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There is a lot of complex equipment on board modern ships so it is necessary to have skilled crews
to operate the ships. The organization of the crew of a cargo ship is changing, but usually one can find at
least two departments on such ships: the deck department and the engine department.
The deck department includes navigators, radio-officers, a boatswain, sailors and a doctor. We call
navigators according to their rank on board ship: the Master (Captain), the Chief Officer (First Mate), the
Second Officer (Second Mate), the Third Officer (Third Mate), the Fourth Officer (Fourth Mate).
The Master is responsible for the ship, her cargo and the crew. He must be an experienced
The Chief Officer is the Master's main assistant and the head of the Deck Department. He must be
always ready to replace the Master and perform his duties.
All the navigators must keep watch on the navigating bridge. They may not leave it when on
watch. The navigators relieve each other of watch every four hours. Every navigator must know how
to define the ship's position, plot her course on the chart and take bearings.
Radio officers keep watch in the radio-room and are responsible for radio-communications. There is
often one or two Radio Officers on board ship, but on ships with continuous radio watches there may be
even three radio officers.
A Boatswain and sailors must keep the ship's hull, holds and tackle in good condition.
The Engine Department consists of the Chief Engineer, the Second, Third and Fourth Engineers, some
motormen and two or three electricians. They keep watch in the engine-room and must maintain and
repair its equipment.
Only well-qualified sailors can perform their duties properly that's why the crews' training is very
1. Read the text and answer the questions
1. How many departments are there on board ship? What are they? 2. Who is the head of the Deck
Department? 3. Who is the head of the Engine Department? 4. Who keeps watch on the navigating
bridge? 5. Who keeps watch in the radio-room? 6. Who keeps watch in the engine-room? 7. Why is it
necessary to have skilled crews on board ships?
2. Translate into English
сучасне судно; складне обладнання; палубна служба; машинне відділення; бути відповідальним за;
складатися з; бути готовим замінити капітана; нести вахту; змінювати один одного на вахті;
висококваліфікований; підготовка (навчання) екіпажу; визначати місце розташування судна;
ремонтувати обладнання; брати пеленг; виконувати обов'язки
3. Translate the words into your native language and make a sentence with them
modern ships; modern equipment; foreign ports; foreign languages; to be responsible for; the ship's
position; the ship's course; the ship's crew; the ship's speed; an officer of the watch; to take bearings; to
consist of; to operate equipment; radio-communications; to maintain and repair equipment
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Peron’s function, or what he does can be expressed in terms of his responsibilities.

Study these examples:
1. The Master is responsible for the safety of the ship.
2. The safety of the ship is the responsibility of the Master.

Exercise 1. Link the following (do not change their order), using whichever pattern above is
(a) Chief Officer - Master - the Deck Department.
(b) Third Officer - the life-saving equipment.
(c) The sounding of tanks and bilges (льяльный воды) – The 3d Engineer.
(d) Chief Steward - Master - the Catering Department.
(e) The preparation of food - Ship's Cook.
(f) Chief Engineer - the efficient running of his department.
(g) The loading and unloading of oil - Pumpman.

The function of a thing, or what it is used for, can be expressed in a number of ways:

1. By using the phrase: The function of . . . is to , , . e.g. The function

of a crane is to lift heavy objects.
2. By using the verb to use + for -ing
e.g. A crane is used for lifting heavy objects.

3. By using a verb expressing the function, e.g. A crane lifts heavy objects.

4. By using a prepositional phrase introduced by with e.g. We lift heavy objects with a crane.

Exercise 2. Rewrite the following sentences in the three alternative ways.

(a) The function of a thermometer is to measure temperature.

(b) A fire extinguisher is used for putting out fires.
(c) A windlass raises and lowers the anchors.
(d) We measure time with a chronometer.
Time at sea

Time at sea is expressed in the 24-hour notation: therefore (on land – at sea)
7.00 a.m. - 0700
6.25 p.m. - 1825
Midnight - 0000
2.30 p.m. - 1430

Exercise 1. How are these times referred to at sea?

(a) 9.00 a.m. (b) 1.30 p.m. (c) 6.25 p.m. (d) 5.45 p.m. (e) midday
How are these times referred to on land?
(f) 0310 (g) 1530 (h) 1115 (i) 2045 (j) 2355

Traditionally time at sea is divided into 4-hour periods called watches. There are six watches.

Midnight-0400 Middle Watch Noon-1600 Afternoon Watch

0400-0800 Morning Watch 1600-2000 Evening Watch
0800-noon Forenoon Watch 2000-midnight First Watch
The Evening Watch can be divided into two short watches.
1600-1800 First Dog Watch 1800-2000 Second Dog Watch

Each watch is in the charge of an officer. The traditional pattern is as follows:

12-4 4-8 8-12

a.m. Middle Watch Morning Watch Forenoon Watch
p.m. Afternoon Watch Evening Watch First Watch
Deck Second Officer Chief Officer Third Officer
Engine Third Engineer Second Engineer Fourth Engineer

Exercise 2. Revise the above information and then answer these questions:
(a) When is the First Watch?
(b) When is the Morning Watch?
(c) When is the First Dog Watch?
(d) What is the name of the watch between midnight and 0400?
(e) What is the name of the watch between 0800 and noon?
(f) What is the name of the watch between 1800 and 2000?
(g) Who is on duty on the bridge during the Morning Watch?
(h) Who is on duty on the bridge during the Middle Watch?
(i) Who is on duty in the engine room during the First Watch?
(j) Who is on duty in the engine room during the Afternoon Watch?

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