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Daily Behavior


No more lost recess!

© Dr. Jennifer C. Walts 2017

Daily Behavior Chart
for _____________________
Week of _________________

MON Initials TUES Initials WED Initials THURS Initials FRI Initials









© Dr. Jennifer C. Walts 2017

When my son was little, I put a behavior chart on the refrigerator. I told him that if he
had a plus sign each week day, he could earn a treat over the weekend. This worked
pretty well for the first week, but on the second week, he earned a minus sign on
Monday. Having lost his reward, the rest of the week was a disaster.

I solved the problem by making smaller segments of time and requiring that he had a
plus sign only 80% of the time. This kept the promise of a reward possible.

Some of our students struggle to manage behavior for an entire day. This chart is set
up so that a child can earn feedback hourly throughout the day. Put this chart on a
clipboard and teachers can pass it from one to the next if grade levels are
departmentalized. Each teacher can put a number from 1-5 for the behavior scale
(No sad faces, please!) and initials at the end of the segment. Parent initials at the end
of each day and returns.

Other than the obvious advantage of improved behavior, another advantage is that
you will begin to see patterns emerge. For example, if a student has trouble with
behavior every day during the segment right before lunch, it may be that he is hungry
and a small snack will fix the problem.

This behavior chart is also good evidence for required progress monitoring for students;
we all know that academics and behavior are linked.

I am so happy that you found your way here to Chalk Dust and Dreams. Please
Take a moment to follow me and leave feedback so that I can continue to grow and

I hope this is a terrific year for you…Happy Teaching!

© Dr. Jennifer C. Walts 2017

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Thank you for respecting my work. I hope you will continue to visit Chalk
Dust and Dreams and enjoy using my products with your students.

Happy Teaching!

© Dr. Jennifer C. Walts 2017

Let’s stay in Touch!

I am so pleased that you have found your way to my store, Chalk Dust
and Dreams! I appreciate your business and hope that you enjoy your
purchase. I would love it if you would take a moment to review and
leave feedback; hearing from you helps me continually improve and
create things that are needed. My goal is to set teachers up for

If you have questions or comments, you may reach me on:

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© Dr. Jennifer C. Walts 2017

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