Recount Text

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READ THE FOLLOWING EXPLANATION. (Bacalah penjelasan dibawah ini!)

Recount Text : teks yang menceritakan kejadian di masa lampau.

Generic Structure :

1. Orientation
Pada bagian ini, penulis memulai cerita dengan mengenalkan latar belakang informasi yang
menjawab, kapan, di mana kejadian atau peristiwa itu terjadi pada masa lampau
2. Series of Events
Setelah menceritakan latar belakang atau identitas pelaku, setting tempat dan waktunya,
pada bagian ini barulah penulis mulai menceritakan jalannya cerita secara urut atau
3. Reorientation
Penyelesaian masalah.

Kinds of Recount Text :

1. Personal Recount Text

Personal recount text adalah jenis recount text yang menceritakan pengalaman pribadi si penulis
seperti pengalaman liburan, pengalaman di sekolah atau bahkan pengalaman tak terlupakan yang
membuat kita terus mengingat kejadian tersebut.

2. Imaginative Recount Text

Imaginative recount text adalah jenis recount text yang menceritakan imaginasi penulis tentang suatu
hal dan dituliskan dalam bentuk past tense. Pada pembahasan di bawah, kami memberikan contoh
imaginative recount text dengan judul spiderman. Silahkan dibaca untuk lebih memahaminya.

3. Factual Recount Text

Factual recount text adalah jenis recount text yang membahas tentang suatu hal yang benar-benar
terjadi (fakta) di masa lampau. Dibawah, kami memberikan contoh factual recount tentang titanic.

4. Historical Recount Text

Historical recount text merupakan jenis recount text yang membahas tentang sejarah baik itu tempat
bersejarah maupun benda bersejarah. historical recount text dengan judul borobudur kami tulis untuk
memudahkan kamu dalam memahami historical recount text.
A. Read the following texts and identify what kind of recount text they are. (Bacalah teks berikut dan
identifikasi jenis teks recountnya!)

No. Recount Text Personal Factual Historical
Last year I joined the Chicago Marathon, my
first marathon contest. I had to run 26,2 miles to
complete it. It was hard.
At first, I just wanted to get the experience of
joining a marathon. I thought it would be one
life time experience. After finishing it, I changed
Ex my mind. I wanted to join another one. I was v
interested to complete at least one more
marathon and improve my time. I also
experienced a good feeling between participants
and the spectators that made me happy. It was a
very wonderful thing for me. So I decided that I
had to join another marathon the following year.
A Trip to the Zoo Yesterday my family and I
went to the zoo to see the elephant. When we got
to the zoo, we went to the shop to buy some
food to give to the animals.
After getting the food, we went to the nocturnal
house where we saw birds and reptiles which
only come out at night. Before having lunch, we
1 went for a ride on the elephant. It was a thrill to
ride it. Dad fell off when he let go off the rope,
but he was ok.
During the lunch we fed some birds in the park.
In the afternoon we saw the animals being fed.
When we returned home we were very tired but
happy. It was because we had so much fun
activities at many places at the zoo.
2 Diana was born in 1961 as the third daughter of
Edward John Spencer and his wife Ruth Burke
RochE. Diana grew up in a very privileged
family that had a long history of close ties with
the royal family. When Diana’s paternal
grandfather passed away in 1975, Diana’s father
became the 8th Earl of Spencer and Diana
gained the title of “Lady”.
In 1969, Diana’s parents divorceD. Her mother’s
affair helped court decide to give custody of the
couple’s four children to Diana’s father. Both of
her parents eventually remarried, but the divorce
left an emotional scar on Diana.
Diana attended school at West Heath in Kent
and spent a short time a finishing school in
SwitzerlanD. Although she was not an excellent
student academically, her determined
personality, caring nature, and cheerful outlook
helped her through it. After returning from
Switzerland, Diana rented an apartment with two
friends, worked with children at the Young
England Kindergarten, and watched movies and
visited restaurants in her free time.
It was about this time that Prince Charles, in his
early 30, was under increasing pressure to
choose a wifE. Diana’s vibrancy, cheerfulness,
and good family background caught the
attention of Prince Charles and the two began
dating during in mid-1980. It was a whirlwind
romance for on February 24, 1981, Buckingham
Palace officially announce the couple’s
engagement. At the time, Lady Diana and Prince
Charles seemed truly in love and whole world
was awed by what seemed like a fairytale
3 The Dutch launched a military offensive on 19
December 1948 which it termed Operation

By the following day it had conquered the city

of Yogyakarta, the location of the temporary
Republican capital. By the end of December, all
major Republican held cities in Java and
Sumatra were in Dutch hands.

The Republican President, Vice-President, and

all but six Republic of Indonesia ministers were
captured by Dutch troops and exiled on Bangka
Island off the east coast of Sumatra.

In areas surrounding Yogyakarta and Surakarta,

Republican forces refused to surrender and
continued to wage a guerrilla war under the
leadership of Republican military chief of staff
General Sudirman who had escaped the Dutch
offensives. An emergency Republican
government, was established in West Sumatra.

On March 1, 1949 at 6 am, Republican forces

launched March 1 General Offensive. The
Offensive caught the Dutch by surprise. For his
part, Hamengkubuwono IX allowed his palace to
be used as a hide out for the troops. For 6 hours,
the Indonesian troops had control of Yogyakarta
before finally retreating.

The Offensive was a moral and diplomatic

success, inspiring demoralised troops all around
Indonesia, as well as proving to the United
Nations that the Indonesian army still existed
and were capable of fighting. On the other hand,
the offensive had demoralized the Dutch forces,
because they never thought that Indonesian
forces could assault and control the city, even
for a few hours.

I had my most memorable adolescence when I

was fourteen.

I called it memorable because everything

happened in that era. First, I had a breakout.
Acne showed up on my entire face, especially
my cheek. I was afraid to come out of my house
and meet my friends as I was so embarrassed
with my skin condition. Second, I had a crush.
But since my face was covered by acne, I have
to let my crush go without even try to know him.
4 Third, because of my acne, I got bullied at
school. I was sad. Fortunately, Mom gave me
good medicine to get rid of the acne. It takes
quite a while until my face is clean from the
acne, so I promised myself to wash my face
before sleep so the acne won't come back.

That was my bad experience with adolescence,

though there were still lots of good experience
B. Read the text and choose the best answer. (Baca teksnya dan pilihlah jawaban yang tepat!)


On Saturday night, we went to the Town Hall. It was the last day of the year and a large crowd of people
had gathered under the Town Hall clock. It would strike twelve in twenty minutes’ time.
Fifteen minutes passed and then, at five to twelve, the clock stopped. The big minute hand did not move.
We waited and waited, but nothing happened. Suddenly someone shouted,”It’s two minutes past twelve!
The clock has stopped!”
I looked at my watch. It was true. The big clock refused to welcome the New Year. At that moment,
everybody began to laugh and sing.
1. When did the clock stopped?
A. At 5.12
B. At 12.00
C. At 12.02
D. At 12.05
E. At 11.55

2. Why did the people gather under the Town Hall clock?
A. To welcome the New Year B. To see the newly bought clock
C.To strike the laughing people D. To stop people who shouted
E.To retell new clock

3. Based on the text, where was the writer?

A. At the center of the town
B. At home
C. AT the beach
D. At the market
E. At the park

General Sudirman was a high ranking Indonesian military officer during the Indonesian national
revolution. He was the first commander-in-chief of the Indonesian Armed Forces, he continues to be
widely respected in the country. On 12 November 1945, at an election to decide the military’s
commander-in-chief in YogyakartA. The 24 years old Sudirman was chosen over Oerip Soemohardjo in a
close vote. While waiting to be confirmed, Sudirman ordered an assault on British and Dutch forces in
The ensuing battle and British withdrawal strengthened Sudirman’s popular support, and he was
ultimately confirmed on 18 December. General Sudirman commanded military activities throughout Java,
including a show of force in Yogyakarta on 1 March 1949. When the Dutch began withdrawing, in July
1949 Sudirman was recalled to Yogyakarta and forbidden to fight further. In late 1949 Sudirman’s
tuberculosis returned, and he retired to Magelang, where he died slightly more than a month after the
Dutch recognised Indonesia’s independence. He is buried at Semaki Heroes’ Cemetery in Yogyakarta.
4. What is the text about?
A. A biography of General Soedirman
B. The family of General Soedirman
C. The death of General Soedirman
D. A spirit of General Soedirman for the Indonesian Armed Forces
E. The military forces commanded by General Soedirman

4. What can we infer from the text?

A. His uncle’s name was also Soedirman
B. January is the month of Maulud
C. Soedirman was shot and died in the military war
D. Soedirman died when he was relatively young
E. Soedirman died on 1 March 1949
5. “... in July 1949 Sudirman was recalled to Yogyakarta and forbidden to fight further.”
(paragraph 2)
The word “forbidden” has the same meaning with …
A. Permitted
B. Allowed
C. Not allowed
D. Continued
E. Not continued

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