Female Sanctity 1500 1660

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History will povide an invalosble eee CAMBRIDGE Pensa cero CAMBRIDGE Cer sue.Sae)g CHRISTIANITY Poe neat eno eet CAMBRIDGE THE CAMBRIDGE pS OReNe) emery CHRISTIANITY REFORM AND EXPANSION 1500-1660 aaah R. PO-CHIA HSIA cena New hes a Ceo, Sepp, ole Cone net ‘heen ating Cn UK hn se ned tiny Coma Utry Pe ew a sevcae ne enon on it ro tn a shy ewan hes, ev eto Contents Lsxefoerrs ‘iors pee ncagy LUTHER AND THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE 1+ Marcin Luther reformer 3 2 Rinergence ad consolidcon of Protestantism athe Holy Roman Empire oso. 20 45: The sakeal Reformation 37 “4 Latheranim inthe sven century 36 ‘THE SECOND REFORMATION 5» Communal Reformation: Zing Luther, and the south of the Holy Rowen Espey 6 The Calvinist Reormationn Geneva 99 7. The theology ad itary af Reformed Chestanty 104 1. The second wave of Prosestant expansion 125, CATHOLIC RENEWAL 9 Redefining Catlins Trent and beyond 145 nosear sit8u1s, 5) 10: New mligious orders formen 161 jon rararer pownste3, +) ss Female sanctity 360-1180 1a: Tedetine worship andthe cult of ints 201 RESOLVING CONFESSIONAL CONFLICTS 18: Peace without concord eligi toleration a theory and practice 237 1: Imposing church and oil spine 244 15+ Pescesions and martyrdom 261 16: The Mediterranean fngusisons of ealy modern Europe 283 17 Religious cologues nd taeraton 302 16 Westem Chisianty and Eastern Orhedouy 331 RELIGION, SOCIETY, AND CULTURE 19. The Reformation andthe visslars 345 20: Ruin early modern Chistanky 57x 41+ Musicand eelgious change 346 22 Demonology 90-680 496 2 Scence and eligion 425 24 Thenew dergies 44 25+ Women an religious change 46 CHRISTIANITY AND OTHER FAITHS 26. Chesiaiy and judasen 48, 27 The naturalization of Andean Chistes 34 28+ Resween slam and Oxthodon: Protestants and Catholics nsoutheaser Europe 338 evan 0, Ten 29+ Cheistanigy shaped bythe Chinese 8 40 Reception of Hindus and Buchs 577 ilagaply 598 Inder 703, Mlustrations 2 Une Grech the er Ran Alar, Weer 0) 1 Reade Huma i Su Son Kantaerckes Female sanctity, 1500-1660 Incoduction Drngthe Renaissance andeaty modernpero emule religious ieemerge vtheateme vay Scholars agree thatboth he socio-economic and jue condi of womens ives detetorated during he Renaissance. They lp ‘estat region, on the ether hand, provided a mean for deren ms 7 ‘Ffemaleairmation oof and event the misogynist clara ce (Gat inere present and driven by churches’ Socal, encoty wat valued ad | tos posed bhi means, eit, means relevan fo he Very nate ‘eign fh and by i. Tenmen 5p and 60, women expressed their lignes mada) models that were valued dierent asthe pot soca ‘Rs svations proposed and imposed new condion oe upon ‘Keine sme ine, religious conics ae the plurality of eligons general thew tdels of ancy bat tines reproduced the old ons. Considering “Tavera ofthe sorementoned problems inendiotrace he eo nes oF female ancy starting wit the most representative experents religous life during the period indicated, and x proceed it ‘ede will aoc consider the approved mol of sanesiy excuse Ba ‘oar nnd the prveibed at wel, wh also referring to counter models Th outing he elton of ele sans wl val mye of ade sonal rpresemation of Chrsianty wale demonsrating the active role ‘nomen i icerpreting sich representations or in generating ew on Jpodel canbe ud in some pinipal chronological eis the Rest ee Urabe scent century. the pei ofthe Protesnt Reformation and (Counc of Ten andthe pend ofthe Counter Reformation and Ca renewal Models of female sanctity in he fist decades of the sfateenth century: mystical and prophetic sanctity “geen the tenth an tenth cenures, contingen historical elements | Gord the continuation of the myacal model of female antic that Was | guertdintheloe Mile ges, andinparalarextlledthe aspect of political prophecy example by Badge of Sweden ae Caterne f Sena nee, | fe al of Constantinople in sp and the sat ofthe Kaban Wars in 184 ich gave way tothe broader conflicts between rance andthe Empire, were “eas tht raked fea ta poplar level and tha pr the ain seigories Seanger and caused confit among them. The fall fhe Mei in Flnence i the declaration ofthe Hberl government supported by the Ferarse ‘omincan Girolamo Savenatola, who presented himself as a prophet ent © fy God to eiorm the cy facitated and jie the resumption of pola prophecy! Teisin ths conte thatthe isons ofthe Blessed enlightened by _Eaandenwed with mystica gf were partly venerated tothe point tf ging rise to temper onthe part of pices to hoard charsmais who {meonsttted prophetic or who were marked on tele bodies by some fap of Goss Mestng such a grata, Theis of sacred lcs during the foetal period happened ltr in regi 0 iving sis. The most fous ass hat of the action ofthe sigatized reriary Luca Brocade da SNeriby Ercole Este, Duke offerara*Reptinatercaryconvenin Vitsbo, tne man ws considered a precious treasure bythe rulers of the cy and not fen the repented brie of Pope Alexander VI who ordered she be handed fer to Ercole Ese, colinduce the people of Viesboto give uptheir stn. eoe{ heefore puta plan no action that was also proof af i astueness shed comtatant. Without stacking the oy he Ser his achers ner fhe walls ort the stigmatized woman, smuggling her out in basket. fer teachng Ferrara withthe procession that accompanied Lcreia Borgia, Fare bide of Alloa {te Lia was for many years valued counsellor source of new rls. | Aeontemporayof cia wasthe Dominican teary Colomba Grado | ko beng ale known for er igily austere i decide to rave from Fer native oty of Rit wo Perugia, where abe was received a a int by the 3 Witten denen caren {LOSE Rtas treachery pe les ope perp 8 ‘populace and by the Bagn The Baglioni were he lds of that land sry ‘they begged he to stay in thelr as proector and patonest. There wee bo cases in Mant: Orn Andreas, a Domiican tera who sue ‘ach Friday the pains ofthe Passion, led among the Gonzaga fay While ‘eats ina convent of the ducky the Blessed Stefana Quinzan Tees ‘Me. acho thexe myst and penivent women wasal sabjestoeeltions and vsions and each exerted herself promote efor of eustoms andi hur in det elasonshp with he princes fet aly andthe Po Valley ‘Thismowement, which epeesnts an explit explo the pltical se of lover rope InNew Caste, the Based Pedra, known ye are of Maa de Sno Domingo nd protected by the dake of lb, wi i ‘wohandimtated La ds Nar eb tenes fhe Emp fe, ona Lani ond postion ss couselor tthe cour of Manila and ws protec by the Weer the inert ankery? in rane, the rage | ‘fom of Ar was certaaly no extinguished with er Duming a the Stas ‘ven though the ing sit ofthe Pench cour atthe at ofthe beth ery wat male the veered onder othe Minis, anc OP ‘Abough xceponl peters and psi, he bing sis dew ei inca ower fom ther prope an hartge sii Acorng the baggrapic contraction ftirbographic, whichcombine pot of cog Seana with judi logy pope they ee Ste foeie eva wih restr ceraty dun were he alge wh fad great infenc the cour ofthe pees. Tht haunts poet stotepesentedaninestnabe eaurefor te pincer who, hough hava ‘nn threo aed the ancy thatthe ing ranee ad gland poses ec? The cl often nal hada haves a poplar enn bid onthe preceding nore mel female sant” tha wed 9 he 2 2a kere ps9. now Za, eee aver Fe tReet an sp mt 17 Debates tg eee” Po, Sen Prone example of Catherine ofSien, ho had been secenly erated the honours “Spike stars si was felled alo throgh preaching and hagiograhic erp, Immediately fer the deaths of the charsmatcs mentioned bore, ber confesors composed the legend oftheir ves and miracles Not all of he legends made fe othe pring press, but in some cases diferent vr ons of therm wich ick ontadctory point of vew and sess, fee produced and printed tn the case of Oras Andeeas. for example, the ‘orniian Francesc ives composed and ad printed shortamount of the both a Latin legend ios) anda vernal ane 127. Araboot he ame the, Don Citlao Scola ofthe Congregation of Monte Olver publshed tir vemaclar legend, whch was meh her Savonarollanaecents than that ofthe ecareseSsvonarl’sellow bother e7)-Thishagiographicand fol commitment ws daeccd a he iumedate promosin ofthe elt rin oly counsellor of the Gonzaga fatily The gal was reached when the © besation of Onna was obtained ins by papal rc" Difere, bu us ax sig, the ory ofthe fof Colombs da Rs. ‘ten in wo yersone~ Latin and vernacular bythe tertiary’ confessor, Ssher Girolamo Bontem the legend ofColomba'sincerwoven wth eer = ence to the mel of Catherine and contin apogee ements in defence pf Swvanaroa Nether of Bones wesons was rnd, Some yer tt, howe inane dicted Bologsengustor Leandro Albert anime. tan spokesman ofthe Obsereant Lombard Congregation ofthe One of "preachers, published an anevsted version ofthe feof Colombs,caeily tspunginganyrefience othe burdensome figure ofthe Florentine prophet "ut authorong thereby thecal of femal ving ai. “The prophetic rode of snc was epresentedin aly uring this period "fst an foremost bythe tertiles who hal begun to live in communities, _ rvordngto the example of Coombs da Ret nd who were therefore more | easly contol bythe ecclesiastical iestaons. In Spain an analogous proces convent organization was atedin New Caste." buthe majority | bfthe bests, asthe men belonging the Thied Ones were elle, hed {i their wn homies I perhaps fr this reason tht their Behaviour was ‘arcfilyobered and ther visonsand revelations subjeced to the sertiny tf tke tngision such wat he cue, or example, wih Tela Taragona, = who about 9 wa ace to mary aman named Gullem Servent.Servent Akt pot apprcive the etraoedinary rlgioas expences of his wie, but rather opposed them by serisnanding asking her. she Mle from borg, pha gg, and weat fo Valen, where se acquired fme a prope Ent ws eld wo the cout ofthe Duke of Ganda to pay forthe Bath tn bee ‘The content of her prope is hnown though the acs oft Ingisonal alto which she wa subjected in apy-6 An accredited prope {nthe ty she dare o preach aginst he sins of liymen and ecclesia and Geserbed the partclay of one of er visions i a Teer that she wana to send tothe pope isle The images and content ofthe vision Similar 0 those transmitted by popula haiographic erature such 351 Tend en by hststed tens sch as Lo spc dt Una Season roef Hama Stain andy apocalyptic sermons the contemporaneous ‘Ynons some talan mystics were ao sma Peshapsit wasbecase fer ‘onion asa single woman, separated om her husband cha the buna tf the Spans Inguistion convinced elf ha the vsions of Tela Servet were tot fcc’ y simula’ y fl (al ictons and simulated and fae Inu they condemned her to abjuraton andthe obligation of never revel eine anyone what was communicated 0 herby God A few yas ‘merous other iat were vestigated in Span, However by tat timed Indicemcnt had changed they wete no longer suspected of se sancti tere accused of lamina, te mystical current nated a the sat thurch bests sin the movement the pretension of obtaining per pesfection though iret contact with God” “The mothers ofthe soul tn thei cpacy a counsel of pices the ig ns in aly an tan Spinone lsat asset he sen (thar rh gown comet of te iam Bren ‘Ching eo ot now, te face of poeood. women 98 Etial prevogutes wn the mete ner heh by wae {cvermotdony ps Thrshrepbeeannneementhey eel {Sms pbc Tn pecng hog oa hey were a {Shing ne stn oer the Foon of pil torn cron be cnr esa 1668 othe fficeath and scent centuries, oth wth the conven, here Howsttonal version preva and without, where the charismatic aspect rather mor presen a particule form female teaching, which we cout duane a pinta maternity waxpeesent and active ssa recognized element of fat tise nwa, fc, that an om the coment of Santa Croce brea wes considered mother by Gaetano da Thien, one ofthe founders he One of the Clee Regie Thats; 9 t00, Paola Antonia Neg i caer ofthe Angelis, feral branch ofthe ist Regular Clerics of Paul known a the Barmbites), who kep, until her imprisonment 8 he te of Divina Madre Maesra Divine Mother Teacher), which had been called de to uncendonal sth her charisma as spit 1 Not even the ets were exempt rom he influence of charismatic, they considered examples, unl the athoety of che Roman Church Rgynedsichaninverson of role aspect and reduced the mostnfveta hmong thee mothers ofthe soul wasthe controversial gue ofthe Boog: pase Elena Doghol Kaown fon 506 a3 arid ign and remembered asthe commision ofa pting by Raphael depicting the easy of | SrCecia the devout woman was eid to ave the gift of lata Wiis and hae matrally nursed he dcipls tothe reat admiration of some and ded suspicion of ethers * The role of eter women who lve in aly at che star ofthe sixteenth “cetury such Margherita da Ravenna and Genie Rss, sor dese “zed than tha ofthe Huts noted bene, but not les important forthe incision of requests which were widely fle 2s reforms of the church below Asin Mim and Roms, where Companies of Clerc Regul were chatter gave ith origi orders, 00 ia Raveanaa Company ‘Clecs Regula wat farmed by the son of Geile da Russ, the devout "man who asthe eit of nar mother and mother ofthe soul” ‘nd yet the mothers ofthe os annotbe conser Guring this esod as “merely the expression ofan exceptional dine race or arecognzed prophetic UGhossa, inthe ate Mdle Aes spictua materiy was recognized 39 “ticular clement of sanctity tht didnot acknowledge difrences of gen [fer As Caroline Bynum has sbserved, noe ony she Virgin but also Chris used the disciple Benard” the ac of atte came o assume a symbole Bert Asie Bos, dl Co 19 Zac Leumern fee. By Wa, ete slgnicanc tat mean to undetine bith to new le and therefore nui ing inthe path embarked pon: whether dhs was the religious profes ‘ota simple conversion. The tran ofthe Mothers ofthe Church, 2 Ka Borresen calls the medicval female tesloglans who made a noble thee retical entation tothe den of the marty of Gol" i not sop themystis ofthe ieenth century but owed ity othe costes ofthe ‘Obuerantconvens where sbbesesand learned ligius women, ecustome to reading the ible and texts of mt put, passed on ther each to ther sere and 0 age group of dscpes whom they reached by lee (Of dese women we must atleast mention the Poor Clare Camila Rats ‘eson and alo the Dominican Caters de" Rec whose corespondeas demonstrates anebwerkofrelatonshipsbetwees nan laymen. andimportay pelts” ‘Norther lack fates to understand those phenomena suchas the ucts of Elena Dug which eemed strange evento thes contemporae, mation kn applying Roper’ hypothes othe cae ted, Gianna Bomata includes the experience of Elena ~ who red her pital sons ~ wing religous conten that refer the Chistian root ofthe reemed boy ae its destination for eeurection, and thst works wads the reconstitution of ‘broken ny, othe dewiment ofthe woth ofthe ody. Divine Love berwcen the West and the East Contry active if and contemplative if were joined inthe regions exper ‘nce of Caterina Peach Adorno, noble Genovese widow who founded te fit hospital forthe Incurables to gv ato people secken with spi th Plague ofthe new century. she woeked in the bosom of spiial coat ‘ity of ine Love, which was characterized by the partpation of women tnd mea, laypersons and rests, whose al was to give ai 10 the sick orphans, and to dhe overt verge graced poor, through a methad 2 ee tes ds cm 3 Sib Wc tn Gar Rope Cs ond edo 2 feo Cimon on fens, Female ancy 6 se From Genoa the company sed to Rome, res andthe tis. It “pened at can hospls everywhere ane administered great sums of money fai. The secre characier ofthe Company andthe invlsement of busines ‘nd government hat ed some histosans o emphasize the managerial fest cater than the situa aspect of che brothechood, but there I 90 ih shat many of he llowers made radi religious choi, 25 bought {olightby the prosopograhical anajsfthe members ofthe Romar Com which has come to ws Urough the uno lis ofa brother Some of embers ofthe Roman Divine Love were, afc, among the funders “gol fit pracioners of the Cleves Regular Thetine, whe other adhered “osintal groups subsequently acused of heresy. What emerges om the an docinensisals the proirtionofinesttons that seemed want ge dol people a sk of death in those decades that were ttn apa cats and alse mena. They too, cased afin some aspects of and soil soi ™ Ittinghospialsorthepoor inthe countriesofthe Empire accompanied singprohbion fbegging Tis ides joined humanists suchas Vives and nveeformessuchasLather an Calvin bina cary continued sen sr an expesion of dine love. Caterina esc Adoeno can therefore onsidered an extreme ease. Her charable ape was cross between alsanetiy which would be suspected of alnbatsmo afer the breakof ony with he spread of the Protestane Reformation, anda active here the eso perfection in lmsgling and helping oe neighbour ese om the ranma teaching ofthe church In he period between oundngf he Genovese Hospital ofthe Incarbles andthe publication of| ile and sie weting of Caterina isch 95, the defsivedvison aropean Christianity had some t a hesd andthe options of ida wera that pint ied. kn Protestant counties the dctine of fie ante furl of vows and almgving signaled a everal inthe way ordivine ove was conceived, Almspving remalneda way ofeercing thar characterized the Catholic Church and Mediterranean Europe, northern countses were moving lol cowards the concept of welfare vrhich was ater more sigy than the ois Church a conceding ofc ecagniton of anti important to note that to of he fourteen sins ecogpized by the churches of ance Rusa, befre he dramatic ever ewenteth cen enriched he hag young princes lians Olshandang ‘Sedat the age ofsiceenn abot 50. She enjoyed the reputation of ancy that accompanies howe who de young Howeet, a tue cat developed tthe scar of the seventeenth centry when, daring an excavation er tomb ms tpened and hee body wat fund ncreaped. That 2 thie who took some jencnthat had coneedher body dssoon fe wasiocerpeted sine pan. [Shment and served to reinforce fh nthe sanctity of de woman, Shon Rossen Church ‘The sory ofuliana Laraevskay, the daughter ofafunctonay ofthe Ivan the Tele, gut diferent She was orphaned a six ad ake in tase by her maicral grandmother She marie and had thirteen dl erliftory was writen one fee children and ahoagh epg teaitional agiographic commonplaces, revealed new information, She {devout woman, ashe conducted if of ascetics and penitence the years oer cudhood and macrsage. She administered the household pelos when her husand was in service x the st She was generous Sims but di no ext no the Fail patrimony. Daring famine that reat increased the mamber of oor, lian, who practise habia fs pretended eo give up the habit oeder to beable to donate a Be Fea tothe need Afler er husbands death she led a sm-monasic home. During the famine of or, which it Rusia duringthe eign ofa CGoiunoe she sep ale reervesia er possesion, ried herp ithe county released all ber servants fl and ied x ew years ie "The religous enperens of lans Lazaretskay, shou dren the lie and concept of Divine Love of Caterina Fisch Adorno, by the to rofcontinentl Europe ancharches Europe theiatachment oan, Female ancy “The primitive church: the evangelical model © hmong he spiiualperons who were aged by Chistian humanism and “ho sade allusion fo Erasmas and Thomas More, and among those who rte themeeles rather tothe hopes fo a renewal ofthe church a5 sor of pial compasses tat had the rive hrc serene 2nd considered women sate parcputsin the apostolic msn, One of thee groups acquired parcclarimporanc. A group was formed Brescia und woman who had dedicate her feo payer andto te instruction of young emi workers wh, while wanting to conscratethemseles 0 religion if, were unable or unlit ener conve The nite that Founded in 5 by Angela Menci took the nase of the Company of Saint ua rwasnsped by the apostolic church and wae modeledon the rou nomen who rarounded trom The eters thatthe aber ofthe church fel to therm show that those women, widows and veins, materially Wed Jetome in hs peaching nd were a he sme ie arpa in his ison. The funding ofthe Company of Saint Ula represnted,there- Sew model of emule sanity that of if consecrated 1 God but only fel the ect ofthe deidecyuropian clorl aif te period that uth on fc, the Company earned approval the Roman Church afer having accepted a form of eutionaization that subjected to itince of diocenan bishop and which nposed a dstngushing mark he habit hu allowed those belonging 2 the company tobe den In pte of th, the manement put fore the most innovative pesos “af e fete religous wold ofthe stent century. which elle forthe sition of sancty and inkl perfection aso forthe ly condton, pther with active paicipaton inthe mision ofthe propagation ofthe Anges, which stood withthe Barnabie Cleis Repu in the sion Inform sonvent an foun nstttions forthe protection and edveason ‘ts licen vo consider dha the two recognized leaders ofthe movement ofthe Angelis, Treli and the Divine Mother Pla Antonia Neg, wey lsyomen er group or indvidals co break loose from Roman orthodoxy. ‘Many of the women who in aly England, or France adhered nthe ne yearsorthe net decade othe roestant Reformation were moved by endit Inullecal modes and morals wo those expresed her. Tm not peaking ‘of spinel women sich at Vitoria Colonna or Catena Gyo, who Ine in the conven but refused maonanc vows anid sought co ata nd ‘Christan: Lam peaking of women such asthe Feaese humanist lip ‘Morat, who le sei homeland for meligios motive,” or af thes ich All thee women were in some way won over by + model of apostle He that depied the monks of he preogative of nda peseson and ale recognized istusionaly an aceive patton of women in he musion the church, Between contestation and restoration: the martyr model “Theis forthe airmtion and prea ofthe Protestant Reformason, wi ‘ts reslant wat reigns intlerance,nqusiional wal, and summary ‘ences, didnotdelay nbingngbacktotheloretontabighmodel adheres ‘Chistian: hat ofthemaryr Theambisonoaresarntothetrieeligon and tothe primitive church was made concrete in the middle of the sixteenth century withthe proporl of ew sanesty fr those martyred for ath ‘hose religions sat had rejected the cul ofthe sss, such asthe Lather religion, began to keep alive the memory ofthe dead ’ 2 Ba, Yes i Tein fo ie “The compilation ofthe martyrogies ofthe mos die reformation rel gons cuted sos smtaneouly i the maa ofthe sheath cea. Sprucklookt thse compilations of Reformation marsyrs demonstrates hat he Beginning these flected were, above all eet and monks who had Ahandoned the Roman Chorch with regard eo gender, ane can note vat the Jory ofthese generation of reformers were amos excasely male in second generation, however, women who fed ther martydom were “pny end insome cues exceeded he numberof men. ‘monghe female Bnglsh marty, onemustatleast mention Anne Askew ‘pata, daughter of gedeman of Lincolnshire and wife of Catbole, who “probly coneredo Protest et the influence ofher brother, She Jporedo London role neater to her companion th, was aeested a3, Tereresy and subjected to wo atertogstionsbeorebeingcondermnedto he Her eocution cece in ts ander the rege of Henry VI. Whe poses portraying Anne a stint who crushed the ead of he papal beast the te page of he book, i et, cere was a xylogrphy of he young oma wit halo holding Bibl inher righthand and the pal of ma Ipedom in er le, whe ther fet ya poten dragon whose head was red withthe papal aa. To the left ofthe Sure averse from Pal 16 eminded the reader ha the eth ofthe Lo lst forever, ant the ight pion commented that Ane Ake syed Grin the tah of Gd una heen” ‘Natur there weremargyrsamong Catholicsas well In Eoglandespeily, the etablahmnent of Angin, ten the reaction to te Sentences Indes dow by Mary Taser, led to stactrepesion that hit sbow all ‘he Catholic leg. Besides Mange Pol, the mother of Cardinal Reginald, Gvho was executed in 54 afer years of denon, there were only three lawomen who seed martyrdom for their faith Among these the oor notable war Margaret Cliterow who was stoned t death * © Quanctvely women were sack les than mn by toute and mare weve the del of easton was sl present aot only he erga elation, but ao in agiographic heat. In aly the most “widespread hugiographic ein che erciarin he tect entry ata et ene gear delle cant gin (Te Lge ofthe ot ely Blt, Teena ew. i Eagan ate pt agin), collection of sores taken rn the Legenda ate. was pe numerous ines untae he eghtent century. “The Catholic enevil: founding female sins “The Council of Tent not only sec dhe foundations for reetning Catole enn opposton ro rotemantimbt also made deisve changes ‘eationalinstiasons a partclar those regarding the condion of women ‘he reforming of marsage adhe cote of contents. Monastic cotering war a dss and unespeced poison. Tothe aha ‘vet, nly iewasmoly the shops who were charge with sypervsige Chserngandthey Sit with more oles seereyinapreement with polit ‘snd power Inthe counties where he genera cra of the reigns ora "were stated there were no space changes. was rather inthe ations ‘Srey upset by the wars of religion that eligios ones demonstrate pew ‘italy and creatvis.” Anes the mane themselves took the iia reform, ae happenin the ese of the Orde of Ou Lady of Mount Carl Teresa de nus whohadjewish ancestry waseducatedandhadaccenuated mystical inclinations She was endowed with practical pis and propose reform na igoroussene, the onganizaton ofthe Carmeles She did oti herself to he professed ns, bu extended the efor inside the onder With the assistance and the apron of confess and confides of exceptional ‘ulate and spit such a brother John ofthe Cross and the Dominica Louis de Granta and wit the support of Philip I ise, Teresa snd some fer ster began tows the convents reforming them abo al rom he Point of view of poverty The One ofthe Discled Carmelies was quickly ‘rn, and inthe favourable climate ofthe Counter Reformation ite support and potecon tht gave Birth to new foundations. Pip I ook farourbly onthe expansion of convent i France, nthe Low Counties. and in aly, and considered them poiislourpors of 3 more profound cali pentrtion. The personaly of Teresuasserteditsel everywhere wih dee ‘nyse, but he wetings were sbmied tothe erating of the ngs tome time belore they were pated” See 9 tke side, sre of Agen Fn de ss ee sant 50-3650 "The new French founditions coreponded 2 sod eather than pli “pcs The Bishop of Geneva, Franc de Sls sready hada reputation san "Pocus peacherandathor oft on spilt. When e proposed the {obe widow Jeanne Frngose Fremyot de Chal that she founda convent Toston dat would respond to the mligious exigencies ofa spiual {lke, made up forthe most part of wows and gendewornen not entzely ee offal problems. The convent was to have ls igi rules than the Tedtonal ones because it was to welcome women dete constuion or ‘fein, hos entlewomen who wanted to cary out situa exerees, and fo thai could allow sigs wornen the possbty of loking afer the ssn alas of ther fails Janne de Chantal agreed and began 0 woe “ibeconstaton ofthe new convent wit Francs de Sales On the poblem of tlosernghomcves, wart posible to compromse. Ether one renounced ‘he scligins profesen, resting a college for laywomen, or casterng had ‘applied. The inventors ofthe new foundation yielded wo the Roman _provisonsbut bisinedparl compromise. Non practising women entered eso pesos of ine, ar there wa es gy in he abtnences and ia "erules communal ie, Ths the Order of the Salsas was bor, which nthe fs bl ofthe seventeenth ceny spend rapidly is Sooy Pledmont, "southern France and esen penetrated various Talan ses The wiginurordrounded in ranceby Louisede Maric 91-1650) and Vincent de Ps, alte Daughters of Charity had dierent goals, which ye dictated rather by the deste otasform cary fo an efile soc tem, Louse wasalroa widow ofthe high rench nobly andshe aerated ted 1s mother with exerts of devon, but wasattensve tothe needs the mery poor Aer visting wore of the wos begun in Champaig and jer of Cary a female company with simple vows, ke he Ursuline pons of Angela Merc ts member wore rey and were dedicated 0 fhe por ofthe ilies, ponding particular forthe care and alin abandoned chee.” 3 ene ei tng oe eS, nd marginalized not also persecuted, Mary Ward considered hers tmisionary with espet tothe lfc Angcanism and snsten Pustanem of ‘hry seventeenth cerry England. she wanted to found a female company ong the nes of te One of Jets to open colleges forthe instruction {young noblewomen in England. in the Low Coie and in dhe Geen Teeotries in short, in al hose countees where Roman Christa had realli itself on the bai ofCatholerenewal. nhs sense she dh othe pened collegsin York in Munichandinthe Low Countries sntbe Remag_ ‘ina ranted her prmilon to crest a centralized religious congregaon ‘nalogous to thse ofthe male zlgous orders This experience was bie, however As Mother Superior ofthe Congreaton she was obliged 0 at female Jit was not realized” Forbidden models of sanctity ‘snd counter-models ‘ns the Congregation of Rites was strated and was chargedwith pepe ing he selorm ofthe proces of canonization. Even ithe Bld of sine, however, the Holy Office operated dec, contbuting with is repress con othe etablshmet of «changes ection in the very concep of ily recogpied sant: ‘warp under scrutiny Many feral ysis were investigated frst ‘cla very suble sccuson tit addresed conscience and ath, a sich wat able to be prosecuted bythe Inguson, une te preceding le ‘ancy, which could be casedas fraud The accusation multe ‘was one ofthe waysof undermining mystcsm and banging down fo ‘ighpostioniteldin the gos ofa cantar Such acusacion sal etet for inestgnting the abs ofthe clergy an the elsonahips ernst female mystics and thls confessor ‘Through ths bate against sma sanctity, which nade ysis the prosrbed mode, new presebed mo 18 Zest asus np na aco Sct Ae ai {fa owt reson Popes Tm ae _rescersning fone senciats was afrmed hatisbehaiou where Christian fe possessed tos herac degree oT Te aesumations of snlaed sane were nected at ist tovand female sys who enjoyed a epuacion of sanctity both among the nb and lo among the elgious orders. Ths was for example, the ase with Orola " nincasa,who was usequenly ceredofthe charges Obbersddaotesape, as female prophets anvisionares whoin lab orSpinfllowedthe paths sane that were acted by Catherine of Siena and were stilregarded as omic lvingsains caring es parcfthessteenthcentry Php set ed the counsel of 4 mysic who wat late accused of mulation The between approved silted picimbecame evermore evanescent hl diiulo deine acordingto doesne. Where thre ae records one can sac fomiheingustionalralsconducedberweenthe edhe siatenth cs, who sought o founda beste andahospce fo female comers, fo derlared hat he ask ad oon entra to ber by Gos who spoke her ita vsion° Te same happened sme years ater in Venice, where in Ferraze a woman ofhumble angi who hadbul'aconsevatory for ds was called by the ngusition to espond tothe charge of sulted in" The socologica analyse ofthe women charged with sulted leads ustoconcade hat he nuit lo had he goal of spina behaviour andhabsof semi regouswomes noprotetedby the diet, we mast ot undeestiat the fctha he sensation ofmuation Barellna seems a prove she was a Dominican prophetess who claimed want ro be the St Teresa the Onder of Preachers Since a he end of sstenth century the reputation of ancy was lst sigufiant, ‘vas no shorage of css of ead tat even athe highest eel went Kagan Abn Pant dl oe 9-2 SECTS ar gonanncnn ofa model of rnc based on behaviour ater than det latory ‘vith God, ot on sigs ofthe body on miracles In accordance witht Inui tendency, which had already emesgedin the teenth century of considering silustrious the men and wornen who ad dingished they selves by posesng vir toa heroic degre and with the intent oF respond ‘gto Protewant rts, the head of the Church of Rome, inpaticaa [Congregation of Rises, had decided to canonze ssn to give Mote From ence otheirlves, tothe vires, andto thet flea of pofsionaland famill dies, The dee of sanctity was thus prod tansformed et ‘puted with the medieval concept. Ieaimed a becoming a veicstion of individual journey towaads pestection taken by able under he guides ofaspincualfaherand othe samebeesersacastment tothe precepts ofthe huh ; sides contsbusingo the proniponofthemyica movelofsanciyshe ‘ngisonluibunals sought alo to ruse noe lina, the ounce ‘model of such sane: that, the heel image ofthe witch tht fad been born and anced in the Christian Westin lose connection with the spreadoffemale mystics, The phenomena of matic and wichcra Wee stil correlated, and they represented contrasting model of two powers in competion: the ower of God and that ofthe dev. The ist was aime St miraculous works the second a ei works, Not only athe lee ofthe powers, bu ao at chat of modes, the sit and he witch incarnated to reise representations of woman: the one who follows the paths of Gal tnd she who reject them At the end ofthe sateen century, when the Roman Church underzook ts work of rcomverting the mode! of san belief in wuches was sil alve and fanctoning sin the ext of Chan "urope: However, by tha the Renassance ies thatthe et of wiches ik to be eradicated with re wat more contentions. Inthe Catole Church he ‘onion hecame stonge that one ought fst to procecd with the ara ‘xoreim. The teatses by Gzlamo Meng to give only one example, wee ned at various times throughout Europe berween abou 380 andthe St ‘ofthe seventeenth century In adtion, the dea that both a woman's 2 female ness aslcnest of er uterus ~beceme popula at the Beginning ofthe seventeenth century partly becise ofthe progiessin medicine ands the scene knowledge othe human body. The dieses sien in 3 4 Se ena ar hc ae an n authortave member ofthe Congsegiton ofthe Holy Office, Canal a, counselled Inguisors to proceed wits caution in odeing eases that sede imaginings of female mystics smalators, possessed women, witches. Tt proteaions began o be considered illness. Mysctia would very soon become a wentie mode for dsrminating women, bu inthe short ter this new ariade of te Roman ngu flstors of sancity poseseed women, and witches were aso aporeic or eal was an le ha began tobe discussed inthe seventeenth entry ‘What me sy ofthe posed wm Posen y the ei oe she ype cy ste by pata a clei hse Fetters ben ato ppedy De Cress cm he salt ones oon hgh a bg 9 Hh ata compones te oe ®t how an we el oes Memes ufCayer Thestrionbopenediory stereo ive cea pur in moti by he othe Pes of Ee, Abbess rss Clr eden abit o poo hat wo ave pat he Even unc te juin of he cpr ofthe lal Pase™ Tetuprone coats preps a wasp Inthe muvee tomo tinulisons of ns cone ocenss titomorenly” so slated poeson bythe der cos tract ston neh spe toconcee bees rt ww oes + tuatelch woukocoreie re endive. Inet, yer _foastnorbe mtr ofthc tus bf he exit an ofthe ho Foe cvsesste be ere “The pose Tridentine eanonizations the monastic model “Asha sd both the Congregation athe Holy Ofe andthe Congreg “fonoffices were active indefing the prescribed model fsancty According “sot ivergaion of Chrisian Reno, hey swocanonizations ookplace 18 Teh eprutinfho,_Cre, eprint. | 5 Senin, Ro Cloeatinetde - inthe sevemeenth century the highese number achleveinacenary Butte ‘wuss another novel the geographic range broadened Inthe se ‘wot bythe canonization a 1679 of Rosa da Lima, who dled in 06 oy {he point of view of genes there war leat preponderance of men, eh ‘the number of women canonized inthe seveneemh century Was the igh sin absolute erm, There wer, nits femal nt Two of heey sncin 6g Tees ila, who dina and wat canoe Na Maddalena de Paz, who dein 107 and was canonized in 19 afer Dad ded more than 00 years before he decrees of Pope Urban Vil and ho adalwayscnjoyd aoc clk. Among the beatification the female presence Is very Yow (ones ten) bu very igh (one woman to every inthe xs excep. To understand hs inequality tis necessary 0 remember ‘hat Bevin was a proces itrodued bythe Congregation of Rates it ‘heserenteeth centiry Therefore, beaifeston was pose or those whe proces had openedshorly afte thelr death Ith bated women wee fe "he mos plausible explanation ithe oe indicated by Reno the cus ‘wat mote cits (ot would be bere oi a Become more ‘ous in eeogaiing female sancti: The asumpdonisconfimedty the high umber ofan exept tht hak backta the sinciy ofthe Midle Ages ad Renaissance, Delores; that othe periodin which awehavesen, tale mystical ancy sillenjyed the fll approval of the church However if we consider analycally the female sits promoted to SM ‘honours ofthe als, would not he incinedo share Renn lsicton, He plaesthesecanonzatons unde the category of mystical sancti: woul rather favours mona model, igus re thatall he womennamedabo swore mystic though a ese level of intensity an clare, but tio. ‘uuethat they became sin abow allecaune they were ns and amongihe {stfcatons for her snc the tars of nun or of founder preva oes ‘hat of myst inure ths ero compare ax Gi Barone ha Gemgscgaton ofthe Oblate ofthe Tor de’ pect, Francesa was wie and fotber This wa recalled during the esimony of he Ser cenary tl, as compel sence in he seventeenth cencary jsistions of het es, which ook nt consideration onl her mona sas* What can we say ofthe other saint! the ost importa image of Teresa ns Bern's ae tha depicts ers estas sts also true that she consis tog ts ST sore farmet, and Filppo Nes, that, wth two Telow Spanianis and sw biography he dcae to is tecretary dhe st months of his i prowes Te emsned fthul to msl ant death: ye mys was not the dng clement of his sancty. With dete imulanenseeanonizatons, he man Church wate onthe one hao rate the contbuton given by imitation ofthoxe whohadcotsibatedsothereoemfthereigiosorders gh inthe canonization of Maddalena de’ Paz! at, cven in his cas, one “pst not forge that she was 8 costed nan, ving the pose Tdentne fd and that het visions which had a theological athe hana prope nt, were rarely ade public” fe the case of Rose da Lina the problem is certain greater, because dhe ity ofthe reatonshipbecween the epresentaon of er sancity by her {biographer and she percepuon of snc in aeas soll diferent x (Out and New Words compes. Ava Ceole who imitated Catherine Siena by ling ins hermitage Dal in a gaden, Ross da Lama submited ft fasting and penitence, refused both massage and he convent, rd “js weleome exception tat we would noe have expected to encounter in seventeen cenury.Inveigated and released wou being subject to ishments nor to icons to change ber, Ras’ desi was quite “Silent rom tha of he group oF eae companions who surrounded et. Then lx were vestigated an forced take wows in aclosered convent.” "“Toconclad,Iwouldketorecallatetiontothe evolution thatthe myst ‘pode of male snc cern the most use sinc the eleven century, sured beeen he Mie Aes they den pil. Cath OF Sins model of popes cay seduced he rn, “hough not eninge compete ant eee he pope : cred nm and lone iy eran. The mye of se a . “Scounpedand fen ondemedunder be cuban ofan an : : ‘Tere war ano aflrm ofapottal mystic, to mental or et pe ‘Tridentine worship and the cult of saints chwasdecopedi eterno melons beg sisiox oireueieey {tal decor and penal riper Ths mice lowe the Cancmoaton oe The contention opens ne ben ea ty the de es ral prc an dct ein Ientoft ep equ vetoperd anger 1 Induction — reforming uy fies Trent FacRnnaatRR Aes Sim eRR RRR RpE RATS Central to the Tridentine reaffirmation of the divinely-ordained nature of the berween women and conesors who practise the prayer of ques. ied i enn ep nite temo monet no rn scope wrain e te os aap bearing 20 dependingon hentia, evans o a x pcopal ppolatnet in pra ively ceed the atenson of oa aaa considerable nosce as ben akenofanarein which he papacy 9 Maney pe pnonge a eo pp pblation af the revised Roman Breviary (68) othe sue ofthe revised ‘Rival (6), he Roman Chrch underrok the unprecedented step providing texts which were to possess eel val and autho In| Tolls, diction wil be focused onthe reform ofthe brenary not because dhe sues raised mose rely concer the el of sins, but sho becsave the processes solved tell ut much about the reception and retain of Tigentine efor in genera | Members ofthe reforming commission sought not to innovate but "0 frp the office back ois antique (simply dr Uae aan) Bus Vs worth am was ores ‘dhe orginal standard ofthe Fathers nut norma) soa to permit the move equnt saying ofthe daly fi Le. nomex ay) ofc” The later was centred on readings frm pains lo of which were mean tobe covered eath week cogether wih oer Ley passages fom srprare (any of which were accompanied shore homies, ot inequeny of patric authorship). Al these sxp readings with ei commentaes) were suppressed on es day, when tn td i at a ey ‘reo ay conan yop as C8 Dat ig, ‘mene went ak yon

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