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Development of hardware-software microscopy complex for the

study of buccal epithelial cells

A. A. Rumyantseva, G. A. Kolokolnikov, A. V. Samorodov, A. K. Volkov

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia

Abstract The paper is devoted to the development of − structural-functional model of system processes was
hardware-software microscopy complex for the study of buccal developed;
epithelial cells. The goal and objectives of the work were − hardware and software implementation was proposed.
determined, and the approach to achieve them was chosen. A
medical problem was formulated and the biophysical bases for The cells of buccal epithelium reflect the state of the
the study of the electrokinetic properties of buccal epithelial human body. In particular, they show a response of the
cells were described. System-wide solutions were proposed in organism to effects that have just occurred (physical,
the form of a developed biotechnical system scheme. A chemical, pharmacological, etc.).
structural-functional model of the system processes was Myachina et al. have showed relationship between
developed in accordance with the IDEF0-notation. The
methodology of buccal epithelial cells exploration was proposed. properties of the buccal epithelium and hypertension,
The hardware implementation and the developed specialized adverse environmental factors, and Kalaev et al. showed
software used in the research were described. Further connection between the buccal cells state and the
directions of project development were proposed. inflammation of periodontal soft tissues. [3, 4, 5]. It is also
Index Terms — buccal epithelium, cells, hardware-software known that there is a possibility of diagnosing soft tissues
complex, image processing, microscopy. inflammation of periodontal disease at an early stage [6]
with utilization of proposed methodology. Also, study of
I. INTRODUCTION buccal epithelial cells allows to assess the overall
physiological state of the human body during physiotherapy
The relevance of buccal epithelial cells research lies in and can serve as an additional parameter for non-invasive
cells morphological structure. The cells have an appearance diagnosis of the chronic stress effects [7, 8].
of polygonal or oval shaped thin plates (Fig. 1), and line the
mucous membrane of the oral cavity. They are playing a
role of the “border” between the internal and external II. MEDICAL TASK
environment of a body [1, 2]. The study of buccal epithelium is based on the method of
intracellular microelectrophoresis, developed by V.G.
Shahbazov and co-authors [9]. This technique allows to
explore electrokinetic parameters of cells.
The biophysical bases of electrokinetic phenomena lie in
such physical processes as flow potential and subsidence
potential. The cause of electrokinetic phenomena is the
presence of a double electric layer at the phase boundary,
which is a conventional flat capacitor, the inner side of
which is charged with ions, and the outer side - with
counterions. In this case, one part of the ions is located near
the phase boundary surface (adsorption), the second part is
in the diffusion part [2].
According to modern concepts, counterions are firmly
bound to a solid surface as a result of both electrostatic and
adsorption forces and form a so-called dense adsorption
Fig. 1. Buccal epithelial cells under a microscope layer of counterions. The thickness of the layer is
determined by the size of counterions and is of several
The purpose of the work is to develop hardware-software molecular diameters (about 1 nm) [10].
complex for studying the relationship between mobility of The remaining counterions, which are at a greater distance
the buccal epithelium cells nuclei and human physiological from the surface, form a diffuse layer that is held near the
parameters. The following tasks were completed to achieve surface only by electrostatic forces. The ions in the dense
this goal: part are considered stationary, and the ions in the diffuse
− biophysical foundations of buccal epithelial cells nuclei part are mobile. As a result of thermal movement, the
mobility were studied; counterions of the diffuse layer can move deep into the
− scheme of biotechnical system was developed; liquid. Effective thickness of diffuse layer is equal to the
distance at which the surface potential decreased by a
factor of an exponent. The diffuse layer thickness depends designing automated microscopy systems developed at
on the concentration of electrolytes in a liquid matrix [2]. BMSTU [11].
Decrease of the field potential in a double electric layer
A. Development of biotechnical system
takes place abruptly within the adsorption region and more
smoothly (exponentially) in the diffuse layer region [10]. The scheme of the biotechnical system for the study of
When the relative movement of phases occurs, the double electrokinetic properties of buccal epithelial cells is
electric layer breaks along the slip plane. In this case, presented in Fig. 2. The prepared patient's cytological
counterions of the adsorption layer do not leave the surface, material placed in a specialized chamber for
and counterions of the diffuse layer move together with the microelectrophoresis serves as a biological object. The
liquid phase. The potential arising on the slip plane when the chamber is represented by a glass slide with a fixed
ions of the diffusion layer are detached from the solid phase electrode system. The prepared specimen is located on a
is called the electrokinetic, or -potential. The slip plane can scanning stage of a laboratory microscope.
be slightly shifted from the boundary of the adsorption and The physical impact block is represented by a microscope
diffuse layers, which depends on such factors as the speed of illumination system and a microelectrophoresis system. At
relative phase shift, the viscosity of the medium. first, microelectrophoresis system is connected to the
Accordingly, the value of -potential depends on these electrode system, then the required mode is set.
factors. Therefore, the -potential is close to the value of the The optical system of the microscope together with the
diffuse layer potential: • _d. The value of -potential image capture module represent the measuring transducer.
ranges from a few hundredths to tenths of a volt [2]. Incident light from the microscope illumination system
The presence of the -potential is manifested in the passes through the biological object with selective
electrokinetic phenomena, and the electrokinetic phenomena absorption. Passed light carries information about the object
underlie the methods for measuring the -potential. and falls on the matrix of a digital camera. Registered
images are transferred to a single board computer acting as a
control unit.
Movement automation and focus automation devices are
The system being developed belongs to the group of also used in the automated microscopy complex. To move
devices for analyzing electrokinetic and morphological biological object motorized scanning stage is used. To
parameters of biomedical specimens. It is designed to assess obtain clear images, the focus automation device is used,
the general physiological state of a patient. For a detailed which is represented by a stepper motor, a driver, and an
description of the system, a diagram of the biotechnical endstop sensor.
system, the structural-functional model of the processes and An information processing unit of the automated
the methodology for conducting research of the buccal microscopy complex includes a control module and a
epithelial micro-specimen are developed. The proposed workstation. The workstation monitor and the local interface
solutions are built in accordance with the methodology of module play a role of an information display device. This

Fig. 2. Scheme of biotechnical system for the study of electrokinetic properties of buccal epithelial cells.
device offers graphical user interface for medical staff. output elements (arrows on the right border). Also, the
Description of device workflow is presented below. At control actions (above process object) and the elements
the moment of single board computer sending command to required to perform the work (below) are shown in the
the stepper motors, the stage with the specimen moves along diagram.
the X and Y axes to perform scanning. Also, a signal from The main application scenario of the developed AMC is to
the single board computer is sent to the third stepper motor study the patient's biological microsample in order to assess
to control the movements of the specimen along the Z axis. the patient's physiological state. Functional set of AMC is
This ensures focusing. decomposed into the following processes:
At specified moments, control signals are sent to the − control AMC;
image capture module. As a result, an image or video of the − set up microelectrophoresis module;
specimen is recorded. Then the recorded data is transferred − capture video data;
from the single board computer to the workstation for − analyze video data;
further processing. − assess physiological state of a patient.
The presented system “control module - workstation” can The control function organizes communication between
implement the functionality of remote access using the all components of the system: the workstation and the
Internet connection. In this case, the specialist can remotely automated microscopy complex. Also, this process includes
analyze the data, meanwhile the preparation is performed by the subprocesses of:
a laboratory technician working directly with the − entering personal data of medical staff carrying out the
microscope. research in order to gain access to the system;
After data aggregation at the workstation postprocessing − choosing operation mode;
and automated analysis of the recorded data is carried out. − expert-doctor controlling of the research results.
This process should meet the requirements for security of
B. Development of structural-functional model system
personal data of both medical personnel and the patient.
The next functional unit is setting up the
To describe the information processes occurring in microelectrophoresis module. It involves setting the required
automated microscopy complex (AMC) for the study of the parameters of the current, voltage, shape and frequency of
electrokinetic properties of buccal epithelial cells, a the signal applied to the electrode system. The research of
structural-functional model of processes was developed cells electrokinetic properties can be carried out depending
using IDEF0-notation (Fig. 3). A functional set of the AMC on the listed parameters. The parameters of the
was decomposed. The developed model allows to evaluate microelectrophoresis module act as controlling parameters
the necessary elements for the operation of the system and to for the next functional unit and are also used in the patient's
plan the development of the project. The diagram shows the physiological state assessment unit as input parameters.
input (arrows on the left border of process object) and The functional block of video data registration is

Fig. 3. IDEF0-diagram of AMC for the study of the electrokinetic properties of buccal epithelial cells.
decomposed into: − placing microsample into microelectrophoresis chamber
− placing biological sample into microelectrophoresis on the scanning stage;
chamber; − connecting microelectrophoresis system and setting up
− detecting region of the sample with buccal cells; its parameters;
− choosing sample sections for registration; − launching video registration software;
− recording video data at the chosen points. − launching automatic video analysis software;
The functional block of video data analysis receives the − automatic assessment of patient physiological state based
registered data and performs the following operations on the extracted characteristics of cells and
sequentially: electrophoresis parameters;
− detecting cells and nuclei in a video record; − research results verification by expert-doctor;
− extracting morphometric parameters of cells and nuclei; − forming a medical opinion.
− detecting presence of nuclei fluctuations; Depending on the sample preparation method, the quality
− extracting nuclei fluctuations parameters. of preparation may vary. Therefore, the working area in
The extracted morphological and kinetic parameters of the which the concentration of cells will be sufficient for
cells are transmitted to the patient assessment unit, along analysis should be located at the first step of research
with the information about parameters of the electrical procedure.
signal applied to the electrode system. The unit assesses
correlation between the buccal epithelium cells
characteristics and parameters of the applied electric field.
Based on the obtained data, a medical conclusion is formed,
A. Hardware
which is verified by an expert-doctor.
Fig. 4 shows the electrical block diagram of the automated
C. Methodology of the buccal epithelial cells research
microscopy complex for studying the electrokinetic
An order of interaction procedures between medical staff properties of cells.
and patient during the research is shown below: The main component of the automated microscopy
− taking a biological sample from a patient by scraping complex is the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B single-board
cells from the inside of a cheek; computer, which runs the software and establishes
− sample preparation; communication with the workstation using Internet
− launching the automated microscopy complex; connection. For local interaction with the complex a touch

Fig. 4. Electrical block diagram of the automated microscopy complex for studying the electrokinetic properties of cells.
screen module is intended. Image capturing is carried out project;
with the help of a camera module connected with a − OpenCV programming package for image processing and
specialized board. The movement of microsample is carried analysis;
out by a motorized scanning stage, which is driven by − RPi.GPIO for controlling general purpose inputs and
stepper motors. Stepper motors and endstop sensors are outputs of single-board computer;
connected with a separate board. These boards are located in − a range of auxiliary packages (NumPy, Matplotlib, etc.).
the interface control unit (Fig. 5). A separate element of the Algorithm of system workflow is described below.
system is a microelectrophoresis module with an electrode After launching the ACM, the medical personnel
system required for studying buccal epithelial cells. conducting the research are authorized.
Next, the program sets the parameters of the
microelectrophoresis module. Parameters are saved for
further analysis.
After the microsample is placed under a microscope, the
camera module is launched. Taking into account the
specifics of sample preparation, at the first stage it is
required to determine the working area. To do this, a rapid
scan of the sample is performed. After that step, the working
area with sufficient amount of cells is localized. Video data
is recorded in the regions of interest, which are selected from
the working area. Cells and nuclei of the buccal epithelium
are detected in the recorded video (Fig. 6). It is proposed to
apply the Niblack binarization algorithm [12] for
segmentation of epithelial cells. After segmentation step
Fig. 5. Internal arrangement of the interface control unit: 1 –
morphological parameters are determined for each selected
single-board computer; 2 – main connection board; 3 – stepper
object by means of a software library Scikit-Image.
motor drivers; 4 – stepper motor connectors; 5 – LED indication
Next, the characteristics of fluctuating segmented nuclei
board; 6 – fan of a cooling system.
are estimated using object tracking [13] and particle image
velocimetry approaches. The processes of video registration
B. Software and assessement of cell nuclei fluctuation parameters are
During the development of hardware-software microsopy carried out for several regions of interest. Statistical
complex, the following technological stack was utilized: processing is applied to the obtained data to evaluate the
− Debian as an operating system; microsample parameters in general.
− Bash for administering software packages; The obtained sets of morphometric and kinetic
− Python 3.7 as the main programming language of the characteristics of cells are compared with the parameters of

Fig. 6. IDEF0-diagram of video data analysis.

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