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Glen Traffic Solutions

140 – 3651 Graybar Road

Richmond, BC



1st Edition – May 2021 – Next Review/Revision May 2022

Dispatch 604-991-0008

Office 604-551-8000

Head Office 604-805-0004


Occupational health & safety organization

All levels that this company employs from owners to senior management to employees are
responsible for workplace safety and any safety concerns should be addressed to anyone at any
time without any repercussions.

 Directors:
 Owner: CG Singh
 Owner: GD Singh

 Glen Traffic Solution Inc:

 OH&S Supervisor:
 OH&S Injury management coordinator:

 Joint occupational health & safety committee

 Co-chairperson:
 Co-chairperson:
 Employee representative:
 Management representative:

Glen Traffic Solution employs full time in house.

Occupational Health & Safety Supervisors and Coordinators
They can be contacted by calling:

Dispatch 604-551-0008
Main office 604-991-8000
Head office 604-805-0004


Occupational Health and Safety Program

Glen Traffic Solution Inc. has created an Occupational Health and Safety Program as part of its
commitment to providing a safe work environment to prevent injuries in the workplace and
occupational illnesses.

This program includes the following components but is not limited to:

 Hazard and risk assessment

 Regular inspections of company job sites, premises, and equipment

 Ongoing review of the work methods practices and consideration of methods for
improving company industry standards for traffic control.

 Creation and active support for a joint occupational health & safety committee

 Regular communication with all workers through memos, an interactive website and this
manual on all matters concerning safe work practices.

 Ongoing training of workers in the areas of traffic control, lane closure procedures and
first aid

 New worker orientation and training programs

 Prompt investigation and documentation of all incidents and accidents and analysis of
each with a view to Improving work practices and preventing such future accidents.

 Regular on-site inspection and training provided by dedicated health and safety
coordinators with

 Regular management meetings to review health and safety activities company policies
and incident trends for the determination of necessary courses of action to reduce
incidents and improve workplace safety.

 experience in the industry.

 Maintenance of records and statistics including reports of inspections and

incident/accident investigations with provision for making this information available to
the joint committee and upon request to an officer of WorkSafeBC.

 Review and development of safe work practices (SWP) and safe job procedures (SJP)

Rights and responsibilities

Owner/Management Rights and Responsibilities

 To establish and maintain an effective health and safety.

 To review the program on an annual basis to ensure it continues to meet the needs of
the workers and the customers we serve.

 To train and maintain competent supervisors and instructors.

 To provide a safe and healthy work environment in which safety is paramount and in
which the worker can feel confident.

 To provide the necessary resources and support in achieving the aims of the company's
health and safety program

 To provide the TCP on the job with professional guidance and backup to assist with all
situations encountered of either routine or emergency nature.

 To establish an effective joint occupational health and safety committee with input from
both management and workers equally

 To provide the necessary support and resources to the Joint Occupational Health And
Safety Committee (JOHSC) in completing their duties

 To supply Personal Protective Equipment and ensure workers are trained in the care use
maintenance and storage of their Personal Protective Equipment

 To meet the reporting requirements as required by the Workers Compensation Act the
Occupational Health and Safety Regulations or authorities having jurisdiction.

 To appoint a competent Health and Safety Coordinator who sets the standards for
performance and who ensures safe working conditions are always observed.

 Assume other responsibilities as directed.

Supervisor’s Rights and Responsibilities

 To provide adequate health and safety orientation and training to young and new

 To provide ongoing training for all workers

 To continually inspect work sites, identify and wherever possible corrective deficiencies
dangers unsafe packed practices.

 Report to senior management and the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee
all safety related incidents

 To report to senior management workers health and safety concerns

 To report to workers changes in policy or practice regarding health & safety.

 To ensure that workers use prescribed protective equipment devices.

 To ensure that hazard and risk assessments are documented.

 Assume other responsibilities as directed.

Health & Safety Coordinator Rights and Responsibilities

 To develop implement and monitor company occupational health and safety policy
programs and procedures

 To assist the company in complying with current health and safety legislation and or
regulations with the objective of ensuring that all reasonable and proper measures are
taken to protect the safety and health of workers and visitors.
 To increase health and safety awareness at all levels within the organization

 To investigate and report on all serious critical personal injury accidents occurring to
workers and/or visitors to the appropriate officials and to assist in the investigation of all
accidents/incidents that result in substantial damage to company or clients, vehicles,
and property.

 To respond to employee safety concerns

 To conduct as necessary the safety inspection of any worksite to assist the company's
drank occupational health and safety committee to receive reports from and respond to
orders issued by worksafebc inspectors.

 To act as liaison with all related governmental bodies and regulating agencies to assist
executive staff senior administrators’ principals and supervisors in emergency

 To develop review and update appropriate sections of the company's emergency

procedures manual.

 To investigate and recommend a course of action to senior manager of any complaint of

harassment bullying or discrimination or other breach of company rules. Assume other
duties as directed.

Traffic Control Supervisor Responsibilities

 Be certified in traffic control.

 Ensure compliance with the requirements of part 18 and all other sections of the WCB
Occupational Health and Safety Regulation regarding supervision of traffic control
persons at the work zone monitor traffic flows direct and supervise the implementation
and removal of all required traffic control devices as per the traffic management plan
and accepted traffic control plans and ensure that these devices are properly

 Have full authority over all the traffic control personnel on site.

 Ensure traffic control persons TCPs are wearing the required protective clothing and

 Ensure TCP's perform traffic control duties safely and competently.

 Ensure TCPs were positioned correctly and in a safe manner.

 Ensure that TCPS will work together as a team when working in groups of two or more.

 Monitor traffic operations to determine the effectiveness of the traffic management

plan including the traffic control plan.

 Ensure that emergency traffic control operations are carried out.

 Be responsible for revisions to the TMP as required by construction schedule changes or

special events.

 Have knowledge of the applicable parts of the regulation and the traffic control manuals
sections 18.3 of the regulation and the traffic management plan for the workplace.

 Respond to any traffic concerns of the relevant authority police or WCB.

Workers’ Rights & Responsibilities

1. To understand and use safe job procedures and safe work practices.
2. To correct hazards and or report them to supervisors.
3. To participate in inspections and investigations where appropriate
4. To use personal protective gear and equipment where required and as instructed.
5. To recommend ways to create a safer work environment.
6. Assume other responsibilities as directed.

Workers Right To Refuse Unsafe Work

Subcontractors’ Rights and Responsibilities

1. Familiarize themselves with this oh&s manual and work in accordance with it comply
with glen traffic solution health & safety policies as well as those policies of clients that
must have a health & safety program in place that meets wcb requirements.
2. Maintain full wcb coverage while working for the company and providing proof of
coverage in the form of a current wcb clearance letter.
3. Attend job site orientation meetings and comply with all wcb occupational health and
safety regulations plan to perform all work in compliance with wcb regulations or
authorities having jurisdiction an ensure that all place practices are in keeping with
standards set out in the company health and safety manual.
4. Ensure that applicable rules and regulations are explained to their employees.
5. Provide their employees with an ensure the use of all required ppe report and
investigate all incidents accidents and injuries in writing to the company supervisor first
aid attendant anti wcb is required.
6. Prearrange emergency transportation of employees immediately correct unsafe acts or
conditions observed in their work area and report to the site supervisor such unsafe acts
or conditions observed.
7. Cooperate with all safety representatives from wcb the company and other recognized
safety organizations clarify any portion of the company’s safety program which they may
not completely understand with the site supervisor.

Element 2 - hazard and risk assessments

Section one of oh&s regulations defines these terms as:

"hazard" means a thing or condition that may expose a person to a risk of injury or occupational

"risk" means a chance of injury or occupational disease.

Hazards may be categorized in four (4) ways:

physical this is the most common type of workplace hazard. Examples of physical hazard include
slips, trips, falls, exposure to loud noises, working with heights, vibrations, and unguarded

ergonomic hazards every occupation assumes certain strains on a worker’s body ergonomic
hazards occur because of physical factors that can harm them musculoskeletal system this type of
hazard is not easily identified examples of this hazard or poor lighting repetitive motion awkward
movements and poor posture

chemical hazards chemical hazards are present anywhere anytime workers are exposed chemical
substances examples may include cleaning solutions and solvents vapors and fumes carbon
monoxide and other gases

biological hazards health care professionals are at most risk for this type of hazard biological
hazards occur due to working with people animals or infectious plant material examples include
blood or other bodily fluids animal care insect bites bacteria or viruses

The biggest threat to worker health and safety is their work environment. Please take necessary
precautions to protect yourself by maintaining a safe work environment.

The TCP must consider the following:

When deciding on a position for the tcp and the traffic queue. It is important to identify and assess
the potential risks associated with all site hazards if tcps and traffic queues will be positioned such
that the tcps are at a high risk from a hazard. Appropriate steps should be taken to eliminate or
minimize the risk. It may be necessary to remove the hazard or reposition the tcp. Hazards that
create risks for tcp include but are not limited to:

 Fatigue
 Rockfall areas for avalanche zones
 Blind corners and hillcrests
 Tunnel entrances and exits.
 Lengthy or steep grades
 Danger trees
 Wildlife
 Dark or remote areas
 Heavy traffic congestion
 Large commercial or business accesses
 Bridges and overpasses
 Railway crossings
 Weather conditions (such as extreme heat or cold, lightning, rain, fog)

The distance between a TCP and a TCP ahead sign (c-001-1) should not be more than 150m . TCP’s
need to be able to focus on the traffic at hand and not be distracted by taking their attention away
from the traffic to watch for other hazards. If the c-001-1 sign cannot be placed in a good location
about the tcp, flagger ahead sign (c-001-2) should be used or prepare to stop (c-029)

It is important to be aware that worksites will always have hazards it is the level of risk that can be
adjusted and controlled and should be done throughout the day as the day progresses and the site

Critical tasks

To conduct a thorough hazard assessment before starting work employees should consider the
critical tasks involved a critical task is a task that a tasker activity that if not performed properly has
a significant potential for harming people equipment property or the environment the following
critical tasks outlined in safe job procedures need to be considered by the TCP’s in addressing
hazard control measures.

1. Wearing proper personal protective equipment PPE

2. Setting up and removing equipment.
3. Daily FLRA and Toolbox meeting record
4. Stopping motorists
5. Pedestrians and cyclists in the work zone
6. Positioning of TCP and effective escape routes

Controlling the Hazards

Controlling the hazards can be accomplished through the means of Engineering, Administrative
Substitution due to the nature of our work engineering and or administrative controls are
preferrable in dealing with hazards on the worksite and substitution is not an effective means of
controlling the hazard.

Engineering Controls

Engineering controls eliminate or reduce exposure to a chemical or physical hazard using

substitution of engineered machinery or equipment.

The Following items, which are not exhaustive are examples of engineering controls.

 Advanced warning signs.

 Traffic delineators

 Tapers.
 Speed restrictions
 Buffer vehicles/flashing arrow board.
 Barricades
 Radios for communication
 Night/Light Wand
 Portable Traffic Lights
 Automatic flagging device
Administrative Controls

Administrative controls are defined as changes in work procedures such as written safety policy's
rules supervision schedules and training with the goal of reducing the duration frequency and
severity of exposure to hazardous chemicals or situations.

The following items while not exhaustive are examples of administrative controls.

 Scheduling of work shifts day shift night shift.

 Movement of traffic through the work zone
 Controller traffic volume through the work site
 Additional assignment of workers to the job site
 Length of shift
 Speed reduction

Substitution Controls due the nature of our work substitution is not an effective means of
controlling hazards.

Risk Assessments

A risk assessment is a thorough look at your workplace to identify these things, situations,
processes etc. That may harm, particularly to people. After identification is made, you analyze and
evaluate how likely and severe the risk is. When this determination is made, you can next, decide
what measures should be put in place to effectively eliminate or control the harm from happening.

The aim of the risk assessment process is to evaluate hazards then remove that hazard or minimize
the level of its risk by adding control measures, as necessary. By doing so you have created a safer
and healthier workplace.

1. The goal is to answer the following questions:

2. What can happen and under what circumstances.
3. What are the possible consequences?
4. How likely are the possible consequences to occur?

5. Is the risk controlled effectively? Or is further action required?

In general, to do an assessment you should:

1. Identify hazards.
2. Determine the likelihood of harm such as an injury or illness occurring and its severity.
3. Consider normal operational situations as well as nonstandard events, such as
maintenance shutdowns, power outages, emergencies, extreme weather etc.
4. Review all available health and safety information about the hazards. Such as safety data
sheets (sds), manufacturers literature, information from reputable organizations, results
of testing, workplace inspection reports, records of workplace incidents/accidents
including information about the type and frequency of the occurrence, illnesses, injuries,
near misses etc.
5. Understand the minimum legislative requirements for your jurisdiction identify actions
necessary to eliminate the hazard or control the risk using the hierarchy of risk control
6. Evaluate confirm if the hazard has been illuminated or if the risk is appropriately
7. Monitor to make sure the control continues to be effective.
8. Keep all documents or records that may be necessary documentation may include
detailing the process used to assess the risk outlining any evaluations or detailing how
conclusions were made.

When doing an assessment also consider?

a) The methods and procedures used in the processing use handling or storage of the
b) The actual and potential exposure of workers example how many workers may be
exposed what the exposure is or will be and how often will they be exposed.
c) The measures and procedures necessary to control such exposure by means of
engineering controls work practices and hygiene practices and facilities.
d) The duration and frequency of the task how long and how often a task is done.
e) The location where the task is done.
f) The machinery tools materials etc. That are used in the operations and how they are
used example the physical state of a chemical or lifting heavy loads for a distance.
g) Any possible interactions with other activities in the area and if that task could affect
others example cleaner’s visitors etc.
h) Life cycle of the product process or service example design construction uses
i) The education and training the workers have received.

j) How a person would react to a situation example what would the most common
reaction be if a person if the machine failed or missed or malfunction star example of
income microphone
k) It is important to remember that the assessment must consider not only the current
state of the workplace but any potential situations as well by determining the level of
risk associated with the hazard the employer and the health and safety committee
where appropriate can decide whether a control program was required and what level.

PPE Controls

PPE is equipment worn by worker to minimize exposure to specific occupational hazards examples
of PPE include respirators gloves head eye and foot protection using PPE it only is only one element
in a complete safety program that would use a variety of strategies to maintain a safe and healthy
occupational environment people eat does not reduce the hazard itself nor does it guarantee
permanent or total protection.

PPE controls include but are not limited to:

1. CSA grade one above the ankle steel toe work boots green triangle (sneaker style not
2. Company issued high visibility coveralls meeting the;
3. Gloves
4. Ear plugs
5. Safety glasses when required.
6. Approved respirator
7. Hard hat yellow green high visibility color with a strip of reflective tape across the top
from the front to the back and on the side
8. Wristbands
9. Whistle Retro reflective stop and slow paddle
10. Radio Night Light/Wand

TCP’s must ensure that the client foreman is informed of the hazards and controls that are in place
management will support the process of hazard control through regular worksite inspections and
advice to support the TCP’s in the performance of their duties.

Toolbox meeting record

Glen traffic solution has developed a toolbox meeting record which is included in the hiring
package. At the end of every month replacement books are available at the office.

At the start of every shift, The Daily Risk and Daily Toolbox Hazard Assessment should be completed
before commencing work. Worksites change throughout the day and changes should be noted
accordingly. Each new TCP that arrives throughout the course of the day should be briefed upon
their arrival of the site-specific hazards and sign the FLRA and include their SN# when doing so.

Upon hire, each TCP is instructed how to fill out this document. If further instruction is needed,
please contact Occupational Health and Safety staff for further instruction.

Prior to toolbox and hazard assessment is factors & conditions. Please refer to this often when
filling out daily forms.

Factors to consider when filling out Daily Toolbox & Hazard Assessment

Refer to this often when filling out daily toolbox & hazard assessment record

On the reverse side of assessment is where the traffic management plan sketch is drawn. Please do
not just write the mot manual for work on roadways 2020 figure number here.

Element 3 - Safe Work Practices SWP

It is the intention of glen traffic solution to ensure the safety of all our employees, subcontractors’
clients in the public. In doing so it is imperative all employees and subcontractors conduct their
work in accordance with the following safe work practices.

Prohibitions for TCP's while actively controlling traffic.

1. During setup and/or teardown of equipment always face traffic this is a critical task that
has the potential for serious injury or fatal or fatality if conducted wrong.
2. Never stand your vehicle or sit in a vehicle when actively controlling traffic.
3. Never get into an argument with a driver
4. Never stand in open traveled portion of the roadway while traffic is moving.
5. Never accept an assignment to carry out other on-site work and never attempt to carry
out any other onsite work.
6. Never allow the tcp sign to be displayed when a tcp is not directing traffic.
7. Never give direction that contradicts a traffic signal or sign.
8. Never converse with any person about anything that is not work related and ensure that
all work-related conversation is both necessary and brief.
9. Never sit when actively controlling traffic
10. Never lean on a post or another object
11. Never use a mobile device tape disk mp3 player tv nonwork radio or any other device
that impairs sight hearing or attention use cell phones only to communicate about onsite
12. Never stand near equipment
13. Never turn your back on approaching traffic
14. Never wear clothing or items that can obscure or reduce peripheral vision such as
hoodies certain kinds of sunglasses etc.
15. Never become impatient or enraged.
16. Never attempt to slow traffic by displaying the stop sign rather than the slow sign.
17. Never leave the control position without being replaced miele coffee toilet unrest break
should be prearranged before shift starts.
18. Never regulate traffic if your judgement is impaired in any way.
19. Never regulate traffic if you have suffered a reduction in performance that could
increase anyone's exposure to risk.

Dealing with the public

In today's world we are all going fast, we have all become accustomed to instant access, and almost
immediate gratification, via the internet, our phones etc. And this translates into how people travel
in their cars. We have all had bad days. Driving through a work zone can be very confusing for some
people, and most likely aggravating for most. The following points should be seen as tools that you
can use in dealing with angry drivers.

 We do not know why the person is angry.

 While it is tempting to meet a driver's anger with anger, it is best not to feed the fire.
Rather remain calm and say nothing.
 Would you want to be the same sort of person who is yelling and holding up traffic or
are you the better person the one who remains poised under trying circumstances?
 If someone is yelling and “going off” on you, you cannot stop them so do not try. Walk
away and tell them to have a good day.
 Again, remember that you do not know the real context of the person's anger.

 Take a deep breath release it and repeat.
 Do not make inappropriate remarks gestures or faces this will only serve to flame this
situation possibly making it worse.
 Most importantly do not take it personally remember in performing your job there is
often some inconvenience to the public take pride in yourself in your job and be professional.

Movement of worksite machinery and equipment

On our work sites there will be various types of mobile equipment working. For example, dump
trucks backhoes and bucket trucks this equipment moves quite often through the worksite creating
a hazard to all workers on site.

While on site maintain eye contact with drivers of these vehicles let them know where you are each
piece of equipment has its own unique blind spots and moving parts do not be caught in them

Always remain a safe distance from all equipment

TCP positioning

1. Stand either on the shoulder adjacent to the traffic being controlled or in a lane that has been
closed to traffic, on the same side of the roadway where you are controlling traffic.

Be aware that the closed lane is not the opposing lane, even when controlled by another TCP or

Always plan an escape route from every position you assume—i.e., an uninhibited path for avoiding
errant vehicles (see also section 5.7.1: ability to make evasive maneuvers).
After more than one vehicle has been stopped—and only if necessary—you may move into the lane
under your control to assess queue length or to achieve a better view of approaching vehicles.
Avoid entering a lane being used by opposing traffic.
Return to your starting position before you release the stopped traffic queue.

Unless otherwise specified, stand 25 to 35 meters from the tcp taper and 50 to 75 meters from the
downstream taper to avoid out-of-control vehicles and to provide maneuvering room for
responding to vehicles that make unanticipated lane changes.

Face the center of the road, with your back to the road shoulder, scanning traffic approaching from
both directions. Remain aware of what is happening in the stopped lane.

For intersection traffic control, it may be necessary to stand in the middle of the intersection, in
which case it may not be possible to comply with the three rules above.
Stand where you can see equipment on the site and where you can see—and be seen by—
approaching drivers. To the extent practicable, stand where the background will make you as
conspicuous as possible.

To be visible to drivers, stand away from the other workers, and never stand in a group of people
while stopping traffic.

Never use your body as a barrier for blocking errant vehicles.

Regardless of the rules listed above, TCP safety is paramount. Therefore, always stand where you
can see and be seen by approaching drivers, in a position that is suitable for safely stopping traffic
and/or directing traffic through the work activity area, and where there is an escape route.

Positioning rules for tcps in intersections

1. Tcp direction in intersections cannot conflict with the direction provided by any existing
intersection control. Traffic signals shall be shut off or changed to flash mode. Stop signs shall be

2. Traffic control persons must be visible to approaching traffic and not obscured by advance
warning or other signage.

Tcp paddle

Hold your paddle in an upright and static position. Ensure that either the stop or slow is clearly
visible to your traffic. Avoid unnecessary exaggerated motions. When not using your paddle, it must
be under your arm or otherwise obscured so that traffic does not mistakenly assume an instruction
is being given do not direct traffic without your paddle this gives you maximum visibility and avoids
confusion hold it up in one hand and motion appropriately with the other the procedure is clearly
set out in the manual.

Working alone or in isolation

In sections 4.20.2 to 4.23, "to work alone or in isolation" means to work in circumstances where
assistance would not be readily available to the worker.

(a) in case of an emergency, or

(b) in case the worker is injured or in ill health.

Glen traffic solution does not allow this to happen as a rule. If, by chance, it does happen the
following rules and procedures should be applied:

Regularly communicate with your partner or crew at 15-minute intervals via radios or cell phones
established before separating with your maximum time between communication.
Have spare batteries and a cell phone for backup.
Advise dispatch of your situation and arrange to check in with dispatch during your shift and once
you complete it.

Working at night

When working at night, always wear your ppe and avoid wearing dark t shirts or sweaters always
use your night wind when directing traffic at night check in regularly with your crew.

Working in Snow/Ice Conditions

Well it's uncommon in our general area TCP’s must ensure they use caution when stopping traffic
due to slippery conditions equipment in the worksite may also be impacted by these conditions
practice good housekeeping and ensure that there are no signs or other equipment hidden
underneath the snow that may cause workers to slip coordinate with the work crew to remove
snow and ice and to salt areas that need to be accessed by workers check your signs to see if snow
has covered them.

Two big concerns of working or simply spending time outdoors in cold weather are:

 Frostbite
 Hypothermia

Precautionary measures reduce possible frostbite and hypothermia.

1. Always dress in layers with outer layers being rather loose and the inner layers
somewhat tighter to trap body heat.
2. Do not over bundle.
3. Use your outer clothing layer as a windbreaker this will make the layers underneath
more effective.
4. Minimize sweat. If you begin to get hot take a layer off try to avoid getting your clothing
wet once wet, they will not serve as good protection from the cold.
5. Be sure your feet are properly protected unless you are moving around your feet will
feel the effects of the cold first. Wool socks help about four buckle overshoes can provide better
protection. Look at the soles of your winter footwear. In shoes or boots should have adequate
tread to prevent slips and falls on wet or icy surfaces
6. Gloves are especially important wear the right gloves for the work you are doing. They
should be insulated but easy to move your hands.
7. If wearing a scarf or earmuffs to help keep your neck warm in the cold, it should be
securely tucked into the inside of your jacket.
8. Use anti fog wipes on your safety glasses.
9. Eat winter weight meals this does not mean a high fat diet but one with enough calories
and nutrients to give me the fuel you need.
10. Remember do not overdress it can restrict your movement and increase the chances of
an accident.

working around Ashphalt

 Asheville is a black sticky material that comes from crude oil it is used in paving.
 asphalt can cause skin and eye irritation.
o Hot asphalt cause burns
o eyes can become irritated from asphalt fumes or if you touch your eyes with ashphalt on
your hands.
 Asphalt fumes can irritate your nose throat or lungs.
 asphalt is originally solid or semisolid and is blended “cut" with a solvent to make it
more liquid. it may also contain asbestos and silica in the rock and sand.
 when hot asphalt is applied in a molten state it generates toxic fumes workers exposed
Asheville fumes or at risk of developing headaches neck rashes cough and possibly cancer. there is
no OSA standard for asphalt fumes.
 working on the road doing asphalt paving involve high risk. hazards include vehicle traffic
heavy equipment complex machinery and hot asphalt.
 remember the site is always changing because the paper is moving down the road you're
safeguarded your consul alertness and vigilance as well as your attention to the conditions of the

job site in your fellow workers. and remember because of this even the truck drivers may not be
familiar with the operation.
 remember your guidelines for working around heavy machinery never move between
the paving machine and backing trucks if you cannot see the driver he cannot see you.
 never be near the hopper of the paving machine.
 do not eat drink or smoke on the job anything you put in your mouth could potentially
be contaminated by asphalt. wash up first
 use your PPE wear your safety glasses and respirator think about wearing gloves and a
long sleeve shirt for companies and flag mask.

electrical safety

employees are often engaged around sites where electrical power facilities are being installed
altered or repaired after being damaged. it is not unlikely they would be in the vicinity of down
power lines PC-100 published the following seven steps to little safety which are also boasted in all
employee areas of the company offices.

 10 meters to safety - stay back at least 10 meters (33 feet) from any fallen power line or
exposed underground cable (electrical power under the right circumstances can travel through the
ground and cause injury)
 look up and live - look up check and keep equipment clear overhead power lines
 million limits when using equipment in the vicinity of a power line always maintain a
distance of seven meters (20 feet).
 don't hang around operating equipment - stay at least 10 meters (33 feet) from
operating equipment in case it Contacts and energize line.
 shuffle or hop don't step - - if your vehicle Contacts and align you should remain inside
until help arrives if he must get out due to the fire jump out the feet together and shuffle away
keeping both feet close together never be in contact with the vehicle on the ground at the same
 don't become a victim - always call for help in an electrical accident and someone is
injured - contact with the victim who is in touch with alive line can transfer the power through the
victim to you.
 electrical rules can be confusing. if you are in any doubt about how to deal with
electrical power situation contact your health and safety coordinator to refresh your knowledge
your life could depend on it.

Company vehicles


when parking a company vehicle all drivers will:

a) Ensure the transmission is placed in “park”
b) Firmly apply the emergency brake
c) If on a Hill turn the front wheels into the curb or if there's no curb to the side so that the
vehicle rolls it will roll into a safe position across the Hill and not proceed straight down the Hill
d) if leaving the vehicle unattended remove the keys and lock the doors.

this procedure is a condition of employment as a driver and failure to comply will result in removal
from driving company vehicles.

backing up

before backing up a company vehicle the driver shall examine the ground immediately behind the
vehicle the driver shell then check there is no danger in the rearview mirrors and then immediately
before moving the vehicle in reverse the driver shall sound too short blasts on the vehicle one and
only then shall the vehicle be placed in reverse and movement begin.

use truck to buffer yourself

use the truck as your protection whenever possible remove the delineators from the roadway move
them to the side away from the traffic and load onto the truck there is no escape route if you are
working between the truck and the traffic keep a safe distance between you and the truck when
using it as a buffer in case it is struck

working as a TCP

constant vigilance

focus on your responsibility to ensure your safety and that of your coworkers and the public.

Clear paddle communication people don't drive with their heads tilted to the side you are a mobile
stop sign drivers did not respect TCP's who hold their sign to the side.

keep your paddle straight up high to initially stop the traffic then lower it keep a flush to your arm
but keep it straight.

If you want the traffic to pick up the pace while your slow paddle is up put your slow pedal down
and motion with your hand to get the traffic to pick up the pace. holding his paddle in the slow
position and motioning to the traffic speed up contradicts what your sign says.
If you really need the drivers to slow down hold your slow paddle up high just above your head so
that you can clearly see them 95% of the time they are shocked by this and they slow down.

Wave and thank the drivers as they pass by nine times out of 10 they will wave right back or smile
those simple actions will create is safer work environment for TCP's

The job is physically demanding stretching before your shift greatly reduces injuries from strains

you are responsible for keeping yourself fit and in good health.

heat stress prevention program


the heat stress prevention program has been developed to provide workers with the training and
equipment necessary to protect them from their heat related exposures and illnesses.


all employees who are or may be exposed to potential heat related illnesses will receive training on
the following;

 the environmental and personal factors that cause heat related illnesses;
 the employer's procedures for identifying evaluating and controlling exposures to the
environmental and personal risk factors for heat illness.
 the port the importance of frequent consumption of small quantities of water up to four
cups per hour under extreme conditions of work and heat
 the different types of heat illness and the common signs and symptoms of heat illness.
 the important of immediately reporting to the employer directly or through the
employees supervisor symptoms or science of heat illness in themselves or in coworkers
 the employer's procedures for responding to symptoms of possible heat illness including
how emergency medical services will be provided should they become necessary.
 procedures for contacting emergency medical services and if necessary for transporting
employees to a point where they can be reached by an emergency medical service provider.
 how to provide clearance precise directions to the work site.

supervisor responsibilities

 all supervisors will be provided a copy of this program and training documents prior to
assignment of employees working environments where he exposure may occur
 supervisors will be provided the procedures to follow to implement the applicable
provisions of this program
 supervisors will be provided the procedures to follow when an employeree exhibits
symptoms consistent with possible heelless including emergency response procedures.

provision of water

employees shall have access to potable water in the event an employee is unable to source water
potable water should be provided an available for pick up at each office location. employees must
contact info H&S coordinator to ensure enough stock is available prior to pick up. enough quantity
will be provided in order to ensure one court perm play per hour for drinking the entire ship for a
total of 2 gallons per employee per eight hour shift TCP's are exposed to certain thermal conditions.
employees may begin the shift with smaller quantities of water if effective procedures for
replenishment of water during their shift have been implemented to provide employees 1 quart or
more per hour.

Access to shade

Employees suffering from heat illness or believing a preventative recovery period is needed so we
provide access to erase shade that is either open to the air or provided with ventilation or cooling
for a period of no less than five minutes such access to shade shall always be permitted shaded
areas can include trees buildings canopy's lean TOS or other partial end or temporary structures
that are either ventilated or open to air movement. the interior of cars or trucks are not considered
shade and less the vehicles are air conditioned or kept from heating up in the sun in some other

heat stress disorders

 heat rash (prickly heat)


o red blotches and extreme itchiness in areas persistently damp with sweat.
o prickly sensation on the skin when swelling occurs.

o Cool environment.
o cool shower.
o thorough drying.

heat rashes typically this beer in a few days after exposure. if the skin is not cleaned frequently
enough the rash might become infected.

 heat cramps

o loss of salt through excessive sweating
o cramping in back legs and arms


o stretching massage muscles.

o replace salt by drinking commercially available carbohydrate electrolyte replacement

 Heat exhaustion

heat exhaustion occurs when the body can no longer keep blood flowing to supply of vital organs
and at the same time send blood to the skin to reduce body temperature.

o Weakness.
o difficulty continuing work.
o Headache
o Breathlessness.
o nausea or vomiting.
o feeling faint or fainting.


o call 911

it takes 30 minutes to cool the body down once a worker becomes overheated and suffers heat

 heat stroke
heat stroke occurs when the body can no longer cool itself and body temperature rises to critical

o confusion.
o irrational behavior.
o loss of consciousness.
o Convulsions.
o lack of sweating.
o hot try scanner.
o abnormally high body temperature


o call 911

provide immediate aggressive general cooling

o immerse victim in tub of cool water or;

o place in cool shower or;
o spray with cool water from a hose,; or
o rap the victim in cool wet sheets arfan rapidly.
o transport victim to hospital
o do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious victim

safe work procedures

supervisors responsibilities

supervisors are responsible for performing the following

 Give workers frequent breaks in a cool area away from heat./

 address work practices as necessary when workers complain of heat stress.
 oversee heat stress training and acclimatization for new workers and for workers who
have been off the job for A period.
 Monitor the workplace to determine when hot conditions arise.
 increase air movement by using fans where possible.
 provide powerful water in required quantities.
 determine whether workers are drinking enough water.

 make allowances for workers who must wear personal protective clothing an equipment
that retains heat and restricts the evaporation of sweat
 schedule hot jobs for the cooler part of the day schedule routine maintenance and
repair work in hot areas for the cooler times of the day.
 make available to all workers cooling devices (hard hat liners/ bibs/ neck bands) to help
red bodies of excessive heat.


workers are responsible for performing the following

 follow instructions and training for controlling heat stress.

 be alert symptoms in yourself and others.
 determine if any prescription medications are required to take can increase heat stress.
 wear light loose fitted clothing that permits the evaporation of sweat.
 wear light colored clothes or garments that absorb less heat from the sun
 drink small amounts of water or possibly 1 Cup every 15 minutes
 avoid beverages such as tea or coffee.
 avoid eating hot heavy meals.
 do not take salt tablets unless prescribed by a physician
 review attachment one for additional information

Element 5 - Company Rules/ Policies

The company has outlined company policies in the employee manual which all employees are
expected to read & sign at the time of hire. These policies include contact expectations and
consequences of not daring to the company policies and procedures.

Company rules include but are not limited to the following:

1. Contact dispatch every day for your work assignment. (see employee manual for more
2. Arrive at your assigned job at least 15 minutes early.
3. Attend all client safety meetings as required.
4. Complete your hazard assessment, traffic control plan, and hold your toolbox meeting.
5. Were all required PPE and ensure you have all your equipment to perform your job.
6. Where a sleeved shirt underneath your coveralls (no muscle shirts, bathing suits, halter,
tank, or tube tops).
7. No smoking, including E cigarettes, onto the job site.
8. Cell phone use while working is prohibited.
9. Do not operate/ ride or handle the client equipment/ vehicle.
10. No fraternization with work crews.
11. Company employees will not enter any confined space for any reason.
12. No sitting in personal or company vehicles unless on a break.
13. Never leave the site without informing company dispatch and site supervisor.
14. Never leave the site without informing company dispatch and site supervisor.
15. fighting, horseplay, practical jokes or otherwise interfering with other workers is
16. Workers will be prohibited from working while impaired by influence of substance
impairment including medical marijuana, illness, or fatigue.

Levels of Discipline

The company has a set of rules, policies and procedures that must be followed. Failure to comply
with company rules will result in varying levels of discipline.

1. Level 1: Verbal Warning - a verbal warning may be issued by a supervisor or health and
safety coordinator and usually covers minor infractions of company rules.
2. Level 2; Verbal Warning or (In)Formal Written Notice - this disciplinary action covers
repeat violations and/ or a major infraction of company rules.
3. Level 3: Written Warning - this disciplinary action covers repeated violations failure to
comply with a directive from management, a serious health and safety infraction or
vehicle/equipment damage.
4. Level 4: Suspension or Termination - this disciplinary action covers those infractions
that are of a serious nature, insubordination, repeated violations of the same rule,
repeated disregard of directives, equipment, or property damage, and may include
other series infractions of company policies and procedures.

Just Cause Termination

The company has company has a zero-tolerance policy for all acts which are deemed criminal in
nature. Violation of any of the following company rules is grounds for immediate termination:


 Due to the risk of serious injury and the safety sensitive nature of traffic control, the
company maintains a zero tolerance for impairment while on the job.
 This means that all workers are expected to report and remain fit for duty for scheduled
work and be able to perform assigned duties safely and acceptably without any
limitations including but not limited to the following:
 Use or after effect, (hangover) of alcohol, illicit drugs, non - prescription drugs,
recreational marijuana, prescribed medications - including medical marijuana, over the
counter medication, or any other subject that may impair judgment or performance.
 Lack of sleep
 Prescription for medical marijuana or any other medication that may cause impairment
does not entitle a worker to be impaired at work or compromise the safety or the safety
of others.
 The company has taken the position that the presence of illicit drugs and alcohol in the
workplace is not permitted. Any illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia found in the
workplace will be turned over to the appropriate authorities and may result in criminal
 To foster a healthy workplace and help ensure that you and your coworkers are safe, the
company has adopted a formal process for dealing with suspected impairment and
substance dependency.
 Supervisors on site (or local OH&S coordinator if you were working alone) are to identify
and handle all situations promptly where there are concerns about an individual's ability
to perform their jobs safely and effectively.
 Employees who are assessed and suspected to be impaired while at work will be sent
home immediately and transportation will be arranged.
 Local OH&S coordinator is responsible for documenting any incidents of suspected
 While not a requirement, if you are taking over the counter medication, you are
encouraged to let your supervisor on site (or OH&S coordinator if you are working alone)
know that there is a chance that you may experience drowsiness or other side effects
that may affect your performance.
 You are also encouraged to inform your supervisor (or OH&S coordinator) about any use
of medication or prescription drugs that may compromise their safety or the safety of
others or imperial performance.
 Employees will advise the OH&S coordinator whenever they have a concern about a
coworker's fitness to perform their duties. The director of operations will determine the
appropriate disciplinary action if necessary.
 The general manager will ensure an adherence to reporting dot requirements with the
appropriate licensing bodies.

If you are suspected of impairment, the following procedures will apply, wherever possible:

 If possible, the opinion of two individuals (this individual could be your supervisor and/
or customer) will be sought to corroborate the observation of your behavior and
suspicions of impairment.
 The safety coordinator will be called to the site.
 The safety coordinator will attempt to meet privately with you to discuss or substantiate
the suspicion.
 The safety coordinator along with the general manager will review the findings to deem
whether you are unfit for work and does not require further tests including a blood test
or breathalyzer are required.
 You will be sent home safely by taxi or by other means.
 If your impairment is such that there appears to be an immediate danger to your health,
the company will call an ambulance or get you to the nearest medical facility.
 You will not be permitted to operate a vehicle if you are suspected of impairment. If you
do not cooperate and insist on driving yourself home, the company will contact the
police authority.
 A meeting will be scheduled for the following day that will include you your union
representative, the Safety coordinator, and General Manager to determine appropriate
disciplinary measures.
 All forms of impairment in the workplace are serious and will result in disciplinary
measures up to an including immediate termination of your employment with Just

Employee Substance Dependency

Some of us may develop a dependency on certain drugs or alcohol, which may be defined as a
disease or disability under human rights legislation. In this situation:

 You are encouraged to communicate with your dependency or any previous dependency
to your dispatcher, OH&S coordinator So that you may be accommodated as
 Maintaining performance standards is a continued expectation and you are expected to
seek treatment as soon as you can. We will support you where we can but cannot do so
unless you seek treatment. The company reserves the right to require you to obtain
treatment from a rehabilitation program as a condition of the continuation of your
 If you are protected under human rights, the company may work with you to provide
accommodations such as making adjustments or modifications to your work or the work
environment, up to the point of undue hardship.
 Assistance is available for all employees through the Construction Industry
Rehabilitation Plan, which is a completely confidential resource.
 You will not be disciplined for asking for help relating to a dependency.
 All medical information relating to your condition will be confidential.


Employees must not steal from the company or clients including time theft and/ or damage
any company property. Falsifying timesheet information is a form of theft.

Employees found to be engaging in stuff will be subject to immediate dismissal.

Willful Damage of Company Property

Employees may be held liable for negligence or carelessness in the willful damage of company
property. This also may result in dismissal for just cause.

Prevention of Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment


Definition – Discrimination

Discrimination is defined as any form of unequal treatment based on protected grounds.

That results in disadvantage, whether imposing extra burdens or denying benefits period
it may be intentional or unintentional. It may involve direct actions that are
discriminatory on their face, or it may involve rules, practices or procedures that appear
neutral, but have the effect of disadvantaging certain groups of people. Discrimination
can be obvious, or it may occur in very subtle ways. Discrimination needs only to be one
factor among many factors in a decision or action for a finding of discrimination to be

Definition - Harassment and Workplace Harassment

Policy D3- 115-2 (“policy”)8 states:” bullying and harassment”

a) Include any inappropriate conduct or comment by a person towards a worker that the
person knew or reasonably ought to have known would cause that worker to be
humiliated or intimidated, but

b) Excludes any reasonable action taken by an employer or supervisor relating to the

management and direction of workers or the place of employment.


 Even if someone does not clearly object to harassing behavior, or if they appear to go
along with it, do not assume they have agreed to this behavior. It could still be
considered harassment.
 Always air on the side of caution. What one person finds offensive, another may not. It is
the perception of the receiver of any gesture or verbal message that may be deemed
objectionable or unwelcome that determines whether something is acceptable or not.
 While harassment is not specifically defined or mentioned in the BC human rights code,
it is implied that harassment based on protected grounds, including sexual harassment is
 Bullying and harassment as defined by WorkSafe BC policies

Examples of harassment could include:

 epithets remarks, jokes or innuendos related to protected grounds.

 Showing or circulating offensive pictures, graffiti or materials related Protected
Grounds, whether in print form or using email or other electronic means.
 Singling someone out for humiliating or demeaning “teasing” or jokes because of
protective grounds.
 Comments or ridiculing because of characteristics, dress, etc. That are related to
Protected Grounds.
Forms of sexual and gender- based harassment could include:

 Making an individual dress in a sexualized or gender specific way

 Gender related comments about a person's physical characteristics or mannerisms
 Suggestive or offensive remarks or any windows about members of specific gender
 Gender related verbal abuse, threats, or taunting.
 Making suggestive or offensive comments or hints about members of a specific
 Paternalistic comment or contact based on gender, which undermines a person's
self-respect or position of responsibility.
 Making unnecessary physical contact, including unwanted touching, etc.
 Making comments or treating some of badly because they do not conform with sex
role stereotypes.
 Making threats to penalize or otherwise punish.
 Propositions of physical intimacy
 Demanding hugs
 Invading personal space
 Leering or inappropriate staring
 Using sexual or gender related comment or conduct to bully someone.
 Using sex specific derogatory names
 Bragging about sexual prowess or questions or discussions about sexual activities
 Offensive jokes or comments of a sexual nature about a staff member or client
 Display of sexually offensive pictures, graffiti, or other materials, including through
electronic means.
 Showing or sending pornography sexual pictures or cartoons, sexually explicit
graffiti, or other sexual image s (including on-line).
 Demands for dates or sexual favors.
 Sexual jokes, including passing around written sexual jokes (for example, by email)
 Spreading sexual rumors including (on-line).
 Bragging about sexual prowess
 Asking questions or talking about sexual activities.

Workplace Bullying and Psychological Harassment.

 Workplace bullying and psychological harassment is defined as unwanted conduct,

comments, actions, or gestures that affected individual’s dignity, psychological or
physical health and well-being. Bullying and psychological harassment may result
from actions of 1 individual towards another, or from the behavior of a group.

 Bullying and psychological harassment are often characterized through insulting,

hurtful, hostile, vindictive, cruel, or malicious behaviors which undermine, disrupt,
or negatively impact another's ability to do their job and result in a harmful work
environment for staff.

 Bullying and psychological harassment can take many forms and may occur when the
behavior or conduct:

o Would reasonably tend to cause an offence, discomfort, humiliation or

embarrassment to another person or group.
o Has the purpose or effect of interfering with a person's work
o Create an intimidating, threatening, hostile or offensive work


Although there can be no exhaustive list, examples of behavior an impact that may signify bullying
or psychological harassment include, but are not limited to:

 Insulting or derogatory remarks, gestures, or actions

 credit rude, vulgar language or gestures.
 Malicious rumors, gossip, or negative innuendo.
 Verbal aggression and/ or verbal abuse
 shouting or yelling
 swearing or name calling
 glaring or staring
 outburst or displays of anger directed at others.
 Targeting an individual through persistent, unwarranted criticism
 public ridicule
 verbal, written or physical threats and intimidation.
 mobbing and/ or swarming
 misuse of power or authority
 isolation and/ or exclusion from work related activities

What Workplace Harassment Is not:

A reasonable action taken by the company or a manager relating to the management and direction
of staff or the workplace is not considered workplace harassment. Counseling, performance
reviews, work assignments, and implementation of disciplinary actions are not forms of workplace
harassment and do no do not restrict the managers responsibilities in these areas.


Harassment or discrimination will not be tolerated in the workplace. Period.

The company strives to create an inclusive workplace that is respectful and welcoming it with
diversity. In accordance with workplace rights set out under the BC human rights code and
WorkSafeBC policies, employees in the workplace have the right to the following:

 Freedom from harassment

 Equal treatment without discrimination.

Harassment and discrimination based on a protected ground against anyone in the workplace
(including the public and customers) will not be tolerated.

Decisions pertaining to all areas of work including recruitment, hiring, training, transfers,
terminations, layoffs, counseling, compensation, hours of work, benefits, and performance reviews
are based on job performance, merit, and qualifications. Our practice is one of honest evaluation of
everyone’s qualifications and business contributions.

 The company will provide you with the harassment and discrimination prevention
training so that you are clear about rolls, responsibilities, accountability, and the
information and procedures outlined in this policy.

 in accordance with WorkSafeBC policies, this policy will be reviewed annually, and
necessary adjustments will be made to ensure that it meets the needs of all employees.
 This policy is posted on the bulletin board.


Reporting & Investigating Discrimination or Bullying & Harassment


You are responsible for helping to enforce this policy and must make every reasonable effort in a
safe manner to prevent discrimination and/ or harassing behavior and report every incident of
harassment and/ or discrimination immediately - whether it was observed, happened to you
personally, or if the problem was reported to you. Harassment and discrimination should not be
ignored as silence can be and often is interpreted as acceptance.

Employees will not be demoted, dismissed, disciplined, or denied a promotion, advancement, or

employment opportunities because they rejected sexual advances or because they lodged a
complaint when they honestly believed they were being harassed or discriminated against.

Complaints should be made as soon as possible but no later than within one year of the last
incident of perceived harassment, unless there are circumstances that prevented the employee
from doing so.

Witnessing discrimination or bullying and harassment

if you are a coworker who is witnessed discrimination or harassment in the workplace:

 inform the affected person that you have witnessed what you believe to be
discrimination or harassment and that you find it unacceptable. Encourage the affected
person to report the incident as outlined in the procedures below. Reinforcement and
support often provide the affected person with courage to come forward. If the affected
person does not feel that discrimination or harassment has taken place, the incident is
considered closed.
 If you feel it is safe to do so, inform the alleged perpetrator (s0 that you have witnessed
the act(s) and you find it unacceptable.

Reporting Discrimination or Bullying & Harassment

if you feel you have been the subject of harassing or discriminatory treatment:

 You are encouraged to explain to the president who you feel is harassing or
discriminating against you (the respondent) that the conduct is unwelcome, but you are
not obligated to do so.
 If addressing the respondent is uncomfortable or could lead to an escalation of
harassment or discrimination, or to safety risks, you are not expected to directly interact
with that person. You should never feel obliged to address the respondents against your
better judgment.
 If the situation cannot be resolved by speaking to the respondent, you may make
complaint by speaking to a manager or your local OH&S coordinator in confidence if you
feel the situation still cannot be resolved, please contact your shop steward or local
union representative.
You, the respondent, and any witnesses are advised to create and keep written notes about the
events at issue, and to maintain any relevant written documentation. Where possible the complaint
should be made in writing, including details of:

o What happened - a description of the events or situation.

o One it happened - dates and times of the events or incidents.
o Where it happened - the exact location
o Who saw it happen - the names of any witnesses, if any?

 If necessary, you or the respondent will be placed on a paid leave of absence, moved to
a different location within the company, or provided with alternative reporting
relationships. The decision will be made on a case-by-case basis and will reflect the
principle that you will not be penalized for making the complaint.

Investigating discrimination or bullying and harassment

Once a written discrimination or harassment complaint has been received, the company will
appoint an internal or excellent investigator(investigator) and will investigate that it is appropriate
to the circumstances.

The investigator:

 Is responsible for ensuring a thorough, fair, and impartial investigation of the allegations
in the complaint.
 Will notify the respondent of the complaint and provide them with a copy of your
written complaint.
 Will interview you, the respondent in any relevant witness is suggested by you or the
respondent, as well as gather documents relevant to the matters in the complaint. All
staff are required to cooperate with the investigator.
 Will, wherever possible, completely investigation within 90 days of receiving the
 At the conclusion of the investigation, will prepare a written report summarizing the
allegations and the investigation results, animal 4th report to the management.
 Based on the findings of the investigators report, management will decide whether this
policy has been violated.
 If this policy is violated, the general manager will proceed as follows:
 Determine the appropriate consequences for the respondent who violated the policy.
These may include:

o An apology
o Counseling
o Education and training
o Verbal or written reprimand
o Suspension with pay
o Suspension without pay.
o Transfer
o Termination of employment, including immediate termination of
employment with Just Cause.

 In determining the appropriate consequences, consider the nature of the violation of the
policy, its severity, and whether the respondent has previously violated the policy.
 Were a violation of the policy is found, take any steps necessary to repair the effects of
the discrimination or harassment on you, and to prevent further recurrences of
discrimination or bullying and harassment in the company.
 Communicate the results of the investigation if required and any corrective actions to
you and the responded.


The company will do everything it can to protect the privacy of all individuals involved in a
discrimination or harassment complaint and to ensure that they are treated fairly and respectfully.

 Investigators and persons receiving complaints will comma to the extent possible
comma protect the confidentiality and privacy of persons involved in the complaint
comma subject to the requirements of Fair investigation comma resolution process
comma and the law period this includes limiting the discussion of are harassment
complaint to those that need-to-know.
 All documents related to a complaint comma including the written complaint comma
witness statements comma investigation notes and reports comma and documents
related to this client comma will be securely maintained by the business manager
comma separate from the staff files.
 Information gathered about an incident or complaint of harassment or discrimination
will not be disclosed unless necessary for the investigation or corrective action regarding
the incident.
 Information obtained about an incident or complaint of workplace harassment comma
including identifying information about any individuals involved comma will not be
disclosed unless a disclosure is necessary for investigating comma taking corrective
action comma or by law.
 The company and all individuals involved in the harassment, complaint process will
comply with all requirements of the BC Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) for
protection and personal information.

Your Rights

 You have a right to claim and enforce your right to a workplace free of harassment and
 You should not be negatively treated for bringing forward a complaint comma providing
information related to a complaint comma or helping to resolve a complaint.
 If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of a complaint, you will be reminded of your
rights under the BC Human Rights Code, and you may file a discrimination complaint
with the Canadian Human Rights Commission.

Fraudulent or Malicious Complaints

Unfounded or retaliatory allegations of misconduct outlined in this policy may cause both the
respondent and the company significant consequences.

If it is determined that you have knowingly made false statements or brought forward a false
complaint, immediate disciplinary action will be taken. As with any case of workplace

misconduct comma you will be subject to the disciplinary measures comma up to and
including a termination of your employment with just cause.


It is a violation of this policy to discipline or punish an individual because they brought forward a
complaint comma provided information related to a complaint or otherwise being involved in the
complaint resolution process period you will be protected against retaliation for reporting
harassment or cooperating with the harassment investigation.

A reprisal may be the subject of a separate complaint under this policy. If you engage in reprisal,
you will be subject to disciplinary measures, up to and including termination of your employment
with just cause.

Inquiries about this policy and related procedures can be made directly to the General Manager.

Element 6. Personal protective equipment.

The minimum.(PPE) Requirements are outlined in sections 5, 6, 18.9, 18.10, and 18.11 of the
occupations, Health and safety regulations. PPE will be selected based upon the following criteria:

 Choose PPE appropriate to the hazard.

 For hazardous materials, always check the safety data sheet and product labels to
determine personal protective equipment requirements.-
 Ensure PPE meets the requirements of the regulations. Ensure PPE is clean and in good

In those cases were Glenn traffic issues PPE that exceeds this minimum standard, It is
expected that all employees will wear their company issued PPE.

PPE will include the following:

1. CSA grade. One above the ankle steel toe work boots. Green triangle.(Sneakers.-Style.
Are not allowed.)
2. Company issued high visibility coveralls meeting:
a) the type one or type 2 criteria of WCB standard personal protective
Standard 2. 1997, high visibility garment, or.
b) The class two or three garment criteria of CSA standards Ed. 96, dash 02, high
visibility safety apparel., with a fluorescent background. Color:

3. Gloves.

4. Air plugs. - Supplied Upon request

5. Safety glasses.(when required.)

6. Approved respirator(see Glenn Traffic respirator protection program.) -Supplied when

required or upon request.

7. Hard hat: yellow.-Green high visibility color with a strip of retro reflective tape across
the top from bottom to back. And on the sides.

8. Wristbands.

9. Safety whistle.

10. Paddle.

11 Night./Light wand.

12. Radio

Hearing protection

our workers have the potential to exceed 85 decibels.(dBA ex), which requires some form of human
protection. Glen traffic supply Class C disposable earplugs for their employees would provide
protection to 105 decibels.

To properly insert disposable earplugs, roll and compressed end of the plug between your index,
and thumb. Reach across the top of the head and graft, the top of the ear and pulled upwards
gently, insert the plug and let go of the air.

Always use new earplugs each day, or if you want to reuse your earplugs, they must be washed in
warm water and soap and allowed to air dry.

When not in use., place earplugs in the container that came in.

Respiratory protection.

Glen Traffic is involved in the business of traffic control, which does not involve the use of
respiratory protection on our job sites. We Watsons dust may become a problem on windy days,
and therefore the company issues disposable single use respirators that are applicable for new US.
News is dust. Ted. 2. Nuisance dust is defined as dust that are five microns or larger and particulate
size and disposable N 95, high efficiency. Particular aerosol single use respirators provide adequate
protection against such dust. To wear the assass. Aspirator properly placed the respirator on the
face. Slip the elastic band over the. Had, tighten the bands by pulling firmly Anne with equal force
directly ahead of your face. To prevent distortion of the mask.

Please. Refer to Glen traffic respirator protection manual. For more complete information as of the
use. Care, maintenance and storage of respiratory protection.

Safety Glasses

It is company policy. PCPS always use eye protection when required. Company. Issued safety
glasses. R. Shatter resistant. For the safety glasses to protect you. They may must be. Snug against
your face, The bigger the gap, the more you're exposed to hazards coming in from a slight angle
from above or below. If you need to wear prescription eyeglasses, the company will issue you
safety glasses which will. Commodate prescription eyeglasses.

Night/Light Wands


The Workplace Hazardous Materials information system. WHIMIS

appendix D - Glen traffic solutions employee

Notice to reader

This employer manual(the manual should be read in conjunction with the companies occupational
health and safety manual available from your local company office.

The information contained in this document is strictly confidential for the sole use of the company
and company employees on understanding that will not be disclosed or distributed to third parties
without their express written consent of the company

This manual has been developed to provide company employees with a general summary of
company notices policies and procedures programs and play benefits and company expectations of
relation to job performance.

The manual is a working document and it is reviewed and updated as necessary. The company will
endeavor to announce content changes and any subsequent revisions for modification supersede
this manual. Is your responsibility as a company employee to read and familiarize yourself with the
material contained in the manual.

Table of Contents
Notice to reader 1
Our goals and values 2
Business ethics and transparency 3
Guiding principles for your success 4
Conditions of employment 5
Certification 6
Drivers license…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Mobile phone

Proficiency in English

Complying with policies in his manual

Your job

Traffic control governance

Probationary Period

Appearance and attire

Progressive discipline

Carrying your TCP certificate

Carrying a mobile phone

Scheduled time off

Communications with the company not the customer


I was at work

Traffic plans and toolbox (Tailgate) meetings.

Lane closure/ transportation truck division procedures

Contacting the company

Your pay benefits and deductions

Recording your hours

If the foremen won't sign your timesheet

Submitting your timesheets

Your safety

Occupational health and safety manual

Joint operation health and safety committee

Safety of others

Equipment site checks

Right to refuse unsafe work

Time off for best

Working alone or in isolation

Accidents and incidents

Return to work program

Communications with WorksafeBC

Company policies

Equal opportunity employer

Prevention of bullying harassment and discrimination

Prevention of workplace violence


Conduct policy's - requires employee sign off


About conduct policies

Read in conjunction with the definitions of formal terms

Signing off a conduct policy

Consequences of nonadherence to contact policies

Conduct policies

Code of conduct

No expectation of workplace privacy

After he was cornered

Adherence to the law and safety regulations

Impairment free workplace

Driving without a valid drivers license

Accidents without a valid drivers license

Personal use of your mobile phone

Personal phone messages


Treatment of the customer, public and coworkers

Encountering confrontation on the job

Riding with contractors

No fraternization


Non disparagement profanity

Profanity reporting violations

Definitions of formal terms used in this manual

Definition of misconduct

Definition of off duty misconduct

Definition of workplace harassment and bullying

Definition of workplace violence

Definition of discrimination appendix

Appendix a - conduct policies agreement

Our goals and values

The company:

 At glen traffic we value our employees, we are making every effort to create a safe and
enjoyable work environment by providing the tools guidelines training and support
required to achieve and maintain that goal.
 We value the relationships we have with our customers and are interested in further
developing them by soliciting feedback making adjustments where appropriate and
finding ways to secure future business opportunities with them
 Values it's it reputation as a provider of fast and dependable services and will do
everything in his power to protect enhance them
 Obeys the law and every attempt is made to obey existing municipal provincial and
federal laws and regulations
 Is committed to the highest of ethical standards and all of his business dealings and
honors its word and undertakings and respects the same of those who deal with us

We are excited about the future and the many possibilities that lie ahead as our company grows.

Business ethics and transparency

We are committed to maintaining the high standards of integrity and corporate governance
practices in order to maintain excellence in our daily operations. Glen traffic will conduct his
business in an open honest and ethical manner and we expect our employees to deal with
everyone in a fair and open manner and to conform to the spirit and intent and with all laws
regulations and rules that govern us.

Our approach to business ethics is guided by our code of ethics supported by our anti corruption
policy and has provisions for conflicts of interest.

Guiding principles for your exercise

 Work as a team
 Quality equals success Adair to the company's high standards and by providing and
maintaining excellent customer service communication and personal pride.
 Stand by the Co defendant protected promote it and be proud of it just as he wouldn't
you bought the company to stand by you
 Be courteous pleasant sincere and helpful” please” and” thank you” go along way
 Everyone has bad days don't bring you're home to work and don't take your work home
 Being positive is contagious
 Smile whether your position is in the front office were on the road smiling makes
everyone feel better
 Communication is key to any successful relationship
 Follow all applicable laws rules and regulations at all times maintain a positive attitude
and sense of humor although difficult as it may seem at times keeping her cool and
maintaining composure are signs of a true professional

 Your future starts today your commitment to the company today will reward you in the
future through job satisfaction increased its responsibilities and wages

Conditions of employment


It is your responsibility to ensure that your TCP certificate remains current during your employment
with the company

Other certificates including first aid post training and women need to be kept current and updated
as necessary the union may reimburse a portion of the or the entire cost upon successful
completion of training courses for reimbursement please contact your union representative before
enrolling in any course

Drivers license

You must have a valid BC who drivers license and it must be presented to your local office
coordinator who will review the Lane closure procedures with you prior to driving a company
vehicle. Abstracts are available free of charge from ICBC abstracts must be updated it and resubmit
it to your local company office every six months in prison or by fax or email.

You must report any changes to the status of your drivers license to your local office coordinator

Also refer to the section accidents without a drivers license

Mobile phone

You must have a mobile device that can make and receive phone calls as well as take a photo a
mobile phone is mandatory because it's used for communication with dispatch your personal safety
Anne for taking a photo of your timesheet slip for payroll

Proficiency in English

You're required to understand read and write English you're expected to be able to speak English in
a manner that can be understood clear and concise communication on the job is essential for the
public and worker safety

Complying with policies in this manual

You are expected to support the company and your fellow workers by being familiar and complying
with the policies and procedures in this manual and all other company safety and procedural
documentation provided to you

Your job

Traffic controls demanding an important career that comes with responsibility for the safety of
workers and the public the work is interesting and meaningful an after you gain some experience
there's opportunity for advancement and an increase in wages.

You're part of a team as responsibility to ensure that you are productive and engaged part of that
team the company is behind you and there to support you. In exchange you're expected to support
the company and your fellow workers by being familiar and complying with his manual and all other
safety and procedural documentation provided to you.

Traffic control governance

The workers compensation act known as the “act". And the regulations passed pursuant to the act
known as the regs or regulations govern the requirements and basis of traffic control

Section 18.1 and section 18.2 of the regulations state;

18.1 definitions

“traffic control” means the use of signs, flashing arrow boards same boards buffer or shadow
vehicles, barricades,, cones, barriers, detours, traffic lights, traffic control prisons(TCP’s), and other
techniques and devices to manage the flow of traffic.

Traffic control person or TCP means any person designated or assigned by the employer to direct

Extracted by PC Reg 242 2006 effective January 1st 2007

18.2 responsibility

The employer must ensure that effective traffic control is provided and used whenever traffic could
be hazardous to a worker

Enacted by BC Reg 242/ 206 effective January 1st, 2007.

The presence of TCPS is required by law when work is being conducted on a roadway

The rules governing traffic control are found in several statutes regulations and manuals the main
publications are;

 WorkSafeBC BC occupational health and safety regulations

Part 18 ” traffic control”
 Moth traffic control manual for work on roadways
 Motor vehicle act

These statues regulations and manuals are discussed throughout the BCCS a traffic control course
the HS manual references various publications bulletins and materials affecting traffic control. You
are strongly urged to take advantage of this resource and learn more about your profession and
safety requirements.

Provisionary Period

A probationary period is used for new hires to provide a reasonable timeline and an opportunity for
the company to assess whether there is a good fit between you and your new job at the same time
it allows you to evaluate the job in the workplace to determine suitability.

Time relating to training and assessment may be reviewed or waived if you are an experienced
traffic control person. In this case their suitability will still be assessed for conduct quality of work
and ability to work effectively with others during their probationary period.

Appearance and attire

Your expected address in the uniforms provided by Glen traffic

Blue are some general appearance an entire rules

 Keep your gear clean.

 In the summer you may resort to lighter clothing such as mesh pants to prevent the
visual heat stress
 You expected to wear sleeved shirts so the issue's are covered (no muscle shirts bathing
suits halter top tank or two tops)
 You're expected to refrain from wearing low cut tops
 Your uniform must be clean and the reflective markings must be in good condition clean
uniforms don't only protect a professional appearance but they also ensuring your
visible when on the job site
 Wearing jewelry can be hazardous around construction equipment and has the potential
to restrict movement get entangled or caught and result in injury. Rings and Necklaces
are particularly dangerous and it is strongly recommended that you don't wear them at
 It is recommended that your hair is tide back and not interfere with the display of
reflective markings letters uniform
 Hard hats must prominently display the company sticker no other stickers are allowed
except for ongoing site orientation stickers and union stickers

Progressive discipline

There are times when inappropriate conduct or poor performance will result in disciplinary
measures where the goal isn't to punish you but rather to provide you with an opportunity for

Conduct or performance issues that may result in disciplinary action include but are not limited to:

 Attendance tardiness and frequent absences.

 Safety violations.
 Inappropriate behaviors, inappropriate attire.
 Customer complaints or complaints from the public
 Non-adherence to Conduct Policies note the serious offenses of Conduct Policies may
result in immediate termination of your employment will not result in progressive
discipline process.

Progressive discipline includes the following elements:

1. Level 1: Verbal Warning

This disciplinary action is usually issued by a supervisor or health and safety staff, for
minor infractions of company policies or procedures.
2. Level 2: Verbal warning or written Warning
This disciplinary action is used for repeated violations and/ or a major infraction of
company policies or procedures.
3. Level 3: Written Warning
This discipline action is used for repeated violations, failure to comply with the directive
from management, a serious health and safety infraction or a vehicle/ equipment
4. Level 4: Suspension or Termination
This disciplinary action is used for infractions of a serious nature insubordination
repeated violations of the same Company policy or procedure, repeated disregard of
directives, equipment, or property damage, and may include serious infractions o of
company policies and procedures.

An employee discipline form is completed for written warnings and copied to you and your
employee file

Carrying your TCP certificate

Your current TCP certificate must be create at all times while working and presented it to work safe
BC site check stuff or your job foreman when requested

Carrying your mobile phone

You must carry your mobile phone with you at all times.

Scheduled time off

You're expected to provide a minimum of two weeks written notice to your dispatch to request
time off. The company will do its best to accommodate time off requests however granting time off
may not always be possible if there are multiple requests and/ or a heavy demand for traffic control
services you're asked to submit your time off request as early as possible says time off is granted on
her first come- first serve basis


If you're become ill and are unable to work you're expected to inform dispatch a minimum of two
hours before you start time if you do not notify dispatch as simply do not show up for your shift
without suitable explanation it will be deemed an unexcused absence and he will lead to
disciplinary action.

Communication with the company- not the customer

You're expected to communicate only with dispatch relating to employment issues and scheduling
and absences except to inform the customer any work related matters at the job site. It's important
to remember that your employer is the company and not the customer.


Dispatch is the engine of the company's business the key to our success and your primary point of
contact you're asked to appreciate that dispatch is a difficult and demanding job and one that often
doesn't have a lot of flexibility in when and where you are asked to work when determining your
work schedule jobsite dispatchers are often confined to limitations by our customers request and
their place on the seniority list.


1 New, young inexperienced TCP’s may from time to time be trained and mentored biting
to senior TCP's in this case Seniority may not apply but the circumstance will be temporary.

Should a customer request a certain employee based on safety concerns and or

experience to company will grant that request

Should the same job continue the following day dispatch we grant a callback at its
discretion unless the employee is specifically asked by the contractor to come back

Dispatching emergency and ASAP calls are based on the following

 Geographical location
 Seniority
 Experience
 Time frame

Self dispatching is not allowed

This battle managed in office locations generally between 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Monday to Friday
excluding statutory holiday must be but may vary based on office location

If an emergency occurs at anytime such as an accident or injury which requires medical attention
call 911 and reported to dispatch immediately

Contact dispatch if the customer crew has not arrived at the job say it 15 minutes after your
scheduled start time the job may be cancelled or relocated.

Contact text dispatch every day at the end of your shift report the following:

 The job is completed and you not call back

 The job is ongoing and have been requested to return the next day as a callback
informed dispatch the location in which worked will take place
 Your availability or non availability for the weekend

Dave dispatch

1.if you're not dispatching the evening due to shortage of available job or any other circumstances
you will automatically be put in the morning to Dispatch list.

2. Unassigned TCP's must be available by phone or work during on call hours Monday to Friday you
will be given this information during orientation if you need further clarification call your local

When dispatched in the morning we are expected to arrive on the job at a reasonable time as
discussed with you by dispatch if you're unable to arrive on safer that time you'll need to inform

If you arrive on the job site and the customer crew has not arrived wait 10 to 15 minutes before
calling dispatch

Weekend / statutory holiday dispatch

1. Dispatching for Saturday Sunday instead St Holidays will generally take place every Friday
afternoon. You may also be dispatch during weekend statutory Holidays as work comes in

2. This special will be done by seniority and geographic location however you must inform dispatch
availability for weekend statutory holiday shifts by noon on Thursday.

You're asked to avoid calling dispatch between the hours of 9:00 PM and 9:00 AM and less it's an
emergency or your shift starts before 7:00 AM

Hours of work

The hours you work will vary and may be dependent on the job location and the job itself.

Traffic plans and toolbox (tailgate) MEETINGS

Travel plans and toolbox medium records forms are required by WorkSafeBC and are both to be
completed before starting work completing the document is critical to demonstrate that you have
spent time assessing the hazards on your jobs your site and how you reduce them.

All employees are issued a sketchbook by the office you will be shown how to document the traffic
plan and toolbox being record during orientation.

Toolbox meeting record form

The toolbox meeting record form includes a hazard assessment session that must be completed
every day prior to any work taking place.

5. If you're working on a job that has a traffic management plan you're only required to
complete a toolbox making record and hazard assessment you not required to complete
a sketch.

The traffic control manual work on roadways list’s several diagrams for short duration long duration
and freeway work. You can record the diagram number, or you can sketch your own diagram. Either
way a traffic drawing or sighting of ministry of transportation infrastructure (MoTI) diagram is
mandatory. Make sure to note any changes you make to the standard (MoTI) diagram.

If you're working on an ongoing job with the same setup each day you may reference your diagram
for the first day of all for all subsequent days under traffic plan number on your diagram in this case
you are still required to complete toolbox meeting record at hazard assessment for each day on the
job site.


When you're on the job site including the long term ongoing projects you must complete the
toolbox meeting record from every day and note any changes to the travel fund

Even if the crew holds tailgate meeting and you participate in that meeting you must complete your
toolbox meeting record form and has an assessment session.

If the foreman or crew doesn't participate in the tailgate meeting note their absence in the toolbox
media record form and conduct the meeting with the other TCP downside if you're the only TCP
working onsite you're still required to fill out your work tool box meeting request for keep the
sketchbook open on the dashboard of your vehicle and make sure that all TCP's on the site drop site
know where it's located

If you are the only TCP working on the site you still required to fill up the toolbox meeting record

The company's health and safety officers and WorkSafeBC officers may ask to review the traffic
planning toolbox be records for your job site failure to produce completed records will result in
disciplinary action

Once the entire sketchbook is filled out return it to your local office and ensure that nothing is
removed including any of the plans

Please consult your OH&S manual for more details about traffic plans and toolbox meetings if you
need more clarification please ask.

Lane closure/ transportation truck division procedures

You are reminded that you're representing the company when driving a company vehicle

The following procedures must be followed by the Lane closure technicians

6. Remember 0 tolerance for impairment while on the job

7. Never leave the truck running intended
8. Trusted not to be used for flagging jobs

No reckless or dangerous driving all traffic laws are to be obeyed always drive the speed limit N
don't use handheld devices

Be courteous

Signal when changing lanes

Never cut off another vehicle

Never display anger road rage or rude gestures

Remember anyone driving next to or behind you may be a customer partner or someone you
associated with the company. Being rude reckless or aggressive results in negative advertising for
the company people won't easily forget one of our people displays unacceptable behavior on the
road which ultimately could result in loss of business and less work for everyone.

If there are complaints regarding your driving your position in the truck division will be re evaluated

When moving your truck walk around it and check the following beforehand

Nothing is left on the side rails in the truck box

Sign cages are locked

Equipment and Nets are secure

Tailgate is shot

There are no obstructions behind the truck that you could run into

Your FAB is down and lights and strobe lights are off

Equipment on your truck must be stored in orderly and secure manner so that no objects can fall
out while your truck is moving

Always be aware of your height restrictions

Do not go under any bear lower than 11 feet 6 inches

Beware of tree branches that extend beyond the road

Be aware of the clearance of your mirrors and rotator lights while working on a narrow Rd it may be
necessary to fold your mirrors inward to prevent damage

Do not drive your truck in reverse on any road at anytime if you must back out of a parking stall
walk around the truck first to ensure nothing is behind you and honk your horn twice before

Company trucks are only insured for business use and they are to be used for work purposes only

Only company employees can drive a ride in company vehicles

Unauthorized drivers or passengers are not allowed in the company vehicle this includes family
members friends contractors or anyone who is not a company employee

Running personal errands while driving a company truck is not allowed

Smoking is not allowed on any company vehicle including while hanging your arm out the window
with a cigarette in hand the truck is considered a workspace and under WorkSafeBC regulations no
one can smoke in a workspace

Maintain your company truck it's essential that all vehicles are maintained and properly checked by
authorized mechanics any truck that suffers damage because of neglect will be the responsibility of
the driver who neglected it

You are pre authorized to proceed with oil changes and per planishing through windshield fluid only
oil and windshield fluids can be purchased forget with your gas card always read the label before
putting any food in the truck all other repairs are made it's must be pre approved by your fleet

Check the oil level once a week and top it up when needed

Check your aero board weekly make sure though bolts are tight and the lights work in that there is
no damage if you're not comfortable climbing around the truck you're welcome to bring it into your
local office for inspection

Ensure that your truck is kept clean inside and out the appearance of your truck could influence our
customers and the public perception of the company as well as your skills

It's particularly important that truck is kept clean during the rainy and snow season during salt
buildup and can be drained damaging washer truck regularly as soon as it becomes dirty even
though you may become dirty almost immediately after washing it

Aero board lights are to be kept clean

Insure your signs, keep a rag in the truck for this purpose clean signs increased visibility and make
safer working conditions.

Anti idling

All municipalities in BC have an anti idling bylaw. The company is committed to providing a safe and
healthy environment for all turning off a vehicle is a simple and cost effective way to reduce noise
in greenhouse gas emissions protect everyone's health and extend engine life. Keep in mind that
every gallon of gas you use produces about 19 pounds of carbon dioxide, which is a significant
contributor to climate change an idling engine also produces twice as many exhausted missions as
an engine in motion. Turn off vehicle engines(not idle) with the vehicle will be stopped from
weather 30 seconds except when in traffic. 30 seconds of idling can use more fuel than turning off
the engine and restarting it

I look at a company vehicle wall unattended and unlocked is not permitted

Do not leave the hazard lights on when the truck is not running as well this will drain the battery.
The lights on the FAB are connected to a different battery an will not prevent the truck from

Do not leave your gas card or personal property in the unattended vehicle even locked vehicles are
broken into

If you're in an accident

Report any accident or damage caused to your truck to your fleet manager or dispatch

Get all relevant information from the other driver including drivers license number vehicle plate
number drivers name address phone number registration number of vehicle

If possible take as many pictures as you can of the accident seeing damage to all vehicles involved
in the accident

Document events leading up to the accident the accident itself and injuries if any before leaving the
scene of the accident make sure your truck is safe to drive call ICBC dollar claim 1-800-910-4222
and set up an appointment with them to inspect the truck send all documentation and pictures as
well as I see claim number to your local office as soon as possible

Report any traffic tickets here fleet manager or dispatch

A truck inventory sheet must be filled out monthly trip sheets must be filled out daily and
submitted to the office at the end of the month with her timesheets in gas receipts marked with the
drivers name and truck number when requested you are required to produce your drivers license
abstract license drive is responsible for any damage done to the truck because of negligence

Contacting the company

Your main contact is dispatch

Your pay benefits and deductions

Error in pay

Every precaution is taken to ensure that you are paid accurately. However errors can sometimes
happen if you believe that error has been made on your pay you must notify payroll by email within
seven days from the original pay date. Please include a detailed explanation along with a copy of
the relevant time sheets if an error has been made the company will make every attempt to adjust
the error to your next pay period.

Time sheets

Recording your hours

Your hours are recorded on time she supplied by the company both invoices to the customer and
your pay are generated from these timesheets.

You're expected to understand the timesheet requirements, complete them accurately have them
signed by the customers format and submit them for each shift work failure to fill out timesheet
correctly may result in delayed payment.

She is accepted in a scientist by the format and they have been given a copy he won't be able to
change the time for yourself if a mistake has been made you must return to the formative change
the timesheet and acquire their signature next to the adjustment.

Timesheet accuracy is essential if you have questions about filling them out please ask your local
office coordinator detailed instructions for completing timesheets are also available in appendix a.

If the former won't sign in timesheet

If a former will not sign your timesheet politely inquire why an attempt to resolve the problem. If
no resolution can be made contact especially explain the situation give the form in their copy of the
timesheet and when you submit it to the office include an explanation about why it is not signed.

Submit your timesheets

It is essential that you submit your timesheet by the cutoff date only in exceptional circumstances
can a timesheet be submitted later than the cutoff date and in such cases within 14 days of the
work represented on the timesheet.

Your safety

The primary role of a traffic control person in a work zone is to ensure that most safety of workers
pedestrians the traveling public and equipment. The use of TCP's is required and governed by law
as is their positioning, personal safety gear, job site setup and standardized signals. You're expected
to understand and abide by these requirements.

Occupational health and safety manual

The company has prepared an occupational health and safety manual which are expected to read
as a condition of employment this employee manual governs how the company functions and the
occupational health and safety manual governs safety

Joint occupation health the safety committee

Brokers compensation act requires that the company maintain a joint occupational health and
safety committee and that whole regular meetings and post minutes our committee meets monthly
in the minutes are emailed to all employees and or posted in your local office your allow always
welcome to join the meetings to voice your opinions and concerns or you may contact any
committee member to have your concern raised next meeting.

Safety of others

The CCP's function exists and protect others that requires constant vigilance. The company's
mandate is to emphasize training and safety and you're required to participate in ongoing safety
programs. If your actions endanger coworkers customers workers or the public disagreeing action
will be taken up to and including termination of your employment


Minimum standards for PPE are set out and work safe BC guidelines and compliance with those
regulations of the strike condition of your employment no leeway will be allowed and it is a legal
requirement and a safety issue

The company requirements go further than WorkSafeBC guidelines every employee will go over
these requirements during orientation and must comply with them you must wear your PPE.

Equipment at all times that includes high visibility hardhat high visibility coveralls high visibility arm
bands safety glasses and steel toed WCB approved safety boots

In addition to your PPE you're responsible for any equipment provided by you by the company this
may include but is not limited to


Flashlight/Night Wand


Time books and sketchbooks

Good morning signs and stands

Lane closure equipment

You're responsible for any equipment provided to you if equipment is lost damaged or not returned
you will be charged for it. If you're from unfamiliar with any piece of equipment you are
encouraged to ask a supervisor for clarification assistance. Training for equipment used is available
at anytime.

Site checks

The company oh HS coordinator/ supervisor will perform random site checks to ensure a safe and
professional work site as will the field supervisor undo ensure that your daring to all safety
regulations and work safe work practices. The OHS coordinator/ supervisor the field supervisor will
document all findings or report back to your local office.

Right to refuse unsafe work

If you arrive at a job site and are concerned about the setup is not safe or not in compliance with
the multi manual or WorkSafeBC regulations you're expected to take the following steps:

1. Respectfully take the matter up with the foreman

2. If the foreman/customer is unwilling to or unable to rectify the situation contact

dispatch and report the situation dispatch will advise you of your next step and an OHS
coordinator supervisor will arrive to inspect the site.

Remember that you have a duty to refuse unsafe work. If you feel a job site is too dangerous and
the hazards identified cannot be mitigated, then section 3.12 of the OHS regulations requires that
you refuse work.

You are encouraged to refer to this section and to the Company OH&S Manual to understand your
rights and the processes.


Occasionally projects are secured which may require some employees to work extraordinary hours
and shifts. The company will try to provide time off whenever your hours exceed 48 hours per week
or if your shift exceeds five days in a row. If you're asked to work these hours or shifts you'll be
asked for your agreement to be dispatched for the number I was required.

No one play will be disciplined or denied work for refusing to work more than their regular
workweek shifts. Employees requesting time off will be accommodated by relief employees Ann will
return to the scheduled job site after the time off.

Working alone or in isolation

Under the occupational health and safety regulation working alone or in isolation means” to work
in circumstances where assistance would not be readily available to the worker”

It is uncommon that an employee will work alone or in isolation although there may be situations
where the following procedures apply

Female workers will not be dispatched to work alone or on job sites in the evening or early morning

If you find yourself working out of sight or alone you're expected to establish delete communication
with dispatch or fellow workers ensure considerations are made if working in an area with limited
cell phone connectivity.

IE walkie talkies radios cell phone

You're expected to contact dispatch at the end of the worship to confirm that you're leaving the

For further information I'm working alone and isolated from please see the HNS manual

Accidents and incidents

Important procedures leading to accidents and incidents are outlined in your occupational health
and safety manual all incidents are to be reported to dispatch and OHS staff as soon as possible


The company is committed to the promotion of a safe and healthy working environment, including
a commitment to return an injured worker to work in an early and safe manner. Our minimal
objective is to eliminate all unsafe acts of working conditions, practices, and attitudes to ensure an
ongoing basis that these goals are reviewed and maintain. Preventing work related illness an injury
is one of our primary goals.

The company the is committed to cooperating with all employees who have been injured at work
and will provide the necessary support and resource(s) for an early and safe return to work. The
company will provide a modified work program to any of our injured employees until they are able
to return to their pre accident job, wherever possible. In fulfilling the commitment to an early and
safe return to work, the company will provide modified work to fit the injured workers functional
abilities, work with health care practitioners, the union WorkSafeBC.

For more information on a return-to-work program refer to the OH&S Manual


All employees like any other citizen are at liberty to communicate with WorkSafeBC on any issue
related to health and safety in the workplace. However, company policy- supported by WorkSafeBC
is that any such communication be directed to the company 1st so that issues raised may be


The objective of this throughout this manual is to provide clarity and understanding of the
company's policies and assure fairness equitable treatment of all employees and its
implementation throughout the company. Policies applied all employees, except where policy is
clearly state limitation of scope and flexibility. We accept backed all employees to follow these
policies; Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action as at one in the discipline section.

Equal opportunity employer

The company is an equal opportunity employer and provide prides itself on creating an
employment environment that values cultural diversity encourages the growth common
development coma and contribution of all people. The company is dedicated to ensuring the fair
employment practices for everyone, as well as fair treatment of all drop applicants.

Prevention of discrimination bullying and harassment

Discrimination or harassment will not be tolerated in the workplace. Period.

The company strives to create an inclusive workplace as respectful and welcoming of diversity in
accordance with workplace rights set out under the BC Human Rights Code and WorkSafeBC
Policies employees at work have the right to:

 Freedom from harassment

 Equal treatment without discrimination

Discrimination against anyone based on a protective ground and harassment will not be tolerated.


Reporting and investigating discrimination or harassment


You are responsible for helping to enforce this policy and must make every reasonable effort in a
safe manner to prevent discrimination and or harassing behavior, and report every incident
immediately whether it was observed, happened to you personally or if the problem was reported
to you. Harassing and Discrimination should not be ignored as silence can be, and often is,
interpreted as acceptance.

Employees will not be disciplined because they rejected ****** advances or because they lodged a
complaint when they honestly believe that there were being harassed or discriminated against.

Once a written complaint relating to reporting discrimination or harassment has been received the
company will complete a thorough investigation.

Witnessing Harassment and/or Discrimination

If you are a coworker who's witnessed discrimination and harassment in the workplace inform the
affected person that you witnessed what you believe to be discrimination or harassment and that
you might find it unacceptable. Encourage the affected person to report the incident as outlined in
the procedures below. Reinforcement and support often provide the affected person with courage
to come forward. If the affected person does not feel that discrimination or harassment has taken
place the incident is considered closed.

If you feel it is safe to do so inform the alleged perpetrator(s) that you have witnessed the app(s) an
find it unacceptable

Reporting harassment or discrimination

If you feel you have been the subject of harassing or discriminatory treatment.

a) you're encouraged to explain to the person who you feel is harassing or discriminating
against you(the Respondent) that the conduct is unwelcome, but you're not obliged to
do so.
b) if addressing the respondent is uncomfortable or could lead to an escalation of the
harassment or discrimination, or to safety risk, you're not expected to directly interact
with that person

You should never feel obliged to address the respondent against your better judgement. If the
situation can't be resolved by speaking to the respondent you may make a complaint by speaking to
your manager or shop steward. You the respondent in any witnesses or advisor create and keep
written notes about the events at issue as to maintain any relevant written documentation

. Where possible the complaint should be made in writing including details of

What happened- a description of the events or situation one it happened dates and times of the
events or incidents

Where it happened the exact location

Who saw it happened the name of any witness is if any.

It may be necessary to limit contact between you and the respondent in this case the company will
ensure that you are not dispatcher location which will put you in contact with responded to the
extent possible print the decision will be made on a case by case basis and will reflect the principle
that you will not be praying align for making the complaint.

Investigating discrimination or harassment

Well once you've written discrimination or harassment complaint has been received the company
will conduct an investigation that's appropriate to the circumstances.

One depending on the complaint the person receiving the complaint will be appointed an advisor
mediator or internal or external investigator (investigator)
The investigator:

a) Is responsible for ensuring a thorough fair and impartial investigation of the allegations
in the complaint.
b) Will notify the respondent of the complaint and provide them with a copy of your
written complaint.
c) Will interview the respondent and any relevant when it says suggested by you or the
respondent as well as gather documents relevant to the matters in the complaint all
employees are required to cooperate with the investigator.
d) Will wherever possible completely investigation within 90 days of receiving the
e) Once the investigation is concluded we will prepare a written report summarizing the
allegations and the investigation results, I will forward the report to the company

Based on the findings in the investigators report, management will determine whether this policy
has been violated.

If this policy is violated, management will proceed as follows:

1. Determine the appropriate consequences, for the respondent who violated the policy
taking into account, whether the respondent is an employee or staff member of the
company. These may include:
 An apology
 Counseling
 Education and training
 Verbal or written reprimand
 Suspension without pay.
 Transfer
 Termination of employment

Discussions with the respondent’s employer about appropriate consequences

B in determining the appropriate consequences, management will consider the nature of the
violation of the policy, its severity, and whether the respondent had previously violated the policy.

See where a violation of the policy is found and to the extent possible, take any steps necessary to
repair the effects of the discrimination or harassment against you, and to prevent further
recurrences of harassment or discrimination in the company.

The communicate the results of the investigation and any corrective actions to you and the
respondent if required.


The company will do everything it can to protect the privacy of all individuals involved in a
discrimination or harassment complaint and to ensure they are treated fairly and respectfully
. Investigators and presidents were seeing the planes will to the extent possible protect the
confidentiality and privacy of persons involved in a complaint subject to the requirements of a fair
investigation, resolution process and the law.

All documents related to the complaint including with a written complaint witness statements
investigation notes or reports at, and documents related to the complaint, will be securely
maintained by HR.

Information gathered about incident or complaint or harassment are discrimination won't be

disclosed unless necessary for the investigation or corrective action regarding the incident.

Information obtained about an act incident or complaint of workplace harassment including

identifying information about any individuals, won't be disclosed and less of disclosure is disclosure
is necessary for investigating taking a corrective action, or by law.

Your rights

You have a right to claim and enforce your right to work in an environment free of harassment and

You shouldn't be negatively treated for bringing forward a complaint, providing information related
to a complaint, or helping them to resolve a complaint.

If they are dissatisfied with the outcome of a complaint, you'll be reminded of your rights under the
BC human rights code.

Yep fraudulent or miss malicious complaints

Unfounded or retaliatory allegations of misconduct outlined in this policy may cause both
respondent and the company significant consequences.

If it is determined that you have knowingly made false statements or brought forward a false
complaint, immediate disciplinary action will be taken. You will be subject to disciplinary measures,
up to and including immediate termination of your employment.


It is a violation of this policy to discipline or punishment individual because they've brought forward
a complaint, provided information related to complaint, or otherwise being involved in the
complaint with his illusion process.

A reprisal may be subject of a separate complaint under this policy. If you engage in reprisal you will
be the subject of disciplinary measures up to and including termination of your employment.

Prevention of workplace violence

Unfortunately, workplace violence can happen. When it does, is not pretty. Let's all do what we can
to help prevent it.

The company is committed to providing him maintaining and safe productive and healthy
workplace and doesn't condone or tolerate acts of violence, imitation, or bullying against anyone..

Here's what you need to know:

Workplace violence is strictly prohibited.

Weapons are strictly prohibited in the workplace under any circumstances. Any violation will be
reported to the authorities immediately.

You're personally accountable responsible for enforcing this policy and where appropriate must
make every effort to prevent intimidation or bullying and report to workplace violence.

In accordance with the Rose APC, if you encounter unsafe working conditions or a situation
presents a serious safety concern you have the right to refuse any work that you believe to be




1. The company will perform an annual risk assessment to identify any risk of workplace

2. The company who will assess the workplace to identify any risks related to sub potential
violence and will implement measures to mitigate any identified risk employee safety.
This information will be provided to the joint occupational health and safety committee
or health and safety representative.

The company will communicate information relating to a person with a history of violence when
the following conditions apply:

1. An employee may reasonably be expected to encounter the person in the


2. there is potential risk of violence as a result of interactions with a person with

a history of violence.

Under those conditions the company will only disclose personal information that they deem
necessary to protect players from harm.


1. in cases where worthless wants or a threat to workplace violence has occurred and
there is no immediate danger reporting

2. If you would as any threat of workplace violence or violent conduct remove yourself
from harm and immediately call 911

3. f you have a legal court order against an individual you are encouraged to share that
information with the HR Manager in the Richmond head office so that the company is
aware of any potential aggressor who may violate a court order and attempt to contact
or harm you at work.


1. all reported acts of Workplace Violence will be investigated.

2. Consultation with external parties including but not limited to legal counsel on the
authorities may occur.

3. All reasonable measures to reduce the risk identified by the incident will be taken.

4. The incident investigation, and corrective actions will be documented.

5. The police and any other authorities or necessary third party may assist in any criminal

6. If you're both found to engaged in workplace violence, appropriate consequences will be

determined which may include:

a) Suspension without pay.

b) Termination of your employment including immediate termination of your


1. The joint health and safety committee or health and safety representative will:

a) Provide recommendations to management to reduce or eliminate the risk of workplace


b) Review all reports forward to the joint health and safety committee regarding workplace
violence another incident reports as appropriate pertaining to incidents of workplace files
that result in personal injury or threat of personal injury property damage or involvement
of the authorities.

c) Participate in the investigation of critical injuries example incidents that place life in
jeopardy result in substantial blood loss of fracture of leg arm etcetera.

d) Recommend corrective measures for the improvement of the health and safety of workers
print report respond to employee concerns related to workplace violence and
communicate these to management team.


Unfounded or retaliatory allegations of workplace violence outlining his policy may result in
significant consequences to both the accused of the company.

If it is determined that you have knowingly made false statements or falsely reported an act or
threat of workplace violence, immediate disciplinary action will be taken up to and including
immediate termination of your employment.


It is a violation of this policy to discipline or punishment individual because they reported an act or
threat of workplace violence or provide information related to the act or threat.

A reprisal may be a subject of separate complaint against under this policy. If you engage in reprisal,
you will be subject to disciplinary measures up to and including immediate termination of your


During your tenure with the company, we collect youth and may disclose your personal information
for the purpose of payroll benefit and employment administration.

Co precautions

We recognize and respect your right to privacy period to maintain this right the company will:

a) Only collect private information that is required for business HR, tax and legal purposes
and the reason for collection will be disclosed to you. Your private information will not
be used for any other purpose.

Take all reasonable precautions to insure that collected information is held securely in protected
from disclosure.

Not release any sensitive personal information to outside sources without your written approval
unless legally required to do so. Access to your personal records by third parties, including law
enforcement and other government agencies, is only provided pursuant to statutory authority such
as court order for subpoena.

Not without your written permission provide reference information about you beyond verifying
days of your employment or last position help with your permission will provide additional
reference information concerning your general working habits, reason for the end of your

employment, attendance record, salary verification, performance and whether the company would
re hire you.

Provide access to you to review your personal information if you request it.

Destroy personal information when it is no longer required in accordance with the law.


The company may use your personal information without your consent under certain
circumstances. These situations that may include:

 The companies under obligation by logic disclose personal information to a dare to the
requirements of an investigation.

 An emergency exists that threatens an individual's life, health, or personal security.

 The personal information is for in-house annoying anonymous statistical study or


 The personal information is already in publicly available.

 Disclosure is required to investigate a breach of contract.


Occupational Health & Safety Manual

Element 14 - Joint Health and Safety Community Safety Representative

The company has created a joint occupational health and safety committee pursuant to the statute
regulatory guidelines. the review and updating of this manual are one of their tasks as are all issues
relating to safety on the job site.

The committee meets monthly and reports all safety concerns directly to the company
management and where appropriate, directly to the workforce through the company website and
emailing recommendations and posting minutes in the office.

The proceedings of the agent as joint committee are posted on the bulletin board in the employee
area of the company offices as well as emailed to all employees monthly all employees are
encouraged to address safety issues by taking them up with one of the members of the joint

All meetings of the agents joint committee are open to Co workers where they may observe the
proceedings and voice their concerns either in person or through the committee members.

To contact the community or arrange to attend a meeting or contact the agent supervisor
employees are encouraged to become involved in the work of the safety committee.

Glen traffic joint health and safety committee terms of reference.

Purpose of the Committee

It is a joint community made up of worker and employer representatives consulting in a

cooperative spirit to identify and resolve safety and health problems in support of a planned
Occupational Safety and health program in the place of employment.

Duties and Functions of the Committee

a) Identify situations that may be unhealthy or unsafe for workers and advise on effective
systems for responding to those situations.
b) Consider and expeditiously deal with complaints relating to the occupational health and
safety of workers.
c) Consult with workers in the employer on issues related to occupational health and
safety and occupational environment.
d) Make recommendations to the employer and the workers for the improvement of the
occupational health and safety of workers and compliance with the regulations and
monitor their effectiveness.
e) Make recommendations to the employer an educational programs promoting the health
and safety of workers and compliance with the regulation and monitor their
f) Advise the employer on programs and policy is required under the regulation for the
workplace and monitor their effectiveness,

g) Advise the employer on proposed changes to the workplace or the work processes that
may affect the health and safety of workers.
h) Ensure that incident investigations and regular inspections are carried out as required by
the regulation.
i) Participate in inspections investigations and inquiries as provided by the regulation.
j) When necessary, request information from the employer about:
I. Known or reasonably foreseeable health or safety hazards to which workers
at the workplace are likely to be exposed.
II. Health and safety experience and work practices and standards and similar or
other industries of which the employer has knowledge.

k) Carry out any other duties and functions prescribed by the regulation.


The committee will keep accurate records of all matters that come before the committee will
maintain copies of his minutes for a period of at least two years from the date of the joint health
and safety committee meeting to which they relate. (no first aid records should be kept for at least
10 years, education and training related records should be kept for at least three years after the
training session)


 The committee will meet monthly.

 Special meetings, if required will be held at the call of the co-chairs.
 A quorum shall consist of a majority of members (2).
 The committee will add procedures it considers necessary for the meetings.

Agendas and Meeting Reports

 An agenda will be prepared by the co-chairs and distributed to members prior to the
 A report of the meeting will be prepared as soon as possible after the meeting and will
be made available to the employer, joint health and safety committee members,
worker’s and the workers compensation board.
 A copy of the report of each meeting will be posted promptly in a place readily
assessable to employees for whom this committee is responsible.

Composition of the Committee

 The committee shall consist of four members +2 alternates.

 Two employer representatives will be appointed from management
 The committee will elect Co chairs from its membership.
 The worker representatives shall select a co-chair.
 The employer representative shall select a co-chair.
 The co-chairs shall:
o Control meetings.
o Ensure the maintenance of an unbiased viewpoint.
o Arrange the agendas.
o Review previous media reports on material prior to the meetings.
o Arrange for the meeting place.
o Notify members of meetings.
o Prepare meeting agendas.
o Prepare meeting reports.
o Forward a copy of media reports to the employer for distribution.
o Prepare recommendations and forward to the employer for a response.
o Prepare all correspondence.

Terms of office

a) Committee members will sit on the committee for (1) year.

b) If a member of the committee chosen by the workers is unable to complete the term of
office, the workers will choose another member.
c) If a member of the committee appointed by the employer is unable to complete the
term of office, the employer will appoint another member.
d) All members will arrange to have an alternate member to attend meetings in their place,
when they are unavailable to attend.

Recommendations to the Employer will Meet These Guidelines.

a) Directly related to health and safety.

b) Doable (reasonably capable of being done).
c) Complete (employer will not need more information to make a decision).

Assistance in resolving disagreements within committee

If the joint health and safety committee is unable to reach agreement on a matter relating to the
health and safety of workers at the workplace, a co-chair of the committee may report that to this
to the director corporate health and safety which may investigate and resolve the matter. failing
resolution, the director will refer the matter to WorkSafeBC, which may investigate and attempt to
resolve the matter.


These terms of reference may be amended by vote of the committee members for the employer.

Co-Chair Co-Chair

Management Representative Employee Representative

Management Representative Employee Representative

Occupational Health & Safety Manual

Glen Traffic Joint Health and Safety Committee Terms of Reference

Purpose of the Committee

It is a joint community made up of worker and employer representatives consulting in a

cooperative spirit to identify and resolve safety and health problems in support of a planned
Occupational Safety and health program in the place of employment.

Duties and Functions of the Committee

l) Identify situations that may be unhealthy or unsafe for workers and advise on effective
systems for responding to those situations.
m) Consider and expeditiously deal with complaints relating to the occupational health and
safety of workers.
n) Consult with workers in the employer on issues related to occupational health and
safety and occupational environment.
o) Make recommendations to the employer and the workers for the improvement of the
occupational health and safety of workers and compliance with the regulations and
monitor their effectiveness.
p) Make recommendations to the employer an educational programs promoting the health
and safety of workers and compliance with the regulation and monitor their
q) Advise the employer on programs and policy is required under the regulation for the
workplace and monitor their effectiveness,
r) Advise the employer on proposed changes to the workplace or the work processes that
may affect the health and safety of workers.
s) Ensure that incident investigations and regular inspections are carried out as required by
the regulation.
t) Participate in inspections investigations and inquiries as provided by the regulation.
u) When necessary, request information from the employer about:
III. Known or reasonably foreseeable health or safety hazards to which workers
at the workplace are likely to be exposed.
IV. Health and safety experience and work practices and standards and similar or
other industries of which the employer has knowledge.

v) Carry out any other duties and functions prescribed by the regulation.


The committee will keep accurate records of all matters that come before the committee will
maintain copies of his minutes for a period of at least two years from the date of the joint health
and safety committee meeting to which they relate. (no first aid records should be kept for at least
10 years, education and training related records should be kept for at least three years after the
training session)


 The committee will meet monthly.

 Special meetings, if required will be held at the call of the co-chairs.
 A quorum shall consist of a majority of members (2).
 The committee will add procedures it considers necessary for the meetings.

Agendas and Meeting Reports

 An agenda will be prepared by the co-chairs and distributed to members prior to the
 A report of the meeting will be prepared as soon as possible after the meeting and will
be made available to the employer, joint health and safety committee members,
worker’s and the workers compensation board.
 A copy of the report of each meeting will be posted promptly in a place readily
assessable to employees for whom this committee is responsible.

Composition of the Committee

 The committee shall consist of four members +2 alternates.

 Two employer representatives will be appointed from management
 The committee will elect Co chairs from its membership.
 The worker representatives shall select a co-chair.
 The employer representative shall select a co-chair.
 The co-chairs shall:
o Control meetings.
o Ensure the maintenance of an unbiased viewpoint.
o Arrange the agendas.
o Review previous media reports on material prior to the meetings.
o Arrange for the meeting place.
o Notify members of meetings.
o Prepare meeting agendas.
o Prepare meeting reports.
o Forward a copy of media reports to the employer for distribution.
o Prepare recommendations and forward to the employer for a response.
o Prepare all correspondence.

Terms of office

e) Committee members will sit on the committee for (1) year.

f) If a member of the committee chosen by the workers is unable to complete the term of
office, the workers will choose another member.
g) If a member of the committee appointed by the employer is unable to complete the
term of office, the employer will appoint another member.
h) All members will arrange to have an alternate member to attend meetings in their place,
when they are unavailable to attend.

Recommendations to the Employer will Meet These Guidelines.

d) Directly related to health and safety.
e) Doable (reasonably capable of being done).
f) Complete (employer will not need more information to make a decision).

Assistance in resolving disagreements within committee

If the joint health and safety committee is unable to reach agreement on a matter relating to the
health and safety of workers at the workplace, a co-chair of the committee may report that to this
to the director corporate health and safety which may investigate and resolve the matter. failing
resolution, the director will refer the matter to WorkSafeBC, which may investigate and attempt to
resolve the matter.


These terms of reference may be amended by vote of the committee members for the employer.

Co-Chair Co-Chair

Management Representative Employee Representative

Management Representative Employee Representative

Occupational Health & Safety Manual

Glen Traffic Offer of Training for Joint Health and Safety

Committee Members

Members___________________________________ Date:_______________________________

Duties and Functions of the Committee

a) Identify situations that may be unhealthy or unsafe for workers and advise on effective
systems for responding to those situations.
b) Consider and expeditiously deal with complaints relating to the occupational health and
safety of workers.
c) Consult with workers in the employer on issues related to occupational health and
safety and occupational environment.
d) Make recommendations to the employer and the workers for the improvement of the
occupational health and safety of workers and compliance with the regulations and
monitor their effectiveness.
e) Make recommendations to the employer an educational programs promoting the health
and safety of workers and compliance with the regulation and monitor their
f) Advise the employer on programs and policy is required under the regulation for the
workplace and monitor their effectiveness,
g) Advise the employer on proposed changes to the workplace or the work processes that
may affect the health and safety of workers.
h) Ensure that incident investigations and regular inspections are carried out as required by
the regulation.
i) Participate in inspections investigations and inquiries as provided by the regulation.
j) When necessary, request information from the employer about:
V. Known or reasonably foreseeable health or safety hazards to which workers
at the workplace are likely to be exposed.
VI. Health and safety experience and work practices and standards and similar or
other industries of which the employer has knowledge.

k) Carry out any other duties and functions prescribed by the regulation.

Identify the health and safety education you think you need:

a) Under the workers compensation act Division Four section 135 committee members are
entitled to a minimum of 8 hours of educational leave per year
b) consider the hazards in your workplace and your duties and responsibilities as a
committee member.
c) list education you leave is required (attach additional sheet if necessary).
d) attach any course information or outlines of the courses that you want to attend.

Injury Management and Return to Work


This injury management and return to work manual should be read in conjunction with the
company occupational health and safety and employee manuals.

This manual will prepare by the company as part of its Occupational Health and Safety Program it
has been submitted to the OH&S joint committee for revision and approval. One of the duties of
the joint committee is to oversee this manual and to review its contents not less than annually and
make any necessary revisions.

Changes to this manual will be documented in the minutes of the joint committee posted on the
Occupational Health and Safety bulletin board and circulated to all Company Workers.

It is supplied to the employees of Glen Traffic and traffic control subcontractors on the
understanding that it will not be disclosed or distributed to third parties without the express
written consent of Glen traffic.

This manual provides the guidance to manage injuries and return an injured worker back to their
preinjury work duties at the earliest and safest possible time. It is to be used and understood by all
company employees.

Injury Management and Return
to Work Program

Element 1 - Policy Management and Leadership.

Policy Statement

The company is committed to the promotion of a safe and healthy working environment on all
products undertaken including a commitment to return an injured worker to work in an early and
safe manner. Our minimal objective is to eliminate all unsafe acts or working conditions practices
and additives to assure on an ongoing base is that these goals are retrieved and maintain
preventing workplace injuries and illness is one of our primary goals.

The company is committed to cooperating with all of our employees who have been injured on the
job site and provide the necessary support and resources for early and safe return to work the
company will offer and provide a modified work program to any of our injured employees until he is
she is able to return to their pre injury job wherever possible in fulfilling the commitment to an
early and safe return to work the company will accommodate or provide modified work to fit the
injured workers functional abilities work with health care practices and WorkSafeBC.

Our early return to work program provides opportunities for an employee who is injured on the job
to return to work all full duty. if the injured worker is not physically capable of returning to full duty
the program provides opportunities to perform the regular job with modifications or when
available to perform alternate temporary work that needs to injured workers physical capabilities.

A program that promotes early and safe return to work (ESRTW) four workers who have been
injured is an important part of a comprehensive health and safety program although it is clearly
preferable to have no injuries and therefore no need for RTW a program that maintains contact
with injured workers their health care provider(s) and WorkSafeBC can provide several benefits to
both the worker and the employer.

If one of our employees is injured company will work with the worker their health care provider and
WorkSafe BC to see that the employee returns to work as soon as is reasonably possible.

All employees will be advised that time of hire that we will attempt to provide modified work within
the demands of our customers that allows employees to safely remain at work until they are able to
resume normal duties the work offered must be safe for the work performed with his or her injury.

Communication is important workers benefit when they know the companies interested in their
wellbeing health care providers may not understand the work that is available so it is important to
advise some of the kinds of work that the company has available for injured workers WorkSafe BC
account managers and claimed judicators can be helpful in dealing with many different aspects of
stability management.

Injury Management and Return to Work


The return to work (RTW) program applies to all employees of the company both unionized and
nonunionized and management the return-to-work program will be a collaborative and outcome-
based process to assess plan implement coordinate monitor and evaluate the options and services
required to meet an individual's needs. RTW.

The company and its employees are committed to operating and participating in their return-to-
work program the program covers both work and non-work-related injury and illness.

Key objectives include:

1. Maintaining contact with injured workers and their health care provider to determine
when they may be able to return to work.
2. Offering modified work that allows workers to stay employed wherever it is that is
3. Using the functional abilities form to assess the limitations that workers may have and
using the information to provide work that is within the workers capabilities.
4. Maintaining contact and working with the work safe BC account manager or claims
adjudicator to bring injured workers back to work ensuring that workers are aware of
the companies ESRTW program so that they have in the event they are injured they
know that every effort will be made to find modified work for them within the
constraints of their union collective agreement and the demands of the company's
customers to offer any modified work in writing setting the requirements and duties of
the work offered with approval of the Inter workers health care practitioner.
5. To offer any modified work in writing setting the requirements and duties of the work
offered with approval of the injured workers health care practitioner.
6. To reduce the number of days lost due to injury/illness.
7. To lessen the financial and emotional impact of the injury or disease on the employee by
intervening early for early and safe return to work.
8. To reduce the number of days loss due to injury illness.
9. To educate employees on disability management.
10. Comply with all legislation including the workers compensation act (WCA) and Freedom
of Information and protection of privacy at (FIPPA)
11. Reduce the number of future injuries and illnesses through a healthy and safe

Injury Management and Return to Work

Roles and Responsibilities.

Employer responsibilities

 Provide a safe work environment.

 Develop written early in safe return to work policies and procedures that are
consistently applied to all employees covered by the program.
 Educate all employees about the RTW program.
 Train employees on proper reporting of incidents and incident investigation.
 Promptly report work related injuries to work safe BC.
 If you are injured regularly communicate with you during your time away from work and
monitor your progress when you return.
 Work with the employees and health professional to identify suitable work.
 Modify the workplace is required to accommodate employees who are disabled due to
illness or injury.
 Monitor the progress of employees in modified work programs and meet with them
regularly to ensure they will be successful in achieving their return-to-work goal.
 Offers of modified or accommodated work must be presented to the injured worker in
written form.
 Provide written reports of effectiveness of the program injury analysis trends and claims
overview with senior management JOHSC or the worker safety representatives.

Supervisor Manager Responsibilities

 Take appropriate action when an injury or illness is reported.

 Participate in return-to-work planning.
 Identify appropriate work duties transitional work options and temporary or permanent
job accommodations for employees’ disabilities.
 Know who to refer a worker the disability too if the worker is having difficulties before
during or after they return to work.
 Monitor safe work practices of workers who are returning to work.
 Answer coworkers’ questions and concerns about workers with disabilities job
modifications job restructuring etc. being careful to maintain the confidentiality of the
workers situation.
 Notify the Return-to-Work Coordinator about potential candidates for disability
management or return to work program.
 Promote safe work practices and support the efforts of the company's health and safety

Injury Management and Return to Work

Worker Responsibilities

 Know and follow safety policies and procedures.

 Report any injury or illness immediately.
 If medical attention is necessary informing doctors that early in safe return to work
opportunities available to accommodate functional abilities.
 Communicate with your employer through the recovery period and cooperate with your
employer and finding suitable employment for return to work.
Take an active role in developing a return-to-work plan.
 Obtain the necessary documentation for the tray treating health professional as may be
required by the employer (or example functional abilities form).
 Report any concerns with your return to work to your supervisor and or your works APC
adjudicator so the problems can be addressed promptly.
 Attend a scheduled return to work progress meetings with your employer/supervisor.

Injury Management and Return to Work

Element 2 – Resources, Education and Communication

Return to Work Coordinator Responsibilities

Designated RTW coordinator –

 Act as a central point of contact to communicate and coordinate return to work process
with all involved parties such as the worker supervisor’s health officials as the insurance
 Develop individual RTW plans with input from the injured ill worker and facilitate
workplace support for the RTW program through education and resources.
 Monitor the progress of each return-to-work case and advise all involved parties of any
changes to wages duration of duties of the plan and the closure of the plan.
 Document all activities responsibilities in each return-to-work case and oversee the
administration of the return-to-work program.
 Track and analyze injury and illness data and provide trend information to management
and the JHSC for injury prevention an RTW planning.

Health Recovery

The return-to-work coordinator will assist his support the injured employee during their recovery.
the process will involve consultation with the treating health professional and the employee. the
return-to-work warning will obtain a functional abilities report to be utilized when developing the
return-to-work plan.


The success of our early and safe return to work program depends on everyone involved in the
process being informed of the program.

The initial communication to all internal employees is through an information package created in a
distributed to all employees covered by the program this will be followed by training so that they
understand how the program works all new employees will receive the information package in the
orientation process.

The information package will be reviewed each year at any changes will be communicated by the
supervisor to their employees immediately or as soon as possible after the changes are made.


The RTW coordinator employer will communicate with all treating health care professionals by
sending them a letter letting them know there is an early and safe return to work program. the RTW
coordinator/ employer will communicate with them as needed to let them know about changes
and clarify any issues.

The RTW coordinator/employer will ensure that WorkSafe BC at any other insurer as required will
be kept up to date on the progress of any employee in the return-to-work process.

Injury Management and Return to Work


Establishing Early Contact

If an employee is off due to an injury illness it is recommended (where appropriate depending on

the severity of or circumstances of the injured/ ill employee) that contact be initiated by the
supervisor and or the RTW coordinator within 48 hours. contact can be a telephone call or a face-
to-face meeting. such contact shall be maintained regularly during the recovery period and
recorded in the return to work- contact log.

Injury Management and Return to Work

Element 3 Stay at Work and Return to Work Program

Eligibility and referral to the RTW program

Employees are referred to the RTW program when they are unable to do their regular job due 2 a
medically determined physical or mental impairment caused by an illness or injury from which they
are actively seeking active treatment and that is substantiated with medical evidence all
occupational injuries/ illnesses will be managed by the designated RTW coordinator.

Establishing early contact

If an employee is off due to an injury illness, it is recommended {where appropriate depending on

the severity or circumstances of the injured/ ill employee) that contact be initiated by the
supervisor and/ or the RTW coordinator within 48 hours. contact can be a telephone call or a face-
to-face meeting.

Frequency of Contact

The frequency of contact required by the employee and return to work corner will be determined
by the health recovery status. at minimum, a follow up case conference telephone call between the
worker and the return to work for dinner should be considered at least weekly.

The Process for RTW Accommodation

Upon receipt and review of the functional abilities information the RTW coordinator and the
supervisor will review job accommodation options with input from the injured/ L employee
accommodations are subject to the demands of customers then play will provide a process log and
communicate any concerns or issues to the return to work where so that changes or adjustments
can be made to support a successful completion of the return to work plan all offers of modified or
accommodated work will be in writing for the injured/ ill worker to consider

Return to Work Plan Adjustments

The return to work for deer an employee will work together to update and adjust the return-to-
work plan if required any adjustments such as a change in duties hours or wages will be
communicated by the return-to-work coordinator to key stakeholders for example immediate
Supervisor, Human resources, WorkSafeBC if occupational, insurance carrier if nonoccupational etc.

Return to Work Goal Setting

The primary goal of the RTW plan is to return to the preinjury job as soon as possible by comparing
the physical demands of the job and the functional abilities the return-to-work coordinator and the
employee can determine if the job needs modifying and if accommodations would be required.

If the employee is not able to return to their preinjury position the return-to-work coordinator will
attempt to accommodate the worker as soon as possible. this accommodation should be

reasonable and restore the employee’s earnings. the return-to-work warrior will use the following
hierarchy as a guideline for the development of a return-to-work plan.

Injury Management and Return to Work


1. preinjury job with no restrictions and no accommodation

2. preinjury job with restrictions and accommodation
3. suitable available job with no training and no accommodation
4. suitable available job with training and accommodation
5. RTW comparable new employer
6. RTW, alternate new employer

Independent Medical Assessments

Where there are discrepancies or differences in opinions around employee’s prognosis or

functional abilities the employer may require that an independent medical assessment be
completed to resolve the issue.

Dispute Resolution Process

In situations where there is an issue in a dispute related to either the RTW process or the suitability
of the RTW plan the RTW coordinator will refer to the matter to the human resource manager to
facilitate a resolution. if the matter cannot be resolved a referral to the union or WorkSafeBC
maybe made where the dispute involves cooperation in return to work or suitability of the job

Return to Work Plan Process

Occupational injuries less than five days

Employees will report all occupational injuries and illnesses immediately to the employer
(Supervisor) first aid will be provided in all cases and a record of the incident will be documented all
incidents or near misses will be investigated.

In those cases where medical treatment is obtained the following procedures will apply.

1. the employer will complete a WorkSafeBC (WCB) form 7(report of injury/ illness); and
the worker will complete a WorkSafeBC (WCB) form 6. all forms will be submitted to
WCB within the required time (WCB form 7 within three days)
2. The employee will take a functional abilities form in RTW package to the health
professional and return it within 48 hours to the supervisor and or designated RTW
3. The RTW Coordinator and the Supervisor will coordinate a written offer of
accommodated work for the period of disability is such that available considering is the
demands of the company's customers.

Injury Management and Return to Work

Occupational injuries over 5 days

The employer will complete a report of the injurie/ illness WorkSafeBC form 7 and submit to
WorkSafeBC within three days.

The employee will complete a report of the injury/ illness WorkSafeBC form 6 an submit to

The designated RTW coordinator will establish the contact schedule with the injured employee
through the recovery period and arrange regular meetings with all involved parties such as the
worker supervisors, health professionals and the insurance provider to determine the injured/ill
employees’ level of functional abilities and ability to participate in accommodated work.

The designated RTW coordinator was this the coordination an access to require services such as
functional assessments treatments job demands analysis and other such programs that can
improve RTW outcomes for the injured/ ill worker.

Injury Management and Return to Work

Element 4 - Program Evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluating the RTW program

And evaluation of our return-to-work program will be completed at the end of each year. The RTW
coordinator will complete the evaluation and present it to senior management. the purpose of this
evaluation is to see if we are meeting the objectives of the program.

Monitoring and Evaluating individual RTW case plans.

Each employee and supervisor who has been through the return-to-work process will
independently complete the evaluation at the end of the return work. the return-to-work
coordinator will ensure that a RTW Closure/Evaluation report is completed for all program


Although we tried to anticipate all necessary actions and procedures, no manual is perfect. for this
reason, it is under constant review by the company Joint Occupational Health and Safety committee
(JOHSC). Each employee is urged to contact a member of the JOHSC committee with their
suggestions and concerns for inclusion here. only with the cooperation of all company personnel
will this document live and grow and serve a useful purpose within our Company.


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