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1. - Why is the European Union interested in establishing rules affecting the field of

because it wants to create a more uniform and effective framework for restructuring and
insolvency in the Member States. The aim is to make it easier for companies in financial
difficulty to restructure their liabilities and avoid unnecessary bankruptcy.

2. - What is the purpose of the Restructuring and Insolvency Directive?

The aim of the Restructuring and Insolvency Directive is to create an effective legal
framework that enables companies in financial difficulty to restructure their liabilities,
prevent bankruptcy and preserve jobs and economic value.

The purpose of this Directive is to contribute to the proper functioning of the internal
market and to eliminate obstacles to the exercise of fundamental freedoms, such as the
free movement of capital and the freedom of establishment, which result from
differences between national laws and procedures relating to preventive restructuring,
insolvency, discharge of debt and business injunctions. .

3. - What will effective early restructuring frameworks help?

An effective early restructuring framework will help companies avoid a long-term financial
crisis and regain their viability more quickly. This, in turn, can help preserve jobs and protect
the interests of creditors.

This framework should help prevent the loss of jobs, expertise and skills and ensure that
creditors get the maximum return on their investment - compared to what they would have
received had the company's assets been liquidated or had the second best alternative
scenario materialized had it not arisen. restructuring plan – as well as for owners and the
entire economy.

4. - If the company is not viable, should restructuring be attempted?

unprofitable enterprises with no chance of survival should be liquidated as quickly as

possible. Where a debtor in financial difficulty is not economically viable or cannot be
rapidly restored to economic viability, restructuring efforts could accelerate and
accumulate losses to the detriment of creditors, employees and other stakeholders, as
well as the economy as a whole.

5. - What three aspects does the Directive focus on?

The directive focuses on three main aspects: preventive restructuring, preventive restructuring
and restructuring in insolvency proceedings.

6. - Did Regulation 2015/848 of 20 May serve the objective of harmonising the

substantive insolvency laws of the Member States?
Regulation 2015/848 (also known as the "Insolvency" or "Recast" Regulation) aimed to
harmonize insolvency and restructuring procedures across Member States, but
Directive 2019/1023 has more detailed rules on restructuring and preventive
restructuring. However, Regulation 2015/848 does not solve the problem of
differences between national laws governing these proceedings

7. - Are the tools provided for in the Directive intended for small and medium-sized
enterprises or are they better suited to larger companies?

The directive aims to adapt restructuring tools to different types of companies,

including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and larger companies. While the
tools are available for SMEs, the directive takes into account the specific needs of
larger enterprises.

8. - What criteria can national legislators use to define small and medium-sized

When defining SMEs, Member States could take due account of Directive 2013/34/EU
of the European Parliament and of the Council (5) or the Commission
Recommendation of 6 May 2003 concerning the definition of micro, small and
medium-sized enterprises.

9. - Which subjects are excluded from the application of the Directive?

Debtors that are insurance and reinsurance undertakings, credit institutions,

investment firms and collective investment undertakings and other financial entities
should be excluded from the scope of this Directive. Public entities subject to national
law are also excluded

10. - When should preventive restructuring frameworks be available to the debtor?

The restructuring framework should be available before the debtor becomes insolvent under
national law, namely before it meets the conditions laid down in national law for being subject
to collective insolvency proceedings, which usually involve the removal of the debtor's assets
and the appointment of a liquidator.

11. - Can Member States introduce a viability test to give debtors access to preventive
restructuring frameworks? Under what conditions?

Member States should be able to introduce a viability test as a condition for access to
the preventive restructuring procedure provided for in this Directive. Such a test
should be carried out without prejudice to the debtor's assets and could take the form,
inter alia, of granting a temporary stay of enforcement actions or carrying out a test
without undue delay. However, the absence of damage should not prevent Member
States from requiring debtors to prove their viability at their own expense.

12. - Can debtors who are not in financial difficulties make use of preventive restructuring
No, To prevent abuse of the restructuring framework, the financial difficulties of the
debtor should indicate the likelihood of insolvency

13. - What tools does the Directive provide for to facilitate a successful outcome of the
restructuring framework?

Appointment of a restructuring supervisor, assistance in negotiating and creating a

restructuring plan, temporary suspension of individual enforcement activities,

14. - What is to be understood by restructuring frameworks?

The concept of a "restructuring framework" refers to a set of legal measures and

procedures that allow for the restructuring of debtors in order to prevent bankruptcy.
The preventive restructuring framework should, in particular, enable debtors to
restructure effectively at an early stage and avoid insolvency, thereby limiting the
unnecessary liquidation of viable companies.

15. - How can restructuring costs and times be reduced?

To promote efficiency and reduce delays and costs, national preventive restructuring
frameworks should include flexible procedures. Differences between Member States
with regard to restructuring, insolvency and debt discharge proceedings translate into
additional costs for investors when assessing the risk of debtors falling into difficulty.
financial situation in one or more Member States, or the risks associated with investing
in viable companies in financial difficulty, as well as the costs associated with the
restructuring of companies whose establishments, creditors or assets are located in
other Member States. A particular example of this is the restructuring of international
groups of companies.

The costs and time of restructuring can be shortened through effective restructuring
procedures, early detection of financial difficulties and effective negotiations with
16. - Restructuring only concerns the liabilities - debts.

Restructuring may concern both financial liabilities and other types of liabilities, such
as supplies and employee salaries.

17. - What is the purpose of the stay of individual enforcement actions?

The purpose of a stay on individual enforcement actions is to provide time for
negotiations and restructuring.

in order to support the negotiations regarding a restructuring plan in order to be able

to continue as a going concern or at least preserve the value of its composition and
bankruptcy estate during the negotiations.

18. - Does the stay of individual enforcement actions have to be general and affect all
The suspension of individual enforcement actions does not have to be general and
may only affect selected claims or categories of creditors.

19. - Is it always necessary for a judge and a restructuring expert to be involved in the
restructuring framework provided for in the Directive?

The involvement of a judge and a restructuring expert is not always necessary

Member States should provide for the mandatory appointment of a restructuring supervisor
where: a judicial or administrative authority grants a general stay of individual enforcement
actions to the debtor, provided that in such cases the administrator is necessary to safeguard
the interests of the parties; the restructuring plan must be approved by a judicial or
administrative authority against the objections of the group of creditors; the debtor requests
it; or a majority of the creditors request it, provided that the creditors cover the supervisor's
costs and fees.

20. - During the period of negotiation of restructuring measures, is the debtor deprived of
possession of his assets?

The debtor is not always deprived of possession of assets during the period of
negotiation of restructuring measures. The directive aims to preserve the value of the
company and jobs, so the debtor can continue to manage its assets under the
supervision of a restructuring expert.

1. - Dlaczego Unia Europejska jest zainteresowana ustanowieniem przepisów mających

wpływ na dziedzinę niewypłacalności

2. - Jaki jest cel dyrektywy w sprawie restrukturyzacji i upadłości?

3. - W czym pomogą skuteczne ramy wczesnej restrukturyzacji?

4. - Jeżeli firma nie jest rentowna, czy należy podjąć próbę restrukturyzacji?

5. - Na jakich trzech aspektach skupia się dyrektywa?

6. – Czy rozporządzenie 2015/848 z dnia 20 maja służyło celowi harmonizacji materialnego

prawa upadłościowego państw członkowskich?

7. - Czy narzędzia przewidziane w dyrektywie są przeznaczone dla małych i średnich

przedsiębiorstw, czy też są lepiej dostosowane do większych przedsiębiorstw?
8. - Jakie kryteria mogą zastosować ustawodawcy krajowi do zdefiniowania małych i średnich

9. - Jakie przedmioty są wyłączone ze stosowania dyrektywy?

10. - Kiedy dłużnik powinien mieć dostęp do ram restrukturyzacji zapobiegawczej?

11. - Czy państwa członkowskie mogą wprowadzić test rentowności, aby zapewnić dłużnikom
dostęp do ram restrukturyzacji zapobiegawczej? Pod jakimi warunkami?

12. - Czy dłużnicy, którzy nie mają trudności finansowych, mogą skorzystać z ram
restrukturyzacji zapobiegawczej?

13. - Jakie narzędzia przewiduje dyrektywa, aby ułatwić pomyślny wynik ram restrukturyzacji?

14. - Co należy rozumieć pod pojęciem ram restrukturyzacji?

15. - Jak można skrócić koszty i czas restrukturyzacji?

16. - Restrukturyzacja dotyczy wyłącznie zobowiązań - długów.

17. - Jaki jest cel wstrzymania indywidualnych czynności egzekucyjnych?

18. - Czy zawieszenie indywidualnych czynności egzekucyjnych musi mieć charakter ogólny i
wpływać na wszystkie roszczenia?

19. - Czy zawsze konieczne jest zaangażowanie sędziego i eksperta ds. restrukturyzacji w ramy
restrukturyzacji przewidziane w dyrektywie?

20. - Czy w okresie negocjowania środków restrukturyzacyjnych dłużnik zostaje pozbawiony

posiadania majątku?

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