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I. Read and translate the text.

Чи перебуває Земля в енергетичній кризі? Якщо так, то які

джерела енергії ми повинні розвивати? Ті, що дешеві, прості у
використанні чи
екологічно чисті?
Сучасний світ потребує багато енергії для отримання
електроенергії. Не тільки індустріальні країни потребують більше і
n=більше енергії, але й країни, що розвиваються
але й країни, що розвиваються, хочуть мати частину енергії для розвитку
власної промисловості.
Саме тому ми використовуємо різні джерела енергії.
Викопне паливо (вугілля, нафта та природний газ),
створені рослинами і тваринами дуже давно - є основними. Понад 3/4
виробляється з них. Викопне паливо є невідновлюваним джерелом. Через
100 років вугілля і нафти
не вистачатиме вугілля та нафти. Крім того, вони є екологічно шкідливими.
3% - атомна енергетика.
Електростанція такого типу
типу може дати енергію для цілого міста. Вона не забруднює повітря, але є
інша проблема - радіоактивні відходи, які важко утилізувати.
є інша проблема - радіоактивні відходи, які важко утилізувати.
Біомаса (рослинна і тваринна речовина, що використовується для
для виробництва енергії - деревина, гній тощо) дає нам близько 15%
Деревина є основним паливом для 80% людей у країнах, що розвиваються.
Близько 5% енергії - це гідроенергія. Люди використовували
люди використовували з давніх-давен, але сьогодні вона використовується
в основному для виробництва електроенергії. Багато
річок у всьому світі можна освоїти, але, будуючи великі греблі, люди
не слід забувати про контроль над течією та навколишнім середовищем.
Сонячні панелі, вітряки, геотермальні
сонячні панелі, вітряки, геотермальні електростанції, а також
електростанції на припливах і хвилях забезпечують менше 1% нашої
Сили природи використовуються для забезпечення чистих, відновлюваних
джерел енергії.
Сонячна енергія є чистою, але, на жаль, її не можна використовувати
всюди і
постійно. Люди також використовують рух океанських припливів для
отримання енергії і виробляють електроенергію.
Використовуючи різні джерела енергії, люди
повинні пам'ятати про навколишнє середовище і про світ, який ми повинні
залишити для майбутніх поколінь.
1. True - In Wales, there is a railway system known as the Ffestiniog
Railway, which uses gravity to transport trains. Water-filled containers
(tanks) are used to provide the necessary weight for the trains to descend
steep hills and simultaneously pull empty trains uphill.
2. False - As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, electric cars
do not typically reach speeds of 400 km/hour. High-performance electric
cars, such as the Tesla Model S, can reach speeds of around 250 km/hour,
but 400 km/hour is not a common speed for electric cars.
3. True - It is possible to use organic materials like chicken manure to
produce biogas, which can be used as a fuel source for vehicles. This
practice is not limited to England and has been implemented in various
places to produce renewable energy from organic waste.
4. False - There is no technology to extract coal from a depth of 6 km. The
extraction of coal typically occurs at shallower depths, and mining
operations have specific depth limits due to safety and technical
5. True - Biogas can be produced by fermenting a mixture of water and
organic waste, such as manure from animals. This biogas can be collected
and used as a source of energy, including for cooking.
6. True - There is a straw-fired power plant in Sutton, United Kingdom,
which burns straw to generate power. This plant generates electricity for
thousands of homes by burning straw, which is a renewable and
sustainable energy source.
7. True - Japan does have maglev (magnetic levitation) trains that use
magnets for propulsion, allowing them to move without traditional wheels
on tracks. These trains use magnetic repulsion and attraction to move
8. True - In London, there are waste-to-energy power stations that burn large
amounts of rubbish to generate heat and steam, which is then used to
produce electricity. These facilities help manage waste and generate
electricity from it.
I. Test
1. C) flood
2. B) it was blocked with mud sliding.
3. A) floods and storms
4. B) natural and man-made causes
5. C) it is the effect of a natural hazard.
6. A) it is a threat of a natural event that might have a negative effect.
7. B) they are interrelated, one can lead to another.
8. C) it means we should learn more about disasters and build safer
communities with real-time information provided.
II. True or false
1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True
Вправа 2. Поставте дієслова в дужках у Present Perfect negative.
1. I have not cleaned my football boots.
2. They have not started their meal.
3. I have not done my homework.
4. He has not won all his matches this year.
5. My brother and I have not seen any films this week.
6. It's my birthday party today. I have not invited many people.
7. He has not washed his hands. They're very dirty.
8. Mum's really bad. We have not tidied our room!
9. I can't play with my friends this evening. I have not finished my
10.I have not visited New York for three years.
11.Where's Alison? We have not seen her since yesterday.
12.Dad has not taken a holiday since last August.
13.John has not played the violin since he was in school.

Вправа 3. Insert the verbs in the Past Perfect tense.

1. Jill was afraid she had forgotten her key at home, but she found it in her
2. Dad wasn't at home when I came back. He had gone out twenty minutes
3. I wasn't hungry because I had just had breakfast.
4. Peter saw an urgent message on his table. Somebody had left it the day
5. I apologized; I had not phoned her.
6. He told me that he had come back a fortnight before.
7. I knew him at once though I had met him many years before.
8. We spent the night in Klin, a town we had often heard of but had never
9. They couldn't believe he had given up his job in the bank. He had made a
good living there.
10.Mr. Jackson said that he had already bought everything for lunch.
11.Alice asked her brother where he had arranged to meet his friends.
12.We had no car at that time because we had sold our old one.
13.They had finished painting the ceiling by two o'clock.

Insert the verbs in the Past Perfect tense. (Вставити дієслова в PastPerfect.)
1. Jill was afraid she had forgotten her key at home, but she found it in her
2. Dad wasn’t at home when I came back. He had gone out twenty minutes
3. I wasn’t hungry because I had just had breakfast.
4. Peter saw an urgent message on his table. Somebody had left it the day
5. I apologized for not phoning her.
6. He told me that he had come back a fortnight before.
7. I knew him at once though I had met him many years before.
8. We spent the night in Klin, a town we had often heard of but had never
9. They couldn’t believe he had given up his job in the bank. He had made
a good living there.
10.Mr. Jackson said that he had already bought everything for lunch.
11.Alice asked her brother, where he had arranged to meet his friends.
12.We had no car at that time because we had sold our old one.
13.They had finished painting the ceiling by two o’clock.

2. Напишіть речення, ставлячи дієслова у правильну форму Past Perfect:

1. I lost the key that he had given to me.
2. She told me that she had seen the film.
3. I went outside as I had heard a noise.
4. She picked out the red dress, which she had not worn for ages.
5. Mike had not swum in the beach before that day.
6. His father was angry because he had not helped him.
7. Had you had dinner before you left the house?
8. Had he managed to find a place to stay when he went to Paris?
9. Where had she stayed before she moved to live with her boyfriend?

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