Section 7 p.13

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Look at the list of words. They are all nouns. Put the correct word into the sentences belowhe
chairperson sent a copy of the minutes to all shareholders the day after the meeting.
Write your answers in the boxes numbered 1-10 below.
There is an example at the beginning (*). (10 points)
(A) bullying (B) remedy (C) quorum (D) charge (E) appraisal (F) imprisonment (G) defamation (H)
slander (I) resolution (J) minutes
(A) znęcanie się (B) środek zaradczy (C) kworum (D) zarzuty (E) ocena (F) pozbawienie wolności (G)
zniesławienie (H) pomówienie (I) uchwała (J)protokoły

(1) Jack Farrar was unhappy that his annual (1).E with his work supervisor was negative and he felt this
was unfair.
(2) The defendant wrote something that was untrue and very damaging on the social network Twitter and
her victim sued her on the grounds of (2) G
(3) The chairperson sent a copy of the (3) J to all shareholders the day after the meeting.
(4) (4) A is a more informal name for harassment in the workplace and is grounds for reporting a
(5) The tort of (5) .H. refers to a statement that is not permanent, such as saying something which is
untrue and harmful in a conversation between friends.
(6) In most breach of contract cases the usual (6) B is damages.
(7) There were not enough people at the meeting to form a (7) C so the chairperson postponed it until the
following week.
(8) The bank demanded a fixed (8) D over the assets of the company in return for granting it a loan.
(9) Many of the people attending the demonstration objected to the police keeping them in a side street for
5 hours and later made claims for compensation on the grounds of false (9).. F
(10) The directors passed a (10) I. in which they changed the name of the company.

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