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1 Nov, 2023 20:47 / Home / World News

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Timofey Bordachev: The global majority is shocked
by the hypocrisy of the West in the Israel-Palestine
Current leaders in North America and Western Europe are
destroying the system that underpinned their own prosperity

By Valdai Club Programme Director Timofey Bordachev

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People protesting in the street © Getty Images / Getty Images Putin explains why he ordered military
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We in Russia are very fond of appealing to such a concept as the “global majority” –
these are countries of the world that link their development to the main trends of US asked Israel to avoid killing civilians –
globalization, but are capable of expressing their own views on fair forms of Politico
international order. Up to now, this notion has been expressed rather discreetly, which
is explained by our common participation in a system of relations in which Western
countries not only played a leading role, but were also able, until a certain point, to
come up with relatively optimal solutions for everyone. Recent events, however –
especially the crisis in the Middle East – may open a new chapter in the perception of Subscribe to RT newsletter to get
US and Western European policies by most of the world's countries and create new news highlights of the day right in
conditions that will make a return to the previous world order impossible. your mailbox

Israel's confrontational policy does not directly threaten Russia, the US or China – the
great powers of the modern world – and they will not be crossing swords over the E-mail
future of the Middle East region after the events of this autumn. But it would be short-
sighted to underestimate the damaging impact of certain features of the West's We offer you the possibility to receive RT's
news highlights every Monday, Wednesday
chosen position on the credibility of the US and its allies in the eyes of the global
and Friday by email.
community. This means that the conditions under which the international order of the
future will emerge are becoming more complex. Let us try to summarize how the
countries of the global majority, especially the Islamic part of it, might assess the Subscribe
actions of our American adversaries, their allies in Europe and, most importantly, the
consequences of all this for international politics.

As a result of recent discussions with colleagues from the majority countries, it can be
said that the most succinct characterization of US behavior is a simple statement: The RT Features
West is destroying its own previous achievements. The arguments for this
assessment go something like this: In recent days, a wave of demonstrations in
support of the Palestinians besieged in Gaza has swept the world. While Western
leaders have repeated, like a mantra, boilerplate statements of full support and
willingness to go to any length for Israel, their own citizens, not to mention the Feminism in the jungle: This ‘digital
populations of Muslim countries, have protested against a unilateral violent solution to weapon’ helps women reclaim their
the conflict. These peaceful and so far few actions can reasonably be seen as power FEATURE
harbingers of more complex processes that are emerging in the face of the short-
sighted policies of the White House and its supporters in Europe.

The most important thing that worries our

colleagues in the majority countries of the world is
that several narratives that had virtually
disappeared in previous years are back on the
agenda: The US and the Christian countries of the
Old World are primarily responsible for the
suffering of Muslims and their destruction in wars
and conflicts; they also provoke confrontations that France is out, who is in? African
lead to economic crises, hunger, and countries are building a new security
unemployment in developing countries. Read more: ‘Auschwitz’ in Latin order FEATURE
America: Here’s how one of the
The emergence of such a perception of the West closest US allies turned on Israel
is a complete reversal of the enormous diplomatic
efforts made in recent years to strengthen its
moral authority. Never mind comments from the likes of EU foreign policy chief Josep
Borrell about “gardens” and “jungles.”

No one denies that the US and Western Europe have done much to develop the
global market economy. But now, as we can see from the assessments we have
heard, they themselves are ruining their own achievements. A large part of the world's
The Art of the Cold War: How the CIA
population has become convinced of the boundless cynicism and duplicity of the
employed its ‘wonder culture weapon’ to
political elites that the vaunted liberal democratic system has placed at the pinnacle of fight the USSR FEATURE
power. Concerned about the current electoral situation and how it will affect their own
career ambitions, the present masters of fate don’t hesitate to throw away the
enormous achievements of the past years in building trust in international relations
and balancing interests at the global level. Podcasts All podcasts

Few people now remember how much work has been invested by American and
Gaza: There will be repeats of 7 October if Israel
Western European diplomats, governments, and public organizations in supporting continues occupation of Palestine – Amr Moussa

various social development programs in Muslim countries, establishing inter-religious 0:00 28:30
tolerance, protecting human rights and promoting other values of the civilized world.
Financial whistleblower extraordinaire
The result of the uncomplicated political maneuvering of recent weeks has been, at
the very least, an increase in terrorist threats, as confirmed by the numerous warnings
0:00 26:13
issued by the authorities of the United States and other countries to their citizens. A
state of extreme polarization and sustained radicalization of citizens' views on
religious grounds promises to become the order of the day.

In the future, there is also the possibility of direct

Western involvement in a military conflict in the
Middle East, which risks becoming very bloody for
all participants. I should note that we in Russia are
much less aware of the dangers of a possible new
division than those colleagues who live and work
in Islamic countries, which are particularly
sensitive to the challenges of religious radicalism
and extremism.
Read more: Could the Israel-
Hamas conflict drive oil prices to Therefore, the policy of strong support for Israel by
$150 per barrel? the US, and subsequently, the EU, is not only a
threat to peace in the Middle East, but also a
potential source of tension in a large number of

Another concern of the global majority is that the current tense situation in the world
will no longer allow anyone to project military force with the same impunity as in the
recent past, when world powers recognized each other's “red lines” and respected
their opponents. The development of the conflict in Ukraine, accompanied by the
unrestrained and open pumping of arms, has ended one of the most successful
chapters in human history in terms of building peaceful coexistence between former
adversaries. The achievements of dozens of years of development of mechanisms for
non-proliferation of arms and implementation of common controls and confidence-
building measures have not only been lost, but are irrecoverable. Most countries
associated the realization of their basic development goals with the international
reality that emerged after the Cold War. It now seems utopian. And it is with this
realization that this lost experience will be assessed in the training of new generations
of diplomats and military officers.

It is with great bewilderment that leading Western media outlets around the world are
reporting in a self-censoring manner, with content tightly controlled on social media
sites. Countries that have been subjected to severe hardship and external criticism
over freedom of expression sometimes find it hard to find decent words to speak
about the standards in reporting the conflicts in Ukraine and Israel. The West's current
collective policy on the international stage is increasingly undermining the once
phenomenal successes of its soft power. The world of Western fashion and the film
industry, which aggressively promotes non-traditional values, is now attracting less
and less interest in most countries. The American Dream and Hollywood, instead of
inspiring enthusiasm, now often provoke rejection and misunderstanding. The
“mainstream” in Western Europe, driven by Washington, is also losing ground.

The world is seeing that, in the West itself, more

and more ordinary citizens are asking how much
officials across the ocean and in their own
countries care about their well-being. The rise of
right-wing and left-wing forces and the utter failure
of centrist parties speak volumes about the
growing dissent against the current state of affairs.

The success of the 20th century, gained through

enormous sacrifices, exhausting competition, and Read more: Every Middle East
long term planning, was forgotten in the two issue is derailed by the Israel-
decades of the early 21st century. Hamas conflict

Such a wasteful dissipation of its achievements in

international politics is leading to the rapid bankruptcy of the West, which easily
received the most advantages from the previous system.

Such a squandering of stability and its benefits is certainly unaffordable and not to the
liking of the countries of the global majority. It is also unlikely that a situation – in
which the West is simultaneously facing the threat of terrorism, involvement in a hot
conflict in the Middle East, and geopolitical and geo-economic confrontation with a
group of influential world powers – will excite the masses in Western countries.

It is high time to think about the direction in which the construction of a new world
order is moving: This is the concern of the majority of the world's countries, which
don’t seek to destroy existing rules and norms, but rather want them respected as the
basis of international stability. And we in Russia must take these approaches into
account even more than our opponents in the West.

This article was first published by Valdai Discussion Club, translated and edited by the
RT team


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