Final Assignment

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Authored by: Group 4

Distribution list
Who What (hard/soft copy) Version When
Saima & Zafirah Use Case Diagram & 0.1 24/08/2023
Requirements (Soft Copy)
Saraf Model Class Diagram (Soft 0.2 30/08/2023
Zafirah & Saima Introduction & Glossary 0.3 05/09/2023
Terms (Soft Copy)
Saima & Zafirah Assumptions (Soft Copy) 0.4 07/09/2023
Saraf Project Scope (Soft Copy) 0.5 03/09/2023
Saima & Zafirah Out of Scopes (Soft Copy) 0.6 08/09/2023

Modification History
Who What Version When
Zafirah Non- functional 0.1 25/08/2023
Saima Functional Requirements 0.2 27/08/2023
Saraf Domain model class diagram 0.3 30/08/2023
Saima & Zafirah Added Use Case to the use 0.4 01/09/2023
case Diagram
Saraf Project Scope 0.5 04/09/2023
Zafirah Introduction 0.6 05/09/2023
Saima Glossary terms 0.7 06/09/2023
Saima & Zafirah Assumptions 0.8 07/09/2023

1. Introduction........................................................................................................... 5
2. Glossary of Terms...................................................................................................5
3. Project Scope......................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Functional Requirements (FR)...........................................................................6
3.2 Non-Functional Requirements (NFR).................................................................6
3.3 Out of Scope Items........................................................................................... 6
4. Assumptions.......................................................................................................... 6
5. Use Case Diagram.................................................................................................. 7
6. Domain Model Class Diagram.................................................................................8
7. State Machine Diagrams........................................................................................ 9
7.1 State Machine Diagram 1..................................................................................9
7.2 State Machine Diagram 1..................................................................................9
8. Use Case Descriptions.......................................................................................... 10
8.1 Elaboration of <Name> Use Case....................................................................10
8.2 Elaboration of <Name> Use Case....................................................................11
9. Activity Diagrams................................................................................................. 13
9.1 Activity Diagram 1 <Use Case Name>..............................................................13
9.2 Activity Diagram 2 <Use Case Name>..............................................................13
10. Systems Sequence Diagrams.............................................................................. 14
10.1 Sequence Diagram 1 <Use Case Name>.........................................................14
10.2 Sequence Diagram 2 <Use Case Name>.........................................................14
11. User Interface (GUI)............................................................................................15
11.1 User Interface 1 – Name............................................................................... 15
11.2 User Interface 2 – Name............................................................................... 15
12. Data Dictionary.................................................................................................. 16
12.1 Elementary Dictionary (User Interface Name)...............................................16
12.2 Composite Data Dictionary...........................................................................16
13. References......................................................................................................... 17

1. Introduction
Perth Dance Studio's manual procedures have caused a lot of problems. It aims to innovate
for the digital era and make changes to its operations that would take less time and give its
members a seamless experience. For its employees and members, Perth Dance Studio
wishes to develop a user-friendly and well-structured platform. It is our responsibility to
carefully examine these processes and make any necessary adjustments. To create a
structured and automated workflow, a strong requirement definition is also necessary. We will
examine all the upgrades and tactics to use to build a productive and inspiring system.

2. Glossary of Terms

Term Definition
Test Convenor An influential industrial leader who works in a certain
place or office
Council Member A person who serves in the region’s elected officials
Eftops Machine An electronic payment system that facilitates the
acceptance of payments by debit, credit, and charge
cards, digital wallets.
MP3 Format A process of encoding digital audio, most frequently
music, using data compression.
Merchandise The products or things that are purchased and sold
in business
Online Model A simulation that closely replicates a process and is
often used to evaluate anticipated changes in
operations, whether for control, optimization or other

3. Project Scope
The system will let the dancers know about their membership process, for instance,
sign-up, late fee, membership renewal, etc. It will also be able to create a list of
dancers who will be registering for the upcoming events. Through the system, the
dancers would be able to register for upcoming dance competitions and shows. They
can also select their music as per composition. It should also support various files like
mp3 music files. Automatic notifications (email, SMS) will be sent to the members to
keep them updated on upcoming events. The payment procedure will relate to the
system so that the members can pay accordingly. It will be able to keep the member
information confidential and give access to the right people for the information. Lastly,
it will work according to the website.

3.1 Functional Requirements (FR)

3.1.1 Managing Membership:

1. The system must be able to expire or cancel the membership in December

31st each year.

2. Dancers must be able to apply for membership online.

3. Administrators should be able to review and approve or reject online

membership applications.

3.1.2 Managing Event:

1. The events manager should be able to set capacity limits for shows and

2. Dance members should have the capacity to upload their music.

3. The events manager should have the ability to export lists of registered
dancers for qualifying events and competitions.

3.1.3 Late calculation fee:

1. Any memberships purchased after April 1st should automatically calculate

and be charged a 5% late fee.

Email Communication:
1. The system should automatically add dancers who become members to
the mailing lists.

2. The system should send out automated emails about upcoming events to
subscribed members.

3. The system should remove expired memberships from the mailing list on
December 31st.

3.2 Non-Functional Requirements (NFR)

3.2.1 Usability:

1. The system must use a user-friendly platform for both clients and

3.2.2 Reliability:

1. The system must be stored and backed up to prevent data loss.

2. The system must be available for use 24/7.

3. The system must be fast and ensure smooth running and good
management of the event registration and membership.

3.2.3 Security:

1. Personal and payment information must be securely stored and

transmitted using encryption.

2. Access to administrative functionalities must be role-based and protected.

1. System must be able to handle many users during peak time.

2. System must run smoothly when uploading documents such as music.

3. System must be able to work on any web browser.

4. The system will run on Windows, Mac,Linux,iOS and Android.

Cultural and Political:

1.The system will operate within the geographical range of Australia only.

2. The system will not allow any illegal or demoralizing job offers.

3.3 Out of Scope Items

1. The online shop is not a necessity for the project.

2. The system does not need to include tracking of products.

4. Assumptions
4.1 Regular updates about events will be made on the platform.
4.2 Instead of reviewing membership application manually, they can perform it online.

4.3 Every person who wants to register with the system has a working email account and

reliable internet connectivity.

4.4 All users that are interested in using the website are English-speaking people.

5. Use Case Diagram

6. Domain Model Class Diagram

End of Assignment 1

7. State Machine Diagrams
Choose TWO classes from the Domain Model Class Diagram drawn in Section 6) and draw UML State
Machine Diagram for the corresponding objects modelling their changes of state. Use Microsoft Visio
or similar tool, and use notations and syntax as discussed in the lecture slides/textbook and relevant
tutorial. Save the model as .png or .jpg file and then insert the image here.
If you discover errors in assignment 1, you are not required to correct the class diagram in
Assignment 1 BUT you are expected to recognize the error and make note of the correction here.

Explain the states and their transitions in all the diagrams in your own words. Use a separate page for
each of the diagrams and its explanation.

7.1 State Machine Diagram 1

7.2 State Machine Diagram 1

8. Use Case Descriptions
Sometimes referred to as Use Case Elaborations (UCE)

Choose TWO use cases (with multiple activities between the actor(s) and the system) from the UML
Use Case Diagram in Section 5 and describe each of them in a separate subsection below. Note that
selecting a use case with only one or two steps will result in a reduction of marks for this section.
If you discover there are errors in assignment 1, you are not required to correct the diagram in
Assignment 1 BUT you are expected to recognize the error and make note of the correction here. The
same approach should be used for the remainder of the diagrams.

8.1 Elaboration of <Name> Use Case

Use case name:


Related use


Flow of Actor System


8.2 Elaboration of <Name> Use Case

Use case name:



Related use


Flow of Actor System



9. Activity Diagrams
Draw UML Activity Diagrams modelling the flow of activities for each of the TWO use cases chosen for
elaboration in Section 8.

Briefly explain the activities and their flow in the diagrams using your own words. Use a separate
page for each of the diagrams and its explanation.

9.1 Activity Diagram 1 <Use Case Name>

9.2 Activity Diagram 2 <Use Case Name>

10. Systems Sequence Diagrams
Draw UML System Sequence Diagram modelling the interactions between actor(s) and the system
object (corresponding to the flow of activities and exception conditions) for the TWO use cases
chosen for elaboration and activity diagrams (Sections 8 and 9).

Briefly explain the interactions in the diagrams in your own words. Use a separate page for each of
the diagrams and its explanation.

10.1 Sequence Diagram 1 <Use Case Name>

10.2 Sequence Diagram 2 <Use Case Name>

11. User Interface (GUI)
Draw only the layout of the main screen corresponding to the TWO use cases selected for the use
case elaboration, activity, and sequence diagrams (Sections 8-10) using MS Visio, MS Word, or similar
drawing tools. Your diagram should reflect the System Sequence diagram inputs and outputs

Note only one (main) screen per use case is required.

11.1 User Interface 1 – Name

11.2 User Interface 2 – Name

12. Data Dictionary
Provide one elementary data dictionary and its corresponding composite data dictionary for one
interface diagram.

The elementary data dictionary should include all the required properties. Both dictionaries should be
correctly labelled and formatted.

12.1 Elementary Dictionary (User Interface Name)

12.2 Composite Data Dictionary

13. References
(If any)


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