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REVISION: units 5-6

Match the definitions with the words from the box.

tunnel science lab volcano lake

reception island basketball court corridor

1 A place where hot rocks come up through a hole in the top. ________________
2 A large are of water that has land all around it. ________________
3 You can find a secretary here or a person who receives you at school. ________________
4 In this places students have chemistry classes and do experiments. ________________
5 A piece of land that has water around it. ________________
6 Students walk through it to go to the classrooms. ________________
7 An underground road that cars and trains travel on. ________________
8 Students who love sports are always here. It’s inside the school. ________________

Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives.

tall big noisy popular expensive

1 The cheetah is ____________________ animal in the world.

2 It is ____________________ pop group.
3 The Burjkhalifa is ____________________ tower in Dubai.
4 Ferrari is ____________________ car.
5 Bs As is ____________________ city in my country.

Write sentences about Tara’s life in the future.

Complete the sentences using WILL/WON’T and the correct form of the verbs.

1 They ___________________ (live) in Paris.

2 She ___________________ (be) a doctor.

3 David ___________________ (not win) a medal.

4 I ___________________ (study) Portuguese.

5 He ___________________ (not travel) to Mars.

6 Kate ___________________ (not talk) to robots.

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