Mrs Enaz Interview

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How does the best teacher in Dana see the world

E veryone in our life has dreams. They are different. Dreams make us work.
And we decided to show what the dream of our magnificent Miss Eneniyaz led to.
From early childhood, Miss Eneniyaz was not an ordinary child. Her character is
lively. She always got what she wanted. She had many friends. Especially in the
garden. Yes, in kindergarten. It happened that she could fool around. For example: at
lunchtime it is supposed to sleep, but not for our Miss Eneniyaz. She could pretend to
be asleep. And disturb other children, and when they came to check who was awake,
she quickly pretended to be asleep. That was our beautiful Miss Eneniyaz.

“Even though I was a rebel as a child. Now I'm not like that. Sometimes I want
to go back to my childhood.”

Of course, like all of us, she had dreams and now they have come true. From
early childhood, our Miss Eneniyaz wanted to become either a pediatrician or a
teacher. She always knows how to find an approach to people, but she also loves to
share her inner world with people. So, in this duel between professions, she chose

Our Miss Eneniyaz studied at the 6th school. Finished it perfectly. After
graduation, she entered the Azadi International University. And she devoted 8 years
of her life to her beloved work. She studied for the first 5 years. The next 3 she
worked. And she liked and still likes to teach. Of course, she had problems with
students. But she tried her best not to swear with them.

“I have had situations where I had to call the parents of students and
ask them to talk and influence their children. I was uncomfortable because
they are already adults. But I had to do it.”

Same with Dana. Miss Eneniyaz is

one of the best teachers here. She does
not divide her students. She loves,
teaches, and tries to become a friend to
everyone. Her love for people and her
desire to make the world a better place for
others is the reason why she chose this
profession from an early age.
But there are also times when our Miss Eneniyaz doesn't know what to do with
difficult students.

“There was a situation when my student became ill. And I didn't know what to do.
We took him to the doctor. In fact, it turned out that he was lying.
I was shocked. And I didn't know what to do.”

Therefore, the most important and main character traits for her is honesty.
Because despite our fears and any difficult situations, we must be honest, first of all
with ourselves.
Well, here we come to the end. Our opinion of Miss Eneniyaz is as follows:
Despite all the hardships of life she doesn't give up and she walks with his head up
high. And we were very glad to have a chance to tell you about such a teacher.

Thank you for attention. Best wishes.


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