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15 C O N G E N I TA L B I RT H D E F O R M I T I E S

Congenital Birth Deformities

W e, at The Hand Center, are
not only highly skilled in recon-
The most common birth deformity
affecting the hand is duplicated or
structive procedures for congenital "extra" fingers followed by
birth deformities but also empa- syndactyly ("webbed fingers") and
thetic to the apprehensions and trigger finger. Children may be
anxieties of parents. As parents born with an absent finger or
we simply want what’s best for thumb. Pollicization of the index
our children. We agree. We do is our preferred treatment for
not think that is too much absent thumb. There may be con-
J.C., the son of a doctor, was brought to ask for at all. genital absence of tendons
amenable to tendon transfer.
to Dr. Brown at five and a half months
of age for correction of his congenital Each child’s hand deformity is
unique and requires careful evalua-
birth deformity. He had previously seen tion, planning, and education of
multiple other doctors. This extremely the family in addition to a meticu-
lously performed operation.
bright little boy was born with a hand
Generally speaking, we begin
deformity whereby the fingers were reconstructive procedures at six
joined together as seen in the photo-
months of age. We are extremely
sensitive to the emotional needs of
graph. The middle phalanx was also the child and the family and make
missing in each finger. J.C.'s parents every effort to put everyone at ease
while being honest and direct.
put their trust in Dr. Brown and after
two reconstructive operations, J.C. has a wonderfully functioning hand.
J.C. and his parents drop by to visit Dr. Brown periodically. He is a happy,
healthy, beautiful child and is growing and developing normally following Building a thumb: pollicization
his reconstructive surgeries. He is seen here with Dr. Brown at age
four years.

A Personal Note
Skin tag thumb Polliciciation Index to thumb
My heart goes out to children with congenital hand
problems as well as their family. Please come see us
early. The Hand Center doctors will do what needs to Reconstruction of duplicated thumb
be done when it needs to be done - no more, no less.
They will do everything in their power to give your
child the absolute best opportunity for a full unrestricted
life. We will help you... especially emotionally.

For The Hand Center doctors,

Michael G. Brown, MD, Founder 713 812-1612 1 866-4 MY HAND w w w. t h e h a n d c e n t e r. c o m

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