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Centro de Estudios Tecnológicos industrial y de servicios No°22.
•Física, Proyecto de (Transversalidad).
•5 A
•Turno Matutino.
•Especialidad Programación.
•Ing. Rosa Estela Walle Balleza
Jardines Reyes Heber Elihu.
Márquez Segura Ángel Eduardo.
Pérez Fernando Michelle Guadalupe.
Román del Ángel Sugey Jazmín.
Williams Vázquez Samaria.
•Agosto 2023/Enero 2024.
Tampico Tamaulipas.
This issue of global warming in the environment is very alarming since it affects
all living beings, and little by little it is destroying our planet, thanks to all the
pollution that exists today and causes such a problem. That is why in this
investigation we will see everything that covers this very important topic that is
worth being aware of in order to begin to save our planet little by little, making a
difference to end this problem. That is why our team invites you to receive
feedback from our great research on the aforementioned topic.

What is global warning?

Climate change refers to long-term changes in temperatures and weather patterns.
These changes may be natural, but since the 19th century, human activities have been
the main driver of climate change, due mainly to the burning of fossil fuels, such as
coal, oil and gas, producing gases that trap the heat.
Consequences of global warming
 Melting of the poles and rise in sea level.
 Changes in ecosystems.
 Massive migrations.
 Ocean acidification.
 Species extinction.
 Extreme weather phenomena.

Actions to reduce global warming in the environment in the Altamira

 Save energy at home.
 Change the type of energy in your house.
 Get around on foot, by bike or by public transport.
 Switch to an electric vehicle.
 Reconsider your trips.
 Consume less, reuse, repair and recycle.
 Eat more vegetables.
 Throw away less food.
 Grow native species.
 Keep your environment clean.
 Use biodegradable products.
 Save water.
 Use energy-saving appliances.

What causes global warming in the environment

Among the impacts of climate change, the melting of the ice mass at the poles stands
out, which in turn causes a rise in sea level, which produces floods and threatens
coastal coastlines; even small island states are at risk of disappearance. . Global
warming will alter the course of ocean currents, causing uncontrollable climate change
across the planet. The growing number of heavy industries, oil and gas refineries,
landfills and incinerators will make the air increasingly unsuitable. Global warming will
alter the course of ocean currents, causing uncontrollable climate change across the
planet. The growing number of heavy industries, oil and gas refineries, landfills and
incinerators will make the air increasingly unsuitable.
Types of Global Warming
There are different types of global warming, each with its own characteristics and
effects. One of them is:
Natural global warming:
It is due to fluctuations in solar activity and greenhouse gas concentrations in the
atmosphere, without direct human intervention.
Anthropogenic global warming:
It is the most worrying, since it is mainly caused by human activities.
Polar global warming:
It refers to the increase in temperature in polar regions, such as the Arctic and
Antarctica. This has serious consequences for polar ecosystems, causing ice caps to
melt and sea levels to rise.

How global warming affects human beings

Rising temperatures over time are changing weather patterns and disrupting nature's
usual balance. This poses many risks to humans and all other life forms on Earth.
Higher temperatures
Almost all land areas are seeing more hot days and heat waves; The year 2020 was one
of the hottest on record. Higher temperatures increase heat-related illnesses and can
make work and travel more difficult. Forest fires occur more easily and spread more
quickly when temperatures are higher.
Consume less, reuse, repair and recycle
To protect our climate, buy less things, buy second-hand, repair what you can and
recycle. Plastics alone generated 1.8 billion metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions in
2019, 3.4% of the global total.
One of the consequences of global warming is the greenhouse effect. The results of
this phenomenon are the melting of glaciers, flooding of coastal cities, migration of
species and more devastating hurricanes, among others.
These global problems can be progressively reduced by cutting greenhouse gas
emissions. The key may be in the sum of initiatives that are promoted from different
points of society.
Global warming is the phenomenon responsible for the melting of the poles and
glaciers. Each degree that the earth's temperature increases means 7% more
precipitation, and the increase in the occurrence of heat waves up to 9.4 times more
than in the past. This was recently revealed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC).
Atmospheric pollution, a product of the increase in global temperature, is, according to
the World Health Organization (WHO), one of the greatest health risks, since it causes
more than seven million premature deaths in the world due to exposure to particles. of
contaminated air.
One of the consequences of global warming is the greenhouse effect. The results of
this phenomenon are the melting of glaciers, flooding of coastal cities, migration of
species and more devastating hurricanes, among others.
These global problems can be progressively reduced by cutting greenhouse gas
emissions. The key may be in the sum of initiatives that are promoted from different
points of society.

Current consequences of global warming

You see them in many countries: forest fires, disappearance of glaciers, danger of
extinction of marine fauna, rising temperatures. This increase was evident in 2019, as it
was the second hottest year in 140 years.
But the consequences of global warming are not only palpable in high temperatures.
Next, look at these other causes:
More expensive foods: Climate change can put the production of staple foods like
wheat and barley at risk. If crops are scarce, prices skyrocket.
Climate displacement: Hurricanes, typhoons and rains will force thousands of people
to emigrate from their countries and seek refuge elsewhere. Warming altered and
modified the climate in such a way that these phenomena occur more frequently, and
in a more violent way.
Less biodiversity: melting ice from the poles reaches the sea and affects the salinity of
the water. This will affect plant species and, as a consequence, the fish that feed on
them. Furthermore, with indiscriminate logging, many animals will lose their natural

Actions to mitigate global warming

Another future is possible. We are certain that there are many of us who have the
possibility of seeking a sustainable future. We do it because global warming is a fact
that no one can deny and compromises the survival of the planet.

Let's find out what actions are in your hands to mitigate global warming?

What is global warming?

Global warming is the continuous increase in the average temperature on Earth and
the atmosphere.
The temperature increased due to CO2 emissions, whose levels increased so much,
above all, due to the burning of fossil fuels. That is why climate change is a reality.
But this is not the only activity that generates these gases. Below, you will learn more.
Global warming: actions to mitigate it.
Activities that generate greenhouse gases
Human beings generate most of the greenhouse gases, the main driver of warming.
What activities are involved in the production of greenhouse gases? The use of
fertilizers in agriculture, the increase in deforestation or the means of transportation
you use (car, bus).
And one of the most important: waste (UNHCR, 2018). Hence the importance of
following the so-called Three Rs Rule: reduce, reuse, recycle.
Today the revolution of small things has great value. It doesn't matter if others are still
deaf, we can be part of the change. See how with these actions we will achieve it!

Reforestation: planting trees

We can combat global warming with trees. They prevent erosion, give clean air to the
environment and keep water currents clean. There are many foundations in Colombia
that you can connect with. Be part of the recovery of spaces that suffered

Avoid using plastics

It is a basic action that you can apply daily to reduce global warming. If you go to the
supermarket, bring your own cloth bags for fruits. Do not use disposable straws, plates
or cutlery.
The big problem is the time that plastics, exposed to the sun, generate gases such as
methane, which produce the greenhouse effect. Imagine how long a plastic bag can
generate these gases: 150 years. And the degradation of a PET bottle can take up to
450 years.

Recycle your cooking oil

You can recycle the oil you cook with. It is very simple. Store it in bottles as soon as it
cools and contact us so that you can have a container in your residential complex to
store the bottles. With this oil it produces biofuel.
The best thing is that for every kilogram of used cooking oil transformed into biofuel, it
is estimated that 2.4 kg of CO2 are no longer emitted into the environment. Large
companies, restaurants and hotels have already joined in and are recycling cooking oil.

Become a responsible consumer to take care of the environment

This trend is gaining more strength every day around the world. It's easy to say no to
extreme consumer habits and help slow global warming. For example, buying second-
hand clothes is a simple action.
Look at the sustainability seals that many products carry. The importance of this action
is that you know that you support both farmers and companies that are already
committed to reducing global warming. You will see the stamps on coffee, eggs, milk,
fruits, etc.

low carbon diet

Try to consume less meat and replace it with healthy preparations. Prefers to buy local
products, as they are fresher and do not require as much packaging or transportation
(trucks are major polluters).

Digitized documents in companies

Encourage the use of digital documents to reduce paper and ink consumption. Did you
know that many companies currently do not recycle? Maybe you take it for granted
that they do, but the reality is different.
Encourage your coworkers to use paper on both sides. And that the waste
management is appropriate, that is, that it is separated into different containers. This is
another of the actions against global warming.

Mitigate global warming

Social networks are a weapon to generate change today. Pinterest, Instagram,
Facebook will help you share content of interest that can mobilize other people.

Urban agriculture to mitigate global warming

There are many spaces that can be used within cities. In universities or residential
complexes you could allocate spaces to plant vegetables such as lettuce, broccoli, red
cabbage. The importance of urban agriculture is that it helps capture carbon emissions

Try volunteering
If you want to be part of something bigger to slow global warming, it's best to try
volunteering. There are thousands of young people with our same concerns working
daily for a better future.
Finally, you can put together groups with your closest friends to give talks, show
documentaries and films on major climate issues.
We are architects of change. You have already seen how it is possible, through small
and large actions, to mitigate global warming. The planet needs us today more than
ever and we cannot turn our backs on it.

How does climate change affect human rights?

Climate change is closely related to human rights because it affects not only the
environment but also our well-being. Its effects will continue to spread and worsen
over time, causing ruin for current and future generations. These are the reasons why
the lack of action by governments to address the climate crisis, despite compelling
scientific evidence, could be the largest intergenerational human rights violation in

Climate change and the right to health

All people have the right to enjoy the highest possible level of physical and mental
health. According to the IPCC, the main health effects of climate change will include:
increased risk of injury, illness and death from heat stroke and more intense fires;
increased risk of malnutrition due to decreased food production in poor regions, and
increased risk of contracting food- and water-borne or vector-borne diseases. People—
especially minors—exposed to traumatic events such as natural disasters, aggravated
by climate change, may suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.

What problems arise in Altamira?

Unlike Tampico and Madero, Altamira has faced in recent years the problem of
contamination of at least 500 hectares of crops, as well as fishing areas and lagoons in
recent years due to spills from oil facilities in the area.
Global warming is caused by the absorption of solar energy by the earth. When the
earth warms up, it releases heat into the atmosphere in the form of infrared rays.
However, part of this heat is returned to the Earth's surface and the consequence is its
overheating. However, although the greenhouse effect is a natural and necessary
phenomenon for the Earth, why is there talk of climate change as a consequence of
this greenhouse effect? This is explained by thinking that there has been a gradual and
exorbitant increase in this rise in temperature in the atmosphere and oceans.
Human activity, for its part, has been responsible for emitting a greater amount of
gases into the atmosphere, causing a greater increase in temperature and, as a
consequence, generating global warming.
However, what still generates controversy is the source and reason for this increase in
temperature. Even so, most of the scientific community assures that there is more than
90% certainty that the increase is due to the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations
due to human activities that include deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels such
as oil and coal. These conclusions are supported by the science academies of most
industrialized countries.
Other effects would include more frequent extreme weather, including droughts, heat
waves, hurricanes and heavy rainfall. Extinctions of species are also expected due to
temperature changes.
It is postulated that, if the increase in the global average temperature is greater than
4ºC compared to pre-industrial temperatures, in many parts of the world natural
systems will no longer be able to adapt and, therefore, will not be able to sustain the
population in the way they do. that natural resources will be depleted

Climate change has transformed marine, terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems around
the world. It has caused the loss of local species, the increase in diseases and has
driven mass mortality of plants and animals, leading to the first climate-induced

These are the most threatened ecosystems:

Karst springs (Australia).
Aral Sea (Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan).
Acacia forests (Senegal, Mali and Mauritania).
Fynbos (South Africa).
Coorong (Australia).
Coastal wetland ecosystem (Australia).
Wetlands in the Murray River (Australia).
Giant kelp forests (Alaska).
The study also found that of the 14 biomes and 795 ecoregions on Earth, 46 ecoregions
spanning 10 biomes have been greatly affected by the destruction caused by humanity,
resulting in severe loss of ecosystems and biodiversity.

What ecosystems have been lost in Mexico?

Habitat loss:
The latest estimates indicate that in Mexico around 50% of natural ecosystems have
been lost. The main transformations have been carried out in humid and dry forests,
grasslands, cloud forests and mangroves and to a lesser extent in shrublands and
temperate forests.

The impacts of climate change are being felt without any ecosystem on
earth being safe.
Many species, from salamanders to birds, are showing, for example, changes in their
body size in response to climate change. Some animals are also giving birth to smaller
species than before, the analysis notes. Animals have changed the timing of their
migrations, temperate plants are flowering earlier in spring, many species have
changed their distributions, and some have even seen their sex ratios altered as a
result of rising temperatures.
These changes, the study concludes, not only disrupt interactions between species, but
also affect people.
Productivity in the fishing sector has declined, for example, in part due to warming
waters. Yields of important crops, such as rice, corn and coffee, have declined in
response to rising temperatures and increased rainfall variability over recent decades.
Warming temperatures have also led to the spread of pests and increased cases of
disease outbreaks. Mosquitoes are also expanding their distribution to areas that are
now warmer than before, increasing the possibility of spreading diseases such as
dengue and chikungunya.
Healthy ecosystems are important not only because they act as carbon stores, but also
because they can buffer and regulate local climate regimes, and allow species,
including human populations, to respond and adapt to climate change, the authors
The responses we see that just 1°C of warming should make us uncomfortable, since if
significant emissions cuts are not made in the very near future, experts predict we will
see 2°C to 3°C of warming by the end of century. “This will be catastrophic for both the
environment and people.”

Cities and pollution contribute to climate change

Cities are one of the factors that contribute the most to climate change. According to
UN-Habitat, cities consume 78% of the world's energy and produce more than 60% of
greenhouse gas emissions. However, they cover less than 2% of the Earth's surface.
The enormous number of people who depend on fossil fuels makes the urban
population highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Less green space makes
the problem worse. According to an IPCC report, limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees
Celsius would require "a rapid and far-reaching transition in the use of energy, land,
urban spaces and infrastructure (including means of transport and buildings) and
industrial systems.

The increasingly serious consequences of air pollution and climate

Another characteristic that both phenomena share is their serious impact on society.
Climate change causes droughts, floods, deforestation, displacement and
disappearance of animal and plant species... which give rise to famine and disease.
Air pollution has serious effects on health and causes 7 million deaths each year
worldwide and causes a quarter of lung cancers, heart attacks and strokes, accounting
for 0.3 of the world's GDP in health spending, in addition to the reduction of work
In fact, there are more and more studies that link new diseases with air pollution, such
as osteoporosis, and it is already known that this triggers pathologies such as infections
or kidney failure. That is, its effects on health go far beyond respiratory or heart
diseases. According to a Report from the EU Court of Auditors, the number of victims is
more than 10 times higher than the number of deaths due to traffic accidents.

Here we present some examples of interventions to improve air quality in different

Energy: Modify the energy mix to include less polluting and renewable sources, and
gradually eliminate subsidies that promote the use of polluting fuels.
Industry: Use renewable fuels, adopt cleaner production measures, and install
scrubbers and electrostatic precipitators in industrial establishments to filter particles
from emissions before they are released into the air.
Transportation: Switch from vehicles with diesel engines to electric ones, install
catalytic converters in vehicles to reduce the toxicity of emissions, establish vehicle
inspection and maintenance programs.
Agriculture: Discourage the use of nitrogen-based fertilizers, improve the nitrogen use
efficiency of agricultural soils, and improve fertilizer management and manure
utilization. Nitrogen-based fertilizers release ammonia, a precursor to the secondary
formation of PM2.5. They can also be oxidized and released into the atmosphere as
nitrous oxide, a long-lived greenhouse gas.
Cooking and heating: Promote clean solutions for cooking and heating, such as clean
stoves and boilers. The consequences of air pollution and the Another characteristic
that both phenomena share is their serious impact on society. Climate change causes
droughts, floods, deforestation, displacement and disappearance of animal and plant
species... which give rise to famine and disease.

What are the factors that cause global warming?

The Earth's climate and temperature are increasingly influenced by the burning of fossil
fuels, the clearing of forests and the raising of livestock. The enormous quantities of
gases thus produced are added to those released naturally into the atmosphere,
increasing the greenhouse effect and global warming.

Causes of increased emissions

The combustion of coal, oil and gas produces carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide.
Cutting down forests (deforestation). Trees absorb CO2 from the atmosphere and thus
help regulate the climate. When they are cut down, this beneficial effect is lost and the
carbon stored in the trees is released into the atmosphere, aggravating the greenhouse

The development of livestock. Cows and sheep produce a large amount of methane
during digestion.
Fertilizers containing nitrogen produce nitrous oxide emissions.
Fluorinated gases emitted by devices and products that use these gases. These
emissions have a powerful warming effect, up to 23,000 times greater than that
produced by CO2.

Signs of this climatic phenomenon in our country:

Increase in desertification. Many regions in the north of the country are becoming
sterile lands, which means drying up of rivers, death of animal and plant species and
impact on groundwater tables.
Extreme temperature increase. In Mexico City, in recent years, the temperature has
increased almost 4º Celsius.
Changes in the way it rains. Whether in Motozintla, Chiapas, or in Ciudad Juárez,
Chihuahua, the number of intense storms is increasing.
Advancement in hot seasons. In the northern regions of the country, hot seasons
begin earlier and end later than usual, compared to previous years.
Loss of forests. The loss of forests and vegetation in the country has accelerated. Forest
fires are also associated with rising temperatures.
Disappearance of the glaciers. The most important glaciers in Mexico, located in the
Pico de Orizaba, Popocatépetl and Iztaccíhuatl volcanoes, are decreasing in extent.
Occurrence of diseases. Cases of dengue have appeared in Chihuahua, something
unusual in the region.

Signs of this climatic phenomenon in our country:

-Increase in desertification. Many regions in the north of the country are becoming
sterile lands, which means drying up of rivers, death of animal and plant species, and
impact on groundwater tables.
-Extreme temperature increase. In Mexico City, in recent years, the temperature has
increased almost 4º Celsius.
-Changes in the way it rains. Whether in Motozintla, Chiapas, or Ciudad Juárez,
Chihuahua, the number of intense storms is increasing.
-Advance in hot seasons. In the northern regions of the country, hot seasons begin
earlier and end later than usual, compared to previous years.
-Loss of forests. The loss of forests and vegetation in our country has accelerated.
Forest fires are also associated with rising temperatures.
-Disappearance of glaciers. The most important glaciers in Mexico, located in the Pico
de Orizaba, Popocatépetl and Iztaccíhuatl volcanoes, are decreasing in extent.
-Appearance of diseases. Cases of dengue have appeared in Chihuahua, something
unusual in the region.
For these reasons and many other things, we must begin to pay attention to this
problem, and finally the team concludes with this information that this problem,
despite the fact that it is already very advanced, still has a solution, if all people do
their part of sand so that day by day this situation decreases, it will be slow but
together we can achieve it and thus change our planet little by little by working as a
team we can all achieve our goal.
“Let's take care of planet earth”

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