SLIDE 1 - Sci 08 (Work, Power, and Energy)

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01. When is work done?

02. How is work changed into different


03. How is work related to power and


04. What is power?

and analyze
picture :
Work is the quantity that
involves the force applied on
an object and the distance the
object has covered when the
force is applied.
When is
work done?
● W= Fd
● Where W =work
● F = force
● d = distance

● unit of force =Newton (N)

● Unit of distance =meter
● Unit of work = Newton –meter (N.m)
● 1 N.m = 1 joule (J)

● Positive
the direction of the applied force = the direction of
the movement of the object, work done.

● Negative
the direction of the applied force and the direction of
the movement of the object are opposite each other.

● Zero
the direction of the applied force and the distance
covered by it are perpendicular to each other.
Sample Problem

● Suppose you push the table eastward with a force equal to 50 N. Then, it
moves 10 m. east How much is work done?

W= Fd
= (50 N) (10m)
= 500 N.m or 500 J
Solve the following problems on work:

1. A librarian pushes the book cart eastward with a

force of 30 N. The book cart moves 10 m east. How
much work is done on the book cart?

2. A certain car covered a distance of 5m. north. The

road is rough and a frictional force is equal to 1000
opposes the movement of the car. Calculate the
work done in the car.

3. An elevator does work equal to 3000J as it lifts

passengers to a height of 6m. How much force is
exerted by the elevator to lift the passengers?
AO: Individual Work
● Do Quick Quiz

a. Put a check (√) opposite the activity where work is done.

(see slides)

b. Calculate the amount of work done in lifting a 200-N object

to a height of 4 m.
AP : Individual Work
1. Practice Math

Solve the following problems completely: p. 25

2. Quick Thinking: p.25

Why is there no work in:

a. carrying a 15-kg backpack as you walk a horizontal distance of 50

b. pushing against a stationary wall for a long time?
● The ability to do work.
Types of Potential Energy

● Electric Potential Energy

● Gravitational Potential Energy

● Elastic Potential Energy

● Chemical Potential Energy

The higher the box , the more gravitational
potential energy it posseses
● GPE = W
● GPE = Fd
● GPE = (mgh)h
● Where GPE =gravitational potential energy
● m =mass
● g= acceleration due to gravity
● h =gravitational potential energy
● To solve the unit of GPE, you have
● GPE =mgh
● Since joule is used as unit of measurement for
● 1J= 1 kg.m2/s2
Angat Dam
Potential to Kinetic Energy
● The energy possessed due to motion.

● The kinetic energy of an object depends on its mass and


● KE= ½ mv2

● Where ke =kinetic energy

Cluster Work

● Activity / Challenge

● 1. Think of two examples of activities that will show

transformation of potential to kinetic energy.

● 2. Present a picture or practice demonstrating the

activity and be ready to present it in class.
Energy Conversion: Transfer and Transform

● Energy transfer is the movement of energy from one location to another.

● Energy transformation is when energy changes from one form to another

● While energy can be transferred or transformed, the total amount of energy

does not change – this is called energy conservation.
Energy Conversion: Transfer and Transform

● Energy transfer is the movement of energy from one location to another.

● Energy transformation is when energy changes from one form to another

Transformation of Energy
● Energy conservation is the decision and practice of
using less energy.

● Energy Conservation vs. Energy Efficiency:


Discuss the following:

1.Why we need to conserve energy?

2. How can we conserve energy?
3. What are the benefits of energy conservation?
4. Come up with an infomercial that will show ways
on how to conserve energy at home.
Problem Solving
1. A 50 kg sack of rice is lifted to a height of 3m.How much is the
potential energy of the sack of rice?

2. How much kinetic energy does a 60 kg pushcart

with a speed of 2m/s have?

3. What is the running speed of a 52 kg man if his

kinetic energy is equal to 650 J?

● Illustrate 3 examples of Potential energy

and 3 examples of Kinetic energy. Include a
short description for each example. (ssbp,
The concept of power can be demonstrated when
you walked up and run down the stairs.

Suppose, you have done work equal to 1000 J

from either walking up the stairs or running down
the stairs. Walking up the stairs, you reached the
top in 10 s. On the other hand, running down the
stairs you reached the bottom of the stairs in 4 s.

Through walking Through

P= W
1000 J/10 s 1000J/4 s
= 100 W = 250 W
● The quantity of work done per unit of time.

● It measures the rate of the work done in a certain

period. Therefore, it involves two quantities - work and

● P=W
● Power can also be expressed either:

● 1. force and velocity

● 2. distance and time using the equation for work.

● P=W
● P= Fd
● W= Fd
● P = Fv

unit of work = joule (J)

unit of time = second

unit of power is joule per second (J/s )

J/s =watt

1 horsepower (hp) = 746 w

Problem Solving
● 1. A gym instructor does work equal to 500 J on a
barbell in 2 s. What is the amount of power exerted
on it?

● 2. A force of 300 N was applied to a table . It moved

4m in 8 s. How much power was exerted on it?

● 3. A 15 W power was expended in pulling a cart to a

distance of 6 m in 12 s. How much force was
AO: Laboratory Activity
● Objective: Measure the power expended in
walking up a flight of stairs.
● Materials: weighing scale, flight of stairs,
metersticks, stop watch
● Procedure:

1. Measure your mass using your weighing scale.

2. Compute your weight. This will serve as the
force your body needs in walking up.
● Procedure:

1. Measure your mass using your weighing scale.

2. Compute your weight. This will serve as the

force your body needs in walking up.

3. Measure the vertical height of the flight of the stairs.

4. Walk up the stairs. Measure the time you spend in

covering the distance from the foot of the stairs to the

5. Run up the stairs. Like in step 4, measure the time you

spend in covering the distance from the foot of the stairs
to the top.

6. Compute the power you expended both in walking and

● Record your data .
● Mass Force Distance Time Power
● Running
● Walking

Guide Questions:

1. Is there a difference in the amount of work

done in running and walking the flight of the

2. Which requires more power, walking or running the

flight of the stairs? Why?
AP: Individual Work

● 1. Do Quick Thinking p. 26

● 2. Do Quick Check p.27

● 3. Practice Math p. 28

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