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REG # 205135
DATE | 30-APRIL-2022



Triple DES is just one idea for creating a stronger block cipher using DES. An

alternative idea is DES-X, which is an encryption algorithm built from DES in the following


• Let K1 and K2 be two 64-bit keys, and let K be a DES key.

• Let denote encryption of plaintext P using normal single DES with key K.

• For a plaintext P we define the encryption of P using DES-X to be.


From the given DES-X where C = K2 ⊕DESk(P⊕K1) keys are 64 bits. The actual DES-X effective key

length is 119-lb(M). Thus, consider an attacker with access to ENC(M)=DESK(M⊕K1) and DES(C)=DESK-1(C) ⊕K1 ,its

Obtain one plaintext-ciphertext pair M,C. Iterate through all 256 DES keys.
For each candidate key k, obtain K1=DEC(C)⊕DESK-1(C);=M⊕DESK-1(C).

DES avoids these trivial attacks by making it impossible to obtain k1 without knowing k2. Hence, effective length of DES-X is
256+64 for 56+64+64 bits of key.
Decrypting a ciphertext using DES-X.

DES also known as data encryption standard is a block cipher and encrypt data in blocks of size of 64 bit each,where plain text
goes as the input to DES, which produces 64 bits of ciphertext. And the same algorithm and key are used for encryption and

Algorithm of decrypting a ciphertext using DES-X

1. In the first step, the 64-bit plain text block is handed over to an initial permutation function where it performed on a plain text.

2. Then initial permutation produces two halves of the permuted blocks which is called left plaintext and right plaintext.

3.Each blocks go through 16 rounds of decryption process.

4. Then it seperate the blocks from its rejoined and a final permutation from the combined block.

5.This is the process of decryption of ciphertext of 64-bit where the encryption process produces 64-bit ciphertext.


No, Single DES is also known as single key triple DES, where all three keys have to be identical for encrypt-decrypt-encrypt to
be backward compatible with DES. These are the keys such as k1 and k2 for DES. Since the keys are identical esch key is 8 odd
parity bytes, with 56 bits of key and 8 bits of error-detection.
AES is a very popular symmetric encryption algorithm.
(a) What applications of cryptography that you have used support the use of AES, and which key
lengths do they recommend?
(b) AES is under great scrutiny from the cryptographic research community. Provide a ‘layman’s
guide’ to the latest cryptanalytic attacks against AES, and comment on their practical relevance.

(c) Suppose one day an announcement is made that AES is too insecure for widespread use.
What do you think the likely reaction will be from the various communities this will affect?
AES (acronym of Advanced Encryption Standard) is a symmetric encryption algorithm. It was designed to be both used
efficiently in both hardware and software it supports 128,192,256 bits.
A) There is no particular list of applications of AES, but many banking systems use AES-128 and AES-256 to secure online
banking or internet banking.


Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Secure Socket Layer (SSL)

b) cryptanalysis: Cryptanalysis is the science of cracking codes and decoding secrets. It is used to violate authentication schemes,
to break cryptographic protocols, and, more benignly, to find and correct weaknesses in encryption algorithms

some of the attacks are:

Ciphertext only attacks

Known plaintext attacks

Chosen plaintext attacks

Chosen ciphertext attacks

Man-in-the-middle attacks

Side channel attacks

Brute force attacks

Birthday attacks

cracking the password depends on number of bis and its complexity

Bits Number of keys Brute Force


56 7.2 x 1016 20 hours

80 1.2 x 1024 54800 years

128 3.4 x 1038 1.5 x 1019


256 1.15 x 1077 5.2 x 1057


c)if it happens then there is a high threat since everything is digitalised and encrypted using AES(almost all) so they
want to immediately; update their encryption algorithm else they are in big danger.

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