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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Facultad de Contaduría y Administración Pública


Foundations of Management

Degree: Lic. En Negocios Internacionales

Professor: Manuel Alexis Vazquez Zacarias


Luis Adrian Avalos [2097074]

Diana Gretly Hernandez [2097662]

Edgar Alan Rascon [2093213]

Erika Vasquez Andrade [2095381]

Roberto Saldaña Espinosa [2106769]

Angel Azahel Sanchez [2132223]

Jennifer Del Angel Del Angel [2066815]

Group: 1Ei

Ciudad Universitaria, N L. 14 de octubre de 2023


A leader is someone who influences other people and inspires them, motivates them and
helps direct the corresponding activities to achieve the desired goals of the group; Leadership
transcends beyond simple administration; It is the ability to positively influence, make
strategic decisions and carry out significant transformations.

In this essay, we are going to talk about Ana Botín, who is the President and leader of Banco
Santander. We are going to describe her leadership skills, how she works and how this affects
the performance and achievements of the company where she works. Ana Botín, with her
experience in the world of finance, has stood out not only for making strategic decisions, but
also for her ability to connect with people, understand what they need and focus on clients;
Her career, visions and commitments have left deep marks not only on the bank she leads, but
also on the world of finance and society as a whole.

Throughout this essay, we will see how Ana Botín personifies these qualities and how his
leadership style has transformed Banco Santander into one of the main financial institutions
worldwide. In addition, we will analyze the specific characteristics that make Ana Botín an
example of modern leadership and how these are reflected in the tactics and strategies that
benefit Banco Santander, its employees and its clients. From her commitment to gender
equality to her ability to navigate times of crisis, Botín represents a leadership model to
follow in the 21st century.
A little bit about the leader we will discuss in this essay and its importance in the leading

Ana Botín-Sanz de Sautuola y O'Shea


Executive Director

Joined the Board in 1989.

Nationality: Spanish. Born in 1960 in Santander, Spain.

Education: Bachelor of Science in Economics from Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania.

Experience: Joined Banco Santander, S.A., after working at JP Morgan (New York,
1980-1988). In 1992 she was appointed Managing Director. Between 1992 and 1998, she led
Santander's expansion in Latin America. In 2002, she was appointed executive chairman of
Banesto. Between 2010 and 2014 she was chief executive officer of Santander UK PLC and
until April 2021 she has been a non-executive director. In 2014, she was appointed executive
chairman of Santander. She has also been a non-executive director of Santander UK Group
Holdings PLC (2014-2021) and chairwoman of the European Banking Federation from 2021
to February 2023.

Other relevant positions: She is a member of the board of directors of The Coca-Cola
Company and chair of the Institute of International Finance (IIF). She is also founder and
president of the CyD Foundation (which supports higher education) and of Empieza por
Educar (the Spanish subsidiary of the international NGO Teach for All) and a member of the
advisory board of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Positions in other Santander Group companies: She is non-executive chairman of Open Bank,
S.A., Santander Consumer Finance, S.A., Open Digital Services, S.L., PagoNxt, S.L.,
Universia España Red de Universidades, S.A. and Universia Holding, S.L., and
non-executive director of Santander Holdings USA, Inc. and Santander Bank, N.A.

Board committees of which she is a member: Executive Committee (chair) and Innovation
and Technology Committee (chair).

Traits Related to Effective Leadership

"There is a challenge, but there is a great opportunity to rebuild all together a more
sustainable economy" Ana Patricia Botín

As we have seen, to be a leader you have to master tools in this case characteristics that help
us to communicate and above all to communicate in the best way with the people you work
with, motivate and encourage a team to do things and thus get the best performance in large
companies taking command is a challenge that in the end a good leader takes as something he
likes to do, mentioning this we intend to know a little more of a leader in the financial field
we will talk about Ana Botin recognized for being president of Banco Santander and a
member of the board of Coca-Cola.
We know that being a woman in financial fields a few years ago were still controversial but
this leader has demonstrated and implemented gender equity and equality in her institution
being named has been named the most powerful woman in the world by 'Fortune' magazine,
in a new edition of the ranking that ranks the 50 most influential women and faithful leader in
feminist movements. (CINCO DIAS , s.f.)

Ana Botín became president of Santander in 2014 to "strengthen the bank's capital, increase
customer loyalty (which has grown by 40% since 2015) and digitize the platforms."

In addition to her day-to-day work within the bank, as chairwoman, Botín is known for other
work beyond, Since 2014, she has been recognized for leading the cultural, commercial and
technological transformation of the Santander Group, focusing on driving customer trust and
loyalty. Under her leadership, the financial institution has established a very clear mission: to
contribute to the progress of people and companies in a simple, personal and fair way. The
Group is firmly committed to developing its activity in a responsible manner for the benefit
of its employees, customers, shareholders and society ( ROMERO, 2022).

What are the Traits related to Ana Botín's effective leadership that we have found

Intelligence: Since she took the leadership of Banco Santander, she has been committed to
promoting technology, perfecting teamwork and innovating in terms of service, and going
further by focusing on leadership programs for young people, supporting them with
scholarships so that in the future we will have well-trained people who contribute to the
progress of the Santander financial institution.

Knowledge and experience: He has a degree in economics, has discovered ways to increase
efficiency and effectiveness within his company, and shares his successes with his
collaborators. After his first 5 years of leadership at the head of the company, he wrote a
letter to all employees of the entity where he highlights his plural language focused on the
team, recognizing the work of all of them in the successes achieved.

Dominance: helps managers to influence their subordinates to achieve organizational

objectives through teamwork, something he emphasized during his presidency, treating
everyone in a familiar way as his father did, inspiring confidence.

High energy: helps managers cope with the many demands they face always being alert to
changes is one of his greatest exponents of his leadership as he tends to be alert.

Integrity and honesty: helping managers to behave ethically and gain the trust of their
subordinates, he has stood out for having an empathetic charisma in his company highlighting
the easy communication between the departments of their companies.

Maturity: Helps managers to avoid acting selfishly, control their feelings and admit when
they have made a mistake by having a Commitment to society. As we have seen, this is a
recurring point in large organizations. Their ability to contribute to social projects is not only
a reflection of the culture of the organization and its leaders, but shows their integrated vision
within a globalized society.

According to Botín, it is necessary to delve deeper into issues such as internationalization,

digital technologies, university-business collaboration, financing and governance.
Community involvement. As we have seen, this is a recurring problem in large organizations.
Their ability to contribute to social programs reflects not only the culture of the organization
and its leaders, but also its integrated vision in a globalized society.

The value of soft skills. Her leadership focuses on equal opportunity and gender equality and
emphasizes the value of listening, communication, and collaboration skills.

Engage business partners to achieve success. After his first five years at the helm of the
company, he wrote a letter to all the company's employees in which he highlighted the plural
language of the team, acknowledging the success achieved with everyone.

The role of the leader, In times of crisis it is essential to demonstrate leadership, the role of
Ana Botín has been very remarkable. Where we could see all of the above was in the period
in which the president of Banco Santander played a very important role from the point of
view of communication, showing an image of closeness that has a direct impact on the brand,
reinforcing the mission of her company "Santander's mission to contribute to the progress of
people and companies guides our actions today more than ever. We are determined to do
everything in our power to fight the pandemic and support recovery."

With which Santander managed to receive the "Excellence in Leadership" award in Europe
for its management of the COVID-19 crisis, in addition to the award for best bank for SMEs
in Western Europe and Latin America, best bank in Spain and Portugal, and best investment
bank in Portugal (santander, 2020).

We can see that all these are the characteristics that Ana Botin has demonstrated which has
led Santander to position itself as a great banking institution, but without forgetting the team
that is this great corporation like many others with these leaders to follow that transmit what
your company wants to become.

Type of leadership

Botín, has been recognized for her type of transactional leadership as she is leading the
company to its new digital stage and reaching a large part of the global market, this particular
style has helped the company to get out of a brake on the company's profits due among other
factors to the past management that currently this team was reduced by Ana Botín and
replaced by a team that considers are the most qualified to redirect the course of the company
to a new structure and strategy.

The need to prepare the bank for a more sustainable world is also one of the most crucial
goals. To date, he has led a number of initiatives that have a positive environmental impact.
These include programs to invest in and finance renewable energy sources, limit fossil fuel
financing, and reduce the bank's emissions.
Ana Patricia Botín, president of Banco Santander, has led the transformation of the bank and
has established a clear mission to contribute to the progress of people and companies Ana has
been recognized for her leadership in times of crisis and for her ability to make quick and
effective decisions. Her management style is characterized by being impulsive, determined
and demanding with the teams that work with her. Additionally, she has proven to be an
innovative and disruptive leader, and has used social networks to communicate the bank's
vision and values. Ana has led the bank's expansion in Latin America and has been CEO of
Santander UK Currently.

She is a non-executive director of Santander Holdings USA and Santander Bank, and
president of Santander Digital Businesses. She is a charismatic leader She has demonstrated
that she is an enthusiastic, self-confident leader capable of communicating her vision.

It can be said that he uses the Fiedler model, his leadership is effective, we can also see that
he cares that his subordinates perform at a high level and that the work is done .

Leadership at Banco Santander has been led by Ana Patricia Botín, who has established a
clear mission of contributing to the progress of people and companies. Her leadership style is
characterized by being innovative, demanding and effective, and she has been recognized for
her ability to make quick and effective decisions in times of crisis.

Additionally, she has proven to be an innovative and disruptive leader, and has used social
media to communicate the bank's vision and values. Regarding leadership programs at
Santander, the bank has carried out the "Leaders for Employees" program at Santander Bank
Polska, which is aimed at senior managers and is based on four leadership commitments that
set the direction and highlight the attitudes of leaders.

It also has the Young Leaders program, which is aimed at identifying, attracting and
developing the talent of young leaders. In summary, leadership at Banco Santander is
characterized by being innovative, demanding and effective, and focuses on the development
of talent and the transformation of the company's leadership culture.

Finally a highlight of its leadership is that it is based on trust and free flow of information
between administrative positions, this allows the different sectors of the company to always
be focused on their individual objectives and the greater objective of the company which is in
this case, to become the most profitable company in the global market in the financing
category, benefits, bank account management and customer service.

Power of leadership

With Ana Botin we can see a Legitimate Power and The Expert Power this is for different
In all of her life she has been preparing to be the best with the objective to be in the place she
is right now, after her it was her father who was in that place.

Impulsive, resolute, and with high expectations for the teams that work alongside her, she is
also renowned as a person who, as long as she maintains trust in those surrounding her, they
consistently hold significant positions. Over time, it appears that these characteristics have
become more deeply ingrained in her character, and it has been demonstrated that shortly
after assuming the presidency of Santander, she initiated processes for personnel renewal and
essential adjustments in the group's strategy that had long been postponed.

In the initial months of her tenure, there was a comprehensive restructuring of the board of
directors and substantial alterations in the bank's executive leadership, commencing with the
CEO (Javier Marín was succeeded by José Antonio Álvarez) and extending through virtually
all of the primary directors responsible for the group's divisions. The fresh executives were
sourced either from Ana Botín's tenure in the United Kingdom or during her presidency at

However, in addition to this personnel shift, in which the return of Rodrigo Echenique as the
group's executive vice president and president of Santander Spain took center stage, Ana
Botín didn't hesitate to adjust to the new conditions and entirely revamp the approach
previously pursued by the organization regarding its capital and dividend policies. She
initiated an initial capital raise of 7.5 billion euros, enabling the bank to meet the regulatory
prerequisites set by European oversight, while significantly scaling back the dividend
payments to shareholders in order to bolster the group's financial stability.

Ana Patricia Botín is a distinguished figure in the financial realm. Her ownership stake in
Banco Santander underscores her dedication to the institution and her perspective on a robust
future. Her stewardship has steered the bank through demanding periods and has played a
pivotal role in upholding its status as a prominent entity in the financial industry.
Furthermore, her expertise and dedication to promoting diversity and inclusivity render Ana
Botín an inspiring and model leader.

It's been slightly over two years of introspection within the organization, of reinforcing its
internal structure to pave the way for progress, of regaining ground lost in previous years,
particularly in its primary market, Spain, at least in terms of scale. During this period,
Santander has concentrated on recouping a portion of the profitability that had waned during
the years of crisis, on aligning its operational capacity with the evolving Spanish market
landscape, on mitigating most of its real estate-related risks (to the extent that it was
categorized as almost negligible before the Popular acquisition), and on repurchasing the
segment of the asset management company that had been partially divested years ago in an
effort to establish a global asset manager that could be publicly traded.

Ana Botín is considered one of the most successful bankers in the European market due to
her preparation and leadership characteristics she presumes to be a person with widely clear
objectives, determined, impulsive, and demanding with her work teams in addition to a
consideration structure of leadership to indicate their subordinates she is interested in the
common good and trust in their individual skills to perform certain activities.

What makes her leadership trajectory so remarkable is her financial leadership style that
focuses on improving the performance and rentability of the banking business through
technology innovation and transformation systems. Under her leadership Santander has
adopted new strategies centralized in the approach and engagement of clients, propelling
digitalization to improve the company's service. An example of this is the newly
implemented software "Gravity" through which the company intends to mobilize
technological infrastructure to the cloud, making access to data faster and easier; in the words
of Dirk Marzluf, the global responsible of operations and technology in Santander, "Gravity
will help Santander become a 'digital native' company, with the agility and ability to provide
the best customer experience while continuing to provide the data and asset security we have
always offered our customers."

Another impact change Ana Botín has made in Santander is the reorganization of its structure
by five global business areas, this implies consolidating the Retail & Commercial and digital
consumer bank. The entity has explained that this area is the company's current focus as the
changes made are aligned with the current model of Corporate and Investment Banking,
Wealth Management & Insurance, and Payment of the bank.

The global responsible of each unit will define the operation and common business model
based on global platforms; the country heads will continue in the management of the
business, on the other hand, the regional responsible will lead the implementation and
convergence to every market in which the bank is present.

This change will pursue the objectives of reaching double-digit growth in the sum of tangible
book value (TBV) per share plus dividend of each share in the future cycle 2024 and a second
objective of increasing the number of users by 40 millions by 2025.

Ana Botin is an outstanding business and financial leader who has played a fundamental role
as president of Banco Santander 2014. Her leadership style has had a significant impact on
the company, its environment and various situations both inside and outside the company.

As leader of Banco Santander, she has driven innovation and technology adoption,
prioritizing customer focus and promoting corporate social responsibility. Her leadership has
facilitated the bank's international expansion and adaptation to challenges, such as the global
financial crisis and the pandemic. Additionally, she has fostered diversity in the company and
has demonstrated notable skills in crisis management and public relations.

She has also promoted a customer-centric culture within the organization, seeking to improve
customer satisfaction and promote sustainable growth. And under her leadership, Banco
Santander has invested heavily in innovation and technology in fintech and startups, and
promoting the digitalization of banking services.

During the following six years, the board led the bank's expansion in Latin America, where it
continues to work with member countries to promote cultural development and expansion in
the area. A work that in this year 2021 has earned her the Enrique V. Iglesias Award for
Ibero-American Business Development, for her contribution to the development and
economic and social growth of Latin America, being the first woman to receive it in the
seven editions held to date. date.

Under his leadership, Santander has taken enormous steps on the path towards equality, being
recognized as the company with the greatest gender equality, for the third consecutive year,
by the Gender Equality Index prepared by Bloomberg.
It is a great distinction, but there is still a lot to do, said Botín. We want women, who
represent 55% of all the group's employees, to occupy more positions of responsibility, in
which they still do not have sufficient presence, and so that the group is truly a space of equal
opportunities and meritocracy.

Banco Santander has publicly committed to increasing the percentage of women in senior
management positions up to 30% and eliminating the pay gap between men and women by
2025, in addition to other initiatives to support diversity in the company.

These numbers are public commitments assumed on behalf of Santander, a model that Botín
defends to promote changes in society. We have to set goals, public goals, and it is a positive
incentive that helps achieve them, he said. We have made it for women in leadership roles
and we have committed to it.


As mentioned, social and ethical responsibility go hand in hand with environmental

leadership. Ana Botin stated that "the global financial world is mobilizing to support the
transition to a green economy" and reiterated Santander's commitment that "by 2030 it will
stop serving clients with more than 10% of their revenues coming from thermal coal and
eliminate all exposure to thermal coal mining to meet the Paris

She also emphasized that these big transformations are sustained by many small changes that
take place in each company or entrepreneurial initiative, which is why she highlighted that
the bank is being part of those individual stories both with support through financing and
advice, as well as with financial inclusion programs that make a difference for each client.
These are things that distinguish ana-biotin's way of working. In terms of ethics, she makes
this clear to her employees in a message that she shares in a manual with a code of conduct
that reads as follows.

The Santander Way, which states its purpose -to help people and businesses thrive-, its
objective - to be the best open platform for financial services - and the way they do
everything to be everything to be Simple, Personal and Fair. Underpinning this through a
strong risk management and compliance culture of risk management and compliance (Risk
Pro) and through corporate behaviors (T.E.A.M.).(Santander,2023)

The General Code of Conduct helps to make our culture a reality. our culture. It sets out how
we should and behave towards any person we encounter in our work. We encounter it in our
work. Being honest, transparent, and ethical is everyone's responsibility and is the foundation
of a bank that can be trusted. This message sends a message to your employees that
compliments that approach to motivate them to be a banking leader if there is ethics in
between each line of command.

Although there are relatively more women in management positions today than there were
ten years ago, there are still relatively few women in top management and, in some
organizations, even in middle management.

When women rise to senior management positions, special attention is often paid to the fact
that they are women. With the presentation of this leader, we realize that she has wanted to
change the mentality of bankers and introduce more women into this field and we believe that
Ana Botin is a great leader and has implemented many of the things we have seen throughout
this topic.


As a conclusion to this essay, we will review what we have seen previously. Ana Patricia
Botín is a CEO who presents some ideas of developing the economy in a sustainable way
with very marked characteristics of a leader. She has also been a leader who has demonstrated
and implemented gender equality in the institutions she has been part of, which led her to be
positioned as one of the world's greatest women entrepreneurs according to several media
outlets. These qualities are best demonstrated by the achievements of Grupo Santander, of
which Ana Botín has led a great transformation both in the cultural and commercial spheres
and also in technological issues, being a fundamental part of these changes in the loyalty and
the truth with which they handle their customers.

We were able to observe that Ana Botín's most important traits when it comes to being a
leader are her knowledge and experience as well as her intelligence, which help her make the
best decisions and find the changes that need to be made in her companies. She also has a
great maturity which sometimes helps him to control his feelings and not to make wrong
decisions, together with his integrity and honesty with the other partners and clients, which
gives them a great security.

The above characteristics have made it clear that Ana Botín manages a type of legitimate
power and experience always looking for the progress of both the company and the people.
This type of leadership has led her to modify the board of directors and executive leaders at
Santander, all of these moves only for the benefit of the company. Ana Patricia Botín is a
leader who demonstrates great virtues and intelligence when it comes to making decisions in
the companies she has been part of, which has led her to stand out at times when Santander
has gone through a crisis, because she has always shown that her priorities when managing a
company have always been progress and innovation, as well as giving the best results to her
clients, this has led her to be a woman who inspires with the way she works and leads and has
made her one of the most powerful women entrepreneurs in the world in economics and

In summary, Ana Botin has been a remarkable leader of a transformational cultural,

commercial, and technological movement in the representation of Grupo Santander,
encouraging loyalty and trust by and for the customers; the investments of the period
regarding the leadership of Botín are raised to transform Santander in a global bank. The
global operative model, One Santander, aims to reach every market in a long-term period by
simplifying its services to a common platform. The second initiative is to create a global
consumer finance bank, merging Santander Consumer Finance (SCF) and Openbank. For a
third project, there are plans of creating a global payment platform to bring solutions to
consumers and other entities.

Individual conclusions

Luis Adrian

Ana Botín has demonstrated visionary leadership and commitment to corporate social
responsibility (CSR) and digital transformation at Banco Santander. Her promotion of CSR
programs has contributed to improving the bank's image and strengthening its ties with
society. Additionally, her focus on digital transformation has allowed the bank to adapt to
changing customer demands and the current financial landscape, improving operational
efficiency and expanding its digital service offering. These initiatives have positioned Banco
Santander as a leader in responsible and digital banking, which has had a positive impact on
both public perception and the competitiveness of the institution.

Jennifer Del Angel

We can see that the objective of management is to bring together the members to achieve the
same objectives and desired goals by using the available resources effectively and efficiently
through leadership, planning and control of the company's resources. Management is
necessary to facilitate a joint effort towards achieving the objectives of the company, so it is
important to know the role of leaders who apply management as Ana Booty and take the
company further by making it better and better. contributing to both the company, its
employees and society, for me it is extremely important to recognize these people and see
what it takes to be a good leader and look for something in us that can help us in future jobs.

Edgar Alan Hernández Rascón

And finally I can conclude that Ana Botin and her leadership is inspiring not only for us, also
for all the people that wants to be someone in the industry or in their jobs, her leadership has
leaded Santander to stay where they are, in the top of their industry also she made the
restructuring of the board of directors and adapting to new market conditions. Furthermore,
her focus on strengthening financial stability and promoting diversity and inclusion makes
her an inspiring and exemplary leader in the financial world. Also she has been a champion
of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Her commitment to creating an inclusive
environment not only aligns with modern corporate values but also contributes to a more
innovative and successful organization.

Roberto Saldaña Espinosa

We can see that Ana Patricia Botín's leadership at Banco Santander has been marked by a
clear vision of contributing to the progress of people and companies. His leadership style is
characterized by being innovative, demanding and effective, which has been reflected in the
bank's ability to make quick and effective decisions in times of crisis. Furthermore, its
innovative and disruptive approach has been highlighted through communication on social
networks, transmitting the bank's vision and values.

Angel Azahel Sánchez Fuentes

As a personal conclusion, I can say that Ana Patricia Botín has become a very important
leader in the modern history of finance, effectively managing a company as important as
Banco Santander, and that she has demonstrated fundamental leadership in managing this
type of company, making the right key decisions and looking for ways to innovate to keep the
business afloat; and has also proven to be a great source of inspiration for people who work
in that branch of finance because of their presence as a leader and their way of working to
make gender equity and equality prevail.
Erika Vasquez Andrade

In conclusion this essay breaks down all aspects of a leader and how his type of leadership
has a significant impact on the company, we use as a reference the trajectory of Ana Botín
president of Grupo Santander who has become one of the main leaders of banking companies
and has sought to transform and innovate in favor of a company of global reach, with the
highest profitability and customer satisfaction, in addition to this, he runs his company in a
sustainable environment and support for the development of environmentally friendly
technologies. As a conclusion of the chapter it goes without saying that being a leader not
only implies knowing how to manage the resources of a company but also knowing how to
carry out the work of thousands of people for a common benefit and also know what is
functional for a company and its market.

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