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Futures Language Schools October Exam Revision

October Exam Revision

Module 4 (Vocabulary)
Choose the correct answer:
1. Pandas are an (guarded – endangered – screened – saved) species. There
are only a few numbers of them.
2. Learn from the mistakes of others and (protect – increase – prevent –
improve) your own.
3. Her speech made a profound impact (on – at – in – for) everyone.
4. The whole food (wire – cable – stall – chain) is affected by the over-use of
chemicals in agriculture.
5. Nerve cells have limited ability to (refresh – resign – regenerate –
respect) if destroyed.
6. These four posts sustain the (both – entire – all – neither) building.
7. Wolves prowled the forest in search of (predator – trees – prey – grass).
8. (Lively – Dully – Lazily – Inactively) behaviour is normal for a four-year-
old child.
9. Dinosaurs have been (guarded – saved – kept – extinct) for millions of
10. Richard is the most (undercharged – underrated – overrated –
underachieved) player on the team although he does his best.
11. The typical family may remain childless and (consist – contain – include –
compose) only of a man and a woman.
12. Pollution and (overfishing – overrating – overcooking – overpaid) have
reduced the population of coastal fish.
13. The teacher kept preaching about the (increase – importance – solution
– damage) of study.
14. We went diving on the (collar – color – coral – comer) reef.
15. (Prey – Habitat – Food chain – Predator) is an animal that hunts other
animals for food.
16. Never (overestimate – underestimate – undercook – overuse) your
power to change yourself. You can do anything.
17. The police tracked the criminal to his (hideout – outside – inside – herd).
18. Is there any need (to – about – for – at) you to go there?
19. There is a general (disregard – neglect – awareness – unknown) that
smoking is harmful.
Futures Language Schools October Exam Revision
20. There has been a marked increase (in – for – on – of) trade between East
and West.
21. The beef was (undercooked – overcooked – undercharged –
overestimated) and too chewy to swallow.
22. One benefit of (carpooling – exhaust – fossil – pollution) is bypassing the
traffic by using a few numbers of cars.
23. Education is central to a country's economic (downgrade – falling –
decline – development).
24. (Protection – Conservation – Poaching – Caring) threatens the survival of
the rhino.
25. We must (limit – expand – increase – improve) the expenses to $100 a
month. We have some financial problems.
26. (Desertification – Deforestation – Conservation – Consumption) is
destroying large areas of tropical rainforests.
27. Extreme poverty still exists in many (urban – civil – rural – modern) areas.
28. (On – In – For – At) conclusion, I would like to thank you all for your hard
29. Consumption of oil has (declined – lost – increased – linked) in recent
years. Most people depend on the electricity instead.
30. Forests were destroyed due to extensive (blogging – plugging – planting
– logging).

Module 4 (Grammar)
Choose the correct answer:
1. Your headaches are (because – due to – although – since) the stress.
2. Half the guests (has arrived – had arrived – arrives – arriving) early
before the food was prepared.
3. I like him (despite – although – because of – as) his faults.
4. Jason didn't move to the new house (after – by the time – as soon as –
until) he had informed all his old friends of the new address.
5. As soon as Smith had finished his work, he (hang – hung – has hung –
hanging) out with his friends.
6. We couldn't see the show because of (we weren't there – our absence –
we were absent – we were busy).
7. The race (had already finished – had been finishing – finishes – finishing)
by the time the last person arrived.
Futures Language Schools October Exam Revision
8. Steve had a gold medal because he (wins – has won – had won –
winning) the marathon.
9. The plane came down safely (because – in spite of – since – although) it
was misty.
10. Maria fed her dog after she (has walk – walks – walking – had been
walking) it for two hours in the evening.
11. (Because – Due to – Although – Despite) Martin studied well, he passed
the exams.
12. Uncle Sam bought a new motorbike (by the time – after – until – when)
riding it a few times.
13. After Alan and Jane had got to the restaurant, everyone (begin – began –
begins – had begun) eating.
14. Before (put – puts – is putting – putting) flowers in the vase, Jana had
cleaned it well.
15. (Due to – Although – In spite of – Because) all his efforts, he failed.
16. There were a lot of people in the park because it (was – being – is – has
been) a very sunny day.
17. We were burgled because my dad (don't lock – hasn't locked – isn't
locking – hadn't locked) the bathroom window.
18. My car wasn't there because my husband (takes – has been taking – had
taken – taking) it without asking me.
19. They (hadn't won – haven't won – aren't winning – didn't win) the
trophy until they had done their best on the field.
20. Our grandmother (died – dying – dies – had died) because she had had a
very serious disease.

Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the
same meaning:
1. I didn't visit this town until I had known it well. (After)
2. Jenifer began to run after she had seen the snake. (seeing)
3. Bob had met her before the party began. (as soon as)
4. He cried because he hurt his knee. (because of)
5. Although my car is very old, it still runs very well. (In spite of)
Futures Language Schools October Exam Revision
6. Tom stopped smoking after the doctor had advised him. (before)
7. First, Jack saved money. Then he bought the car. (By the time)
8. Despite the cold weather, we swam in the sea. (Even though)
9. Frank won the race due to his incredible speed. (since)
10. After Ali had known the news, he told us about it. (telling)
11. Although the sun was shining it wasn't very warm. (Despite)
12. Ann had bought the tickets before she entered the cinema. (until)
13. I had reached the hall before the exam started. (as soon as)
14. When I came home, they had eaten the meal. (After)
15. We went out in spite of the rain. (although)

Finish the following dialogue:

Amir is telling his teacher about one of his close friends.
Teacher : Hello, Amir. Do you have any close friends?
Amir : ______________________________________________.
Teacher : How long have you known him?
Amir : ______________________________________________.
Teacher : I see. What do you do together?
Amir : ______________________________________________.
Teacher : ______________________________________________?
Amir : No, I'm good at maths. He's good at science.

Ali and his friend Nabil at a restaurant.

Ali : What would you like to eat?
Nabil : ______________________________________________.
Ali : ______________________________________________?
Nabil : Yes, green salad.
Ali : ______________________________________________?
Futures Language Schools October Exam Revision
Nabil : I’d like to drink tea.
Ali : ______________________________________________?
Nabil : No, thanks. I don’t want any more sugar.

Omar and an assistant at a shoe shop.

Assistant : ______________________________________________?
Omar : ______________________________________________.
Assistant : What size are you?
Omar : Size 42, please.
Assistant : ______________________________________________?
Omar : Black.
Assistant : What about these shoes? Do you like them?
Omar : Yes, they are wonderful. ________________________________?
Assistant : They are seventy pounds.
Omar : Here’s the money. Thank you.

Read the following passage then answer the questions:

Some people don't like other people just because they look different. I
think that is silly. I don't think that it is fair to judge someone by the way they
look. Some people look very nice, but they are mean or cruel. Some people look
very ordinary, but they are incredibly nice. I remember when I was in grade one;
I saw a girl across the room. She had a mean look on her face. I thought to
myself that she was probably not a very nice person. I stayed away from her
and played with the other children. Then, we had to play a game, and the
teacher said that she would pick partners for us. The teacher picked the girl
with the mean face as my partner. I didn't think that the game would be much
fun at all with a partner who seemed as mean as that girl. I walked up to her
and said hello. The girl's face changed. She smiled at me, and she began to talk
to me. Her mean face disappeared. We had lots of fun playing the game. We
laughed a lot and enjoyed each other's company. That girl became my best
friend. Now, when I look at her, I see what is inside her. Sometimes she doesn't
smile, but I know what she is like. She is a kind and funny person. I have learned
that "You can't judge a book by its cover." It is not fair to dislike someone just
because they don't look like you want them to look. You have to get to know a
person. It doesn't matter to me what color a person's skin is. It doesn't matter
to me if they are short or tall, skinny or fat or happy or sad looking. I judge

Futures Language Schools October Exam Revision
people by how they treat me, and I try to treat people like I would want to be
Answer the following questions:
1. Why do you think that some people don't like other people?
2. Do you think that nice looking people must be really nice ones? Why?
3. What grade was the speaker in when he changed his mind?
4. How was the speaker's relationship with the girl like?
5. Do you have the same experience? If so, tell me about it.
6. How do you like people treat you?

Novel (Moby Dick)

Answer the following questions:
1. Why was whaling an important business?
2. "No, he won't be back till much later. He is out selling his head."
Futures Language Schools October Exam Revision
3. "Appearance Vs. Reality" Discuss according to what you read in chapter
one. (Queequeg).
4. "Please don't hurt me!" "Landlord! Mr Coffin! Someone save me,
please!" Comment.
5. "Don't worry, young man, I won't hurt you," Comment.
6. What were the signs that may have prevented Ishmael from boarding
the Pequod? (Peleg's words and Elijah's warning).

Futures Language Schools October Exam Revision
7. "Appearance Vs. Reality" Discuss according to what you read in chapter
two. (Elijah).
8. "Ahab is a dangerous man, I tell you. He is obsessed, and his obsession
driven him mad." Comment.
9. Describe Captain Ahab.
10. Anyway, as I was saying, I suggest you take a look at Captain Ahab
before you commit yourself to this voyage; you might think twice about
going whaling when you see that the captain has only one leg..."

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