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RED : more enthusiastic, less short pauses, and one must be

surprised. Increase text speed

BLUE : be curious, if you have discovered something new, the

speed of the text is reduced, like a person who is thinking and
speaking at the same time

BLACK : Keep a medium velocity and intonation, like your original


please respect punctuation, and spaces.

Change speed and expression as indicated
by the colors. To not be boring you need
many changes and the right breaks

Hey, guys! Welcome to my YouTube channel!

Today, I'll show you how to create a whopping 90 viral TikToks in just 15
Yes, you heard that right! You won't waste precious time and can start
creating viral TikTok content in no time.
But before we dive in,
let me share a brief story with you
about how I came up with this video idea.
It was a sunny day, and I was scrolling through TikTok,
immersed in the discovery of creative and engaging videos. Suddenly, I
stumbled upon a video that changed everything.
The secret to becoming a successful TikToker is...
Wow, simply mind-blowing!
I did what anyone would do:
I clicked on the creator's pro le to take a closer look.
This page is a true source of inspiration,
o ering tips and secrets to TikTok success
as if they were free samples at a supermarket.
But the most astonishing thing is that this creator gets millions of views per
month and, consequently,
Could make thousands of dollars every month! (alivequotes_o cial)
This got me thinking:
How challenging would it be to create similar videos?
And, most importantly,
how much will it cost to create videos of this kind?
Well, now you have a compelling reason
to watch this video until the end,
as it is there that I will disclose :
the precise amount I invested in creating
each individual TikTok Video.
You won’t miss this one.

Of course, we'll start with Chat GPT.

But before we begin our conversation
with Chat GPT,
it's important to always express gratitude.
After all, who knows when AI will take over the world
and reduce humanity to slavery?
Perhaps this way, you'll have a chance
to secure a cushy job
as the AI's personal assistant.

Alright, now let's move on to what we'll be doing in this video.

Are you ready?

Alright, let's get to work and create 90 amazing TikTok videos in just 15

Let's go to Chat GPT.

I want it to give me a prompt to
create a LEGENDARY character with Midjourney.

I love Lao Tzu,

so today I'll choose him.
Hello, I need a description of Lao Tzu's face.

Chat GPT is always so accurate and boring,

but I just need a prompt.

Now I'll ask it to summarize everything

in one sentence, so I’ll have the perfect prompt.

And here it is.

Our prompt is ready.

I'll copy and paste it,

and I'll add something that will be useful
for the success of my creation.

Note that I added "--ar 9:16,"

which is crucial.
Since TikTok videos need to be in this format,
it's important that our image is optimized for it.

And here's the rst result.

Among these four,
we'll create four versions similar to the rst photo.
It's important for our character to be facing forward
to achieve better animation.
And here they are,
four images of Lao Tzu
generated in just a few seconds.
I'll choose the fourth one
and upscale it to save it.

Now that I have my character,

I'm already halfway there.
How long did it take me?

Apparently, less than you might imagine.

Let's thank the AI for this.

Now, the question you might be asking is:

"Alright, we have a photo, but how do we turn it into a video?"
And more importantly, what will our character say?
After analyzing some TikTok quotes pro les
I can con dently say that Watch Time is
what really matters

Our character will be the perfect WOW factor,

Something that will make people stop scrolling.
But afterward, we need to keep them entertained.
So now let's go back to Chat GPT and ask:

"Give me the best 5 quotes of Lao Tzu, each a minimum of 20 words."

It seems like it didn't understand,
let's insist.

"I want longer quotes from Lao Tzu."

We need quotes that are more or less lengthy.

We want our TikTok video to not be too short,
especially for the rst ones
we'll be publishing.
So we'll need quotes between
15-30 seconds,
maximum engagement.
And here we go, we have something interesting.
Let's choose three quotes
and proceed with the creation.

Now, let's go to D-ID,

which will be
the program
we'll use to upload our character and


There are other applications that can accomplish this as well,

but I believe D-ID is the best and most intuitive one.
I'll leave the link in the description for you.
You'll need to create an account,
and the game will be set.
Next, let's go to "Create Video"
and upload our character.

While the character is getting ready,

let's open another page
and create our audio le
with the three quotes
we've chosen.

I use, and I nd it very reliable.

I'll also leave the link for that in the description.
Now, I'll show you how e ective
and easy to use it is.
The quality of the voice we generate
will be important.
We need an old and narrative voice.
After conducting some experiments,
I'll choose Amado,
who is perfect for the role of Lao Tzu.
We'll then paste the quotes
we've selected.

And we'll click on "Generate Audio"...

“A few moments later…”

Now that our audio is ready,

we'll add a slight gap
between the quotes to create a
suspenseful pause.

Then, we'll click on "export project"

and choose the option "as single audio."
Now that we have our audio,
the character should be ready.

So let's go ahead and upload our audio le.

Now that even audio le is ready,
let's click on "Generate Video" and
Let’s see the result.
“A few moments later…"

There it is, guys!

Our Lao Tzu repeating his own words.

Let's take a moment to think.

A legendary character repeating
his own words !

We have literally brought a

legend back to life.

And all of this in a very short

amount of time.
Just imagine,
we can repeat this process
in nitely and create
as many characters as we want.
So Let's do a quick recap.

In the video we’ve just created,

there are three quotes being narrated.
That means potentially
we have three di erent videos.
So what we need to do
to give our new TikTok pro le
a chance to go viral
is to repeat the process ten times.

This way, we'll have 30 videos

And in each videos we’ll have
3 di erent quotes
We will split the video and..
Here we gooo !
90 Di erent videos in
5 minutes, just by copy-pasting.
Once our videos are ready,

we'll need to export them

to our mobile devices

and generate the captions.

There are various programs I use to do this,

but if we have to choose one,
I recommend Veed Caption.
It's easy to use and very e ective.
All we need to do is upload
the video and choose the language
of our subtitles,
the style, color, and animation we prefer.
This is the result of video
after Veed.
Now it's ready to be published.

Before publishing it, though,

listen to these pieces of advice
that I have to give you.
They could be very helpful.

Don't publish all the videos in just one day.
Instead, wait and publish three videos per day,
preferably one in the morning,
one in the afternoon,
and one in the evening.

By doing this,
we can monitor and evaluate
the performance of each video,
adjust our strategy if needed,
and maintain a consistent presence on TikTok.

Which quotes perform better and increase engagement?

One more TIP:

The rst 3-4 words of your videos
are the most important.

Always choose your quotes carefully

based on your audience,
or if you don't have one yet,
based on the audience you want to attract.

It's important for the videos

to go viral right from when we start publishing
Within one week, would be perfect

Nooow, let’s go back,

I want to give you answer you were waiting
From the beginning of this video.
What’s the cost to produce this?


The cost to produce videos like this is $0.

They are completely free,
but you need to use a speci c technique.
If you want to know the technique,
comment "REVEAL NOW.”

Subscribe and turn on noti cations

because if this video reaches 1,000 comments,
I'll publish an even more detailed video where
I'll share with you the SECRET to not paying anything,
along with a detailed analysis
of my active TikTok pro les.

Now that we're at the end,

and share with friends
if you want more videos
like this to be published.
Thank you all!

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