mabuhay!" whenever you enter their store, which customers find entertaining.

Manila Bulletin (2021), Pandayan is intended to serve and assist workers in finding

purpose in their lives, mostly through leading ethical lifestyles and making a

difference in the lives of others.

As overall interpreted by the researchers, most of the answers given by the

respondents are "agree" because the store personnel is well-trained to

accommodate clients in any way possible. "Mabuhay!" The employees greet their

customers as they go into the store, which is both amusing and welcoming to them.

In addition, safety protocols are followed at all times. But some of the stores do not

have scanning a QR pass, some of the customers are convenient to scan their QR

pass for health monitoring.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Table 14

Areas of concern mean Interpretation
Branches are nearby shopping malls and along
highways. 3.31 A
Transportation applications (e.g., Grab,
Angkas) can easily search for the address of
the stores. 3.14 A
Provides a safe parking area for cars and
motorcycles. 3.11 A

Table 14 shows the accessibility of the store, such as its location, and the

convenience of having safe parking areas. The computed weighted mean results

were the respondents' answers.

The first part of Table 14 shows the result of a customer’s answer to a

question about branches in nearby malls, resulting in a weighted mean of 3.31 with

the interpretation of "agree."

As interpreted by the researchers, the customers are easy locate the

location of Pandayan Bookshop’s branches because their places are easy to

access so the customers do not have problem in locating the stores. As Brigadier

(2017) stated, Pandayan Bookshops are commonly located along roads, near

marketplaces, near schools, and in shopping malls. Because of its physical

position, potential customers find it simpler to reach.

The second part of Table 14 illustrates the result of the respondents on the

accessibility of the location in mobile transportation apps with a 3.14 computed

weighted mean, which is interpreted as "agree."

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

As per the interpretation of the researchers, the Pandayan Bookshop is

available through mobile apps that provide transportation services, and the

location is also easily accessible via Google map or Waze if the customer wants

to buy online or just want to "pasabuy” the items they want to buy, the location is

easy to see because it is available to the Google map or Waze.

The third part of Table 14 represents the survey for the question of "safe

parking area," with a 3.11 weighted mean, which is interpreted as "agree."

According to the researchers, the majority of the stores are located inside

the mall, which already includes parking for cars and motorcycles. But somehow,

the parking area is not available so they need to park near the location of the store.

All in all, the researchers demonstrated that most of the respondents agreed

with, reasoning that the customers' ease of access to the store and convenience

are the important factors to them. Because of that, the consumers are encouraged

to choose their preferred store to shop in. But the other location parking area of

the store is not available to park, so the customers need to find another parking

area where they can place their vehicles safely. Some need to pay to make sure

the area they park in is secured.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Sub problem no 2: What would be the assessment of the employees to show

the sustainability of Pandayan bookshop in the new normal as to:

Table 15

Marketing Sustainability
Areas of Concern Mean Interpretation
Stores are accessible and convenient for
customers. 3.87 SA
The pricing meets the demand of customers.
3.8 SA
Using social media in promoting their new
promos and announcements. 3.8 SA
Come up with special promotions during
holidays, and special occasions. 3.73 SA
Promotes its product range and the upcoming
change in posters outside of the stores. 3.53 SA

Table 15 shows the marketing sustainability of the store in different

variables, such as those in the following areas:

The first part of Table 15 illustrates the result of accessibility and

convenience, which has a computed weighted mean of 3.87 with the interpretation

of "strongly agree." The stores have numerous locations nationwide that are easily

accessible and handy for their customers.

As the interpretation of the researchers, the Pandayan Bookshop is easy to

access because of the branches that they have, even outside of the NCR still there

is a branch to access their store. Also, their branches are visible and can find on

Google map or Waze like their branches in Cogeo, Antipolo, and the Valenzuela.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

The second part of Table 15 represents the survey results for the question

of pricing that meets the demand of customers, with a 3.8 weighted mean and

interpreted as "strongly agree." The majority of respondents strongly agree that

the store provides adequate low-cost educational products for students on teacher


In the interpretation of the researchers, the Pandayan Bookshop offers a

cheaper price for every customer, they have a low-cost educational product to the

students and teachers also to their other customers. The Pandayan Bookshop

focuses on the status level of the customers that is why the product they offer is


The third part of Table 15 results from the question of using social media as

a platform for the store. It results in an average weighted mean of 3.8 with the

interpretation of "strongly agree."

The researchers interpreted that their customers are aware of their store by

utilizing social media to notify them when they have a new promotion as well as

when they have an announcement or change their store hours during holidays. As

Charmaine (2021) said, booksellers are looking for ways to regulate their

businesses or expand their industrial operations to deal with COVID-19.

The fourth part of Table 15 shows the result of a question on giving

promotions on special days. which results in a weighted mean of 3.73 with the

interpretation of "strongly agree." Pandayan Bookshop offers a variety of seasonal

gifts for many occasions.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

As the interpretation of the researchers, the Pandayan Bookshop is giving

promotions on special days. Not only on a special day but also there has a season

when they do the promotions. They also promote a contest or games for the

increasing exposure of Pandayan Bookshop.

The fifth part of Table 15 represents the survey question of promoting using

posters that resulted in a weighted mean of 3.53 with the interpretation of "strongly


It can be seen from the results, respondents strongly agreed that posting

posters in social media and their physical store can promote new items or special

promos that can help the store for advertisement. Vox (2020) said that

independent bookshop owners went deep in their wells of creativity and passion

to find methods to adapt their companies to COVID-19.

The overall result of the analysis is that the respondents are "strongly

agreed" in the reason that the Pandayan Bookshop's marketing sustainability is

effective enough to advertise their items on holidays, promote their products, the

events that they hold every month, and especially the promo discounts. By utilizing

not only posters but also social media platforms, they attract or give interest to the

customer to join in promoting their programs.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Table 16

Human Resources Sustainability

Areas of Concern Mean Interpretation
Employees are well-taken care of during the
pandemic. 3.87 SA

Employees are valued during the pandemic.

3.8 SA
Employees have enough knowledge of the
products that they are selling. 3.73 SA
The company was well paid for its employees'
time during the pandemic. 3.73 SA
Workers are having skeletal schedule during
the pandemic. 3.53 SA

Table 16 shows the interpretation of the weighted mean in Human

Resources Sustainability regarding the assessment of the employees.

In the first part of Table 16, it says that the employees are well-taken care

of during the pandemic because of the weighted mean of 3.87, with an

interpretation of "strongly agree."

As interpreted by researchers, providing extra advantages and help the

employees in work-from-home arrangements, mostly for corporate office-based

personnel across sectors, and those in operations embrace a skeleton staff or split

operations model of the Pandayan Bookshop during the pandemic. Yang, Chen,

Lee, and Lui (2021) said that, provided evaluation simulation can help decision-

makers make the best business decisions possible by utilizing their people

systems, consequently enhancing employee satisfaction and work performance.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

In the second part of Table 16, employees are valued during the pandemic

with a weighted mean of 3.8 and an interpretation of “strongly agree.”

By the analysis of the researchers, the overall interpretation of this part is

answered by "strongly agree." The Pandayan Bookshop has provided more

support to employees in the form of prorated 13th-month pay, additional incentives,

hazard pay for skeleton workforces, and unaltered leave benefits during this

pandemic. Cabochan (2017) pointed that they labor extremely hard, smartly, and

frequently exceeding to the legal owners, fair wage, fair treatment, meaningful

employment, a joyful environment, and a bright future.

In the third part of Table 16, the company well-paid their employees’ time

during the pandemic with a weighted mean of 3.73 and an interpretation of

"strongly agree."

According to the explication of the researchers, the employees of Pandayan

Bookshop are receiving on-time salary and hazard pay during this pandemic, even

with its skeletal schedule. For the first eight hours of work on a special day, they

will be paid an extra 30% of their basic salary. They will be paid an extra 30% of

their hourly rate for overtime labor work done for more than eight hours.

The fourth part of Table 16 has a weighted mean of 3.73 with the

interpretation of "strongly agree." It shows that the employees have enough

knowledge of the products that they are selling.

Through the interpretation of the researchers, most of the employees know

the products that they are selling, also the pricing and production of their supply.

Knowing all about the product allows their employees to interact successfully with

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

consumers and deliver the advantages of having good products in the way they

need to be presented. As a result, this strategy becomes more customer-centric,

resulting in increased revenue. Customer retention has improved.

The fifth part of Table 16 states that workers have a skeletal schedule during

the pandemic with a weighted mean of 3.53, which is interpreted as “strongly


This part shows that the Pandayan Bookshop's work-from-home

arrangements, skeleton workforces, four-day or reduced work weeks, and

staggered work hours are some of these options. The Pandayan Bookshop may

also establish work schedules that combine these or other work arrangements that

are appropriate and applicable to its employees, taking into account the current

community environment in the region where it is located as well as the nature of

the job conducted by its workers.

For the overall result in this Table 16, the respondents answered "strongly

agree" due to the proper implementation and practices of human resources

management of Pandayan Bookshop in terms of having well-taken of their

employees, giving proper salaries, having the right schedule during this pandemic,

and valuing not only in their business but also in their employees. Having

employment security to keep the employees and pay them appropriately is

important since it will offer the most value to your organization.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Table 17

Economic Sustainability
Areas of concern mean Interpretation
The company has long-term financial planning. 3.93 SA

Achieve ROE annually. 3.8 SA

Conduct growth investments to expand the
operation. 3.73 SA
The company is raising capital and sourcing
funding. 3.6 SA
The company is profitable. 3.53 SA
Table 17 states the following weighted mean and the interpretation of

"strongly agree."

In the first part of Table 17, the company has long-term financial planning

which has a weighted mean of 3.93 and the interpretation of “strongly agree”

means that the Pandayan Bookshop has long-term financial planning for their


As per the interpretation of the researchers, Pandayan Bookshop obtains a

long-term finance by issuing debt or issuing stock. Long-term financing is

accomplished through the sale of bonds, which are promissory notes that bind the

firms to collect interest at predetermined intervals. The firm's assets are first

claimed by secured bondholders. Long-term financial demands include all cash to

be invested in various forms of fixed assets as well as hardcore operating capital.

The second part of Table 17 is the achieved ROE annually with a weighted

mean of 3.8 and an interpretation of strongly agree. This means that the Pandayan

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Bookshop is achieving its return of equity (ROE) annually before and during the


As per the interpretation of the researchers, the Pandayan Bookshop's

achievement of a yearly return on equity is particularly useful for evaluating the

performance of other firms in the same sector. A return on equity (ROE) is a

measure of management's capacity to create revenue from the equity available to

it, similar to a return on capital. ROEs of 15–20% are frequently regarded as

satisfactory. A larger proportion shows that a corporation is more efficient at

profiting from its current assets. Similarly, a firm that sees its ROE rise over time

is probably becoming more efficient.

The third part of Table 17 is conducted growth investments to expand the

operation with a weighted average of 3.73 with an interpretation of strongly agree

which can be seen that the Pandayan Bookshop is expanding their operation

because of growing of investments.

As per the interpretation of the researchers, these are often modest, new

businesses with a lot of potential, such as Pandayan Bookshop. It is also possible

that their firm is only recently begun to trade publicly. The premise is that the firm

will develop and succeed and increase in earnings or revenues would lead to

greater stock prices in the future. Since they own patents or have access to

technology that puts them ahead to their competitors. They re-invest the money to

create newer technologies to keep ahead of competitors, and they strive to gain

patents as a strategy to assure longer-term success.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

The fourth part of Table 17 is that the company is raising capital and

sourcing funding. The weighted mean of 3.6 and interpreted as strongly agree

means that the Pandayan Bookshop is raising its capital and sourcing their funding

even if there is a pandemic.

As per the interpretation of the researchers, Pandayan Bookshop views

obtaining financing as a hardship, while the majority sees it as a necessity.

External investors are frequently used to provide debt and equity financing, and

each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages for the company. When a

Pandayan Bookshop raises funds from an investment or a financial institution, it

can start, develop, and manage its day-to-day activities.

In the fifth part of Table 17, in terms of profitability with a weighted mean of

3.53 and the interpretation strongly agrees, it states that the employees of the

Pandayan Bookshop is profitable even under pandemics.

As per the interpretation of the researchers, the Pandayan Bookshop must

be adaptable and have strong planning and organizing abilities to flourish in

business today. Stick to the budget and only deviate from it when it is helpful to

their business in terms of earning or keeping more money. The budget has been

reviewed at least periodically, if not frequently. This will ensure that their budget

stays on track with the company's development. Determine which parts of the

business are the least lucrative and eliminate them since they waste time and

money. It is preferable to concentrate on those company operations that generate

revenue and hence justify their decision to keep them going.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

In the overall interpretation, the economic sustainability of Pandayan

Bookshop shows that the respondents "strongly agree" that they have economic

sustainability for their business in terms of the financial needs and the resources

needed to support and accomplish their targets, as well as a plan for future growth

to achieve financial-economic sustainability. Based on the scores that the

employees placed on every column and their feedback, they believe that they are

working with a company that is not afraid to take risks and develop new ways to

sustain and improve what the bookstore already has. Based on the scores that the

employees placed on every column and their feedback, they have faith in

Pandayan and its management to be able to fulfill and support the business for

many more years to come.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Table 18

Operation Sustainability
Areas of Concern Mean Interpretation
Products are neatly arranged and are easy to
locate. 3.93 SA
The online store of the company is easy to
access the customer. 3.93 SA
The product that sells is the close needs of the
customer. 3.93 SA
The store renews its stock frequently, to keep
up with the latest trend items 3.73 SA
The products offered are in quality. 3.6 SA

Table 18 states the operation sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop during

this pandemic has an interpretation of "strongly agree."

The first part of Table 18, "Products are neatly arranged and it is easy to

locate", with a weighted mean of 3.93 with an interpretation of strongly agree,

which means that the store of Pandayan Bookshop is well-organized so that the

customers can easily locate it.

From the exploration of the researchers on their branch stores, it is

significant for Pandayan Bookshop to use the correct fixtures, sign hardware, and

product display components in their stores. Smart retail fixtures assist in

maximizing display space, boosting sales, enhancing the consumer experience,

and encouraging repeat business by maximizing display area, increasing sales,

and improving the customer experience. Visual merchandising is the process of

exhibiting any good and structuring the business to increase sales, strengthen their

brand, and provide clients with a stimulating and delightful shopping experience.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

The second part of Table 18, "the online store of the company is easy to

access for the customer" has a weighted mean of 3.93 and is interpreted as

strongly agree, which means that the online store of Pandayan Bookshop is easy

to use for customers, like choosing an item.

As per the interpretation of the researchers, Pandayan Bookshop also has

a website and an online shop where its customers can easily pick an item that they

want. Through its social media, Pandayan bookshop is also promoting its products.

A simple Internet search for a product or service reveals that the product or service

is likely to be sold by several providers.

The third part of Table 18, "the product that sells is the close need of the

customer," has a weighted mean of 3.93 and interpreted as strongly agree that the

product sold by Pandayan Bookshop is close to the needs of every customer.

As a result of the analysis by researchers at the Pandayan Bookshop,

consumers' needs are a motivator that leads to the purchase of a product or

service. In the Pandayan Bookshop, customers' needs are frequently viewed as

an opportunity to resolve or offer excess value back to the original motivation of


The fourth part of Table 18, "the store renews its stock frequently, to keep

up with the latest trend items," has a weighted mean of 3.73 and interpreted as

strongly agree, which means that the Pandayan are continuously renewing their

products on stock at every store branch that they have with the latest trend of


The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Through the interpretation of researchers, Pandayan Bookshop's strategy

is to get to know its clients to sell more products. The more customers know about

them and their demands, the simpler it will be to spot possibilities to sell their new

items and adapt offers to them. Existing clients can be profiled to make it simpler

to discover new ones. Hunt for prospects who are similar to them and market to

them in the same way. This will differ based on the type of customer they have.

The fifth part of Table 18, or “Products offered are in quality" has a weighted

mean of 3.6 and interpreted as "strongly agree", which means that the Pandayan

bookshop still offer their customer a good quality of products.

From the interpretation of the researchers, the Pandayan Bookshop is still

giving excellent quality products at the cheapest price to customers.

Overall, the analysis of the operation sustainability revealed that the

respondents strongly agreed, which means that the Pandayan Bookshop has a

great strategy for their production, not only in offering their products in excellent

quality through their online stores that are selling them based on close customer

base but also by having a visual merchandising in their branch stores that can

attract the customers.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Table 19

Social Sustainability
Areas of Concern Mean Interpretation
The company does adopt the stability strategy. 3.8 SA
The company advantage through the selection
and management of a mixed business
3.8 SA
competing in several industries or product
Implemented well the expansion strategy in the
3.73 SA
They aim to reduce the size or diversity of
3.73 SA
organizational operations.

There has strategic planning. 3.6 SA


Table 19 shows the social sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop during this

pandemic with an interpretation of "Strongly Agree."

In the first part of Table 19 , it is said that the company adopts the stability

strategy, which has a weighted mean of 3.8 and is interpreted as strongly agree

that the Pandayan bookshop has adopted the strategy that ensures stability in their

business during the crisis caused by the pandemic.

As per the analysis of researchers, these are some of the reasons why a

business would choose to pursue a stability strategy. Pandayan Bookshop intends

to strengthen its position in the sector in which it operates. If the country in which

the corporation operates is in a recession or slowdown, the corporation would

rather save money than invest it in expansion.

In the second part of Table 19, “the company's advantage through the

selection and management of a mix of businesses competing in several industries

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

or product markets” has a weighted mean of 3.8 and interpreted as strongly agree

that competitive workplaces encourage innovation and productivity, resulting in

higher-quality work. When someone wants to win, they will consider several

options for solving an issue. He tests solutions and pushes them to their limits.

Through the interpretation of the researchers, Pandayan Bookshop is

competitive in several industries or product markets, which makes the total of the

company greater than the sum of its parts. Pandayan Bookshop must grasp what

constitutes a strong corporate strategy to survive. Terrence (2017) said that when

companies encounter high rates of worker turnover, their long-term viability is

jeopardized due to the loss of important personnel.

In the third part of Table 19, “the expansion strategy of the company,” it has

a weighted mean of 3.73 and is interpreted as strongly agree that the Pandayan

Bookshop is still implementing the expansion strategy for future business.

A business like Pandayan Bookshop can extend its operations with the help

of a growth plan. Adding more sites, investing in client acquisition, or increasing a

product range are all ways to grow a business. The industry target market of a

corporation has an impact on the growth tactics it employs

The fourth part of Table 19 is to reduce the size or diversity of organizational

operations. It has a weighted mean of 3.73, and it is interpreted as strongly agree

with the statement that the company is aiming to grow the size and diversity of

organizational operations.

Organizations must ensure that they communicate successfully with

employees to manage a diverse workforce. Policies, procedures, safety standards,

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

and other vital information should be written in a way that overcomes linguistic and

cultural obstacles, such as by translating texts and utilizing visuals and symbols

where appropriate. Pritam (2019) recruits new consumers, wants, and desires,

which have a significant influence on the whole business operations. As a result,

the company must grasp exactly what the consumers require and how to build

loyalty to run a successful business.

In the fifth part of Table 19, the strategic planning has a weighted mean of

3.6 and is interpreted as strongly agree, which shows that the Pandayan Bookshop

has strategic planning to make sure that top management decides on their long-

term vision as well as their organization's goals and objectives.

This process also determines the order in which those goals should be

achieved so that the organization may achieve its important part.

According to Ryan (2020), local bookstores have been shown to remain

durable in the face of several technical and economic challenges. In the

bookselling sector, business models are changing. This strategic planning process

might be time-consuming, but it is worthwhile for all parties involved. Pandayan

Bookshop has a clearer picture of the aims and objectives. It wants to achieve, as

well as a plan to get there. Procedures may help their staff to become more

productive, which contributes to the company's success.

In the overall analysis, social sustainability got a "strongly agree" from the

respondents, which shows that the Pandayan Bookshop is implementing or

adopting this kind of strategy before and during the pandemic. This kind of strategy

is to optimize profitability and ensure a long-term financial success. Using this kind

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

of strategy, assist the sustainability of the company in getting a competitive edge

over its competitors and to continue to provide consumers with a distinctive product

or service.

Table 20


SV SS DF MSS F Table/F Level of

Completed Significant

Between 1.44 3 0.48 1.10<8.69 There is no

within 6.96 16 0.435 significant

Since the F computed value is 8.69, which is less than the F-Tabular value,

the result is that the null hypothesis is accepted, and there is no difference in the

level of customer satisfaction of Pandayan Bookshop and the assessment of

employees in Pandayan Bookshop's sustainability in the new normal.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop



This chapter provides a summary in terms of respondents’ profile and

analysis, conclusions obtained from the outcomes, and recommendations that

assisted the researchers in interpreting and concluding the influence of the study's

different variables.

Summary of Findings

The findings of this study are presented accordingly to the sequence of

identified assessments:

1. The level of service customers satisfaction offer by the Pandayan

Bookshop in a new normal.

Customers agreed that the Pandayan Bookshop should maintain its

customer-level satisfaction that it offers in terms of service, product, facilities, and

promotions during this pandemic. Most of the time, Pandayan Bookshop provides

its receipts to the customers as proof of their purchase in the store. The pricing of

the store is budget-friendly. Most of the customers prefer to buy in their store

because it has cheaper prices and it is perfect for parents who are buying a school

supply for their children. Even though it is not a big store, the way they organize

its products attracts the customers. Some of the customers can park their vehicles

in front of the bookshop because most of their branches are located in malls.

Finally, using their social media platforms can assist customers in learning about

the announcement and new products that are being released.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

2. The assessment of the employees to show the sustainability of Pandayan

Bookshop in the new normal.

Employee evaluations show that they strongly agreed with Pandayan

Bookshop's sustainability in the new normal. An assessment shows that the

advertising of Pandayan Bookshop is effective enough to promote the products

and events that they have. They utilize their promotion not only on social media

but also in the physical store using the posters in their store. This shows the

Pandayan Bookshop has great sustainability in terms of finances. Even though it

is a pandemic, the Pandayan Bookshop is still having great financial success with

the help of long-term planning. Its operation is showing positive flow even if there

is a traffic jam in production, but still, the Pandayan Bookshop fulfills their items

both online and in a physical store. The Pandayan Bookshop demonstrates that

they not only care about their business but also about their employees, especially

in this pandemic, by providing on-time payments and other benefits, as well as the

protocols that must have a skeletal schedule or work from home set up.

3.The decision of the hypothesis in the assessment of respondents between

the customer level satisfaction and the assessment of employees in the

sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop in the new normal is accepted.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop


As a result of the findings, the following conclusions were made:

1.In terms of economical, the researchers found out that the Pandayan

Bookshop always gives receipts to customers to confirm what they bought in their

store, and the receipts can be used if the customers need to return or replace a

purchased item if it is reject or has damage, but certain things are not covered by

warranties since they are not durable.

2. In terms of publicity, Pandayan Bookshop reaches out to its consumers

by using social media sites to promote and introduce new goods and monthly

events. However, the consumers notice improvement not only in the visuals of

their poster, even if it is educational, but also in advertising their business or

announcement by using a simple poster both online and offline. The seasonal

discount is too brief and only applies to certain goods for the promotional


3. In terms of cost-effectiveness, they sell goods at a lower price than other

bookstores, and people prefer to buy goods from Pandayan Bookshop. Even if

there is a discount or coupon, other goods are not qualified for discounts, and not

all of the things are cheaper than at other retailers.

4. In terms of facilities, the staff at the business are well-trained to help

customers in every way they can. Customers will be greeted with "Mabuhay!" as

they enter the business, which is both humorous and inviting to them.

Furthermore, all safety standards are adhered to at all times. However, some

establishments do not have the capability to have a scanner for QR passes that

gives convenience to their customers.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

5. In terms of accessibility, customers' preferences for convenience and

simplicity of access to the store are vital factors. As a result, customers are

motivated to shop at their selected establishment. Customers must, however, find

another parking space where they can safely park their vehicles because the

other parking areas are full. Some customers must pay to ensure that their

parking spaces are secure.

6.In terms of marketing sustainability, the researchers found out that the

Pandayan Bookshop's marketing strategy is effective enough to advertise their

items on holidays, promote their products, events that they hold every month, and

especially the promo discounts by utilizing not only posters but also social media

platforms. These attract or pique the customer's interest in joining their promotion


7.In terms of human resource sustainability, Pandayan Bookshop has a

good application and practices of human resource management in terms of taking

care of their employees, paying adequate wages, keeping the right timetable

throughout the pandemic, and appreciating not only their business but also their

people. It is critical to have a job security to maintain employees and compensate

them adequately since they will add the most value to the firm.

8. In terms of economic sustainability, the financial requirements and

resources required to support and fulfill their goals, as well as a strategy for future

expansion to attain financial-economic sustainability, based on their rankings in

each category and their input, the employees think they are working with a firm

that is not afraid to take chances and create new ways to sustain and grow what

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

the bookshop already has. Based on their scores in each category and their input,

the employees believe Pandayan and its management will be able to fulfill and

support the business for many years to come.

9. In terms of operational sustainability, the Pandayan Bookshop has a

wonderful production plan that includes not only supplying their items in

outstanding quality through their online stores that sell them based on their close

client but also having visual merchandising in their branch stores that draws


108. In terms of social sustainability, before and throughout the epidemic,

the Pandayan Bookshop was executing or adopting this type of strategy. This

technique is designed to maximize profitability and assure long-term financial

success. This type of approach may help a company's sustainability by giving it a

competitive advantage over its competitors and continuing to serve customers with

a unique product or service.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop


Based on the results of data gathered from answered survey and findings

and also to the conclusions drawn, these are the recommendations using the

action plan:


Control Objective Task Success criteria


Economical To upgrade the The recommended For this plan, the

product for this category, customers would be
selection for the Pandayan bookshop able to:
customers in must add e-books to • The customers are
the new normal their products, the lessening the price
set-up. same as a category in terms of buying
that they have in books. E-books are
their physical stores. cheaper than
Most of the paper/hardbound
customers also find books.
a currently trending • The customer is
wide variety of books accessible
like manga, marvel everywhere
comics, and some because they can
non-fictional novels. carry and read
everywhere. They
did not have a bag
to put their books in,
just to bring their
books, they just
download them on
their device.
Publicity To gain Using Facebook and For this plan, the
exposure for YouTube customers would be
Pandayan advertisements may able to:
bookshop on help to boost the • This will be the key to
social media advertisement of the having an
platforms. Pandayan bookshop engagement with
on social media customers to access
platforms. This will the business.
be allowing the Pandayan bookshop
Pandayan bookshop can attach their

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

to increase the online store link so

potential market in they can reach the
their business as can store if they want to
advertise when the order or buy.
users watch or
search for the
Cost- To help the Getting partnerships For this plan, the
effective particular with the selected customers would be
customer who institutions to able to:
may pay less provide a discount • Using the e-voucher,
for an item that through the the customers can
they brought. partnership or buy to their store at a
sponsorship in the discount without
school events. Most waiting for their
of the customers seasonal discount or
prefer to buy in a special event
particular store if the discount.
store is offering a • The customer can
discounted price. use their e-vouchers
This may build for different items
loyalty to the that Pandayan
customers and bookshop has and
create word-of- they can use them
mouth excitement in for a month because
the Pandayan of having the long-
Bookshop. They time period.
may use an e- • They can use it both
voucher to online and in a
implement this kind physical store.
of discount.
Facilities To allow the As the For this plan, the
office in having recommendation for customers would be
computerized this category, able to:
log-in health Pandayan bookshop • Having easy access
tracking for the must adopt or to them just to scan
customers. implement of having their QR pass or QR
a QR pass or QR health tracking pass.
health tracking pass • This can help to
to easily access both avoid repeatedly
employees and using the same pens
customers. This may as the customers.
help also the • Less delay entering
customer with easy stores just to fill the
access. Less hassle health monitoring
to them also. protocols.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Accessibility • To improve • Pandayan For this plan, the

the current bookshop’s official customers would be
online website has an able to:
ordering available service • Browse their
system via for customers to available products
Pandayan order online. on sale via their
bookshop’s However, this laptop or mobile
official service is phone.
website. temporary • Pick what they want
• To introduce researchers, to order so they can
same-day recommended fully customize the
deliveries by that Pandayan quantity.
partnering bookshop should • Pay directly via
with third- focus to reactivate debit/credit card, e-
party delivery this service as Wallets, or in money
service more customers remittance centers,
providers are opting to order COD (Cash on
(e.g., online than Delivery).
Angkas, physically going to • Option to have
LBC, J&T the stores due to same-day deliveries.
Express). COVID-19. They will also have
• As recommended an option to track
by the their orders.
Pandayan may • Provide a higher
partner with third- level of customer
party delivery satisfaction as they
service providers will have the option
for the customers to place an order and
to get their orders receive it right away.
in a smaller Providing a
timeframe. This streamlined
will help make customer experience
same-day delivery will leave more
orders an option customers satisfied.
by lowering
operating • Maintain a
expenses to meet competitive edge as
customer not many businesses
demands, which are offering same-
will grow the day deliveries.
company's Providing this
customer base service is critical as
and increase customers would be
retention. more inclined to

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

purchase from the


• Widen customer
reach and
accessibility as
customers would not
need to physically go
to the store to
purchase the things
they need.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop


I. Journal/Periodical

Bachelor of Science Business Administration of Central Luzon State University

(2017). Final Paper in the Distribution Case study.

Sha N. (2017). How to rich lives thru your business: An interview with Pandayan
bookshop owner Jun Cabochan.

II. Thesis/Dissertation

Abun, D., Alkalde, F., Encarnacion, M.J., Magallanes, T., Ranay. F.D. (2020).
Employee Treatment and Work Engagement: The Philippines Context.
Divine Word College of Laoag. Ilocos Norte Philippines.

Buenviaje, M. (2020). Practices of Managing Corporate Social Responsibility:

Based from the Best Food Service Establishments. Lyceum of the
Philippines University. Capitol Site, Batangas City.

Chattopadhyay, P. (2019). A Study on the Impact of Service Quality on Customer

Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty with Reference to Service Marketing
Context: Theoretical Approach. Amity University Uttar Pradesh. Noida,

Chen, S.Y., Lee, R., Lui, Y.S., Yang. S.Y. (2021). Employee Stress, Job
Satisfaction, and Job Performance: A Comparison between High-
technology and Traditional Industry in Taiwan. Chaoyang University of
Technology. Taichung City, Taiwan.

Chung, H., Zhang, Y. (2016). Strategizing the customer relationship in the

independent bookstore network: a case of a small bookshop in
Taiwan. National Cheng Kung University. Tainan City, Taiwan.

Datu, J. Flores, K.C. Hidalgo, M.M. Quillalan, M. Valoso,T. (2016). Work values in
relation to the job performance among lesbian and gay employees of city
government, South Caloocan. University of Caloocan City. Biglang awa St.,
Caloocan City.

Follante, C.H, CPA. (2021). The Resurgence of E-Bookstores Amidst Pandemic:

Evidence from The Philippines. Institute of Graduate Studies, San
Sebastian College-Recoletos. Manila City, Philippines.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Lacap, J.P.L, Tungcab, A. P. (2020). The Influence of Brand Experience on

Brand Loyalty Among Mobile Phone Users in Pampanga. City College of
Angeles. Arayat Blvd, Angeles, Pampanga.

Lopez, A. (2016). A study on customer loyalty program practices in retail industry:

Basis for an enhanced customer loyalty program. Euglogio Amang
Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology. Sampaloc, Manila City.

Rabo, J., Ang Michlle. (2018). Determinants of Customer Satisfaction in a

Philippine Retail Chain. De La Salle University. Taft, Manila City.

Rafaelli, R. L. (2020). Reinventing Retail: The Novel Resurgence of Independent

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States of America.

Smith, T. D. (2017) The Effects of Management on Commitment in the Retail

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Tripathi N., Dr. Shukla, B. (2019). A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction in Retail
Sector of Gorakhpur. Madan Mohan Malviya University of technology.
Gorakhpur, India.

III. Online/Website

Arnold, Audrey. (2019). The importance of independent bookstore.
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Baumann, Bettina. (2020). How the coronavirus impacts the book industry.
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Colona, Sonny. (2021). Lessons from Pandayan: Kapwa-centric enterprise
enterprise/. Retrieval Date: October 08, 2021

Covert, Bryce. (2020). How bookstores are weathering the pandemic
pandemic-booksellers-closing. Retrieval Date: October 18, 2021

Cruz, Elfren, S. (2021). Saving bookstores
Retrieval Date: October 17, 2021

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

De Vera, Raul, S. (2020) Pandayan Bookshop is more than a bookstore: It’s a

more-than-a-bookstore-its-a-movement/#ixzz78uuLt27R. Retrieval Date:
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De Vera, Raul, S. (2020). PH bookstore reopen─with precaution
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John Keane (2018). Bookstores are one of the most important elements of any
high street.
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Morales, Retchell. (2021). Corporate values, philosophies and culture
values-philosophies-and-culture/1812103. Retrieval Date: October 08,

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop


Dr. Lovelle D. Sison,

Good day!

In partial fulfillment of the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a

major in Marketing at Jose Rizal University, we, the researchers of this study, are
now doing corporate research entitled: Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop in the
New Normal: An Assessment.

A recommendation of Sir Miller Mercado, we, respectfully invite you as our

Corporate Research adviser for the reason that likes to offer your expertise with
real trepidation, patience, and effort in assisting pupils in meeting the essential
works for the conclusion of our research project.

Thank you for your consideration and understanding.

Sincerely yours,

John Carmel A. Bonde

Kim R. Casiano
Ruperto A. Oliza
Rizza Mae M. Rosales
Ruby Joy V. Samson
Yingying Zeng


Dr. Lovelle Sison


The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop


Ma’am Lilia Gabisan,

Good day!

In partial fulfillment of the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a

major in Marketing at Jose Rizal University, we, the researchers of this study, are
now doing corporate research entitled: Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop in the
New Normal: An Assessment.

We, respectfully invite you as our Statistician for the reason that likes to offer your
expertise with real trepidation, patience, and effort in assisting pupils in meeting
the essential works for the conclusion of our research project.

Thank you for your consideration and understanding.

Sincerely yours,

John Carmel A. Bonde

Kim R. Casiano
Ruperto A. Oliza
Rizza Mae M. Rosales
Ruby Joy V. Samson
Yingying Zeng


Lilia Gabisan

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Jose Rizal University

College of Business Administration and Accountancy


This document certifies that the manuscript listed below was edited for proper English

language, grammar, punctuation, spelling, and over-all style by ELEANOR R. ROBLES

and this thesis is ready for final bookbinding.


Manuscript Title




John Carmel A. Bonde

Kim R. Casiano
Ruperto Oliza
Rizza Mae Rosales
Ruby Joy Samson
Yingying Zeng

Date Issued: May 2, 2022


Language Editor

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop


Dear Sir/ Ma'am,

Good day!

We, the researchers of this study, in partial fulfillment of the Bachelor of Science
in Business Administration with a major in Marketing at Jose Rizal University, are
now doing corporate research entitled: Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop in
the New Normal: An Assessment. In addition, we would like to ask your
permission to survey your employees and customers. The survey will last only
about 5 to 10 minutes. Rest you may be confident that any information you provide
will be treated confidentially and used only for the purpose for which it was

Thank you and God Bless.

Sincerely yours,

John Carmel A. Bonde

Kim R. Casiano
Ruperto A. Oliza
Rizza Mae M. Rosales
Ruby Joy V. Samson
Yingying Zeng

Noted by:

Mr. Miller A. Mercado

Corporate Research Professor

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop


Dear Respondents,

Good day!

We, the researchers of this study, in partial fulfillment of the Bachelor of Science
in Business Administration with a major in Marketing at Jose Rizal University, are
now doing corporate research entitled: Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop in
the New Normal: An Assessment.

In addition, we would like to ask your permission to survey among of your

employees. The reason that we believe that with your related knowledge and
experience as our respondents.

The survey will last only about 5 to 10 minutes. Rest you may be confident that
any information you provide will be treated confidentially and used only for the
purpose for which it was intended.

Thank you and God Bless

Sincerely yours,

John Carmel A. Bonde

Kim R. Casiano
Ruperto A. Oliza
Rizza Mae M. Rosales
Ruby Joy V. Samson
Yingying Zeng

Noted by:

Mr. Miller A. Mercado

Corporate Research Professor

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop


The questionnaire is the major source of data in the study, "Sustainability of

Pandayan Bookshop in the New Normal: An Assessment." The information
captured through this instrument will be treated as highly classified by the
I. Respondent’s profile
Name (optional):
Age: Gender:
15-19 Female
20-25 Male
26-31 LGBTQ
32-37 Occupation:
Above 38 Employee

Direction: Please indicate your feedback by marking the item that corresponds to
your evaluation. The status of the following indicators is shown below.

Interpretation Equivalent Scale

Strongly Agree SA 4

Agree A 3

Disagree D 2

Strongly Disagree DA 1

I. How satisfied are you with the services being offered by

Pandayan Bookshop during this pandemic?

Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

1. Economical Agree Disagree
1.1. Products purchased are
durable and have warranties if
1.2. The store does not run out of
stocks of the products I need.
1.3. Prices are economical.

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

1.4. Receipt is always provided

upon purchase.
2. Publicity
2.1. Using social media in
promoting their new promos and
2.2. Promotes its product range
and the upcoming change in
posters outside of the stores.
2.3. Provides special promotions
during holidays and special
3. Cost-effective
3.1. Offers wide product ranges
and is inexpensive.
3.2. Offers their customers
discounts for repeat purchases.
3.3. Prices are cheaper compared
to other bookstores.
4. Facilities
4.1. Store employees are known
for the products they are selling.
4.2. Store employees are friendly,
entertaining, and responsive.
4.3. Store employees are socially
distanced and wear masks.
5. Accessibility
5.1. Branches are nearby shopping
malls and along highways.
5.2. Provides a safe parking area
for cars and motorcycles.
5.3. Transportation applications
(e.g., Grab, Angkas) can easily
search for the address of the

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop


The questionnaire is the major source of data in the study, "Sustainability of

Pandayan Bookshop in the New Normal: An Assessment." The information
captured through this instrument will be treated as highly classified by the
I. Respondent’s profile
Name (optional):
Age: Gender:
15-19 Female
20-25 Male
26-31 LGBTQ
32-37 Position:
Above 38

Direction: Please indicate your feedback by marking the item that corresponds to
your evaluation. The status of the following indicators is shown below.

Interpretation Equivalent Scale

Strongly Agree SA 4

Agree A 3

Disagree D 2

Strongly Disagree DA 1

II. How do the employees assess the sustainability of Pandayan


Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

1. Marketing Sustainability
1.1. Stores are accessible and
convenient for customers.
1.2. Come up with special
promotions during holidays, and
special occasions.
1.3. The pricing meets the demand
of customers.
1.4. Using social media in
promoting their new promos and

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

1.5. Promotes its product range and

the upcoming change in posters
outside of the stores.
2. Human Resources
2.1. Employees are well-taken care
of during the pandemic.
2.2. Employees have enough
knowledge of the products that they
are selling.
2.3. Workers are having skeletal
schedule during the pandemic.
2.4. Employees are valued during
the pandemic
2.5. The company was well paid for
their employees' time during the
3. Economic Sustainability
3.1. Conduct growth investments to
expand the operation.
3.2. Achieve ROE annually.

3.3. The company is profitable.

3.4. The company is raising capital
and sourcing funding.
3.5. The company has long-term
financial planning.
4. Operation sustainability
4.1. Products offered are in quality.
4.2. The store renews its stock
frequently, to keep up with the
latest trend items
4.3. Products are neatly arranged
and are easy to locate.
4.4. The online store of the
company is easy to access for the
4.5. The product that sells are the
close needs of the customer.
5. Social sustainability

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

5.1. The company does adopt the

stability strategy.
5.2. Implemented well the
expansion strategy in the company.
5.3. They aim to reduce the size or
diversity of organizational
5.4. There has strategic planning.
5.5. The company advantage
through the selection and
management of a mixed business
competing in several industries or
product markets.


Dr. Lovelle D. Sison February 22, 2022

Signature of Corporate Research adviser Date

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

John Carmel A. Bonde

37 Romulus St. BF Resort Village Talon Dos,
Las Pinas City

OBJECTIVE--------------- -

Seeking a position where I can utilize my skills and further improve them,
especially my social and management skills to find a place where I can test my
limits and break through those limitations.

Level School/Course Date Graduated

Tertiary Jose Rizal University 2012-Present

Secondary Holy Rosary Catholic School 2008- 2012

Elementary Tenement Elementary School 2002- 2008


Date of Birth : June 19, 1996

Place of Birth : Magallanes, Sorsogon
Age : 25
Sex : Female
Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Catholic
Languages /Dialects : English/ Filipino


Rustan Coffee
February 2020 to Present
Allegro Bldg. Chino Roces Ave. Makati City


● Digital Communication: Demand Skills and Career

Webinar, Jose Rizal University
November 10, 2021

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop


Al Mujib Lawama
Rustan Coffee
Shift Supervisor
To the best of my knowledge and belief, I hereby declare that the
foregoing information is accurate and correct.

John Carmel Bonde

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Kim R. Casiano
Blk25 Lot3 Lawaanst.Eusebio Ave.
Nagpayong II Pinagbuhatan Pasig City

OBJECTIVEObjective--------------- -

To obtain a position that will enable me to use my strong organizational skills,

educational background, and ability to work well with people.

Level School/Course Date Graduated

Tertiary Jose Rizal University 2018-Present

Arellano University A. Bonifacio Campus 2016-2018

Secondary Nagpayong High School 2012-2015

Elementary Nagpayong Elementary School 2006-2012


Date of Birth : October 20 1999

Place of Birth : Maybunga, Pasig City
Age : 22
Sex : Female
Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Languages /Dialects : English/Tagalog


JRU-Young Marketers Association

Staff-Special Activities and Events
Vice-President for Internal Affairs

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop


• De La Salle University- Business Management Society

Leadership Symposium: Coalition
• Jose Rizal University
The Holistic Unified Marketers Brilliant Solution UP
• Philippine Junior Marketing Association
• Jose Rizal University-Central Student Council
Rizalian Leadership summit
#ShapePhilippines2022: A Voter's Registration Campaign
• Polytechnic University of the Philippines-Junior Marketing
Business Student Summit


John Tyrone Aguilus

Admin aid 3-Pasig City Hall

Gerardo Payno Jr.

Lawyer-Payno’s Law firm

Karen Rose Dela Rosa

Performance Optimization-Brivity VA
To the best of my knowledge and belief, I hereby declare that the
foregoing information is accurate and correct.

Kim R. Casiano

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Ruperto A. Oliza
Block 33 Lot 68 Masikap St.
Bria Subd. Calamba Laguna

OBJECTIVEObjective--------------- -

Passionate to work in a Sales Executive position Bringing 8+ years of sales

experience with the ability to provide exceptional customer service. Known to
generate and retain customers to achieve the company’s sales targets.

Level School/Course Date Graduated

Tertiary Jose Rizal University 2018-Present

Secondary Flores Institute 2006-2007

Elementary Malidong Elementary School 2002-2003


Date of Birth : March 10, 1991

Place of Birth : Pioduran Albay
Age : 30
Sex : Male
Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Languages /Dialects : English, Tagalog



Sales Executive
August 2016 Present
16th floor Tektite West Tower Ortigas Pasig

Customer Service Representative
22nd Floor Wynsum Bldng, Ortigas Pasig City
2015 – 2016

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop


Global Student Entrepreneur Awards (GSEA)

Nov 2021
To the best of my knowledge and belief, I hereby declare that the
foregoing information is accurate and correct.

Ruperto Oliza

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Rosales, Rizza Mae M.

0351 Alonzo Subdivision, Brgy. Mangga-Cacutud,
Arayat, Pampanga, 2012


To secure employment with a reputable company, where I can utilize my skills

and business studies background to the maximum.

Level School/Course Date Graduated

Elementary: St. Therese Educational Private School 2003 - 2009

Secondary: City of Mandaluyong Science High School 2009 - 2012
Dominican College San Juan 2012 - 2013
Tertiary: Don Bosco Technical College 2013 - 2014
Rizal Technological University 2014 - 2016
Jose Rizal University 2016 – Present

Date of Birth : 19 June 1996

Place of Birth : Manila City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Age : 25
Sex : Female
Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Languages /Dialects : English, Tagalog


• Concentrix Philippines
Location: 8th to 11th Floor, SM Megamall (Bldg. C, Doña Julia Vargas
Ave, Mandaluyong, 1554 Metro Manila
Position: Consumer Engagement Consultant
Hired Date: March 2018 – December 2019
Position: Subject Matter Expert
Hired Date: January 2020 – May 2021

• TaskUs Philippines
Location: 5HHF+66Q, Clark Freeport, Mabalacat, Pampanga
Position: Chat Support Teammate
Hired Date: May 2021 - present

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop


• Marketing Me: Achieving the Best in You (2017)

University Auditorium, Jose Rizal University

• Cosmic Odyssey: Going Beyond Marketing Horizons (2018)

Philippine Junior Marketing Association


Michelle Tangpos
Former Team Leader
Concentrix Philippines
To the best of my knowledge and belief, I hereby declare that the foregoing
information is accurate and correct.

Rizza Mae Rosales

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Ruby Joy V. Samson

88IF Aglipay Street, Brgy. Poblacion, Mandaluyong City

Level School/Course Date Graduated
Primary Bolo Elementary School 2005 - 2011
Secondary Bauan Technical High school 2011 - 2015
Tertiary: Jose Rizal University 2015 – Present


Date of Birth : September 20, 1998

Place of Birth : Sta. Cruz, Manila
Age : 23
Sex : Female
Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Languages /Dialects : English/Tagalog

Jose Rizal University Drummers
2015 - 2019
Head Snarer
2019 - Present

Log International HR & Recruitment Agency Inc

Office Staff
September 2016 – April 2018
8th Floor Stanisco Tower, 999 Pedro Gil Street, Ermita, Manila


• Digital Communication: Demand Skills and Career

Webinar, Jose Rizal University
November 10, 2021

To the best of my knowledge and belief, I hereby declare that the

foregoing information is accurate and correct.

Ruby Joy Samson

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop

Zeng Yingying
Dehua County, Quanzhou City,
Fujian Province, China

Level School/Course Date Graduated
Primary: The Second Experimental Primary 2005-2011
School of Dehua County
Junior Highschool: The Fifth Middle School 2011-2014
of Dehua County,
Senior Highschool: The Three Middle School 2014-2017
of Dehua County
Tertiary: Jose Rizal University 2017-Present

Date of Birth : September 24, 1998

Place of Birth : China
Age : 23
Sex : Female
Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Chinese
Religion : Buddhism
Languages /Dialects : Chinese/English


Tangzhaishan Hot Spring Resort Hotel in Quanzhou

Personnel administration commissioner
Private company in Quanzhou City
Financial officer.

To the best of my knowledge and belief, I hereby declare that the

foregoing information is accurate and correct.

Yingying Zeng

The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop


This research proposal would not have been feasible without the advice,

supervision, collaboration, and involvement of the following individuals:

Despite the difficulties, the researchers are grateful to the Almighty God for

providing them with the courage and motivation, as well as the guidance, to carry

out their study plan.

To their parents, guardians, and friends, who have always guided and

provided wise words to push them to do their best in preparing this research, as

well as financial and emotional support.

To Sir Miller A. Mercado, their lecturer, and Dr. Lovelle Sison, their

corporate research, who served as a guide in meeting the criteria for the topic

business research and motivating them to finish the project on time. Towards the

researchers’ part of individual, who have put forth a lot of effort and time to ensure

that the study project is finished effectively and on time.

They are gratefully thank the individuals named above for contributing

commitment to the study's completion. They are delighted about this outstanding

performance. They want to thank everyone who has encouraged and helped them

with this study, as well as those who have given us a lot of understanding, patience,

and support.


The Sustainability of Pandayan Bookshop


This research is dedicated to their loving parents and guardians, who have

been a source of inspiration and strength when they felt like giving up, and who

continue to support them morally, financially, and spiritually.

To all of their friends and classmates who contributed their knowledge and

suggestions to their research.

Finally, they dedicate this research to the Almighty God, who provided them

with strength and wisdom while they were working on it.


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