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Progress in environmental litigation

Ahead of June 5, which marks World Environment Day, property, the courts found in the plaintiffs’ favour using
the UN Environment and Colombia Law School’s Sabin a novel application of the so-called public trust doctrine.
Center issued a 40-page report, The Status of Climate The report also identifies an expected rise in the number of
Change Litigation—a Global Review, released on May 23, climate refugees—1 billion people by 2050. This migration,
which brings together environmental cases of litigation combined with the mounting costs of natural disasters—
Science Photo Library C034/4968

to date. Effective solutions to combat the effects of up to US$300 billion per year to governments worldwide—
climate change have been slow to arise. One of the highlights the urgent need for improved planning,
main barriers to implementation is that holding one engineering, and policy to prevent disaster.
government or organisation accountable for a global Robert Glasser (UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction)
issue is misaligned with the scale of the problem. said in an interview with UN News, “it’s inconceivable
The report shows that since the introduction of the Paris that we’ll achieve the [Sustainable Development Goals]
Agreement, citizens and non-governmental organisations if we don’t get a handle on reducing disaster risk,
have had increasing success in lawsuits related to develop­ including climate risk”. To safeguard the future of the
ment, resource extraction, and air quality. Legal action planet and people’s health and wellbeing, policy makers
was also taken to demand that political statements issued must consider that although expanding resources
For the UN Environment and by governments be backed up by concrete measures to to mitigate climate change today might seem less
Colombia Law School’s Sabin
Center report see http://
address climate change. For instance, when 21 plaintiffs attractive than policies that might yield more immediate filed a lawsuit against the US Government to compel them and politically popular economic benefits, governments
to reduce CO2 emissions to no greater than 350 ppm by must consider the inherent costs—and the growing legal
pdf 2100, citing their constitutional rights to life, liberty, and consequences—of ignoring climate change. n The Lancet

Advancing LGBTIQ rights

Last week, the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, influences, such as conservative religious views or peer
intersex, queer or questioning (LGBTIQ) community pressure, influence an individual’s tolerance of even the
celebrated the historic decision of the Constitutional most unacceptable barbarity.
Getty Images SAM YEH / Staff #: 687584828

Court in Taipei, Taiwan, ruling in favour of same sex The Lancet suggests three areas of focus for the global
marriages, becoming only the second country in the Asia health community to accelerate progress. First, intensify
Pacific region to do so after New Zealand. Yet the same support for rights-based community efforts. Two Lancet
week saw the inhumane public caning of two gay men in Series—HIV in men who have sex with men (2012) and
Banda Aceh, Indonesia. Although homosexuality is not transgender health (2016)—placed human rights as the
criminalised in Indonesia at large, the caning joins the central challenge and solution in advancing the health of
rising (often publicly supported) number of nationalistic key populations. Second, LGBTIQ health data still suffers
attacks against the LGBTIQ community globally. chronic omission from most health initiatives. This needs
According to a recent report by the International Lesbian, to be rectified. Finally, promote good leadership—such
Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA) as Taiwan, which now joins 22 other countries leading
State-Sponsored Homophobia—A World Survey of Sexual by recognising marriage equality. With member states
Orientation Laws: Criminalisation, Protection and Recognition, recently electing the first African head of WHO—Dr Tedros
For the ILGA report see http:// 72 jurisdictions (over a third of UN member states) Adhanom—there is renewed opportunity for leadership currently criminalise private consensual sex between two in advancing LGBTIQ rights and health, particularly in
For The Lancet Series see http://
adults of the same sex. Progress is slow—nine states have Africa where around 30 states criminalise same-sex constitutions that explicitly guarantee equality for citizens relations. Compassionate-rights-based efforts and decisive
on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, leadership at all levels will bring us more reasons to
series/transgender-health while another nine enact the death penalty. Multifactorial celebrate, rather than attack, human diversity. n The Lancet

2164 Vol 389 June 3, 2017

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