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I traveled and have lived in the city Madrid in Spain for two years.

I lived in The district of Moratalaz it’s in the city Madrid.

Madrid It is the biggest city in the Spain, and it is one of the most cosmopolitan of the world,
but besides it is capital city of Spain.

It’s more expensive than a lot of other cities: probably the most expensive places in Spain are
Barcelona and Madrid.

Also Madrid to have one of the fastest growth rates of any city in the Spain. It was able to grow
faster than other cities because of all the services and trade. For that reason, there a lot of
people are emigrating at Spain.

The biggest state in the Spain is Madrid, and the one with the most people also is Madrid.
Madrid is much bigger than Arequipa, but the climate is worse.

In Madrid during the months of December and January It is coldest, but during the months of
July and Agost is Hotter than Arequipa.

What’s I favorite thing about Spain?

A lot of things! I really like the diversity of the people. There’s also an interesting mix of old
and very modern parks, restaurants, and old places. But my favorite thing is just that there’s so
much to see and do. It makes Arequipa seem like a quiet small town in comparison.

What’s I least favorite thing about Madrid?

Two things, actually. The distances are so long, which makes it hard to go anywhere and hard
to se people. And also the prices. Some things are really expensive, especially after doing the
conversion from soles to euros.

And the food was good,

I ate some typical Spanish food – Paella and Tapas, a traditional Sunday roast – and also ate
food Peruvian, Chinese and more. Of course, Arequipa has great food too. And I’m not saying
Spain food was bad. But I think peruvian foo it the Most delicious of the world.
traveling is hyperliving

that's all


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