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Possible Reasons for Reduction in

Homepage to Cart ratio

Homepage Could be made more

Homepage attractive. By using better fonts.
Design and Reducing the area taken by the M.A.R.T
on the page, as it compels the user to
scroll unnecessarily.

Product Description Could be More

Product Visibility Detailed. And More Picture Can be
and Information Incorporated pertaining to a product,
which would increase Customer
Confidence in the product.

Positive reviews will influence

Social Proof and
Reviews customers to buy with more
Bus (Business Objectives – User
Problems – Solutions)

 Business Objectives  User Problems  Solutions

 Decrease  Search Box should be more  Improvements in UI/UX
Homepage to Cart visible
 Increase in number of
ratio  M.A.R.T written on the top products available on
should be reduced in size store
 Make use of existing and repositioned.
user data to  Making use of available
increase revenue  Product category should not
require so much of scrolling user data to add
to reach. alternatives of existing
categories to gives user
 Since categorization is less, we
could have used slightly smaller with more choice thereby
tiles and adjusted all of them at increase no. of items in
the top. Or else we could have cart and revenue
used a Hamburger approach for alongside it.

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