Komar University of Science and Technology

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Komar University of Science and Technology

College of medicine
Biophysics lab

Experiment #1: (measurements and uncertainty)

Date of Experiment: 27/2/2021

Due Date: 6/3/2021

Prepared By:

1. Jwana Aziz Rahman

2. Banu Muhamad Amin
3. Sara Madhar Fadhil
4. Hevar Jabar Abdul
5. Razha Adnan Aziz
6. Srwsht Awat Amin

Teacher in charge: Peshawa Omer


Whenever a measurement is performed, the result is never exact. No matter how careful or
scientific, every measurement is susceptible to error and uncertainty. An error is the
difference between the measured value and the actual value. There are two types of errors in
physics. The first one is Systematic Error and the second one Random Error, and they are
used in different conditions. We have accuracy and precision which they reflect how close a
measurement is to an actual value, but accuracy reflects how close a measurement is to a
known or accepted value, while precision reflects how reproducible measurements are, even
if they are far from the accepted value. Physics There are two broad classes of observational
or acquisition errors Random and systematic errors. Random error causes one measurement
to contradict or vary slightly to a certain extent from the next. It comes from unforeseeable
changes during an experiment. Systematic error habitually affects measurements the same
amount/quantity by the same proportion assuming that a reading is taken identically each
time. It is anticipated and predictable. It primarily and principally intimidates a
measurement’s accuracy. Random errors are inevitable from an experiment, but most
systematic errors can be lessened. On that count, it ordinarily influences precision especially
the last significant digit of a measurement.

Coming to (SD) and (SEM)

Standard deviation as its name claims it, is the amount of variability or dissemination, from
the individual data values while gauging to the mean. On the other hand, standard error of the
mean gauges how far or extent the illustrative of the data is anticipated from the true
population mean or how likely. If we want to say how broadly disjointed or disseminate some
measurements are, we use the stand deviation, further more if we want to point out the
uncertainty around the estimate (approximate calculation) of the mean measurement we recite
the standard error of the mean.
 Table of Result

σn ❑L ❑W A A

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