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SUR 213

(Fundamentals of surveying)

By: Engr. Arnel D. Cabanero


TOPIC : Error of closure

Adjustment of a Closed Traverse | Theodolite

Surveying | Surveying
Adjustment of a closed traverse includes: 1. Adjustment of Angular Error. 2.
Adjustment of Bearings. 3. Adjustment of Closing Error.

1. Adjustment of Angular Error:

(a) Angular Error:
The theoretic sum of the interior angles of a traverse should equal (2N-4) right angles, and
that of the exterior angles should equal (2N+4) right angles, where N is the number of
sides of a closed traverse. The difference between the theoretic sum and the sum of the
measured angles in a closed traverse is called the angular error of closure. It should not
exceed the least count x√N

Adjustment of a closed traverse includes: 1. Adjustment of Angular Error. 2.

Adjustment of Bearings. 3. Adjustment of Closing Error.

1. Adjustment of Angular Error:

(a) Angular Error:
The theoretic sum of the interior angles of a traverse should equal (2N-4) right angles, and
that of the exterior angles should equal (2N+4) right angles, where N is the number of
sides of a closed traverse. The difference between the theoretic sum and the sum of the
measured angles in a closed traverse is called the angular error of closure. It should not
exceed the least count x√N

(b) Adjustment:
If e is the closing error in bearing, and N is the number of the sides of the
traverse, then the correction applied to the bearings of the sides are:
Correction to the Bering =e/N

‘‘ ‘‘ third ‘‘ = 3e/N

and so on to the last bearings Ne/N=e

The same results will be obtained if a correction of e/N is applied to each of the
observed angles. Then the first bearing will be changed by e/N the second by
2e/N, the third by 3e/N, and so on.

3. Adjustment of Closing Error:

(a) Closing Error:

While plotting a closed traverse, the end point coincides exactly with the starting
point provided that work is correct. Also in a closed traverse, the algebraic sum
of the latitudes- (the sum of northings-the sum of southings) should equal zero,
and the algebraic sum of the departures (the sum of eastings – the sum of
westings) should equal zero.

But due to errors in the field measurements of angles and distances, the traverse
if plotted according to the field measurements will not close on the starting
point. The distance by which the end point of a survey fails to meet with the
starting one is called the closing error or error of closure. In fig. 9.23, A and
A1 are the starting and end points respectively, and AA1 represents the closing
The two components of this error (A1A2 and AA2) parallel and perpendicular to
the meridian may be determined by finding the algebraic sum of the altitudes
(ΣL), and that of the departures (ΣD). Since the triangle A1A2A is right angled at
A2, the linear closing error (AA1) is equal to the square root of the sum of the
squares of the algebraic sum of the latitudes and that of the departures

The direction of the closing error is given by the relation.,

tan θ = where θ is the reducing bearing. The signs of ΣL and ΣD will define the
quadrant of the closing error.
(b) Balancing the Traverse:
It is process of adjusting the latitudes and departures by applying corrections to
them in such a way that the algebraic sum of the latitudes, and that of the
departures should each equal to zero, i.e. the sum of the northings should be
exactly equal to the sum of the southings, and the sum of the easting should be
exactly equal to the sum of the westing.

The following rules may be used for finding the corrections to balance the

(1) Bowditch’s Rule:

It is also known as the compass rule and is most commonly used in traverse
adjustment. It is used when the angular and linear measurements are equally
precise. By this rule, the total error in latitude and that in departure is distributed
in proportion to the lengths of the sides.

Correction to latitude or departure of any side

(2) Transit Rule:

This rule is used to balance the traverse when the angular measurement are
more precise than the linear measurements,

(i) Correction to departure of any side

(ii) Correction to departure of any side

(3) A Third Rule:
(i) Correction to southing of any side

(ii) Correction to southing of any side

(iii) Correction to easting of any side

(iv) Correction to westing of any side

At the end of the lesson the learner will be able to plot the location of close
and open traverse and be able to determine the error of closure.


1. Give an observe data of a close traverse

2. Determine the Error of Closure of practice problem 1

REFERENCE : Surveying Fundamentals 3rd edition , Besavilla , Cebu city.

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