Specialists Guidebook 1

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Commando & Sapper Guidebook

BWCC Confidentional

Written by:
In this document we will talk about the Commando & Sapper
guidelines. The following topics will be explained:

 Requirements
 Rules
 Guidelines
 Trust
 Expectations
This document is written for Commando’s & Sappers, to give them a
further understanding in these topics.
This document is to not be shared to tertiaries. (Friends, other
members, other communities)

The two roles will be categorised under the name Specialists.
Specialist will be the category both are placed in. Whenever a
individual becomes a Sapper and Commando at the same time, he will
be allowed to wear the Specialist tags.

Commando = [CDO]
Sapper = [SPR]
Specialist = [SPEC]

The people in charge of the Sapper & Commando roster will be
addressed as Chief of the Specialists (for short: Chief). They are
to make decisions regarding who stays in, and who goes out.
When looking for new Commando’s or Sappers, they will need to pass
these requirements:

 Plays competitive games.
 Excels in certain abilities*.
 Is versatile in roles*.
 Has a gaming chair.

*Abilities: Tactics/Map Awareness/Leading/Aiming/Positioning

*Roles: In-game HLL roles.
 Active for 10 – 12 hours a week.
 Is present in Discord during the week.
 Seeds for a minimum of 3 days a week.
 Is a welcoming & friendly person.

Most requirements should be met. If most requirements are not met,

certain exceptions can be made by a Chief.

After a person is invited to one of the roles, they will not fall
under these requirements anymore, but rather the expectations that
are later explained.

The requirements are to be reviewed by a Chief, and they will make a

decision on who shall be invited.

This can NOT be done by members of Staff (though they can make
When a player becomes a Commando or Sapper, we will expect that they
abide to certain rules.

We ask this to keep the roles professional, and to make sure the
player stays in check.

The rules we ask from them are:

 Avoid conflicts.
 Stay disciplined*.
 Are welcoming to other players.
 Not be a dick.

*Disciplined: For example, if they get told to do something by their

squad lead, we expect them to listen.

If the rules are not met by a Commando or Sapper, the rulebreak will
be reviewed by a Chief and they will make a verdict.

Small infraction:
The player will be warned about the rulebreak.
 If the player breaks the rules again, they will be demoted from
the role.
Medium infraction:
The player will be demoted from the role.
Fatal infraction:
The player will be kicked from the team, and revoked of all roles.

Small & Medium infractions will be concluded by a Chief. The

decision is final.

If there is a Fatal infraction, the staff team will vote on the

consequences of the rulebreak and make a verdict.
Commando’s & Sappers will be told to follow certain guidelines.
These guidelines are made to ensure the quality of the roles, and to
give the players expectations that they should meet.

 Get access to match replays.
 Admin cam on the Match server.
 Input on tactics/strategy.
 Priority on competitive matches.
 Get access to match replays.
 VIP on the server’s permanently.
 Input on the community*.
*Community input: Scheduled meetings about the community.

With these benefits we allow the players to become a bigger asset to

the community.

These benefits are not shared; if you are a Sapper you only get
Sapper benefits, vice versa for Commando.

With all these perks and benefits, we trust the players that they
will put it all to good intentions.
We expect from them that if certain topics gets shared in meetings
they will keep it for themselves and not to be shared with

If for whatever reason we lose trust in a Commando or Sapper, they

can be reviewed for demotion by a designated Chief.
After a player gets accepted to Commando’s or Sappers, we ask for
certain expectations to be met in the community.

 Play in the majority of competitive matches.
 Hold a high level of skill, which you were accepted for.
 Give input to strategy/tactics.
 Mentor* newer players in certain formats.

*Mentoring: Help new players to understand certain formats (18s,49s)

 Hold professional standards.
 Active on Discord (Voice Channels/Text Channels)
 Support the seeding efforts.
 Help new players in the community.

If most of the expectations are not met by a Commando or Sapper,

they can be demoted from their role by a Chief.
The player can later be invited to the role again if the
requirements get met.

If after 2 weeks a player has not met the expectations without a

reason, they are FORCED to be demoted to Member.

With certain reasons, the Commando or Sapper is allowed to take a

LOA (Leave of Absence) where they will get the time to sort it out
After a month of LOA, a Chief will review the Commando or Sapper,
and will make a final verdict to either remove or keep them in their

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