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Example: Characteristics Impacts: socio-economic/ env (ST/ LT + - ) Vulnerability / resilience / Responses ST / LT

Volc / EQ / tsunami Hazard profile governance (different players?)

Name: Christchurch eq Speed of onset: socio-economic: Inequalities (education / ST

Rapid -5 Rugby World Cup matches cancelled housing / health care / income -$6-7 million of international aid
Location: Region of Canterbury, New Zealand -Schools closed for 2 weeks opps): -Red Cross + others supplied aid workers
-1/5 of pop’ migrated out of city -buildings weakened from 2010 -Rescue crews from USA, Taiwan,
Areal extent: -2 large aftershocks less than 4 months after eq Australia and UK
Date: Tuesday 22 feb 2011 Entire Canterbury -Estimated 50-100 years for full economic recovery ->300 Ausi police officers, flew in 3 days
Time: 12:51 (23:51) Felt at South -80% of people said their lives changed significantly later to help police to enforce laws and
Island, lower through a survey order
Plates: Pacific and Australasian plate (conservative) central North -30,000 people provided with chemical
Island Geographical factors (pop toilets
density / isolation
Duration: /accessibility / urbanisation:
Developed / emerging / developing 10 seconds -377,900 population LT
-270/km^2 = pop’ density -10,000 affordable homes
Magnitude / intensity: 6.2 Mw (moment mag’ -water + sewage pipes restored by
scale) Frequency: August 2011
Mercalli intensity scale - IX (violent) -250 large enough -NGO’s support
Scale: local / regional / national / international / to be felt a year Environmental: -Canterbury Earthquake Recovery
global 6.7km/4.2m south-east of business district -liquefaction Authority created to rebuild region, had
-14-15,000 occur -land level changed special powers to change planning laws
Mega disaster? Yes / no every year -rock falls + regulations
Primary hazards: Spatial -water based recreational activities halted until Nov 2011
-185 killed (CC Police) predictability: Physical factors and context:
-3129 injuries -Had EQ’ in 2010
-liquefaction (eastern suburbs), produced 400k silt
-burst water mains, flooding
-4500 vehicles stranded due to cracked roads
-100,000 properties damaged
-$28 billion damage
Secondary hazards:
-361 aftershocks
-power cuts
-rock falls
-2200 people lived in temporary housing

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