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This study investigates the effects of autocorrect usage on Egyptian university students' writing

skills. A survey was conducted of 46 students to measure their experiences using autocorrect
features in word processors and mobile devices. The anonymous Google Forms survey asked
students about the frequency of their autocorrect use, as well as its impacts on spelling, grammar,
vocabulary and overall quality of their written assignments. The majority of respondents reported
that autocorrect had a positive influence on their writing by improving accuracy of spelling,
grammar and word choice. Autocorrect provides valuable assistance, students need to continue
developing self-editing skills to catch errors it misses. In conclusion, though autocorrect
conferred various writing benefits for most students surveyed, proper spelling, grammar
and vocabulary knowledge remain essential for students to write well independently. Teachers
should emphasize the utility of autocorrect tools while still instructing students in fundamental
writing skills. They might include auto-correction in classroom, assignments, projects and more
activities in universities to help out students.

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