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Unit 1b Review (Topics 1.7 – 1.

11) Rational Functions Name:

1.7 - Determine the end behavior of the following.

3 2
4 x +1 −t −9
1. f ( x )= 2. h ( t )=
3 x + 2 x +3 2t +1

End Behavior: End Behavior:

Find the horizontal asymptote of the following rational function if one exists.
2(x +3)(x−9)
3. f ( x )=
x 2 +4 x−1

Evaluate the following limits.

2 x +1 4 n −n
4 3
4. lim 2
=¿ ¿ 5. lim 3
=¿ ¿
x→ ∞ 3x n →−∞ 2 n +9

1.8 - Find the zeros of the following rational functions.

1. 2.
2 2
x −5 x−14 x −16
f ( x )= g ( x )= 2
x−3 x +4 x

Use the rational function to answer the following.

x −5 x−6 (x +3)(x−5)
3. f ( x )= 4. g ( x )=
x (x +1) x 2−3 x−10

a. Domain: a. Domain:

b. Hole(s): b. Hole(s):

c. Zero(s): c. Zero(s):

d. Vertical Asymptote(s): d. Vertical Asymptote(s):

Review A :Topics 1.7−1.11 Rational Functions Created by Bryan Passwater

1.9 - Find the vertical asymptote(s) of the following rational functions, if one exists.
x −4 x−24 (x+5)(x +3)
1. f ( x )= 2. f ( x )=
x −4 ( x+5 )2

Use the graph of f to find the vertical asymptote(s). Use limit notation.
Limit Notation:

1.10 - Find the hole(s) of the following rational functions, if one exists.
x −4 x+ 4 x+4
f ( x )= f ( x )= 2
x −4 x + 3 x −4
1. 2.

Use the graph of f to find the hole(s). Use limit notation.

Limit Notation:

Review A :Topics 1.7−1.11 Rational Functions Created by Bryan Passwater

1.11a - Use the Binomial Theorem to expand the following.
1. ( x +4 )4

Find the given term in the binomial expansion.

2. ( 2 x−3 )6 Find the 3rd term.

1.11b - Determine if the following function has a Use the graph of f to write the equation of the
horizontal asymptote, slant asymptote, or neither. slant asymptote. (1 point)
(1 point)
3 2
−3 x + x +5 x−1 2.
1. f (x)= 3 2
x + 2 x ± 2 x+ 3

Circle one:
The graph of f has a horizontal asymptote.

The graph of f has a slant asymptote.

The graph of f does not have a horziontal or slant


Divide the following using long division or Write the equation for the slant asymptote for the
synthetic division. (1 point) following functions. (2 points)
4 3
4 x + 6 x −4 x +5
3. 3 2
2 x−1 4 x + 2 x −5 x
4. f (x)= 2
2 x −3 x+ 1

Review A :Topics 1.7−1.11 Rational Functions Created by Bryan Passwater

1.11c - Directions: Solve the following inequalities. Write your answers using interal notation.

x−3 ( x−1 ) ( x +2 )
1. ≤ 02. >0
x +2 ( x +1 )

x 2−x−12 −2 x ( x−3 )
3. 2
≥0 4. 2
x ( x+ 2 )( x−4 )

Review A :Topics 1.7−1.11 Rational Functions Created by Bryan Passwater

Free Response Practice #1
Calculator NOT Permitted

The rational function F (x)= is such that y = −2 is a horizontal asymptote.
2(x +3)(x−2)

a. Why does the provided equation support the fact that there is a horizontal asymptote of F(x) that is not
on the x – axis?

b. Find the correct value of a. Show your work and justify your thinking.

c. Does the graph of F(x) have any vertical asymptotes? Why or why not? If any vertical
asymptotes exist, what is/are the equations?

d. Does the graph of F(x) have any holes in it? Why or why not? If any holes exist, what are the
coordinates of the holes?

Review A :Topics 1.7−1.11 Rational Functions Created by Bryan Passwater

Free Response Practice #2
Calculator Permitted
The table below shows function values for a rational function, G(x). The equation of G(x) is such that
(x + 2) and (x – 1) are the only factors in the denominator of the function.

x –1000 –2.001 –2 –1.999 0 0.999 1 1.001 1000

G(x) 0.998 0.333 Undefined 0.333 –1 –1999 Undefined 2001 1.002

a. Does either factor in the denominator also exist in the numerator? If so, which factor? Give a reason
for your answer.

b. Does either factor of the denominator not exist in the numerator? If so, which factor? Give a reason
for your answer.

c. Based on the end behavior, where does G(x) have a horizontal asymptote? Give a reason for
your answer.

d. Sketch a possible graph of the function G(x). Then,

state the domain of G(x).


Review A :Topics 1.7−1.11 Rational Functions Created by Bryan Passwater

1.7 1.10
lim f ( x ) =−∞ lim f ( x )=∞
1. x→−∞ 1. x=2
x →∞
2. x=−4
2. t lim h ( t )=¿ ∞ lim h ( t ) =−∞ ¿
→−∞ t →∞ 3.
3. y=2 lim f ( x )=−2 lim ¿
x→ 4 x → 4 f ( x ) =−2 ¿
4. 0
5. −∞ (does not exist)

1. x 4 +16 x 3 +96 x 2+ 256 x+256
2. 2160 x 4
1. x=−2∧7
2. x=4
3. a. (−∞ ,−1 ) ∪ (−1 , 0 ) ∪(0 , ∞ ) 1.11b
b. x=−1 1. horizontal asymptote
c. x=6 3
2. y= x−2
d. x=0
3 2 4
4. a. (−∞ ,−2 ) ∪ (−2 , 5 ) ∪(5 , ∞ ) 3. 2 x + 4 x + 2 x−1+
2 x−1
b. x=5
4. y=2 x +4
c. x=−3
d. x=−2

1. (-2, 3]
1.9 2. (-∞, -2)⋃(-1, 1)⋃(1, ∞)
1. x=2∧x=−2 3. (-∞, -3]⋃[4, ∞)
4. (0, 3)⋃(3, 4)⋃(4, ∞)
2. x=−5
lim ¿
x→−4 f ( x ) =−∞ lim
x→−4 f ( x )=∞ ¿

lim ¿
x→ 2 f ( x ) =∞ lim
x →2 f (x )=−∞ ¿

Review A :Topics 1.7−1.11 Rational Functions Created by Bryan Passwater

Free Response Practice #1 Grading Rubric

Free Response Part A – 2 points total

____ 1 In standard form, the degrees of the numerator and denominator are equal.

____ 1 Thus, the graph of F(x) must have a horizontal asymptote that is not on the x – axis.

Free Response Part B – 2 points total

____ 1 The degree of the numerator equals the degree of the denominator so y = b , where a is the
leading coefficient of the numerator and b is the leading coefficient of the denominator is the
horizontal asymptote.

____ 1 Makes note that the ratio of the leading coefficients of the numerator and denominator, 2 , should
equal −2 and correctly solves for a = −4.

Free Response Part C – 2 points total

____ 1 The graph of F(x) has a vertical asymptote at x = –3…

____ 1 …because the factor (x + 3) is in the denominator and does not cancel out of the function.

Free Response Part D – 3 points total

____ 1 The factor (x – 2) cancels out of the function so the graph has a hole in it when (x – 2) = 0

____ 1 The graph of F(x) does have a hole at x = 2

−4 x−3 −4 (2)−3 11
____ 1 Coordinates of the hole are ( 11
2 ,− 10 ) because F (2)= =
2( x +3 ) 2(2+3 )
10 .

Review A :Topics 1.7−1.11 Rational Functions Created by Bryan Passwater

Free Response Practice #2 Grading Rubric

Free Response Part A – 2 points total

____ 1 The factor (x + 2) also exists in the numerator.

____ 1 According to the table, values very close to x = –2 approach the same y – value, 0.333 or 3.

This means that the graph has a hole in it at the point (

−2 , 3 )

Free Response Part B – 2 points total

____ 1 The factor (x – 1) does not exist in the numerator.

____ 1 According to the table, values very close to x = 1 to the left approach –∞ and values very close
to x = 1 to the right approach ∞. This means that x = 1 is a vertical asymptote.

Free Response Part C – 2 points total

____ 1 For very low values of x, such as x = –1000 and for very large value of x, such as x = 1000, the
y – values of G(x) approach the value of 1.

____ 1 Thus, the horizontal asymptote is y = 1.

Free Response Part D – 3 points total

____ 1 Sketch of graph shown to the right

____ 1 Domain: (−∞ ,−2 )∪(−2 , 1 )∪( 1 ,∞ )

____ 1 Range: (−∞ , 1 3)∪( 1 3 , 1 )∪( 1 , ∞ )

Review A :Topics 1.7−1.11 Rational Functions Created by Bryan Passwater

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