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Work, Energy & Power – Vocabulary Review

Directions: Match the items in column one with appropriate items in column two and
write the CAPITAL letter in the space before the number.

_G_1. power A. equation for power

_F_2. work B. equation for work

_H_3. energy C. unit of energy or work

_I_4. potential energy D. unit of power

_J_5. kinetic energy E. measured in seconds

_E_6. time F. force multiplied times distance

_D_7. Watts G. timed rate of doing work

_C_8. J H. ability to do work

_B_9. W = F × d I. energy of position

_L_10. types of energy J. energy of motion

_A_11. P = W ÷ t K. push or pull

_K_12. force L. sound, heat, light, chemical, potential,

kinetic, and nuclear

_N_13. A boat does 20J of work in 5 seconds, M. 4 J

what is the boat’s power?

_M_14. A boat pulls a raft 2m with a force of 2N, N. 4 W

what work did the boat do?
Work, Energy & Power

1. What equation is used to calculate work? Work = Force x Distance

2. What is the S.I. unit for work?___joules_____

3. Problem: If a woman pushes a box 9 meters along the floor with a 10N force. What is the work
she has done?
Work = Force x Distance Work = (10N)(9m) = 90 joules

4. Define the word energy?

The ability to do ___work_____

5. What is the S.I. unit for energy?__joules__

6. List at least 3 types of energy.

1. Kinetic Energy

2. Potential Energy

3. Solar Energy

8. Compare and contrast potential energy to kinetic energy.

Stored Energy is Potential Energy (Energy of location/position)
Energy of Motion is Kinetic Energy

9. If a ball is dropped from a tall building explain where the maximum and minimum kinetic and
potential energy are found as the ball drops.

At the top – is maximum potential energy and minimum kinetic energy

At the bottom – is maximum kinetic energy and minimum potential energy

10. Define the word power scientifically. The time rate of doing work. (how fast or how slowly
you do work)

11. What is the equation for power? Power = work/time

12. What is the S.I. unit for power?______watts______

13. Problem: If a motorcycle does 150J of work in 20 seconds, how much power does the bike have?
Power = 150J/ 20s = 7.5 watts

Work, Energy & Power – Review Sheet

1. What is work? What is the S.I. unit for work? What formula is used to calculate work?
Work is done when a force moves an object a distance in the direction of the force.

Work = force x distance and the unit for work is joules

2. What is energy? What is the S.I. unit for energy?

energy is the ability to do work. Unit is joules
3. What is the difference between kinetic and potential energy?

Kinetic energy – energy of motion.

Potential energy – stored energy

4. What is power? The time rate of doing work. (how fast or how slowly you do work)
What is the S.I. unit of power? watts
What formula is used to calculate power? Power = work /time

5. Imagine an object falling from a high cliff. Draw a diagram of this object and label the object’s
maximum and minimum potential and kinetic energy on the diagram.

6. What is required in order for work to be done on an object?

a force on an object and a displacement of that object

7. A worker pushes a crate with a force of 300N and the crate is moved 5.0m. How much work is
work = force x distance work = (300N)(5m) = 1500joules
8. While rearranging a dorm room, a student does 300-J of work in moving a desk 2.0-m. How much
force did the student use?

Work/ distance = force 300J/2m = 150 N

9. A car does 20J of work in 2 seconds, how much power does the car have?
Power = 20J/2s = 10 watts

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