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English Test

Read the following text carefully:

What’s your idea of winter bliss? Sitting by the fire with a good
book? One British teen had a different idea. She walked to the
North Pole! Do you hate walking to school in the cold, dark
mornings? Can you imagine walking 128 kilometres across the
Arctic ice with your bags, your food and your tent on a sledge?
That’s what fifteen-year old Camilla Hempleman Adams did. She
became the first British girl to ski in the North Pole. She went with
her dad, David Hempleman Adams, who is an Arctic explorer. Last
night she was interviewed on tv. This is how it went:

- Camilla, did you train before the expedition?

- Yes! I put heavy wood in my sledge and pulled it round a field.
- What was it like – arriving in the Arctic Circle at the beginning of your trip?
- It was amazing, it was really weird, I stepped out of the helicopter and I just looked
around and it was all white.
- How cold did it get? and how did you keep warm?
- It went down to -60º C in the wind. We had all the Arctic gear. As soon as we stopped,
we always put on big jackets and gloves.
- Were you afraid of meeting polar bears?
- I tried not to think about the dangers. I just got on with it.
- What was the food like?
- We had dried, powdered food. We just had to add water and eat! It was disgusting!
- What did you miss most about home?
- I missed my warm bed, my cat, my schoolmates and my family.
- Did you listen to music while you were walking?
- No! I couldn’t take my MP3 player – it would freeze!
- How did you feel when you arrived at the North Pole?
- It was a crazy feeling just to be in the middle of nowhere, somewhere where noone else
could go - it was really strange.
- Why did you decide to do this challenge?
- I want teenagers to be more aware of climate change. We mustn’t let these beautiful
wildernesses disappear


A. Decide if the sentences are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). Correct the false ones.
1. Melissa went to an expedition in the North Pole.
2. She went to the North Pole on her own.
3. Her father is the biggest Artic explorer of all times.
4. She didn't travel by plane.
5. She decided to do the challenge to be the first British girl to ski in the North Pole.

B. Answer the following questions about the text in your own words.
1. Why was Melissa's idea so different from most of the teens?

2. How many kilometres did she walk in the snow?

3. What type of food did they eat?

4. Do you think this experience will make teens more conscious about the climate change?
Why/Why not?

C. Complete the following sentences, according to the text.

1- To keep them warm ________________________________________________


2- Being in the North Pole was __________________________________________


3- She would like teens ________________________________________________

D. Find synonyms (words or expressions)

1- happiness _______________________

2- used to transport things over ice _______________________

3- area untouched by humans _______________________


A. Join the two sentences using a relative pronoun.

1. This is the documentary. It is about endangered species.
2. She knows David Hempleman Adams. His daughter is my friend.
3. Can you see that woman? She is my biology teacher.
4. That is the green bus. I saw it parked near school.
5. Mark is an A student. Mark’s car is environmentally friendly.

B. Write sentences in the Future.

1. Many animals / disappear / all over the world
2. I / help you / with your recycling project / tomorrow
3. you/ lend / the book / I asked you / me / endangered species/about?
4. She / not / come / to the "Green Day party" / on Friday.
5. Camilla / be / here / next month / ?

C. Complete the following conditional sentences.

1. If you don’t take care of the plants, they _________________ (die).

2. If we don't recycle, we ____________________ (not / be) helping our planet.

3. If you mix two different colours, you ____________________(make) a new one.

4. We sometimes see a rainbow, if it _____________________ (rain) in a sunny day.

5. They will travel to The Amazon, if the tickets ________________ (not / be) too expensive.


G. Write a composition describing your opinion on ONE of the following questions (80-
110 words). Specify your option.

1. Protecting the environment is our own responsibility. What can you do to make our
planet a better place?

2. Do you consider yourself an adventurous person? Would you consider doing
something like Camilla did to make teens aware of the destruction of our planet?
What would it be?

I choose option


Wishing you the best of luck!

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