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The main focus of the study is finding the effects of collaborative learning on Egyptian

students speaking skills. Many scholars have conducted research papers focuses on the same
topic in learning English, and defining collaborative learning such as: Badr Abdelfattah (2020)
defines collaborative learning CL is a learning approach that engages groups of learners to
complete a task. This paper attempts to answer these research questions: What are the effects of
collaborative learning on teenager’s speaking performance? What are the effects of collaborative
learning on teenagers’ fluency? What are the effects of collaborative learning on teenagers’
vocabulary choice?

According to Adnan & Abdelameer (2022) they investigated that students gaining more
confidence from collaborative learning, and this way of learning enhances their ability in
improving L2 speaking skill. They also made a digital questionnaire to find student’s views on
speaking skill that 80% responds that working in groups waste time explaining ideas to others,
On the contrary the analysis of the value of collaborative learning in developing student’s
speaking skills is 94% responds they prefer to work in large groups. Their study is successful,
but the results are hard to understand, however the value of collaborative learning on Iraq
students in improving speaking skill is shown in the discussion successfully.

In other hand Ha Thi Yen Nhi et al. (2022) was conducting his research about the
positive effect of collaborative learning in reducing foreign language anxiety (FLA). He stated
that as a teacher in English center, he found that the major reason for making changes in
speaking performance is the climate of the class that encourage students to participate.
Therefore, the author conducted interviews to measure the learner’s perception of collaborative
learning. He found out from the interviews a positive responds from students about collaborative
learning approach; as they admitted in interviews that stress and anxiety reduced when working
in groups. In addition they affirmed that learning in groups provide a sharing of ideas.

According to Abdelfattah.B (2020) speaking skill is challenging for EFL students,

because they master many sub skills like: pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary. Also defined
speaking skill: “is a skill of comprehending, pronouncing, and being fluent and accurate in
producing speech.” (p.169) He also investigating the effect of a program on online collaborative
learning and its benefits on EFL students; because by engaging them together through zoom or
Google meet it enhances their development. In addition Helal.E.A (2019) conducted her research
about internet based collaborative learning, saying that online collaborative tasks gives students
more time practicing.

Abdelfattah.B (2020) conducted two tests to find the differences in students speaking
skill; post-test and pre-test. The results of the percentage of speaking skills, fluency, and
vocabulary are increased after doing the post-test more than in the pre-test. Then he claimed that
the online program is effective and successful on EFL students speaking skill. Helal.E.A (2019)
used the same approach to examine EFL students speaking skills; the pre-test and post-test.
(2019) findings matches (2020) as the post-test showed that student’s speaking skills improved
after applying internet based collaborative tasks program. And this findings answers my research

Murillo.L.H (2019) spotted lights on teacher’s responsibilities in making a new technique

like collaborative learning to engage students together. In addition he claimed that knowing
vocabularies and grammatical structures with a quick access to them in a short time is required to
be fluent in L2. (2019) conducted two interviews with teachers and students, he found that
teachers responds that students work in collaborative way very well, Adding that students
responds that they feel more motivated while working in groups.

To conclude, collaborative learning is very interesting approach to make students work in

groups and enhance their speaking performance, the previous studies successfully answered the
research questions, but the research gap was samples were very small, and there is a very few of
university students that affects the results negatively.
References page:

Adnan & Abdelameer.Z (2022). The value of collaborative learning in developing student’s
speaking skills. Route Educational and Social Science Journal, 9 (5), p.144-165.

Yen Nhi.H, Thi Bich.N, Ngoc.N, and Trung.T (2022). The Effects of Collaborative Learning on
Young ESL Learners’ L2 Anxiety and Speaking Performance. IJAE international journal of
Asian education, 3 (2), p.125-137

Abdelfattah.B (2020). The Effect of Online Collaborative Learning on Developing English

Majors’ Speaking Skills and Social Presence. JFEES, 44 (4) p.159-226.

Helal.E (2019). The Effectiveness of a Proposed Internet- Based Collaborative Tasks Program in
Developing EFL Speaking Skills among Egyptian University Level Students. OPDE, 66 (2),

Murillo.L.H (2019). The use of collaborative learning activities and their impact in the speaking
skills on Students of seventh grade. Santo Tomas university, Medellin.

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