Computer Crime and Security Measures Activity 6

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Computer crime and security measures. Written task 1.

Please answer the following questions.

Do not copy&paste from internet, use your own words and cite your sources.

1. Distinguish the terms spam and phishing.
2. Define the term identity theft.
3. Define the term pharming.
4. Explain at least three types of malware that fall in the category of computer fraud.
5. State two characteristics of a strong password.
6. Explain with examples the difference between the following: Health – Safety – E-safety
7. Explain how a Firewall can detect malware.

1- when we talk about spam, they are unsolicited massages that are sent for example by email
and usually are commercial and when you talk about phishing it is when for example someone
attempts to tricks you into giving information that will allow them for example to enter to your
account. the difference is that spam you can’t control it but phishing yes been more responsible
with the information you give on the internet.

2-identity theft occurs when someone uses the identifying personal information of someone like
their name for example with out their permission to commit a crime.

3- pharming is similar to phishing but it not depends on you, it depends of web sites traffics
were your confidential information is stolen.

4- 3 types of malware are: virus, worms and trojan virus.

A virus is designed to disrupt a system ability to operate, and it is a malicious software
attached to a document or file and when you downloaded the virus will lay dormant until the
file is opened and is use.

Worms are a malicious software that rapidly replicates and spreads to any device within the
network and can severely disrupt the operations of a device and cause data loss

Trojan virus it’s a virus that can gain access to sensitive data and then modify, block or delete
the data.
5- to characteristics of a strong password are to use numbers and to use more 8 or more

6- health is for example when you have eyes issues because you used too much the computer
and safety is for example not to touch cables and E safety is to take care with the information
you give on the internet

7- Firewalls provide protection against outside cyber attackers by shielding your computer or
network from malicious or unnecessary network traffic

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