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★ Diana Edith Gaviria Ochoa 2255177
★ Cielo Clavijo Garzon 2255339
★ Michell Daniela Martinez 2255244
Learn will and won’t for the future
Practise using will and won’t in sentences

❏ We use will to talk about the future.

❏ We use will when we make a decision at the same
time as we are speaking.
❏ Will is used in positive sentences and will not/won’t
is used in negative sentences.
The Form of the Simple Future Will.
How we form the simple future with Will, Will is a
modal. Modals are always followed by a base
verb, a base verb has no: S, ED, ING, for
example: Cook, swim.
The verb form is the same for all subjects.
● I will watch TV
● You will watch TV
● He will watch TV
● She will watch TV
● We will watch TV
● They will watch TV
● The student will watch TV
● The students will watch TV
The structure of the Simple Future Will..
Pronoun + will + verb + complement.

Affirmative. ● A contraction is a
I will swim in the river. shorter form of a word.
I’ll swim in the river. ● The contraction for will
Negative. is 'll.
I will not swim in the river. ● We use contractions
I won't swim in the river. with subject pronouns,
Question. but not with subject
Will I swim in the river?
Yes, I will.
No, I won’t.
Others uses of the Simple
Future Will.
❖ Decisions, Predictions ● I am hungry;I will make lunch.
And Promises. ● I believe I won’t pass the exam.
● She will help you tomorrow.
● I think he will be the next
“We often use I president of the USA.
think, maybe and ● We will probably go to a
restaurant for dinner on my
probably when we birthday.
are not sure about ● Maybe I will go to the party
the future”.
The future continuous tense expresses action at a particular
moment in the future.
❏ Express a future action in an specific moment.
Exam ple:I will be buying m y groceries at7AM
❏ Indicate that a future action is interrupted by another action.
Exam ple:They will be cooking when you arrive.
❏ Present assumptions that begin in the present and will continue to
develop in the future
Exam ple:In 10 years,I will be owning a flying car.
❏ Talk about actions that begin in the present
and will continue to develop in the future.
Exam ple: She will be writing joke for a
❏ Mention two parallel actions in the future.
Exam ple: This afternoon, he will be
studying and eating atthe sam e tim e.
❏ Ask politely about an event that could
happen in the future.
Exam ple: Will Jessica be watching a
m ovie with us this weekend?
The structure.
Pronoun + Auxiliar Verb + Auxiliar Verb + Main Verb
Will Be
I will be working at 10am. A contraction is a
You will be lying on a beach shorter form of a
tomorrow. word.
The contraction for
She will not be using the car. will is 'll.
We will not be having dinner at home.
We use contractions
Question. with subject
Will you be playing football? pronouns, but not with
Yes, I will. subject nouns.
No, I won’t.
Examples how to use Future
Continuous Will
❏ The action will start before that moment but it will not have
finished at that moment. For example;tomorrow I will start at
work at 2 PM and stop work at 6 PM.
“At4pm ,I will be in the m iddle ofworking”.

❏ When we use the future continuous tense, out listener usually

knows or understands what time we are talking about.

I will be playing tennis at 10 am tomorrow.

They won’t be watching TV at 9pm tonight.
What will you be doing when I arrive?

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